BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. MARCH Th? 14 18‘.i4, Mitchell and members of the Athlet “ As old as Highest of all in Leavening Tower.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report ic Club will be nolle prosequed. theliills”an-l never excell W. C. BYRD & SON. Cases Nolle Prosequied. ed. “Tried and proven" I ,J a < ksonvili e . March 2.—Corbett P ublishers and P roprietors . ■ is the vei d.ct having been acquilh d, the Attorney- j of millions. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: General to dav nolle proteqi.ied thej Simmons One Year ........................................................ |2.0o In Mouth«............................................................ 1.00 cases against Min-hell and I he mem Liver Rcgu Three Months ................... . ........................ 7ft l.ttor is the bers of the Duval Athletic Club.— GERALD CLUB LIST only Live. - The Herald and Harper’.'- Magazine............. 5,00 erald and Harper’s Weekly ............... 5.20 an I Kidney erald and Harper’s Bazar................... 5.20 medicine to 3.75 A Brave Engineer. erald and Harper’s Young People i«,. .. .2.90 which y o u 55 cents: ■ erald ami Alden's Manifold Cyclopedii rin pm your • i -n additional volume after Vol. 1 55 U> cents extra tier volume, pottage. Sr J oseph , M o , March 2.—En faith for a fl^-Copiesof all the above works can be ex gineer James McKinney, of the euro. A mined al leisure in the Reading Room. in i 1 d laxa l Rock Island, saved his comptnv' Publishers of periodicals are solicited la aeu-i clubbing rates, a copy of their work for I tive, a n d | heavy loss tonight Passenger train •u: i-’ree Reading Room—We tile amt bind the purely veg- No. 18, east bound. Conductor J. A. the state in a quiet fetter at close of every half-volume, end r-«v < i »apies bv advertisement. et tble, act- I Wisner, left the Union depot at remain here some Er --------------------------- --------------- mg directly ADVERTISING KA T Eb : on the Liver 7:25 p. m. As the train glided in I weeks.” 1 2 wk 1 1 mo 1 3 mo 1 1> mo 1 wk •FkCK 1 1 yr a n d Kid to a cm three inileR east of here a : 1 ‘.neh ♦l-.it» ♦2.50 ♦o.uu ’♦8 '10 '♦li.oo ♦15.UÜ neys. Try it. red uglit Hashed across the track 4 <XJ a uo 0 50 12 0.) is. 00 t “ 28.110 ft.UO Sold by all McKinney saw several men with 3..JU 8.00 1.» UU 24 W 40 00 1 DOLLAR 1.30 6.00 10.00 üO.OO 32.00 50 00 4 ’’ Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder guns, and it flashed through his 9 U0 1Ó.00 28.00 48.00 II.UO 54 00 k r*'1- láfcV per MONTH £ ■' 12.40 li. 00 28.00 48.00 SO. DU 120 00 to be taken dry or made into a tea. mind they were robbers llrpulbd M AM 30.00 40.00 i-O.uO no oo 140.00 1 “ The King of Liver Medicines, | the throttle wide and jumped down I n Y our O wn L ocalit *• 1 have iise-l yourSinini'ins Liver Resru- [>l 1M44HI.D EVERY WEDNESDAY iaking Powder Better S Than Pills JOB WORK • f every description executed with neatness uni despatch, at reasonable rates. ■ ireulars, Posters, Painph'ets tn velopcs, Kill Heads, Letter Heads, itaieiueu.a, Note lleai.s, Cards, Ti< nets, ■ emuianua. Invitations. Lodgers, Etv. lator nnl eml coniivieiiciotisly any it is the king ofall liver medicines. I consider it a medicine chest In Itself.—<> ko . " . J ack - son , Tacoma, Washington. rACKAGF.-K» H.i .¡ ki " imp In red on wrapper. T he H erald is kept regularly on file for re- tsrence. hi ilie Leo. t'. Ruuell .Newspaper Ad- »er.isiug Bureau. 10 .Spruce st.. New York. