A L iberal O ffer .—The big was really out before tthe jrefe ree WANTED. eight-page Sunday Statesman will had an opportunty to call time be sent to any address from now Agents to sell our choice and bar untill July 1st f°r onl? S00- cash Evan's Captured. dv Nursery Stock. We have many to accompany the order. This is now special varieties, both in fruits ft most liberal hard t’lnes campaign The outlaw Evans and his com and ornamentals to offer, which are offer, as the Statesman is the sec panion were caught the 19th of this I controlled only by us. We pay ond paper in Oregon, and republic month at his own house in Vilalia commission or salary. Write us at an to the core This is a campaign Cal. A vigilance committee was I once for terms, ami secure choice of edcation and it is our purpose to organized the night after the cap of territory. assist in the good work. The states 1 ture ot Evans and Merrell to hang M ay B rothers . Nurserymen, man gives ail the news of state and Evans or probably both of them, Rochester. N Y. nation and during the campaign its but the officers getting an inkling Sunday edition will be a symposium of what was going on, secretly re A high-class illustrated month y of political news and gossip for th« moved the two men, who are now magazine in the home is no longer entire state It is illustrated and in Folson prison. a luxury. It is a necessity, and to consists of eight full pagesjof select meet the demand» created by this reading matter, including a short necessity, THE COSMOPOLITAN etorv and a wealth of poetry and MAGAZINE, giving yearly, as it dods, 1536 pages of rending by the m scellany. Every voter in Oregon “ As old as ablest living authors, with over should read a piper from the capi 4 the hills’* and 1200 illustrations by clever artists, tal during the campaign and we never excell make this offer to suit the times. has stepped into the breech, with ed. “ Tried Sample copies free. All subscription a reduction in its price that has and proven” will be consecutively numbered up is the verdict I tartled the literary world. on receipt and to each tenth sub o f millions. The H erald , fully alive to th« Simmon s scriber will be present a year’s sub needs of its patrons, has made Liver llegu- special arrangements with this sersption to the Cosmopolitan yx lator is the superb monthly, whereby it will Magoziue, csoiing $1.00. Address receive orders for yearly subscrip ail orders to The Statesman, Salem, tions to both publications combined Or. medicine to f which you for the sum of $3.00. --------------------- I can pin your The price of the great illustrated O ne RounD.—A few days ago Chas ( faith for a monthlies in the past has been Jones fought Bob Krick to a finish . cure, A $3.00 and $4 00 a year, ami they in the Gazette office, the round ' mild laxa- were to be found only in the more only lasting about a minute, Bob’? live, a n d I purely veg pretentious homes. Our offer fur eyes were more or less draped ii e table, act I nishes a help to all families, no mourning at the close, and tee bo i- ing directly I matter how modest their means. jarred a glass loose in our elegant oa the Liver Ito keep in touch with the greatest front dooJ. Otherwise on dainag and Kid I minds of the world, as The Cosmo- resulted. The truble arosa o neys. Try it. | politan has today the strongest gome remarks that Bob m i I «’a1»» i 'Sold by all ' regular staff of any existing period Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder . iciil. Send orders to a transati ) i i 1 wiich Ci i-liey ;i- T he H ebald . eonnectid. and after proving his to be taken dry or made into a tea. The King of Liver Medicine«. Burns Ore true position bv the Gazette’s editor, “ I have used yourNiinnrms Liver R oku - and can conscieiivittusiv nay it is the in the matter, Chas, proceeded to lator kintf of all I ivvr medicines. I consider it a A Illi itile Woman niedicino chot i n itself.