1894 Han f’s THE TOLEDO BLADE. Magazine And book containing all the Nas by Letters for One Dollar. U S T RATED a f» w <layi, and xou wi 1 !■• »turtle.I a: iLv ur •*< pteted succetd that will reward your < flbrts. Wi >»aitively have! kt- be Lu.-iiH -- to offer an agent Chat can be found u ’i.» f.t . oi thi.« earth ¡5.00 profit <»;i ®7.s OO u ori ii <»i bumim i- beirrp easily and ho.HM . ub. j ....-.v b and jiaid to hundreds of ! n, women, and girls in our eniph»y. Y . ..a in; ix money fatter at work for us »han vou h.r • an - ;i a of. The badness i- so ea- v : >1’.arn, a > !n!i’ '¡ k -o si in ph and plain, that a l *■ ( I .. mh !h< tart. Tho*<-who take h •ri^-« from ■ e s»>un«l reputation of one of the ol-h - . j . c •: -•io.t -ful, .and largest publishing hoils«-< in A’n' r.i-a. -■-cur' for yourself the profits that the busine^i so readily and haiuhomely yields. All beginners succeed grandly, and more than realize thefr griare*t expectations. I hone who I j ft fin 1 ex. tly a» we tell them. There is plenty nf room for a few more workers, and we urge ' once. If \<»u ar»- alrtad • H p <»■» l, but have a few spare moment», and wish io ii <• them to advantage, then write us at once i ■ - i- your grand opportunity), ami receive ull particulars by return mail. Address, TREE A CO.» Box No. 400, Augusta, 31 Are Just ulat every rbe mer its of Fvrrj ** f*er<!s t rin the tbuncintion up on which has L<-en hunt the laigot set <i I. umov ^ s in the world. FOR THIS YEAR. ------------------------------------- —THIS PAPER— ---- WITH — THE S N FRANCISCO | THE DISABILITY BILL IS A LAW. Soldiers disabled since the war are ----- OR----- ;HÏ SAN FRANCIS 0 l’ltll I. 80.0 i I And u! I . cut I ' -in«»» conducted for - ! E£S. M< i t • Inventora without laiorrnatic n nn I eburg •• Addi-- PR • o >ri ' AIMS CO., -O'). H3URN, . j g 114 Attorney, W AS II I NGTON. I). C. I ,x i-’-l 1 i n • by » combination of '•mi.»1 it u -| h 4| h rs in the <>f |> ruled» • th i iin-st unscrupulous nt -, and each paper • -»for the responsi- ' .« uhuj CuiLpauy. ltv '1 SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE The success of this Groat Cough Cure Is without i parallel in ’ history of medicine. Alldruggi ts are nii'h' rir. I to ell it on a pos itive gmu ii-U-e it. ' th..; n. otlierc re can sin i-vssrii’.lv st 1ml. T! a’ it m.iy become known, tlu I’r. ;iriit r . tan enormous ex- p. ii'.e. i ■ | ’ - in- • i !.• : .ttle Free into every home in the I < I st t i and Canada. If y-it have a Cough, I I uroat, or Bron chitis, us; It, for it r ill cure von. If your child has the I roup, or Who • -iug Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious dm use Consumption, use It. Ask your Drnggi't for HIIILOH'H Cl’RE, Price 111 eta.. SO els. and $1.00. If your Lungs are tore or Baek lama, use Shiloh's Porous I'l i ti r. Price 25 cts. For sale by all Drug gists mid Dealers. HE SAX’ FRAX'< JSCO WKEKLY CALL I- a liand-iiiue right, p.ige paper. It is i-t-m <1 every 'l'hursdai, a id contains all of toe inip'-rtant news of ihe weak, gleaned from every qu r- ter of the globe, rompb-te up to date of pubi cation. It IUI - nishes the latest and most reliable tiimiieial in-ws •imi market quotations, ;■ <1 gives special attenti' II to hel ieul- tmal and agri<-uitu*a| ■ «VA, ami is in eveiy re'i e*'t a iirs'. jiass family raver, app io the interest of every me :>l the household. (L '•a ■ ■ i&ii h»P« * fe'’ unHii|>ort«nt lrtlur. ... ___ . ...