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY N ews I n G enerai LJ made easily nn<1 honorably, without cap ta), di.ring your apare honra. Any inai woman, l>oy, or girl can <lo the work It: lit Uy, without experience. Talking tn neecxaary. Nothing like it for mnm j m iking ever offered before. Our workci always prosper. No time wasted i learning the business. We teach you i i night hotv to succeed from the Hr tour. You can make a trial without < x aense to yourself. We start you, fhruis verything needed to carry on the bus; less .successfully, ami guarantee ytr igainst failure if you but follow ot limpió, plain instructions. Reader, i ou are in need of ready money, in-- ■vaut to know all about tlie best pay.it.' Hislneaa la-fore the public, send us you dilreas, and we will mail you a docu uent giving you all the particulars. into the bottom of the cab, and nut (a minute too soon, for the ro <uers •fired a volley into the engine ami |call, but hurt no one. Th- train » dashed through a chower of bullets, the bandits firing into the coaches as they passed. When the train .reached Stockbridge it was found ,ovei 100 bullets had hit it c ’JIOM OUR EXCH ANGES. national : A Free Fight in a Church treai lent _................ Grover Cleveland i ’icd i’i csideut. ........ AUlal Stet eiiioii I e re.m y of state Walter y, Grisbum • T’.»ry of Treasury ............ Johti G. t ariisle ' ■s- :t try of interior . Hoke smith 5 ji ny of War Daniel s. Lainunt » t.try of Navy ............ Hilary A. Herbert e’.-et ir.»-of Igricultnre. J. sterling Morion Bt >r lev General Kieharu S, Olney roaunaster General .. Wilson S Bissell STATB—OREGON t I s Trade-marlct. Design Patents, Copyrights, Ani al' Patvu* busineo conducted for HfiODTRATC FEES. I. •rtNStlon mid n. > n to luven tors without Addrc^b PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WtDOERBURH, Man: g'ng Attorney, Box 4tt3 W ashington . D.O, i ('-vr-viv'.y D managed by u comb-nat’on of i-o>t Inrtuentlal newspaper» tn the ■ < x-ircsK purpo»« of protect- ir iui'.M0ril»en «gâtait unscrupulous ,.l 1'- e.it Agents, and Meh papar I -"i 1.« ment vouclies for ths responsi. , -ud lui.áo.wuaiu^oí tuePr«'*<;ialiusCouipuujf. L ebanon . O. March 5—yBegin ning today a score or more of suits TRUE & CO., Box 400, will be filed ’!*. the courts here, Augusta, Maine J acxsonvilt . e [Fla.]. March 2 — growing out of * m<*t disgraceful Late yesterday ¡afternoon the jurv i affair at the Missionary Baptist I- tors I J- ” Dolph in the case against James J. Corbett, I J. H.Mitchell. church, about, four miles south of I I Binger llerinaiiii charged with violating the laws of feMi.'regiHneii ... t W. K. Ellis this city. There is a division over * r—- kweruur.............. D.syivestei I’ennoyei Florida by engaging in a prize fight, •ere-ary of state ■ K Geo. W. McBride the pastor. Last night the emigre- ’ reasurer R . Phil. MetseliHii. retiied to make no a verdict Six • apt. l’-imic Instruction R .......... J. B. McElroy gution met to discuss his retention | líate Printer ..................... R ............. Frank Bakei teen minutes later the jury return The church was filled, and some | i K. S. Bean. • aprema Judges . / Wm. P. Lord ed, and the foreman handed a ver ¡one called the pastor a liar. A ’ F. A. Mooie dict to the State’s Attorney, who SIXTH JUDICIAL district : friend of the preacher knocked the Oistriet Ju-ige .. ............. u ‘‘We, the jury, find the de . . M. D. CLIFFORD read: Vistrict Attorney ............... ,D belligerent down and that started a . .C has . F. 11 you Joint-RipreaeiitAti ve ,(R>..... .A. W. Cowan fendant not guiltv.” A broad smile general fight. The lights were ex ••"••-Senator .............. (D) II knky B lackman spread oyer Corbett’s face as he tinguished. and in the battle that, COUNTY—HARNEY : heard the reassuring words. Char •■’"»ty M jdge ................... (0) .. . W m . M ii . lkk i I followed the pulpit furniture was) f!erlt ................................... (D).. P. L. Shidek-r lev Mitchell leaned over and grasp- wrecked, the pews ruined, the car fr‘l'“r'ir.................... ....