Tir THE PIONEER FIRM ing. dishonest manipulation in get- i ling <>n a ticket for office, that it is' DIL the duty «»f the party paper to give I WEDNESDAY MARCH 21. !Zf4 I them support. W.C. BYKI* — — — —— Editor. The law Hung selfish political! tricksterer that does more l«v his AND— own selfish greed and ambition to Prosperity In The United States . disorganize the party he pretends In 1894. Beginning in to uphold, curses the loudest when April. ___________ I honest men and newspapers expose Two prophets of London, one of • his villianv and partiahtv and re fuse to suppoit him. uounty, them foretold the sickness and , death of James G. Blaine in 1892 N ext Saturday is the countt and also predicted the election of Cleveland. These two prophets republican convention, two we« ks MOST PERFECT MADE. from that date the democratic con ­ “ Zadkiel ami A pure Grape Cream ci Tartar Powder, whose names are •.ntn Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant» vention. Ranhffil” predict great prosperity aO YEARS THE STANDARD Will the delegates of l oth | art s for the U. 8. this year bep ming in come to their respective convex April. We give the fidlowing ex tions determined to select as stand tract from an exchange; In April Jupiter enters Gemini, ard bearers good clean men fr e $100 Reward $100. be I af* fJtr as possible, of sectional fav • and the United States t will ........... 'AMEfiCàiN ch U l E Jùb UFFiCt. greatly benefited. Business will be orbes and prejudices’ i i The readers oi ihi- > ni» verv brisk and trade will increase. ‘ We hope the «bd g ites will have pleased to learn lit:«' ««.»•« is In June Jupiter will still be favor . ­ I sufficient stamina to regard the leant one dreaded disenr«- ' til As. A. Pnipri«1,«., ably placed for the United StatesI welfare of the people of Harnet ence has been able to cur«- X and there will be a still greater in and honestly endeavor to nominate its stages, and that is crease in trade, together with ex candidates who will when elected Hall’s Catarrh Cm« . « q Ur^n. cellent and abundant harvests impartially discharge the duties of positive cure known to ib«- The same conditions are prophesi««! the different offices favoring noue fraternity. Calami < «•; PAMPHLKTb, tor July, and the affairs of the but giving justice to all. stitutional diM-as«’. t«qui • We shall see what we shall see. United States will present a pr is stitutional treaiiu« J l I ÍKK HEAlA", Au]'. h EAD& pt rous and singular contrast to ru.ill Catarrh Cure is lake i those of England, where trade will Hyenas and Ghouls. I acting directly upon ilie ' >«»«id am ENVELOPES, S TA PEME present a languishing and depressed I 1 mucous surfaces of the h St« tli. appearance. In September Jupiter The row raised bv one or two pa- | thereby destroying the fotindatiot in Cancer will continue to benefit i pers in the east over the selection of of the disease, amt gtvt the pa­ the United States, although in the Gen. Shelby is not only unseemly tient strength bv limidii.g up th« old world andon the continent these but disgusting to the people o1" the constitution ami assisit:« until < months will be filled with exciting country. Th« hyenas and ghouls in doing its work. The proprietor.- incidents and great and alarming |ought to realize bv this time that have so much faith in it- «•nraiiv« crises. Zadkiel’s prognostications the war is a matter of history, ami powers, that tb-i.v « Iler One Hun in regard to earthquakes in the that bloody shirtism and sectional dred Dollars for anv «-use that it Unite«! States and other portions of ism are not tolerated any longer fails to cure. Send for list of testi­ the globe, together with sickness in Gen. Shelby was a gallant soldier monials. royal houses, are confirmed Lv of the south and shed his blood fin Address, E. J CHENEY à CO.. napiina. Ti«e genviol conclusion the “fogt, cause, ” but when hostili Toledo, O Sold by Druggists, 75c orner of 3’d and B Street. for the year is that the United I ties