—G eo . \V. J ack - chastise Bob in a very faithful man son , Tacoma, Washington. ner, Bob put up fight hut won't | WrVERY rACKAGE-SB Wanted in every county to estab ¡’I« imp in rod on wrapper. in it at any stage of the game, ami lish a corset parlor for the sale o. Dr. Nichols’ Celebrated Spiral Spring Corsets and Clasps. Wages $40 to $75 per month and expenses We furnish complete stock on con signment ; settlements monthly $3 Sample Corset free, Send 18 cents postage for sample ami terms. 1 Nichois Mfg Co., 378. Canal St New York Better Than zy/A ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFG. CO. $11.00 Have eold to consumer« for »1 years, saving them the dealer’s profit. We are tlio Oldest and I.arte.t manufacturers In Amer- lea Belling Vehicles and Harness this way-ship with privilege to expmlno before any money is Said. We pay freight both ways If not satlslae- >ry. Warrant for 2 years. Why pay an agent DO to $50 to order for you? Write your own order. Boxing free. We takq all risk of damage in No. 37. 8urrey Harness. $3750 Single, $6tot«0 No. 7L84j, Top Buggy. $43.00 Oar Rariew ar* «old al Manu fa*, tarer*« Price«. Double Buny, THREE GOOD REASONS », DEXTER snOE CO., Inc'p Capital, 11,000,000. BEST Bl. 50 SHOE IN THE XVOIILIX $75 Bh'PPln8.WHOLESALE PRICES. Spring Wagons, $31 to »50. Guyanteed Baine as sell for550to •!•>. Surrey9$ $65 to SIOO same as sell for B100 to 1130. Top Buggies, $37.50, as fine as Bold for >65. Phaetons,$66 to SIOO. Farm Wagons, Wagonettea, Milk Wagons, Delivery Wagons»"; Road Carts. BICYCLES KHt MEN, WOMEN * (MILDREN. for the No. 731, Surrey. No.727, Road Wagon. * $55 "A dollar eared ie a dollar earned." Thia Ladies’ Solid French Dongola Kid But ton Boot delivered free anywhere in the U S.,00 receipt of Caah. Money Order, or Postal Note for $1.50. Equals every way the boots sold in all retail stores for $2.50. We make this boat our.elv«s, therefore we guar antee the fit, etale and wear, and If any one is not satisfied wo will refund the money or send another pair. Opera Toe or Common Sense, widths C, D, E, & EE, sizes 1 to 8 and ha>f izes. Send uour sis«,- we will fit you. Illustrated tlS-SSft Cats- Farm, GIG 1« •SS.60. FREE No. 1, Farm HarnewL Elkhart Blc/cle. JBIn.wlMela. RIDING SADDLE« a«4 FLY NETS. nrtier Scad -<•■>>■ 4e. la .. pneumatic tires. weldleM S rrrrvnt. off for ea.li with arder. 1 iV-puf« cutaiocuv- steel tubing. drop forging». •tanpa to pay postage oa l!S-p=.------ - " « aa* .Un Address W. B. PRATT, Sec’y, ELKHART, IND 1st—It is the Leading Paper of Harney County. logua 1*3 FEDERAL ST., BOSTON. 1LAS8. D exter S hoe P UU<) L n ___ Special terme to Dealer*. LTTLE’S PATENT FLUID 2nd-lt is the largest Paper in the County & has the largest circu lation. SHEEP-DIP •s ¿CATTLE-WASH •NON POISONOUS SAFEST DIPAT ALL TIMES. CERTAIN DEATH To TICKS, LICB.EtC BEST CUKE Foil SCAB. Improves the Wool, and in creases I he quantity. One gallon mixed with cold water makes ltK> gallons of «trong wash. JAMES LA I DI.AW A Co ! K I s R1, l>er month by VJF harmlrw borbn f \ f / , r medie* that do 1 in-» < Ul I I nm thè beaith or lnturi. re witn one’s biailnr«« ot I I <a-tire. It bulichi up aud ini provo» tfc. geuvral ) ir iith.cleanitheeklnand beantil .thè .umpimen I ho wrlnkkvi or Bruite ■■ tùia trestn..»..; Uiòoraed by pbnuriau" . l < . adi.j.- raeiety iudi sa. PHHEUTS TREATEO BY MAIL. CO’.rni «TIAL U.C.CO,. 1« SOT’I^. «•■.*» r-'.i. h •'*cp. L - o > -U.rl te 1*. 0. W. r. MVUR. ■ nuli I IdUHL CaiUH. IU.