VOL. V 11. BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. MARCH 21 1894 J. Ip 18 Ths “has penetrated little but surface j “As old as Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report flesh Here s a woman’s hat pin, PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY the hills” and which I will shove through my I i never excell W. C. BYRD & SON ceps,” and suiting his actions to his ed. “ Tried words, Leotardo took up a long steel and proven ” P ublishers and P roprietors , is the verdict pin with a round black head at.d e--------------------------- of million’. forced it slowly and ¡-tend ly through SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Simmons Ose Year .................................................... *2.00 the splendidly develop d I jeeps of fax Mouths........................................................ 1.00 Liver Regu three Months.. .............. 76 J his left arin. The muscles were T'j lator is th s HERALD CLUB LIST: jr a o ¡11 y Live Hough and re.-isttd, but the pin wa’ Harald and Harper’s Magazine............ 5,00 an d Kidn>j | forced through and allowed to re («raid and Harper’s Weekly ............. 5.20 erald and Harper’s Bazar.................. 5.20 medicine to main, the long point protruding two 3.75 which y o u ■ erald erald and and Alden's Harper Manifold ’s Young Cyclopedia, People... .2.90 inches or more from the outside of each additional volume after Vol. I 55 cents: e m p.n your to cents extra ner volume, postage. the arm. With it thus Leotardo faith for a f^F'Copiesof all the above works can be ex moved his arm freely and quickly. cure. A amined at leisure in the Reading Room. He stood and talked a few minutes mild lax i- Publishers of periodicals are solicited with the two pins in his throat and tive, a n d io sand clubbing rate6, a copy of their work for •ur Free Reading Room—We file uud bind the purely veg arm and no blood came. Some of cried for any reason but anger DO YOU WANT TO ADOPT A BABYl inter at close of every half-volume, end r«v <, •»pies bv advertisement. etable, ad the bystanders had l«v this time when I was not pleased and as a Maybe you think this Is a new business, sending out babies on application; it has been in3 di recti y . | seen all thev desired, and more, and child never had any aches or pains. done before, however, but never have those been so near the original sample as on the Liver hastily left the room as the Blood It impressed everybody as being furnished ADVERTISING RATES: tliia one. Everyone will exclaim, “ Well I «PACK 1 wk 12 wk 1 1 mo I 3 mo J 6 mo 1 lyr that's the sweetest baby I ever saw I” This and Kid strange, but no one knew my pecu little black-and-white engraving can give neys. Try it. less man rolled up the leg of his you buta faiut idea of the exquisite oritrlnn!, 1 inch »1.00 ♦2.50 ♦5.00 *8 00 ♦11.00 '♦15.00 2 “ 3 00 4 00 6.50 12 09 18.00 28.00 trousers and bared his muscular liar physical condition until I was Sold by all 8 “ 3.50 5.00 8.00 15.00 24.00 40 00 I 4.50 6 (MJ 10.00 •20.00 32.00 50.00 Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder calf. Picking up another long hat 9 years old, when I discovered it 6.00 9 00 15.00 28.00 48.00 54.00 12.00 16.00 28.00 48.00 lobe taken dry or made into a tea. pin, he said caknlv: “There’s noth by accident. I had been playing 80.00 120.00 1 “ ■20.00 30.00 10.00 60.00 110.00 140.00 The King of Liver !M"<Iieines. ing tender here,’’ and forced the j in with a number of boys one day in "1 have I"1«.! vourSiinni his i.i'ccRegm- through the leg directly in front <>f'a growth of acate, the thorns hilor anti < i i coiiscienciously s.ty it. is the JOB WORK kinn <>f . '1 liver medicines. I consider it a the tenderest pari of tho shin bone. which are deadly poison, like medi-’ine t in itself.— G eo . W. J ack Of every description executed with neatness I kin , Ta«:<iiu-i, Washington. sad despatch, at reasonable rates. Having done so he bent and rattlesnake bite. Four days later "VriiY r.kCKAGE-Ct Circulars, Coite ri, Pamphlets Envelopes, straightened his knee, and smiling my brother saw a dark spot on my Bill Heads, Letter Heads, 314! Jus 'Z C’-onp In r<«d on wrapper. I Ratements, Note Heads, Cards, Tiesets, Memoranda, Invitations, at bis speechless audience quietly foot, and culled my attention to it Dodgers, Etc. threaded a large needle and calmly We pulled it out and found that it T he H erald is kept regularl) or. file for re- wrence, in tlie Geo. 1*. Rowell Newspaper Ad began, as it were, to sew up a wound was an acate thorn marly live vertising Bureau, 10 8prucest.. New York. in the abdomen, tugging at the inches long. The hole closed al thread aft< r ca< h sutch. By way » most instantly, and no blood came OFFICIAL DIRECTORY of variety he jm-» r | a sard! pin in 1 felt no pain at the time and suf PROM OUR EXCHANGES. I to 1 he fleshy pv’ of the I fered no i.(convenience from the national : I . i ineii 1 began to resilient ........................ ......... Grover Cleveland I and then calmly took iip a leo-Prosident. Adlai Stevenson * retary of suite waiter y. Gresham < large pin, and without a word 1 experiui'-ut with myself, and found a pillow, und u in tho net or drawing on its »urotaer Treasury .. ......... John G. Carli»!« I pink sock, the mate of which has been pulled DEVOID OF FEELING e • irv of Interior Hoke Smith forced it into the center of his chest that I could cut m vseli or siick pius off and flung aside with a triumphant coo. ecrotary of War ....... Daniel S. Lamont The flesh tints are perfect, and the eyes follow e ik'tary.of Navy . ... Hilary A. Herbert I and out of the left braast ufter it or ki.iyes into <ny flesh with >ut you, no matter where you stand. Theexqui- B-retary’of kgricultnre. aitereproductionsof this greatest painting of JRi\^haHiKs^ôïney 'A Fine Physical Specimen Who had passed through some four inch Attorney General i juri or bpparent damage T.ier. Ida Waugh (the most celebrated of modern Postmaster General................. Wilson 8 Blssel'l painters of baby life' arc to be given to those Feels No Pain was nev< r any blood or pain In who subscribe to Demorest’s Family Maga es of flesh STATE—OREGON: zine for 1893. The reproductions cannot be J. n . Dolph » • tors | By this time Leotardo had «•re deed, I nev* r felt any sensation told from the original, which cost *100, and J. H.Mitchell. are tho same sizo 117x-J inches*. The baby is A rather short and stockily-built, ated enough of an excitement and whatever. So 1 used to amure life size, and absolutely lifelike. We have (Binger Hermann *>ngreasinen . also in preparation, to present to our sub fW. R. Ellis iiiiSelf as a l;nl by giving exhibi scribers during 1893, other great pictures by •bvernor............. D.Syl vester Pen noyer young man entered the Times- .sufficient wond< r had l>een express such artiste as Percy Moran, Maud Humphrey, [ecretary of State R. Geo. W. McBride Deschamps, nnd others of worla-wldo -/assurer.. R .Phil. Metsehan. Demoerat office, some time since, |ed io satisfy him, and he sat down lions, the admission to which iv a s Louis renown. Tako only two examples of what • opt. Public Instruction K ...J. B. McElroy so manv pins or buttons.” we did during the past year, “ A Yard of Pan lute Printer .............. R. ... Frank Bakei , in company with Captain Stephen in a chair, carelessly playing with sies," and “ A White House Orchid" by the 1 R. 8. Bean. Nicoletti, and after introducing him ‘the several pins and tugging at the Leotardo is 5 feet inches wife of President Harrison, aud you will soe iupreme Judges ( Wm. P. Lord what our promises mean. ' F. A. Moore Those who subscribe for Demorest’» Family self as Winfred K. Leitardi said thread that hung from his stomach and weighs 163 pounds. His neck i Magazine for H93 will possess a gallery ol ex SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: quisite works of art of great value, beside» ■ measurement is 1<5.J incl e-, ami ■ Magazine that cannot be equaled by any in Jndge ................. D ....... M.D. C lifford that he wanted to show the people as if they had been earrings, watch • tstrict Attorney ............ D . C has . F. H yde world for its beautiful illustrations and And while the his chest 41 inches. He Bays that I the Sol at-Representative (R).. ..A. W. Cowan in the office something that they chains and lockets. subject matter, that will keepeveryone post laint-Senator .............. (D).H enry B lackman ed on all tho topics of the day, and all the he has absolutely no sense of touch had never before seen—a man who artist made a sketch of him he fads and different items of interest about the household, besides furnishing interesting COUNTY—HARNEY : >and little oi taste. He is a fairly I reading matter, spike of his life. could not be made to bleeed. both grave and gay, forth« • oiinty uadge ................ (D).......... W m . M iller family; and while Demorest's is no* jierk “It. is a great mistake,” he said, large eater, but does not enjoy it, a whole Hastily removing his coat, vest ........................ (D).. ~ - Shideler ........... P. L. fashion Magazine, its fashion pages are per Treasurer I. 8. Geer (R) fect, and wo give you, free of eogt, all the pat urvevor “for people to imagine that I have as all food tastes about the same to terns and shirt, he stood bare above the J H. Neal (R) . you wish to use during the year, and heriff. A. Hittings (R) in any size you choose. Send in your sub He has. he says, absolutely scription Assessor It is simply that I do him .(D)... 8. W. Miller waist, except for a scanty jacket of no blood. at once, only *2, and you will really jk’biol Superintendent <B) .CH AS.N SWELL over * S in value. Address the publisher, You can stab or cut me, no recollection of having ever felt a get •toek Inspector David Cary Turkish pattern, which merely cov not bleed. W. Jennings Demorest. 