rial repose of t lie government. The present financial repose is such as ^TÉriNESÜAY MARCH 14.1»4 i to warrant insurrections and civil! ! "AMERCAIN LA OLÍ JOS GFF i CE strife, want .itid misery » A repose that is fat.f tched and i — Editor. W.C. BYK”-------------------- forcing manv to the wall every dav, CHAS *r—--- --- -——— for want of sutli.-i.-nt e mfidence and I‘n>pt n-(oí Whv Groat Britain Was Interest* circulating currency to preform tbt etl in Forcing This Country business requirements of t| >e petlp'i to a Gold Standard. Uurm, Ji-witty i In this repose men nnd I In ir .• -%• ¡ families ar-- suffering for the «•«•ni It was ¿Otte to cripple our com : mon necessaries of life, mi I in I his pamphlets , inercial prosperity. Great Britain I rep ise likelv tn die for tin want LETTER HEAin-, NOT-., E LADS wanted to head off the United States it. flS!1 competitor with the silver coun ■ MOST PERFECT MADE. trits. By forcing us to the gold ENVELOPES, STA PE MW T he Telegram of the 9th Si' s ' A , pure Grape Cream oi Tartar Powder. free gtandard we were prevented from the g u I er ioi ’ i >r ia I Hoorn fu- l> P ' < vr> Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant PRICES: C; JHtlELÄUE» competing with her for the trade of dO YEARS THE STANDARD. Thompson has taken definirei thecountr.es that use silver money. shape.” Even his old t'meaiitac | <*• China and Japan, anil all the East, tust. Mr. Simon, falls into line t> d except India, are still on the silver expresses himself favorable to .1 X 1 i . Btandard. Mexico, Central America I $1(10 Reward $100, Thompson. and South America are silver I Pennover nmv being out of the countries. And these silver coun 1 The readers of ihi- paper will way the republicans think it a >i I pleased to learn Ih it th< tries are the customers we want.i easy matter to elect 1> P. Thom son I le.o-t one dTended disea,-e that ami under our reciprocity treaties it being the ami ition of his life to ence has been aide to cure n xve were r •aebingout for their trade be govrimr of Oregon. He is a As long as we used silver money we strong advocate of the free eoinag« its stages, ami that is Cal Hall’s Gatarrh Cun- i« the had the adv.linage ofGreat Btitain of silver this being in harmonx positive cure known to the mvdn a Ami if we had not hearkened to with the voters of Oregon giveshim frat-iiiity. Catarrh beiiij British advice and had maintained ■ a strong pull on that element of Im- -titutional disease, leipii vs our silver money at a paritv with party. .1 i 1 •ditutionul treatm e n t gold, in less th in five rears we Catarrh Cure is taken i o rn.-til- *y county. would have had the entire com- M iss Pollard anil Breckinridge I acting direct lx upon the t-.u -■ i«e to yourself. We start, you, fin- CAVEATS, estv n-gardlessof party’. TRADE MARKS, .‘X i rytliing needed to carry on tin 1 DESICN PATENTS, licss successfully, and guarantee M hen such is the case who can COPYRIGHTS, etc. against failure if yon but follow Information and free Handbook write to point the finger and touch the prize, For simple, pl tin i'istrttction«. Kreider ML AN & CO., :.l B roadway , N ew Y ork . bnreau for securlnR patents tn America. von are in need of ready nwy. n who is aid«- to gather from the po­ Oldest Every patent taken out by is is brought before want to know all .about the best paym the public by a notice given free of charge in the litical horizon the probable result of • Jtwnfific JMtiericra I business before tile ptlbll", send Its u address, and we xvill mail you a dock our next countv election. /ueiit giving you all the particulars. Largest circulation of any scientific paper tn th« One thing satisfactory in this con­ world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent S FEUE & CO., Cox 400, mail be without it. Weekly, S3.00 a dition .<*x ! i, tionah],' candidates can take th* Prentiss Rectifying pills euro c<>nMlpnli<»n Prentiss liertliyin atl^n uic s nt sLch a selection, when certain defeat would be the natural consi quence. The voters of Har nry emmtv \xill undoubtedly look (o the characters of the candid a ter nominated and mark <>ur prophetic "ords "hud timber will be hewn Jl down without mercy.” Me t'-ll you positively that with! T « * « •J «J a!' pills nn because It is the only safe and harmless «hility iH1(j considered impartial in Si ■ mb M I Lm ^hxs»^ remedy that will surely CZAUTIFY tho ’h’ di«vharge of his duties, those I ?.£ J s J Ü are the candid itcs who will get the - * Votes of the fieople. 3.K U I i tuprietois m White Front Liverv Stable as­ sure the public thai they are prepared to accommodate 111 every way in their unc of business. /¡.MT-Huy and grain constantly on hand, and careful help. Passengers taken to all parts of the country. n connection SM II II b , llearse and Job Wagon HA F LEY, Proprietors Liquors, Cigas and Cigarntts Good Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Rooms, etc., etc. S ilo in is first class in every particular. Experience barte Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious COMPLEXION Ir h thought by many that Presi- 'vut Cleveland will veto the Bland 1 *• isini<»rHge bill, for fear the paesago -u h a bill w ill disturb the finan- y to clear tho skin and romovo a.l blotches from tho face. Try a box and see for your­ 35 self. 25 Cents a box. ££ CCLD LY ALL DRUGGIGTG, Oi Or sent by mall upon receipt of price by Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co., fl 406 CAIJFORNIA STiLZT. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 3 O pillscui <_ _ .. ¿ g Frentise Frenila« lceciifylng Rectifying pill. Franti», Fertlfylng . pilla ~~ ' i c . ■ .n-..i 1 . . T’ "s.ii!ylug |>lll, euro constipation i j............... . ., '"«c-r-wcnnstljie.non Should Take Advatage of its