1 BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. FEBRUARY Th 3 He?.'.’} As old as PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY the ¡tills” and never excell W. C. BYBD & SON. ed. “ Tried and proven” P ublishers and P roprietors . is the verdict .REGULAT 0 f millions. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Simmons One Year .................................................... 12.0V I fcx Month,........................................................ 1.00 Liver Regu Three Months................. 75 lator is the HERALD CLUB LIST. only Live? Herald and Harper’s Magazine............ 5,00 Herald and Harper’s Weekly................ 5.2O and Kidney Herald and Harper’s Bazar................. 5.20 medicine to Herald and Harper’s Young People... 3.75 Herald and Alden', Manifold Cyclopedia, 2.90 which you «ach additional volume after Vol. I 55 cent,: can pin your to cent, extra ver volume, postage. faith for a /^“Copies of all the above work, can be ex- rained at leisure in the Reading Room. cure, A mild laxa- £1^ Publisher, of periodicals are solicited to „na clubbing rates, a copy of their work for tive, a n d o«r Free Reading Room—We file and bind the purely veg- latter at close of every half-volume, sod v«v <. i aapie, bv advertisement. etable, act- — —— - ing directly ADVERTISING RATES: on tiie Liver »PACE ■ 1 wk j 2 wk 1 1 me J 3 mo 1 6 mo a n d Kid 1 lyr! 1 inch 41.50 12.50 $5.00 $8 ‘K> $11.00 $15.00 neys. Try it. 3.00 4 00 6.50 12.03 1 18.00 28.00 t “ Sold by all t “ 3.50 5.00 8.00 15.00 24.00 40 00 I “ 4.50 0.00 10.00 20.00 82.00 50.00 Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder ¿ eoi. «.00 9.00 15.00 28.00 48.00 54.00 12.00 1« 00 28.00 1 48.00 80.00 120.00 h " to be taken drv •/ or made into a tea. I “ 1 20.00 30 00 40.00 1 «0.00 110.00 140.00 before the calm and inquiring gaze of the man in front, nini then, step ping forward, said: “1 beg your pardon, sir; but, to tell the truth, I took you for another man.” "I am,’’was the quiet reply.— In dianapolis Sentinel. Pil/s JOB WORK 01 every description executed with neatness »nd despatch, at reasonable rates. • ireularg, Posters, Pamphlets envelope,, Bill Heads, Letter Reads, alenienls, Note Heads, Cards, Ticket«. emoranda. I uvitaiions. Dodgers, Etc. Î The King of Liver Medicines. “ I have used yourSirnmons Liver Regu lator and can conscienciousl.v say it is the king of all I i ver medicines. I consider It a medicine chest in itself.—G bo . W. J ack - BON, Tacoma, Washington. «J-DVERY PACKAGE"®» Has ttie 7- Ctanip In red on wrapper. T he H erald Is kept regularly <»n u^iurrv- file for re- ference, the Geo. P. ____ Rowell Newspaper VZrflcino m Bureau, Dn », 10 i.'t O »• • Ad- ▼•Hieing Spruce st., New York. X’-Â.» OFFICIAL DIRECTORY national : i > ....................Grover Cleveland < in .r. arv ^'il . Adlai Stevenson I leeie a™ Walter ««.hum , - jacretary re , rr « HS . u r >' John G Carlisle retary of of Interior Interior .................. Hokt. Sllljth 1 •cretary of War ....... Daniel S. Lamont jacretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert •eeretary of Agriculture. J. Sterling Morton Attorney General Richard S, Olney rottinagter General .. .. Wilson S Bissell I Powder A darkey who is not fond water-melons. A girl too young to be thinking about the boys. A woman who can kindle a fire without using coal oil. A lawver who hasn’t a hankering ; after political life. A drummer who doesn’t carry on half a dozen flirtations on his route. A merchant