15 East 14th St., New If you are unacquainted with tli« Fuither. I feel touch, which most nhysician« attri York. fD) J W m . A ltnow ered his shoulders and the upper and I do not bleed. Commissioners Magazine, send 10 cents for a specimen copy. ,R? ( lt.1 iti portion of his back. Then opening nothing I have blood in my yeins, bute to an absolute absence of any harney u . s . land office : a valise and taking from it a huge the physicians tell me, but it ÌR sensitive nervous organism. He ........................... J. B. H untington R* reiver ............... H arrison K elley clasp pin, about four inches long, very thick and doggish, and has is utterly devoid of sensibility of with pin very nearly an eighth ofinever come to the surface, A h either the coarsest or subtlest an inch in diameter, he seized the ¡quickly as a knife of any kind pass« physical sensations.—New Orleans i SOCIETIES. Fimes Democrat. 1 flesh of hiw neck and forced the pin es through rny flesh it heals like SYLVA REBEKAH Degree No.4». 1 through it at the base of the thioat some of the patent pneumatic tries Meetsevery 1st and Sd Wednesday. Alice E. King, N.G. | The yielding flesh shrunk from the that the cyclists use. A cut or a E May Worthington, Rec. Sec’y. pin point as it pierced the skin, and puncture merely leaves a slight tern ’ “ W PER MONTH The atieceM of this Great Congk Care fa when three inches of the steel had porary discoloration of tissues, the A. O. ü. W. Barns Lodge, No. 47 without a parallel in the history of medicine. Meets every 2d and 4th Thursdays. disappeared from sight bulged from blood coagulating and healing any I n Y our O wn L ocality All druggists are authorized to sell iton a poa- W. R. G radon, M. W easily and honorably, without c*pi ftivc guarantee, a teat that no other c re can J W Bayer, Rec'd it as the penetrating point Bought wound instantly. I do notof course made successfully stand. That it may become tai, during your Rpare hours. Any man the Proprietors. at an enormous ex exit on the other side of the neck, understand it, nor do<t anyon« else woman, boy, or girl can do the work hand , known, pense, are placing a Hample Bottle Free late BURNO n IA HONOR Lodge. N o . 8 1 Finally the point emerged from the that J know of, but you see for lly, without experience. Talking un every ho ne in the United States and Canada. Meets ever» 2d and 4th Monday. necessary. Nothing like it for money If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron Mrs A E Young Cor H. flesh, and coolly clasping the pm yoursalfitis true”, making ever offered before. Our workers 1 chitis, use it, for it will cure you. If you» prosper. No time wasted In child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, nag H arney lodge , no . 7?, i . o o f . and letting it remain like a ring in “How did you come to discover always learning the business. We teach you Ir. It promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread O<1<1 Fellows Hall, every Haturday, insidions disease Consumption, neo it. 'this peculiar condition?” a«k'd a night how to succeed from the first that ’•«««. W. Y. King N. G. a bull's nose, Leotardo said: Ask your Druggist for BHILOH’B CURB. W. C. Byrd, Secy. hour. Yon can make a trial without ex “I’m not posing, gentlemen, as a one of the reporters. The question pense to yourself. We «tart you, Airnish Price 10 ota., so cis. and ti.oo. If your Lunge are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh’s Porous HARNEY POST NO. 48, O. A. R. man who can stand pain, for I nev led to a narrative of the man’s life everything needed to carry on the bust Plaster. Price M etc. For enle by »11 Dmgp Meetaevery ist and 3d Wednesday of each ness Mieceaxfully, and guarantee you •tots and Dealers. Ihavenoaense which is as interesting as it is against &*•>«*. »‘ Odd Fellows' Hall. All Contrada er felt ¡tin my life. failure If yon but follow our food standing invited. odd. «impie, plain irnttroctions. Reader, if of pain and cennot bleed. ▼ou are in need of ready money, and “Now thia pin,” said he taking "I was born,” said he, “twenty- want to know ail about tlie best paying ___ harmlen/4 herb.i S' \ < ___________________ that do TlOt »VI hold of it aud giving it a decided four years ago in Porte Spain, Isle busines* before the public, send us your a___ 0. I. MAILS. jnre the health or interfere with on^’ii buelr*- J* address, and we will mail yon a docu pl ’ -wure It builds up and impro ’ -s » A BUSHS—TALC : tug, which drew the flesh far out of Trinidad. Mr father is a ment giving yon all the particulars. MNvesanS departs daily, No w’ inkl>« or SadiUncsa follow th . t J I from its natural position in f front of Tpaniard and my mother English. | J, \ SSSf*“* *ort ><'»■11: ■ “ tn—I cahvoh os« y : TRUE & CO., Box 400, »Wt UJEATED BY MAIL. CONFHlfNIL rj I Departs «s«y, eveept Rsndpy 'and below the “Adam’s apple,' • As a baby I never had colic nor So » w » " ”’’U h ,ton 1 * I’**’ ■ >•«< I Than I Pills h* I N ews I n G eneral r { i E ....... I 120 dollars SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE Augusta, Mains. M. 8. W. *. MTDtl. ■ «ICKER S THEIiER, ClI CAIQ. ILL