-i "*T F ■" - ’ standing there alone after my WANTED. unceremonious dismissal, vou were WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 21.1ST4 a prettv looking spectacle, to be Agents to sell our choice and har- I sure, your big mouth open and your dv Nurserv Stock. We have manv I Mrs. Jones. eyes like pewter dollars in a mud­ new special varieties, both in fruits hole, afraid to stand. Bet or lie down, and ornamentals to offer, which are “Nebby, Nebulous—Jones!” said just like a poor maudlin, sinful. controlled onlv by us. We pay Sophie, the other morning after weak minded man, without his commission or salary. Write us at scaning the columns of the H erald wife’s presence to protect him, a once for terms, and secure choice Jones immediately felt that a light pretty mess any man would makein of territory. cyclone was coming began to look presenting himself co St. I’eter for M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, for an opening in order to make entrance into the new Jerusalem. Rochester, N Y his exit provided it became neces­ I \ on don’t suppose there is a single A high-class illustrated monthly sary, “Jones can’t you hear?” con­ man in heaven do you? and especi- magazine in the home is no longer ally editors, poor fellows I have tinued Sophie. “Yes mam,” 8aid Jones in gentle some sympathy for them, they can a luxury. It is a necessity, ami to tones, “What do you wish?” never get to heaven and the devil meet the demands created by this “Wish nothing,” said she “do won’t have them. Sav Nebbv aint necessity, THE CDSMOI’OLITA N MAG AZINE, giving yearly, as it you and the balance of men of this you in a bad row for stumps?” town who are in the plot with you “Perhaps you think so,” said does, 153(5 pages of reading by th» expect us, I say us for it is intended bebby, “but if we cannot be admit ablest, living authors, with ove> tor the sex, although thrown direct i ted to either place it is certain we 121X) illustrations by clever artists lv at me, to stand such an insult have more voluntary privileges than has stepped into the breech, with as is conveyed in that abominable is accorded to any others of our sex I a reduction in its price that ha? or vour’s either.” tartled the literary world. poetry in your last issue?” “Abominable poetry; I don’t un- The H erald , fully alive to th “Privileges,’’ said Sophie, “priv.l derstand” said her husband,“Sweet, eges. indeed, in the spirit land and needs of its patrons, has mad c» mil omni ” ca irl 11 ' f JYrx Ft 1. <■ «-» .. C > I innocence,sweet saint,” said Sophie, too soft to ♦«> take advantage of them, «pedal arrangements with running her fingers though her! standing in ¡he presence of I’eter. «•iperb monthly, whereby it hair like she wanted to pull it out trembling like a condemned crimi receive orders for yearly embscrip or Jones’ if he had any, but alas; nal and I—must I repeat it—“Bu» tions to both publicationscomt'ine< she had already gotten the benefit oh, St. Peter I love him so. To the for the sum of $3 UO. The price of the great illustrate! of that Covering of the cianium ' pleasures of heaven please let him which Jones felt much in need of go.” ‘The idea, we have trouble monthlies in the past has these cold winter nights, “men are ¡enough with your sex here below, F3 00and $4 00 a year, aim eo provoking, plead wisdom when , without entreating your admission were to be found only in the mor necessary and ignorance when lire into the realms of the blest on ac­ pretentious homes. Our oiler ill essary. Don’t you know that I count of our love for you. Our as rushes a help to all families, i know it is to v< u that Doetrv refer.- sedations with men here and per matter how modest their means, when it reads; “The man was short oept.ion of their characters. is not |'” keep in touch with the great- and thick and stout, His stomad such as to warrant our entreaivs at | minds of the world, as The Cosmo was built so it rounded out; Hi the gate guarded by St. Peter, that ( politan has today the stronger- regular staff of any existing period face was pleasant and all the while. you may enter to domineer over us ical. »Send orders to He worea gentle and kindly smile.’ is you do here on earth.’ “My old T he H erald . “Bah! Talk of that vulgar grin of man. I regret to say. Hasn’t walked Burns Ore yours being a kindly smile, A nd at all in the narrow way, For he I just to think, “she contunied, thaï I smoke« and swears and manv grave i A Klt.ible \’«'<>tnui> _____ n | faults has he, And lie’ll never pass | Wanted in every county to rsiat the pearly gates if his entrance de “Well think” said Jones, lish a corset parlor for the ■ an* (>t pends on me.” much rathor you would than Dr. Nichols’ Celebrated ;-nira So Sophie went from the room, you talk.” “So you would” answered she. turning at the door with a slight Spring Corsets and Clasps W»lg.o “and ’vou would much rather be courtesy to her discomfited rais $40 to $75 per month and expenses We furnish complete stock on con with St. Petsr inside or out side nand. signment; settlements monthly th* gate than foere when eur Chris-1 $3 Sample Corset free <1 lb tian Endeavor, o[>ens out on you. | cents postage for sample ami irnii« 1 after 1 laj this matter before its THE BEST ABB Nichoia Mfg Co., 378 Canal St members.” IS THE SAFEST New York INVESTMENT “Your Christian Endeavor” I EVER MADE. Nebbv. “what kind of a git un, BKITKR SHOR CO.. Inc’p. Capital, |1,WM< KENT 01.00 SHOE IN TH« WORLD. that? Is it a piece of artillery and "a dollar land it a dollar «arwMt.** This IoatHea* Solid French Dongola Kid B«k- does it run on wheels?” ton Boot deUvared free anywhere la the U S.,oa receipt of Caah, Money Order, At th'.B Sophie looked as if had or l’oetal Noto for |1.40. Eonala every wav the boota she St I’eter the three patriarchs cold in all retail alerea for SJ.kO. We make thia boot "I! the Apostles and the balance of ouraelToo, therefore wo fuur- anlte the ¿1, itolt and wrar. mankind she’d “smoke em” as the and if any one la not eatiafled we will refund the money boys say when playing hearts. or vend another pair. Opera Toe or Common Sanaa, "Onr Christian Endeavor” said widthe C. D, E. k KK, I aiaea 1 to I and bad Sophie, “iP a religious institution, k^lzaa. Stndgoarnot; ice trill dt goa. ami von men will think it artillery llfaaUatod Cam- when it begins throwing bombs into yourcamp. ‘Good Lord’ eo'iioq•• I fhere ara a'nglo retail atea atorra In our pd she, talk about any woman of elite« which aell 2.000 paira of aboca a duy.makior of $2.>0,000 a year. We tell aboca lot h’aii a, standing at the heavenly a hut net we protil acll a irreal many pairs, the clear prof t < .- our ladiea*, inlaaca* and children«’ ahoea la cl l-a gate and begging for tha admit- ten cenia a pair, and on our mena’ and boya* ah< 1 > renta a pair. We ahall ratal,llah aboe ator a I PA I >M t.inee of any of the hateful sex, the racbof the fifty largeat cltiea of the U.S., a: il i FLUID | LTTLE’S thry acll only 300 paira of ahoea a day they v.cu' . I- I-' ’ t T'I I knows we have trouble enough earn $-25,' 00 a year. Wc abould bo al ie to pay . ■arly dividend of B3S'» a abare, or over'.u per err1 "Uli the base deceitful creatures ajearon the inv. etmer.t. We a< 11 the atoe k al J a abare. The price iniirt Inevitably be much me:-, * 'pe below and certainly do not1 i han ■VIHONOUS” ¿CATTLE-WASH $' 0 a iban*. No aiock baa c»er been aol.l eao than tilia price, whii 1» ia i a par value. St :» desire them up in heaven.” • ■on-aaaeaaal.l '. Incorporated. C apitril $!,O(k?,C C. < A FEST DIP AT AI L TIMES. hate over 1.000 al »elboldera,ai.d lhe number Kiininy jivers!” exclamed1 ia We inereaalnj ERTAIN DEATH TO TICKS, LlCK.EtC daily. Some of Iho principal atoek are : T S. Wall • f. V : I J. Toiler. 1> no- BEST CURE FOR SCAB. "Des. ‘Christian Endeavor! Relig-, hildera N A. It-r-l. Jr < hieap,; J. It. t an ib. '.l.Ch:ea(oi >■ k . > «Jgh. I.iuia R-x«. Ark.: I. II. 11: Chieajo: J. I Piula: 11. Hard,ng, N. Y.; IL J. Tayr:«, Bato» U>U9 institution!’ say Sophie you Tur-nr. Creek. Mieh.t F. P. Hallett», Arcade. N Y ¿W Improves the Wool, and in for a proepectua containing the name« of letter set up a section of oor Write atockholdera, de., or tmd on nnlrr for /dock, creases the quantity. rnt'otinf cathirr’l chtek, cath or monry rri'f. your ( hristian Endeavor in the ball | Ordera taken for one or more aharea. Price. 3» One gallon mixed with cold water of Burns, it could appropraite* a chare. make« 100 gallons of strong wash CO., I JAMES LA I DI.AW & Co ' ’brow a few Itombs around with I DEXTER 8H0E dgmll lt an/od •Hling effect ” How would it do to hsve a •mall slice in the saloon Mr. Jones?’! ••id she. And the idea of Peter 1 ' revne.1l« « that !»•-• the cob -. l ’ rxlan r‘ he eflrontery to address a -- fill ■ ” w fb£; ;rX- ..J ■. »«I of phvtoria... _ . edit!, ».»-««».« . ■'..tti with, ‘Who's tending this AIifbTJ TRtJTtD bV k *’k CaiV'T'saifr’":' S« • • ■ t «», -e^e. t U»« vou or I?’ »nd you Jones,' I XV. F F» til •» . t lif t m. ¿ — ----- » a ! xy ca L ♦ / a for the TH BEE GOOD REASONS. 1 st—It is the Leading Paper of Harney Connty. 2nd-lt is the largest Paper in the County & has the largest circu­ lation. 3 D-IT IS ONLY $2 A YEAR, YOU CAN AFFORD TO TAKE IT .