who has not recently made a big cut in the prices of his goods. A pastor who does not leave his flock to the mercy of satan while he takes a vacation every mid- I summer. A man who can walk the floor at midnight to soothe a crying baby and not lose his temper. N ews I n G eneral A farmer who don’t think town people are bonded together tor t he I express purpose of robbing him. “Ha^ds Up!” A person keeping their promise who has looked at all the goods in a store and then gOez /,,ii.t laying they will come back to morrow and buy. PROM OUR EXCHANGES. v Wo Seldom See. Better Than Highest of all in Leavening Tower.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report, ITnvc »old to consumers tor “1 year , saving them tbo dealer's profit. We uro tbo Oldest anil T.arpcHt manufacturers In An-cr- teaselling Vehicles and Harness this way .- ill!» with privilege to examine beforo any money lu paid. Wo pay freight both v/ayslf not satirinc- torv. Warrant for 2 year -. Why pay an ayent FID to $:>1) to order for yon? Write your own order. Boxing free. Wo bike all risk of dtuuugo in shipping. WHOLESALE Pi:ICE8. Spring Wagons, $31 to $50. Guaranteed same 10 tell tor C m to Surrey S, $65 to SIOO No.37. Surrey Harness. same as sell for two to et.>o. Tef> BuLTiios, S37.50, as fine as sold for I»: >. pi>CBtor>».$66 to $100. Farm Wagor.s, Wagonettes. Milk Wagon3, Delivery WapionG and Road Carta, iiicyclks ton men , womkh * giujhu n . Our Klllglo, »4 to «SO Harne« Double art* Kohl at No.7139;, Top Buggy. Munsi file- turer’® Price®. No. *8!, Surrey. No. 777, Roûd Wagon. Fann. 61 ft to No. 1, Farm Ilai nesn. RIDING HADDLEH iind FLY NETS. Elkhart Bic,'etc, 28tn.wheels, ft percept» <>T for enwh with order. Rend 4c. In pneumatic tires, weldlew stamp® to p:.y po*tu£e on 1 lV-pu^c cutaiogue. steel tiiidug, drop forgings. No. 3, Farm Wagon. Address W. B. PRATT, Sec’y, ELKHART, IND 1 B uffalo , February 17.—Leroy Harris, alias John H. Hart, accused STATE—OREGON : | J. N. Dolph of postoffice robbery, performed a •’ • tors “Wasn’t that young Mr. Tiff who ' i J. H.Mitchell. remarkable feat this afternoon in I left the house as I camein?” asked vongre,smen .................. ! W.'K^FriT"’“11" tcretar’J ft, ............... D.Sylvcter Pennoyer holding up the whole ’Court-room, the judge of his eldest daughter. Tvewuror 1 St“te ' D R Geo' w- McBride Hart asked permission to go to ium * Pnt R R Phil. “Yes papa.” Jute H ‘ ’„ .M, ' ^"“'ruction J B. Metschan. McElroy “Did I not issue an injunction er R Frank Bakei I the lavatory. supreme Judge, ...................... | Wm?P.’Ä Returning he electrified the Com-1 against his coming here any more?” ' F. A. Moore missioner and all in the room by SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: levelling a revolver and crying: riet \Uttge ....... D ••• M. D. C lifford Gil- R..n r *.’r"?y. ............ D . C h as . F. H yde “Hands up!” Everybody put up Io n s. na. ,tStlve (H>......... A w- Cowan '“tor................ (D)..H enry B lackman their hands. COUNTY—HARNEY : Hart walked to the door, keep Jounty adge ....... (D).......... W m . M iller March 19 th 1894 Slerk ing his gun pointed toward the as ID) . p. L.Sbideler THE BEST AMD Treasurer ....... (R)................... I.S. Geer jurvevor IS TH? SAFEST ....... (R)................. J . H. Neal tonished Court and passed out, therifl • • •... (R).............................. A. Gitting, MESTiOT Assessor and taking locking the door the S.W. Miller *l'h"o' -uperintendent R) .... i EVES MADE. Floor Managers, L. Woldenberg and C. F. McKinney. ’lock Inspector ' . ..C has .N kweu key. David Cary The managers hold themselves responsible for the safe keeping of Marshal Watts jumped to the CD) ? ^om mi g, ion er. W m . A ltnow /K) ( t I. 4 itz cloaks, overcoats, hats, overhoes, etc. Supper at both hotels. Good window and fired three shots to HARNEY U. 8. LAND OFFICE’ order assured and an enjoyable occasion guaranteed. Tickets $1.00. attract the attention of others, Register , „ „ Receiver J- B- H untington L. Woldenberg. .... H arrison K ki . lky yelling lustily. I Final'y the janitor was aroused, who opened the door and released SOCIETIES. the captives. The prisoner was f-VA REREKAH Degree No. «8. out of sight.—The Bee '’”‘1’every 1st and Rd Wednesday. St Patrick’s Ball lit the JiÆcITirmey JIall, Jiarney Ore. Alice E. King, N.G. E May Worthington. Rec. Sec’y. A. O. U. W. Burn, Lodge, No 47 Meet,every 3d and 4th Thursday,. W R. G radon, M. W J W Sayer, Ree'd. BURNO n IA honor Lodge, No. 8 Meet, every 2d and 4th Monday. - Mr, A E Young Cor H. harney lodge , no . 77, i . o o f . 7mu n n,“’ 0,1,1 r,llowB Hall, every Saturday, pm’ W.Y. King N.G - W C. Byrd, Secy. HARNBY POST NO. 48, G. A. R. ” • -fl*. I?*1 ofench C. 8. MAII.8. •URN,— THS : *w<ve,an» depart, dally, , „ . ‘T. c wav c , tt : Depart, i*Hr, I•and», A funny incideut, accompainod | by a witty retort, waB enjoyed the other day aa the crowd was surging There »re ,’nglo retail shoe »tore, la our l..r '(I out of one of the theaters. In front | eltle. which Mill 2,000 palm of »hoe, a day.rnnl. t of »250,400 a year. Wo aell shoe-. a party of gentlemen was a man a but net we profit »ell ■ great many pair», th, clear prol - < ladie»’, miase,* and children»' shoe, 1» at I . with his coat collar turned up about our ten cent» a pair, and on our mens' and bo; ,' r 15 rent, a pair. We shall e.labliah ahoe «lor I his ears. “Why there ¡ r B----- each of the fifty largest citieaof theU. 8., tool they aell 300 pair, of ahoea a day they wot: W. W. Johnson Proprietor. said one of the partv. ’ He doesn’t earn »525,< only 00 a year. We should be able to p.-.y yearly dividend of »5.25 a share, »rover 50 per et 1 • seem to see us; I guess I’ll wake; a vear on the Investment. We aell the stock at £ . share. The price muat inevitably be much mo: I him up.” At the same time, and a than $!0 a share. No stock has ever been sold less than thia price, which la ha par value. St < without stopping to think, he step ron-aaaeaaablc. Beer Wines incorporated, Capital »1,000,0 Liquors Cigars have ever 1,000 stockholder», and the number Etc. ped forward and hit the bundled up la We Increasing daily. Home of the principal stork, holder, are: T 8. Walting. N Y.: I J Potter, U -ter individual a terrific slap on the N. A.Kcetl. Jr .< hicagot J. U. < smile II, Chtcagui W. »1 The Best Brands Kava.aurh. Litt I*- K"< k. Ark.; I. If. Rich. Chicago; J. F New Billiard Table Phila.: B. Harding, N. Y ; >L J. Payne, lUtti* back. The man turned areund as Turner. Creek. Mich.t T. P. IlulIrtU, Arrartr, N Y for a prospectus containing the name, of he received the blow and disclosed our Write stockholders, etc., or a<nd on orrbr for ntorL, Pleasant Club Room When in Burns come and rne'oting cathirr't cht< k, tath or mooro orr'^r. to the astonished eyes of the hilar Orders taken for one or more shares. Price, i kl ious gentlemen the face of a total a share. CO., stranger. He hesitated a moment DEXTER SHOE Aveutc llriHitU W. W. Johnson.