Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1894)
—To Subscribers—The H ksal . and Rural Northwest both for tha price of the H erald . The Rural ' Northwest is a good newsy paper ! devoted to the wants of the agri culturist. Now is the time to pay up your arrears’ and one year in advance and get an additional pa per in the bargain. « STOCK BRAND». PVNTINC, H oum , vign tad carriage I paint- Proprietor. Kalaoming, decorating, graining,! •nd hard oil finishing. Cows, hors.8 or anything suited ■ y purpose will be taken by me from parties so desiring. Price rea»onable 1 believe in the “to live and let live.” L. B. C ulp . I I JOHN 8AYER,.. «...ud W Silvie, rior 1 mile East of Burn., near the bridge -, Customers wi.l I M, R Biggs I FREE BRAND COLUMN. I Horse brand bar ten on left shoulder; Cattle barren on left hip and upper clip on both ears. T. A. McKinnon, Burns Ore. Hardin A Riley, cattle branded Von left side Horse brand T leftside, r o. Hurns,Oregon ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC, I AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Office at Sheriff's Office, BURNS,---------- --- _ _ Oregon. I J. C, Foley, cattl* brand =w on rignt eid.e Horae brand — on left shoulder. J. A. Williams cattle brand. 11., on left rjt horse bread 71 on right etifle P. O Btley fir. i - . I Horses branded )•( on left stifle- Cattle brand ed )•( on left hip. Marion Buuyard, PO Burns GEO. 8. SIZEMORE, I d ATTORNEY, B urns , .............................. O regon . ceive GOOD FLOUR ceiv > WCBYBD1 W Y KING. It REAL ESTATE AGENTS Burns Orogon. Wheat * We have at this time for sal* 'several productive farms, well ini BURNS PIONEER LIVERY STABLE. Cattle diamond on left hip; horses CV on lei shoulder. Charles H. Voegtley. Burna Oregat ' proved and well watered. ruysician ¿surgeon. A graduate of the Iowa State University and College of Physi- eians and Surgeons. Office at residence in Burna. I I HARRIS à BEDELL............................................................................. * and cards in all directions aolicit- 1 ing purchasers and describing the ¡and. O. Ijtweo Ore J. P Dickenson cattle brand J P connected 6 left hip Horse brand anvii on left atitie. P.' Lawen Cattle Ore. brand figure 7on either hip; mark light . I ., We will also buy lands for per- The Proprietor’s are well prepared to accommodate their customer sons wishing to purchase in out Charge, very rea.onab’e. Job Wagon in connection. county and living at a distance, giving careful and accurate dis | crop off eat h ear. slip in each ear, and wan. I on left jaw. Horse braud figure 7 on either hip I J. H. Bun) ard.Burns Ore. I tteo Will ms, horeea and mti’i. brand« rounding W, ou right stifle P O. Riley Ore . i Barber Shop T cription of the same, also the title Horse brand" ou right etifle. James Roues Burns Ore bar-m on left shoulder; Ca t.i brand —Toneorial parlo» Ed Walton P O Horse on left hip proprietor. All work in hi. line i brand - bar-m - ......... . and riia. Catheri.,1 o------ guaranteed to be first Call | p ° >!aTrow* H Hampshire A eons cattle biendJO and see him. 1 ' E ast O hegon H erald . MRS. LOUIS RACINE, Prop’t. Cattle marks swallow f> rk in right a .it and underbit in left ear, branu Zl.< o e n i Ho. e) has rveeutly been enlarge left hip, ho se brand the aa < e. n lei' i . Char ee Ze g e,, ou,. t> on. TONSORIAL PARLOR, JOHN ROBINSON P ro -0 I Everything in my line guaranteed to be done satisfactorily. <^*Tha only place in Burns you for catalogue Ex-xayor can get bathe. w‘a>bin«u7n. N»w I Dai.icl F and entirely renovated in first class style. ' DO YOU WANT TO ADOPT A BABTl Maybe you think this is a new business, sending out babies on application; it ha« bees * done before, however, but never have those ■ furnished been so near the original sample as this one. Everyone will exclaim. "Weill I that's the sweetest baby I ever saw 1" This Uttle black-and-white engraving can givs you but a faint idea of the exquisite original • Ta^le is Supplied with the Beat the Market Affords. ¡BEATTY'S PIANOS®! i Correspondence Solicited. Offic i k connected, ear m»rk swallow fork in right ea' under bit iu left. P O Burns Ore I - I ur hands for sale, because we ad ' vertise freely by sending eirculan Horse brand M on left shoulder, also th rar non in sbapeof triangle, cattle branded same ' dota.