(R) I. S. Geer •ur.'avor ... fR> ami whis J 11. Netti i i ed Corbett bv the h»nd •brill .......... '(H) pets spoiled and more than 50 A . Giuli gr •»'‘«•r ■ fD'.... 8. W. Miller pered words of congratulations. Jen Ml Superintendent . tK) i jiersons were injured. Many wom CH AS. N KWELL •to a Inspector When Attorney General Lamar ...David Cary en fainted and the scene was a sad (i>) i push the •t om m : ssione rs W m . A ltnou was asked. ‘‘Will you March 19 th 1894 one.—Telegram. ,K’ Í L t. i it* other cases?” he answered: “I car. HARNEY Ü. S. LAND OFFICr: not say yet. I wired the Governor jJ'/i,V er ................ J- b. H untington Ex-President Harrison ei ' cr ................. H arbison K elley for instructions, ami the Stage’s Floor Managers, L. Woldenberg and C. F. McKinney. course in regard to the other cases I The managers hold themselves responsible for the safe keeping of O akland , Cal , March 3—Ex depends on the Governor ’ s advice. ” | cloaks, overcoats, hats, overhoes, etc. Supper at both hotels. Good SOCIETIES. President Hariison and party ar order assured and an enjoyable occasion guaranteed. Corbett left fur New Orleans last Tickets $1 00. «YLVA REBEKAH Degree No. «8. night with the "After Dark’’ com- rived at the Oakland mole this Moats every 1st and 3d Wednesday. L. Woldsuherg. Alice E. King, N.G. |pany. Mitchell is still here, and morning in a special car. He will E May Worthington. Rec. Sec’y. will remain until the case against remain there until Monday, when A. O. U. W. Burns Lodge, No. 47 him is either tried or not proved. he will go to Stand ford university. Meetsevery ad and 4th Thnrsdavs. The sports are jubilant over the The general was met at the mole by W R. G radon. M. W J. W Sayer. Ree'd- outcome, and the members of the Judges McKenna and Morrow and Duval Club say they propose io David Starr Jordan, president of BDRNO n IA HONOR Lodge, No. 8 Meets ever» 2d and 4th Monday. 1 pull off the Corbett Jackson mill Stanford. To an Associated Press Wra A K Young Cor H. reporter General Harrison Said he here. W. W. Johnson Proprietor. HARNEY LODGE, NO. 77, I. O O F. did not care to be interviewed in ’el» at Odd Fellows Hall, everv Saturday, any way on the important questions , ’"'’p®. W. Y. King N. O. W. C. Byrd. Secy. Telegram From The Governor. of the day. ‘‘Will you he a candi HARNKY POST NO. 4«. G. A. R. J ACK BOH VILLE. March 2.—Late date for the presidency?” was ask-* '•’’’•every 1st and 3d Wednesday of earh ed. “I do not care to answer that OH Fellows’ Hall. All Cotnrsds last night Attorney-General Lamar • ■ •>o<l standing tn vited. received a telegram from Governor question,” replied the general, “and The Best Brands New illiard Tabi Mitchell. staling that he had no would prefer that nothing be said further instruction«, and that furth- on the subject. I have come to Pleasant Club Room U. 8. MAIL8. When in Burns come and eno«-oLi : er proceeding« would be left with California as a private citizen, and wrivesand ¡apartadally, hie [Lamar’ s] discretion. diecretion. hence I do not want to discuss my see me his •»•■•—c ammanirvi I te-trasarwi Departs-taNy, ttanday I This means that the case against public matters. I am going to see Corbett Happy f St. Patrick’s Ball At the JtfcIÇinney Jfall, Jiarrtey Ore I Beer Wines Liquors Cigars Etc. W. W. Johnson i ■