„ ».mrmirei a few unimportant letters on Hr»t o»» «-»•»........ - Delnml. Brai.aer Mntihewa. mid many othets. ’ 11 e illustrated descriptive paperB will embrace j local or fogotten topics. - Only • ------ a few - a- ides by Julian Ralph on new Southern and f thege letters were ever published i Western subjects; by Theodore Child oh India;; r I by Poultney Bigelow on Russia and Germany;' - 1 1 ” by Richard Harding Davis on a London Season : in book form. Everybody has read by colonel T A. Dodge on Eastern Riders; etc. i Edwin A. Abbe.’s illustrationsof Shakespeare’s some of them .but who has read remedies will -e continued Literary articles will be contributed by Charles Eliot Norton, all of them ? The book contains M i s. James T. Fields, William Dean Howells, I Braider Matthews, and others. over 500 large pages, and all the H i: 3I< >KN I NG (’ \ I (.'KVKN l.-Sl'ES A W KK«.; Is a live h- ti <>i o it illlllv. It is the MOs i ID.1.1 JH.E, ami is leeii'X e/j,.| LEADING X i:\Vs- t> ing th I’A PER i 1 the Piielitc C E thci ot the nl> >o up. i i will M-IIll I'U'tll ill HS H pl lb i li 111 liti I ' l'i’i t i’f 11 e t ’l i ¡tig tHlllM'l Ipllo I ptil'. j í I ! lu.1,1101 HARPER’S PERIODICS Nasby Letters written during a period of twenty-five years; also a Per Year: portrait of I). R. Locke from his H A‘RPEIt’s’ MAGAZINE........ .fl.Ot HARTER'S WEEKLY It would gell at . l.Of last photograph, II AhrER S BAZAR 4.ÍM ( HillV;ER’S YOUNG PEOPLE ........ . 2.0( one dollar or more, but will never l^p^t'igc Free to all Subscribers tn th< • One hundred be placed on sale. I i,t f ih-tates, Canada, or Mexico. ; Tlie'voluines of the Magazine begin with thousand copies are now being thi Numbers for June i|ti<l December <>IK printed ami bound, and one copy cap Ii year. When no time Is specified, sut? ■eiiptions will begin with the Number cur will be sent postpaid by mail free rent at time of receipt of order. to every person who this winter re 1'our.d volumes of Harper’s Magazine for hree years bacx, in neat cloth binding will mits one dollar for the Weekly PERSONA I. AND PROMPT be.sefit by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $3 Blade one year. Everybody invited per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding 5fi ATTENTION (II VEN TO PAT- cents to send for a specimen copy of the each—by mail, post-piiid. , ------- Remittances should be made by Postoffiee I Weekly . f .Hon which of the book ENTS, CAVEATS, TRADE Blade, will give a ■Mime) Order, or Draft, to avoid, ehanc of ... - - - - - . “The MA ! RS, etc. , loss. NO FEE UNLE S PATENT York!re ■' HAKPER BROTHERS, New Natby Letters.” T he T oledo W eekly B lade is 88ECÜRED. CORRESPOND the best and most popular weekly ENCE SOLICITED. W Harfs . newspaper published in this coun STÛDDART à CO., try. It has the largest circulation & 616 7th Stroot, IT. V7. I LLTSTRATE D. of anyweeklv newspaper, and goes [Oppo ite I >. I’.item (lluee.J Harper’s Weekly is acknowledged ns s and to every Stat, Territoy and nearly rg flist among illustrated weekly periodicals every county of the Union. Only Vv AMIIX i ; ¡ on . i >. I ii At.ierha. It ocrupies a place between that ■ f the hurried