*. • ' E. i E. - Grout • Burns Or. Miss Rosa Dickenson Horae brand anvil or left stifle. Cattle branded bar.R ou left bip. J' I I on us we will show them the land we have for Bale, and parties desir ing to dispose of real estate cannot I’ojp i Itetter than to put their lands in Collet .ions, Land bu.iness, and Heal Horae branded P on right shoulder, cattle P ■state matter prompt!» attended to. on righthrp. R. A. Hendricks. P.O Lawen Or â B MiPHEETERS M. D. Parties wishing to purchase cal F- Bean T ¡11 frd U is Hotel a iJ< e -■ i 1 n i \in—Ar‘ RV I j Li ri a TTY 111 ,( ò \ (ÌR u r U 111 ’ û » SUBSCRIBE FOR ADVERTISE IN “THE HERALD,” i I • URN., - i.,r catalog*« Adrese. Hon W ashington Sew Jersey. Daniel V . Bvatt' Burns Restaurant ORBINO - I MESDAMES JOHNSON ALLEGER. I Meals at all hours, First-class meals served b- JOB WORK DONE. Promptly ------ [o]-o-[o]------ AT THE HERALD OFFICE F or S ai k —Thr»'* l<»ix with a fair businex. building on one, situ ated in Burns <»n insin street The price ank*J is low r i-»«i.i-r;n4 th* advantageous position of the lota for but in»». T< rui» ca^h For further narliculira .-ill on Rvrd A King. Real E«taie Agent*. Burn. i Oregon I 1 MOUT Having purchased the entire stock fbrtnwrlv belonging to Cal Gre-r, comprising all line« of JAMES R. WAITE, Mau.-- ef Wifte'i Çalebrated Ccm«dy CM, Prataiam Ban3 «ai OrcLnaUa. HARDWARE. L’KCKERY, GLASSWARE, TINWARE, I I I bit \ Or. Kilrr Unirai C m ., Ktkhart. InA. Y u wlll rciaemtvr the cnndttinn t wa» In flr. yr«-< «g . «ben 1 w M afllictei wtth a .-..v-bln*- »nd íhóughl there wr - ’ ------------ »O "t».e li. . .-f d.-va-e«. all a..U -- , Uuds of med --------- etnea. and i «coree ,o. ■« 1 tricl ail kiudsoime« w.._ ........ My Mvi>er»c-»rrapr»irai<d. of »minent nbvtl.-iaua tient.wereprwiratcd. ■rndweing dunnei tirer, trouble «n.1 ail ibe lils tuai c-.ake lus nuseratde. 1 comxuciA.M to take HARDWARE. SUNLLRiES, A CARPENTERS 1001 i olire th. »»me for sale »1 greatly reüuced prive, for CASH. DR. MILES* NERVINE rttr rwin-> citta* sowrswv. I0HM WfBO'Rtt.MN. ■ ■ MtR.«•<•>« k!t<v»n. I roki.tM. __ wviu\(.i \ i», KNHOX» PHocvaK». r»- •OLOIERS. CHILDREN, tt1"O’.VS, P*e'NTi. n.iiCl -, im * i .|,ii' Har^f fair I» t»» rw«atar imr r 5» . alar. I wa Bar»f»ora af <»■ la.ti »ar* .•» I«tf t - IMA »rd fertr rtc.»». aaaw < .rtlrd <*>l « d »» < « »Ialina a aparialty Tkoa w ta aattUrd U* Ila’../ rat»«. Mad tar now »va. Xa Carra t.. Xw ta« ! » C. H. V0EGTL1Y and lu th-re montb, i wa» rt«».CTi» cv.ra lu m< traretaaach )Mi, w lien l are itn Iho..».«.!» of phystcal wrv.k». auArrl.ig fh-m nere-i.» nnw- . . — —, (ration, taklng prccrpUon» frnra M A ) -cal pbywctan, wbobarenoknoab ■ ,,f tbeireaaa and «hoae-iaaih ta certain. 1 te»! likc r' n< to lh»m an., «a* ng. 1 ••a«»Qa Mma-Nka.i.k aaa a< cwata - I. a-, l ofeaeicn. ■ ■ mm « m mm wbeta ihere i ea n»r»ri i ] W ► U ffervr» Iront r.(»nVVIlL.LZ t.l pnMtr». «xni a d Devrons etbatwUcn. bweiatt on b» ibe c bam<-i»r of tb* buMueee engage*! in. I wvulA ** I'M A DA 1ST. vhfeb we propose to send to you. tranrp. r- tation paid. The little darling rests ss»11’*1 s pillow, and is in the act of drawing off >u pink sock, the mate of which has been pulled off and flung aside with • triumphant coo. The flesh tints are perfoct. and the ey»s follow you. no matter where you stand. Tbeeiqui- site reproductions of this greatest paintin<U Ida Waugh the most celebrated of moders I painters of baby life' are to be given to tboss I who subscribe to Demorest's Fstnily Naira- sine for 18S0. The reproductions cannot be . told from the original, which codt |i®. *D(1 i are the same siae 47x22 inches'. The baby* life sise, and absolutely lifelike. We hays I also in preparation, to present to our sub scribers during lHSIl. other great pictures by such artists as Percy Momn.Maud Humphrey, - Louis Deschamps, and others of world-wide i renown. Take only two example» of what we did during the past rear. " A Yard of Pan sies," and "A White House Orchid ” by tbs wife of President Harrison, and you will ses Those who subecrit>e for Demorest . s _ FatnSy what our promises mean. Magazine for 1»83 will pesee« a gall-r ’ of ex ¿idei quisite works of art of great vail ” aides s • i Magazine that cannot be equalet. oy aay in the world for its beautiful lllustrstien« and I subject matter, that will keep everyone posl- - I ed on all the topi« of the day. and all ths and different items of Interest about the besides furnishing interesting fr ‘ (household, reading matter. b->th grave and gay. forth* whole family; and while Demore-i s is no* a fashion Magazine, its fashion pages are per fect, and we give you. frtt of tort, all toe pat terns you wish to use during the ye»r. *“» In anv size you choose. S«nd in your acription at once, only |2. and you will really ret over JS in value. Address the pablisher. w. Jennings Demorest. 15 East 14th St., hew I York. If you are unacquainted with tos Magazine, ssstd 10 cenia for a specimes oopy I E urn^-Canyon Stage Line* T. J.wiTT. P roprietor ^T,j2üsANDS M a sure cura fce »U suflferln. fr--m t'.eee causa» _________ Jaaa R Warrw Rold oa a Fnaltl». OwarwMle». O.. MILES* PILLS.5ODcai.25Cv», Arrie*, »ni Depart, daily, eïeept Sunday. i ..-WW .Uh Ih. Ontario. *‘ B’,r”* *~4 *