* w > t I ! SMITH agent for Karin for Sale. h . Jett Marble Co. j One section of land about 7 iniles .SK-PAV MARCH 14. l«4. north of Burns, fullv 16'» acres of which can be irrigate 1. and qqaluy if soil unsurpassed I Good outl»t Baker City, Or. For sale eheap. B yrd A- K ino . to range I Cravon or Pastel. Work Al.oUke.orHer.fn' , . nn ¿eliverv or no charges mad?. i'”*”" P„.t Office AiUm... ho* 361. Boi« City. W.ho. Notice. t —School books at the drug store »f H. M. Horton. I I —School books A number one Dtfimd Organ for stationary | •ale cheap. Call at the H eha I.O Hard war» - Office for further information, and cheap for cash, at the Mrs. If. store nt C. H. \oegtly. I . - I r. I VJ30 a V’“ : , y broke« A good ranch belonging to H. G With catarrh,; “:i 1 Henry Cheatham o a ti. (. f .--wn. D«;or? I ’ - J tx.C.i containing 160 acres 12 L ■ m la pat | Campbell. ow bai tier, desires a part of your | novd-s San^r.id If f-t ba««- • mile» south east ot Burns. Tills ■r>n i ronage, at the new barber shop. 71 _ vJ 'ranch has about 100 acn-a of good are dus ' —Woo said you couldn’t get n .. c ’ a iny I*.** .. F. I meadow land. Prue $b00 or will good "heal >. fe •tor.ri'.la." good flavored cigar in town for fiv» to Hood’3 r C - y ;,::o. cot E >d’c trade for -ln ep. Ti Nf. Gover.I cents? Call at the Citv Drug Spin y ri ar- I B yrd & K ing . I C litlp ,Jcuuak ! and inquire uuot lae — Don’t forget i I -5 V Ü Hooo. / ■oC»*------- A. J. McKinnon tas mú —Jon lot of spectacles and glasses at Jorgensons eye I James Edwards, 25ctr from to .fl per pair. Photographs <4 per doj , Cauinets. R» • • . I — Don t forget the old "stand-by mce I French Hotel.” Board $1 (MJ pci I B day and less by the week. * i — Builders tools and ail kinds of building hardware ul the Burns hardwarv store, at bottom pricer for cast.. I i i i t .. ! I I -I. ioHne',,lv i' t-BEi ><•>’ i . < 'b»-tD SUl'e ' pii". -V Eb'C fn order to . SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE. I Pap r I p-r yea I Xlü P’e. From "n .uu, b UHCIVÖ * a i. .ir p oairutiage elicit D of hi-i frends. re- Mt ! • Ea«t1 tret I - • I M Wt< Burns ■ Oirtei’S’io. .. , iip » nil“ Stage Line. Proprietor. ; G. W. H ayes Arrive« at Ontario in 42 hour. Leaves Burns daily at 6:30 P m . Fare, round trip. $12. One way *«.50. Through freight 24cts. a pound. fiat« and l>«aler». A-tdr.-ss I Hr; B ee ; S icr < iu> nt o, C i — I he Ri-d 1 A„ .xperieocH W.rkU..i-O '»'inid. rv. we do H bottle ami ’**s t i •) i Irti ia I 9 ' . e’pt of nin-v n cents Shop opposite the Clerk’s Office. Loll* , ■» Great Co”eh Cure 1» The rv . c <’ a ** r ' thi.4 -.■.tori- of medicine. I without •’ I in <> sell it on a pos- tii nori , Ail dmr.if» : pmprirturH, i» nicely furnished am . -ere reca» • * itiro r r, .,- b -como its customers is given .the in <UCCC ’ -, . . .-mou» ex li. .»tie Free into ? i. S p ‘ d - brands ot liquor.-, and cig.irs / Vri - *1 - i.i-ci el ( anuda. H»V4? Throat ■ or Bron —Do von take a Ifytt Cal norm it,'will if xou' chit ’ . • ' ,, <ir Al><W'iK<Coush.u»e pap»-r? It not trv I’li»- Week i f child . . i iss -r-. if youdreaO i-ee! Pii llsh’-d at the Stat, K l»T . ComminvUon. • kbit „t for IHILOH'S CURE. < apltal Ought, tir»-. 4v, reli ibi • »' •! : Ask • ,. and»1.00. If your Lung» I inde|M'hdent. liter,m and lie WS V. pric° 1 1 lain« -i»e Shi’oh’» Porous I ^X’r/i--- *U DrU,r I I r< • 4nt>'-r!b> r- • • si»*r- I — I'he K.uooii. in th • new hot. building, Rii'haidstm ami Steph»*». I he Be«t \\ eek v California. O.iiv t I.' si I 1 w.i| f .r ne*’ —Mrs R h cine always sets th I»« st ol tan.rs. even thing mce ant pleiililul. Her rooms are linex eeptioiiMhie. and even one ot tn p.iir’ih» Koon site sparer no pain l-> uccomuiiMiaie and please s 4‘ • * » w«’ • vr r > I l • V •' I i I 1’ ,1 Ft ' -••I' ,-t 1 < IS. GttR & to. no again ag «in und.-r dm m to ig. me • >t it* old pmp. ivinr. I. • t’alilwell hi*. Im ini» wi|| timl mm th.- «am- Manufacturers Tinware &. S’- co irteniis .*i<'C<miiiiiid 11 mg g<*ntle man. dis|M-n-iilif th,. , ,| .rands ot . liquors,cigar«, etc. I Al.90 DEALERS IN PAlNT3 HARD- — Am.tli>r pi McniH-rii in tli p«y back »ir «ciiptii \ ph r * sdvaiic»-. and Biadi-, wn 111 -, • h or s rr W A 1 GT.A^ '• I <»l»-d •»bl (Vf the Gernlil nil OOOR9 «> I rt»m < If k C I hr ol lit WIN- I f ‘ J V • » 4 I r • « DOWS I \ A N G t.H5 ■ < I I AUallK. lip- this lit >11 A F i AMMUNITION a RE, i uOt. in EBY . MERS’ A M I,all and a A SEEDS. FAB- «. , . n i GRANIT a KING GOODS. HAN. »’»’ it Dr , • ( 'll’ • |> • t » I« b II io, Riiigian,»*. I K » hour» wi»n u; Inibir» or .1*1* A* I -, K it.pire greatest w • id Proprietor S tn. t»-» nt h i V «alniy . «si -IH' l’.liu HH Il »foes III» sudle ‘ Aii-ld Mil I ll velu.il.a* I con, 'Ulli Ill ti ’¡V»’S ('i»ciiii»rs l»r Guy \rw \ ork. fr«* -j M. HORTOX H I he TV ns T» » nn'-'-o V rPTrTVF«. ,^r»re»r'-e' nTPrl*'*T’<* ’ nd 4 PQ rTr Furore» • h 'eu h 16lh I * accuriit« First ’ nnd-d. I Work Pnn**