daily paper and that of the less one dollar a year, including the . imelv monthly magazine, it includes both Send'1, itera'ure and news, and presents with equal above motioned book free- • . rceand fe'i' itv the real events of current posal to T he B lade , T oledo . O hio , . Giistorv and the imaginalive themeR of fiction in-iceount of its very eemplete series of illus- for a free specimen copy of the pa rnth.rs of ;be World's Fair, it will be not ..nl ■ Semi the addresses of your . lie l es' ituide to the great Exposition, hut ills, per. suvenir. l'.verv public event ofgenera friends also. RA3B1T AND PCULTR1 ■isles teres, vill e fully illus. rated in its pages. Entitled I He endent widows ami Parents now de- |.eii<:< i.t whose sons died from the cite r- Ilf tinny s-rvice ate included. If you wish your, aim speedily ami succe«»fuiiv prosc- uted. address ‘ .1A M F> f AY XEli, l Commissioner of Pensions. WASHINGTON. D C. l’KICE Si.*4«> PEU Ï» Caveats, Trade marks Design Patents Copyrights, Harper’s Magazine for 1893 will continue ’o maintain excellence „-l.iw.l. 1 ... the unrivalled --- 1 standard r .. of vAvcm.iife whivh has characterized it from the beginning OtlC Volume, cloth boUlld. illl of the Among the notable Matures of the year there uv’„|v Letters” ever written b. will tie new novela by A Conan Doyle, Con-, easily Jjetters evri written by ssas"‘S;.n>»i*»R u»i».«„tui,., Ferry’s Set a Annual for 1894 couihuls ti e >iim and substance of the ihitit fat ininu knowledge. Free f« r ti n>king. D. N . FERRY & CO Detrcr.. M'Ch. In answer to a general demand from all parts of the United States, the Toledo Blape has publiih«d in ILLUSTRATED. L * P S FENCING TJETTÎftC. I ts < oiitribmi. i a being from the best writers iud artists tn this country, it will continue to X’ el in literature, new«, and illustrations, all ■'her publications of its chips. HARPER’S PERIODICALS. comiii’iii: I *ii : PER YEAR: DAILY tiLI ANu iiih l A.u , Pii YEM, Scientific American Agency for HARPER WEEKLY................... . . .4.0, I HA Rl’EitS it \<i AZINE ry SEND FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 4.0( , 11 \ RI’ER S BAZAR.................... 1 HARPER’S YOl Nt! l'F H’LE .... LIB i r * I' I > IS . . ‘L'F I Plinto«**» v-..-« to * ... ” .. 118 uu«.’ 1'40 N. Murket St., Chlcugro. Puntage Free all subscribers in the Unitec states, i snailn, or Mexi"o. The Volumes of the Weekly will be'in ivitt be (list Niltnbe- for .Innusrv .if e” h year A h'ti not me lsmetitiiineil.su s - ptions wll' ■ gin with the Number current at time of re TOUR FUTURE ■i ip' of oriier. I ound V."times of Harper’s VVe ‘kb f.irthre. ears l it- k. In neat cloth I’iniiin«. will be s>"i iv mail Postage paid, or bv extii"-» ii-ecofe- re se provided the freight does .tot exceed f pel \o mm i. r 17.00 u volume. < 1 th Ci.s. s for each Volume, suitable fol ■ iv.d i.g will be »ent bv mail p. H paid, on re ptofii. 1 ' mi”Hi i . s • hould be made by Post oflict • I e> t »:.!•■ r oe Draft, to avoid chance of less. ress ii \ Rl’FR A: BR >TH Elis. New York Hap’ Baza I L L U ST R A T E D -. Ga > I ■ vfc t rf mi V •• nt’Uo v.i,xw hi * . iu. b ■ " '* » ' »■ . . it« S«» »» i . i >*i<v i.i ’ »vir m . Wfs\’v. s.:.'»