ceased, after the stars and bare* States will prosper exceedingly, went down forever, he returned t< that the harvests will be abundant, i his Missouri home and resumed Im iota DOLLAR and that internal-peace will gener­ place as a citizen of the state am 1 ¿u PER MONTH ally prevail, but that, on the other nation. His life since that time our O wn L ocalit hand, in England and continental has been as true amt spotless as tin nanr. You can make a tri d without < ’ «••nc to yourself. We start you, fnrni very thing needed to carry on th«! tin «ess successfully, and guarantee y. gainst failure if you but follow on are in ne«’d of ready money, ni. ••ant to know all about the best payin nisiness befon* th«1 public, send us yo> ■ d«tress, and we will mail you a docu ue.it giving you all the particulars. of Kerri'm Seed« C an the democratic or any party In. m tbe tounoHtion up-^^^B r on which ban Lw n Ltiilt the expect its party paper to keep in largest seed in the world. Ferry’sSe»d Annual for 1894 violate the party organization, with comains ibe suiu a. nd substance of tbe latest farming knowledge. Free out the aid of the members of the for ti n asking. D. Nl. FERRY 4 CO., party? There is no party club in D.tiou, Mich. rttUE&CO., Box 400, this town or countv. • Augusta, Maine Those that should be leaders in the party, many of them, delight in disruptions, in pure revenge fori e supposed injuries consist of nothing ' more or less than chagrin because la a Prentiss tudllyiug pills cure ënnaUpûinu tremisi» flöt ti i yin« puis cure. <*ist:p>»Uon these self conceite«! malcontents J3jj¡ Prentiss It«M’tlfyluK pills curo col Mipnti«‘ii Prentiss Jloctttyl’iff piosi-uiocour.llpatlon s s cannot control primaries and con ventions in accordance with their wishes J CZLJ F=tES Has party lines been drawn in our town elections? This free for, »'I fight in ourtown elections is one [ °* 'he biggest factors we have in disorganizing party organizations, and the fight is more bitter and al Almost al' pills and medicine produce constipation, here Is a j .4 ta..t cures torpid wavs ends with a determination to liver, biliousness, rheumatism. Indignation, sick headache and kidney aud liver troubles without grlplns or leaving any trace of CONSTIPATION, which have revenge. Is the prime cause of all sickness, beware of It cetUng habitual and chronic with yeu. I nder such feelings of distrust I ace to It in time; these pills will cure you. fl Jt |^\| TsopncNTIOG RECTIFYING PILL, and Litter political party feud men I ■ Bl ■■■ ^^bncuue It la the only safe and harm leas b»se respect for partv principle and I ■■■ remedy that will surely DZAUTIFY the begin a fight for revenge, without consulting the good of the party or the evil results following such a clear the akin and remove al! blotches from the face. Try a box and see foe your­ course. self. VOentsnbox. CCLD DY ALL DRUGGISTS. And stdl here in this county Or aent by mall upon receipt of price by "here just such a state of affairs Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co., 4«6 CALIFORNIA STMXT. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. exist these hitter egotists expect if {•remiss Rectify! nif pill, cure ^^uaiipatloa 1. ^.i. a lus.ilfylnx pl Ila cure conMlnuttw they succeed through foul, degrad- ; Premiss p.ertlfylng pills c ire «•omtlpntlnn >-wn• « ■; r"la«~"recoe.t)petlon PRENT ir n- ‘'■'T. ‘'"’I”’«-1- n.« H nil« Krom I.,verv Sl.bl. ui lilt public tiiu. mev are prepared to accommodate in every way m their m.e 01 ouein^s. 11 Uhd Krain cmi8iainiy on hand, and careful hwlp. I asMenger- taken to all parts «if the country. r,‘ cro»n»‘otioi FYING PiLL COMPLEXION Proprietor Hearse and Job W’agoe SMITH A BA TLE Y, Proprietors, . Trqi3r3, Cigas and Cigarratts Good Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Room», etc., ete. Saloon is first class in every particular. Experience barte Mixed drinks to please the most fastidiouz. SUBSCRIBERS TO THE HERALD Should Take Advatage of its Free S fatici Coli