—To Subscribers—The H ksal . and Rural Northwest both for tha price of the H erald . The Rural ' Northwest is a good newsy paper ! devoted to the wants of the agri­ culturist. Now is the time to pay up your arrears’ and one year in advance and get an additional pa­ per in the bargain. « STOCK BRAND». PVNTINC, H oum , vign tad carriage I paint- Proprietor. Kalaoming, decorating, graining,! •nd hard oil finishing. Cows, hors.8 or anything suited ■ y purpose will be taken by me from parties so desiring. Price rea»onable 1 believe in the mo.to “to live and let live.” L. B. C ulp . I I JOHN 8AYER,.. «...ud W Silvie, rior 1 mile East of Burn., near the bridge -, Customers wi.l I M, R Biggs I FREE BRAND COLUMN. I Horse brand bar ten on left shoulder; Cattle barren on left hip and upper clip on both ears. T. A. McKinnon, Burns Ore. Hardin A Riley, cattle branded Von left side Horse brand T leftside, r o. Hurns,Oregon ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC, I AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Office at Sheriff's Office, BURNS,---------- --- _ _ Oregon. I J. C, Foley, cattl* brand =w on rignt eid.e Horae brand — on left shoulder. J. A. Williams cattle brand. 11., on left rjt horse bread 71 on right etifle P. O Btley fir. i - . I Horses branded )•( on left stifle- Cattle brand ed )•( on left hip. Marion Buuyard, PO Burns GEO. 8. SIZEMORE, I d ATTORNEY, B urns , .............................. O regon . ceive GOOD FLOUR ceiv > WCBYBD1 W Y KING. It REAL ESTATE AGENTS Burns Orogon. Wheat * We have at this time for sal* 'several productive farms, well ini BURNS PIONEER LIVERY STABLE. Cattle diamond on left hip; horses CV on lei shoulder. Charles H. Voegtley. Burna Oregat ' proved and well watered. ruysician ¿surgeon. A graduate of the Iowa State University and College of Physi- eians and Surgeons. Office at residence in Burna. I I HARRIS à BEDELL............................................................................. * and cards in all directions aolicit- 1 ing purchasers and describing the ¡and. O. Ijtweo Ore J. P Dickenson cattle brand J P connected 6 left hip Horse brand anvii on left atitie. P.' Lawen Cattle Ore. brand figure 7on either hip; mark light . I ., We will also buy lands for per- The Proprietor’s are well prepared to accommodate their customer sons wishing to purchase in out Charge, very rea.onab’e. Job Wagon in connection. county and living at a distance, giving careful and accurate dis­ | crop off eat h ear. slip in each ear, and wan. I on left jaw. Horse braud figure 7 on either hip I J. H. Bun) ard.Burns Ore. I tteo Will ms, horeea and mti’i. brand« rounding W, ou right stifle P O. Riley Ore . i Barber Shop T cription of the same, also the title Horse brand" ou right etifle. James Roues Burns Ore bar-m on left shoulder; Ca t.i brand —Toneorial parlo» Ed Walton P O Horse on left hip proprietor. All work in hi. line i brand - bar-m - ......... . and riia. Catheri.,1 o------ guaranteed to be first cl.ee. Call | p ° >!aTrow* H Hampshire A eons cattle biendJO and see him. 1 ' E ast O hegon H erald . MRS. LOUIS RACINE, Prop’t. Cattle marks swallow f> rk in right a .it and underbit in left ear, branu Zl.< o e n i Ho. e) has rveeutly been enlarge left hip, ho se brand the aa < e. n lei' i . Char ee Ze g e,, ou,. t> on. TONSORIAL PARLOR, JOHN ROBINSON P ro -0 I Everything in my line guaranteed to be done satisfactorily. <^*Tha only place in Burns you for catalogue Ex-xayor can get bathe. w‘a>bin«u7n. N»w I Dai.icl F and entirely renovated in first class style. ' DO YOU WANT TO ADOPT A BABTl Maybe you think this is a new business, sending out babies on application; it ha« bees * done before, however, but never have those ■ furnished been so near the original sample as this one. Everyone will exclaim. "Weill I that's the sweetest baby I ever saw 1" This Uttle black-and-white engraving can givs you but a faint idea of the exquisite original • Ta^le is Supplied with the Beat the Market Affords. ¡BEATTY'S PIANOS®! i Correspondence Solicited. Offic i k connected, ear m»rk swallow fork in right ea' under bit iu left. P O Burns Ore I - I ur hands for sale, because we ad ' vertise freely by sending eirculan Horse brand M on left shoulder, also th rar non in sbapeof triangle, cattle branded same ' dota.