(> a • •! • <»< i i. nil'«. * v N . k 3 «• i I* HU W’.NT WOTr'ATTCH ABOUT licori arpor’R En«ar in a jiHiruai for the home i -,-s thè latent infor na* 1 o » ir with regard t< h ! HFhi» DR. ai I It* ... tn«>r<in u” H » numerous illustra i.»> s ■ »’ri in • «-RiutiK »1-1-1 D.'U’eru Fheet nupp e’Oun!» • i •' >v ' tibie alice to thè boni e dieta niaket thè profetai • tal moditte. No expente ViOOC ■. € mr acó . IT lamvm < x \V ; CHICM 3QVARL f •OSTOM.MAXX ,. vAM'* < 4 FOR SALE ti HOME j Matk. i n ! ! M CAK C all , a j U The McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co * \ CAVEATS, TRADE MARK*». I DESIGN PAVEHT s L COPYHICHT8. etc! For lnfemiallou »rd try.l U mii .U hh k write t > Ml «’M » \ I ilimvi.a o mi - ' <11.!. -I I • •» f. r »ortirirw pm« ut* »•' Ah *.*.<*•• Pl.t V I i .«■» by >■ 11 i -i. t IlO f'tì’ ... *. hut IC< kUYVl 11 t i s’i clllvl} I «Id THE FEST FH IS THE SAFE* INVESWÍ i EVER KADE. i There aro single retail shoo stores in our 1.: cities which sell 2,000 pairs of she. 3 a d:.y,malv.. a not profit of $260v<)00ayear. \\ >■ lsho<t but we sell a great many pairs, the clear pro!'*. < our ladies*, misses* and childrens’ shoes is ’ t n cents a pair, and on our mens’ and b V • 1') cents a pair. Wo shall establish shot* < ach of the fifty largest cities of the U. S., a • : h?y sell only 300 pairs of shoes a day they - i:n $ r2y, (X) a year. \Vc should be a’ !c to j ■ rly dividend of $5.2">ashnre,oro\ er«'0 pern ■ -ron the inv. stmer.t. Wotcllt st 1 • i jure. The price mutt Hex: be much i ’■an $ ’.0 a share. No stoc k b. is c er ! > vn ■ ■ t than c 1« price, «rh!< h is i ■ ■ - \ !.'••• ■ - V/o have over stockholder.«,a.’.U ihenui.■ I; iacreo Ing y. f ouk of t h ¿dors are; 7. s. w»:: • g. N. V.: I. J r r.r X. A. Jkvfl, Jr.. Chicago; J. B. 1» . < ■ ; 7. 1» a ’ a itr, au^h, Uule Kock, Ark.; 1. h K • < :a: ' * Fur Ph.Ra.: 1». IIurRing, N. V.; E- I 1 • I*4- Cr- Mich.; F. I’, llullette. An a.! . N \ \\ lite for a prospectus containing th< iuanci’u and humor, in its -s wuexn e eexiv ibsik b everything if i > line I whiee is •»:* •>' I i .teres' 1 he JerpRt io io women w.»me:i me- to tell «bat the line« in vont sei ials f.ir 1 • t . ill l>t* written . b- Walter Beaani . * <t u it V : l »v l*. I 11 i H It will irn iee you, if noiliiiig lume, Fdna L'all. <••-- stine y!. Terhnnc T„.,,v Herrh k i| fu nis' a pm •'hr iii-rn ii nlnim.1 êxplnin.« ii-elt. The 11< al serh a. entitled : “ At th« .■ 1. X:’. OF LIFE indicali - probable I' i el ” <i-i.<e Kiti r. • ■ i> •• Thorne : C ai d h von « II live Each BKACKI.ET da . Wh eler nil! frequent c inti ’cr. n- rf ’y years. We 1 mai kni 1.1 XE OF - w. rk wo -H Gt -he t'olmnh nn I Evt-o e« b’ra il powei ; clear LINE OF • n »..■ i- full -. j '• si Hied with many t'l t.i le or rich«». Both combined mean : I •• s. I. W. • i .’ lit -on in •■'•Vo'nei I (netting cashier's cheeky ca»h or m . r ’ -, but you must k« < |> up h o l> modern 1 >da." ,..11 p Cl -e si ul-,'. at cd atidicm e. Orders taken for one or more shares. iTi- . 1 i t Yon «ill liiiii plenty of these in . M:i .ci ■ so at rar. v, y pta- a share. I rv m-in er of the family is enter* ■ d" n n. il - i. m » in file A I’l.F \R I •.. !!•’. I’,i'’K> .Itfctilt H'tiHled l 1! \l!T ne«pi ak• tenderness: a straight VII! peaceful I ; I ■ • : f w. . •; r a i . im : of bevi i ii l.'ct-r«’bil's-, so will the b< i i i Mnta No vt < r ti.uintzii e p biches so to : I- r. -t 1 e i ..li e clrch-. 5 u «ill U- 'S IZAR..................... I 0 • io ' tírenles of l i.'.i spirit» or d. -|s>nd- 1» • MAGAZINE.... 4 Of I V" rhe i.’ltDIE OF VExls nrll - W EKI.Y I Of p up vonr -p rits Io liavirg Pen.on si'« -i Y > X , PEOI’I r. n ocality 0* r ■ nl. By »uh-, rihii r to ft fot l-X ri c io al! nil scribers In the f aire« v a Tillery of esilili-- t< works of art. tnaile easily and honorably, without capi caia. or Mexico. i» « .b « I !•> sni rh pn nilnni pitture. Fia a Daisy!’- vliicli i» a mort a real ■‘tn vo vm ■« <> the l ezi -esiti with 'he firs t il, during your spare hours. Any nun i lt> the eri.ii al ell pain’mg wliicb inn ” r t.r Jatmurv of ea'h 'ear. When m " onian, boy. or girl can do the work h.ml I > >n « i I hav ainapiziii« that cannot a line 1« mi ’iif. ne I, su' rc ip’b’n will Itegli Uy. without experience. Talking un- o any in the weld for Its beautiful lie X inil«-i curreut at the time of reccin' I iiece-» irv. Nothing like it for money in I subject matter, tl at will ke. p order ni iking ever offered before. Our work« U the op es of tl e day. ai d a’l the •i| > ■ III :• ■ »» ’ « nrpe i it » a ’ azar nret ’.«zar lor lor t th ret II. ent ili in- of interest ah lit the No time wastni b - • r in neat cloth I'ndinv. vili be rent bv mat a'ways pros|»er. - lea f rn «hin - interesting rending - .psi’- .r by expre-s free of exponte I. truing the business. We teac h you grave 1 say, forth« whole fam y ; o ltd the freight does n >t exceed one <1<>1 a niulit how to succeed from the Tr ' i 're-t’s i- rot n fashion magazine, “1 • • ji- r v I..met or 17 a vo'trme. • « im i f.-cf, a' d y. n e. t with it. • •if., .neh vo ume. suitable for bind 1' or. You can make a trial without «II the pati, ru* y n wi-h to use miring «i be a nt y mail corpaid <n reeeip "I f ’i».' to yoiir»elf. We start you. turn - ■ ’ ' *ny von ch- o*c sind m r r< h ev ry thing needed to carry on the 'i' • ce. nn'y > ' 00. at d yon « ill 1 » in v e A 'iln-rs It < pi h« \4 i»il 'iirr.i should be ms’lr by IhstOfTi’-e n< -s successfully, and guarantee >■ 1 ney on i > r Draft, ' «voi I chance of loss > Tv rro-v-t. 1* East IJ’I. St., against failure if you but follow 1 1..-IK H V RTFR A HR >THERS •i s e nr.acquaintvd neh the any i one nor Min, le, plain Instructions. Reader o f copi t lare Ul’' B- u cX- X... » papers sre r.ot to - • op' , — . ’ • h above a. ’’ •einen'« - . ■ .. * without *. o i.ou th von arc in need of ready money, atJ -•« ; v r-.- 1 1'1 «NGl FL zpr -s nitro HkRI’ER HROlHERs - I' DIVIS!! N O Tilt MH want to know all about the best psyiuS • Fi'OXIt DIVISION, n «•■ ■ usiuc«s before the public, send u* y >ar >t x p OF Jt I'lTEIt I» >k n» '■dress, and we will mail you a doc«- ’ 1*1’ ?N. prub i : tar «I S, i I Z’. t . M’HFN. imsrins- r 4 dr"-1 ’ 4 5 k k f>l'< "' gii. meut giving you all the particulars- M S3i’ 'i ..i! 8 J» ... ore ..f pt «nrv ar MKIU IRT, •x cL. •>- Cure te,-i i!» .. « . e • • atxirr at'd lia TRUE & CO., Box 400. • MÈDrtijnrt-tsormaH. ftami I» po--, utkt au.. iuo»l valuator IN YOUR OWN HAND. DEXTER SHOE CD., IOH DOLLARS per month I Y our O wn L 1 b! . ! *.'1 W*“ 1 IHUl.M. P.O. H, LX«. KCLDlr kF, ►•I I* in t t -- e t'RpfiulM» It » I lui Ü • c- I w < '-t I- i » i . M ansali i 4m r « I.V. H'N I». i WI^OW »* KT! ¿ j H * I A. -.r-’ss-A» tkksl».-"