*. • ' E. i E. - Grout • Burns Or. Miss Rosa Dickenson Horae brand anvil or left stifle. Cattle branded bar.R ou left bip. J' I I on us we will show them the land we have for Bale, and parties desir­ ing to dispose of real estate cannot I’ojp i Itetter than to put their lands in Collet .ions, Land bu.iness, and Heal Horae branded P on right shoulder, cattle P ■state matter prompt!» attended to. on righthrp. R. A. Hendricks. P.O Lawen Or â B MiPHEETERS M. D. Parties wishing to purchase cal F- Bean T ¡11 frd U is Hotel a iJ< e -■ i 1 n i \in—Ar‘ RV I j Li ri a TTY 111 ,( ò \ (ÌR u r U 111 ’ û » SUBSCRIBE FOR ADVERTISE IN “THE HERALD,” i I • URN., - i.,r catalog*« Adrese. Hon W ashington Sew Jersey. Daniel V . Bvatt' Burns Restaurant ORBINO - I MESDAMES JOHNSON ALLEGER. I Meals at all hours, First-class meals served b- JOB WORK DONE. Promptly ------ [o]-o-[o]------ AT THE HERALD OFFICE F or S ai k —Thr»'* l<»ix with a fair businex. building on one, situ­ ated in Burns <»n insin street The price ank*J is low r i-»«i.i-r;n4 th* advantageous position of the lota for but in»». T< rui» ca^h For further narliculira .-ill on Rvrd A King. Real E«taie Agent*. Burn. i Oregon I 1 MOUT Having purchased the entire stock fbrtnwrlv belonging to Cal Gre-r, comprising all line« of JAMES R. WAITE, Mau.-- ef Wifte'i Çalebrated Ccm«dy CM, Prataiam Ban3 «ai OrcLnaUa. HARDWARE. L’KCKERY, GLASSWARE, TINWARE, I I I bit \ Or. Kilrr Unirai C m ., Ktkhart. InA. Y u wlll rciaemtvr the cnndttinn t wa» In flr. yr«-< «g . «ben 1 w M afllictei wtth a .-..v-bln*- »nd íhóughl there wr - ’ ------------ »O "t».e li. . .-f d.-va-e«. all a..U -- , Uuds of med --------- etnea. and i «coree ,o. ■« 1 tricl ail kiudsoime«1:cmes.an w.._ ........ My Mvi>er»c-»rrapr»irai citta* sowrswv. I0HM WfBO'Rtt.MN. ■ ■ MtR.«•<•>« k!tl « d »» < « »Ialina a aparialty Tkoa w ta aattUrd U* Ila’../ rat»«. Mad tar now »va. Xa Carra t.. Xw ta« ! » C. H. V0EGTL1Y and lu th-re montb, i wa» rt«».CTi» cv.ra lu m< traretaaach )Mi, w lien l are itn Iho..».«.!» of phystcal wrv.k». auArrl.ig fh-m nere-i.» nnw- . . — —, (ration, taklng prccrpUon» frnra M A ) -cal pbywctan, wbobarenoknoab ■ ,,f tbeireaaa and «hoae-iaaih ta certain. 1 te»! likc r' n< to lh»m an., «a* ng. 1 ••a«»Qa Mma-Nka.i.k aaa a< cwata - I. a-, l ofeaeicn. ■ ■ mm « m mm wbeta ihere i ea n»r»ri i ] W ► U ffervr» Iront r.(r.na»nVVIlL.LZ t.l pnMtr». «xni a d Devrons etbatwUcn. bweiatt on b» ibe c bam<-i»r of tb* buMueee engage*! in. I wvulA ** I'M A DA 1ST. vhfeb we propose to send to you. tranrp. r- tation paid. The little darling rests ss»11’*1 s pillow, and is in the act of drawing off >u pink sock, the mate of which has been pulled off and flung aside with • triumphant coo. The flesh tints are perfoct. and the ey»s follow you. no matter where you stand. Tbeeiqui- site reproductions of this greatest paintine for Demorest . s _ FatnSy what our promises mean. Magazine for 1»83 will pesee« a gall-r ’ of ex­ ¿idei quisite works of art of great vail ” aides s • i Magazine that cannot be equalet. oy aay in the world for its beautiful lllustrstien« and I subject matter, that will keep everyone posl- - I ed on all the topi« of the day. and all ths fa.is and different items of Interest about the besides furnishing interesting fr ‘ (household, reading matter. b->th grave and gay. forth* whole family; and while Demore-i s is no* a fashion Magazine, its fashion pages are per­ fect, and we give you. frtt of tort, all toe pat­ terns you wish to use during the ye»r. *“» In anv size you choose. S«nd in your acription at once, only |2. and you will really ret over JS in value. Address the pablisher. w. Jennings Demorest. 15 East 14th St., hew I York. If you are unacquainted with tos Magazine, ssstd 10 cenia for a specimes oopy I E urn^-Canyon Stage Line* T. J.wiTT. P roprietor ^T,j2üsANDS M a sure cura fce »U suflferln. fr--m t'.eee causa» _________ Jaaa R Warrw Rold oa a Fnaltl». OwarwMle». O.. MILES* PILLS.5ODcai.25Cv», Arrie*, »ni Depart, daily, eïeept Sunday. i ..-WW .Uh Ih. Ontario. *‘ B’,r”* *~4 *