A TERRIBLE MISTAKE. “Stay here. Roger. Mind that cox Svi.IJ .yv. i—ii.Cv o-u ».ba-iag you do not leave the room till I re V.J ; ... L.l bis ’.-UU3 i.y u:i l_ .xi^riv i.-yi-o: 'Cox-.u ai a «iu.,...- »e^euu-.u ru—iuy ur turn.” said his father, hastily. 1 -c .y tool p'H^iuj«- jicu.-v«-. iuai From Happy Hoar« .j..-.....«. ' . i*r. a. z-»4-u.u k —ù U.I il.r- U.4 will leave the jewel on the table. i? Aac-vtk;.-.«. U.4O u ou«l ruc;c». eiuu CHAPTER I. f. - s’crvoiu . ■_ -i..iy a ¿ -■< • ........ J rrv. Mil KurlAa.lv. "Shall I put it in the case, fath r ___ ha«I . . • •! it«v • ¿-Lli’.t. Hi (A- . ™ ». r.s- f . ‘.i* C .:y ;■ U..-X« 11 -U Selford Court was a beautiful ■ . >n. ... U.AÚ-1 ;!:U •»ATiEt Ts TREATED BY M a i er?” »---S „4 .:U „ CORFlBtaTlM : • • il-.-l-1 d •<--1 r • i'---u »• IVr-E-; ; place, savoring of ancient owner • ifn-ni rhr — I »r. -s rc:l.t u “No. I’ll fit it in when I return," .- ..ti-, man,.- r> nei or I • Ln. will, f I •ta. ship. and very proud was Mr. Sel -I r¿V- - • .- —Lyt . answered Mr. Selford, opening a - V ; » - t>. r r » ' < Hf” *- ford of his handsome country house- .... J. - • f -C.....-T... ,. Nor did he fail, on every available drawer in haste, in which he had some measurements he wished to occasion, to impress on his son Roger, his duty of keeping up the give the saddler; Roger, meanwhile family residence in the same Pty le. getting up. and going o»er to the w hen. as years passed on, he should fire-place, where he stood, musing ot. the joys his father must have succeed his father. had in India; until, having de Roger was a high spirited, gt-ner spatched his business with Hinds, ous hearted lad of fifteen, un whom Mr. Selford re entered the study. ail the neighborhood looked kinJly; “You have not left the room, I ■ JAMES A. WAITE, 1 ut, unfortunately, he spent his hope. Roger?" «aid the latter, anx r cf Waite’’ Ootsedy Go, allowance a little too freely, a grave "Prtzizua K121 i:d OrcLntr*. iously £>r. Milr» St d 'al ( ■ ., Ukiarf, fault in the eves of Mr. Selford. V 1 will remetnl* - the co- i er.-« t- ' to “Not for an instant. 1 father: and T*~-' xc . when lux« affiictc.1 »ua ■ .-ottrnn»» One evening, when the latter was no one has been in. Oh. L< a of ar.d ih< u^ht II - »« *o h C l » the jewel ip, • 1 tried ail k in an unusually genial humor, he ia all right; I would not even look Wee;:-.ent rhv® al » My nero • « ent pc - auaux I. «•nd c aixr.ne-t i e«rt tr ;b!e 1e.il the ilia called his son into his s'udy. -av- L-»i i_xle Lae mutt al Le. I emk . xsl to ia L c at it again, much as I wished to GREAT SEMI-WEEKLY, ONLY $1 A YEAR DR. MILES’ NERVINE ing that he had a secret to tell him do so, for I was afraid I might let Any real>er of the E ast O regon H erald can get The Twice-.» «rd in three m^nth« i was »>re»«cTu» cv>t» ‘ I've often thought. Roger." Le it f.iil. or that it might slip off the Week Republic free by seuding in three new yearly subscribers t?T'j« lu rr.« traveleexch year, .. i.v.. 1 ■< -. t : . i v :.<!» «I piiy».t»L v.re.b. funeri g C • rr .» t-r-s- - . _ —. trat.ou, u»k:ii? p -»cr-pilAi» Iron gan he. “that I would show you a p p-dishvd >ii»h<d table if I moved the cloth Republic with $3. LJ [1 1 <-a: | h»> :..:i« u • > b ; ■ c no k-i • I- ■ • ' * <dee f 'ibeir ee?e - r i u n-aee death thing I got in India twenty V ears you hid thrown over it." In addition to obtaining the greatest news weekly in America,ever to ccrtAin, I lee! like r-1 ■ g tu them ent. «-.vine, subscriber to The Republic will save ten times the price of the paper or •cc»pa M.tce- Nt s*i»t » mo ec cu«eo - Io ago, and which no one. but mv ‘ That’s right, Roger; and now E. - :«r.-..-i., — . » .-.ere there ruore. every year by the special offers made subscribers from time to time e-raomenytu fTI I W »• It flerers from ’•ackers and my lawyers know that we will lock it securely into the Sample copies of of The 1 eve: -k ce'J v * 1 *“ t«L p-uur* Sample Republic will be sent anyone npon rewirt tio-i a d nervot:» eiheoetlon. br - igLi . n tr the I possess. I am going to remove it saf»-. till it is removed to still inoreJofa postal vet«) card o*rH request, ronn^at. Address all orders. ctars-i- - uf U m bujuuess ia. 1 would mv safe, and deposit it with re liable quarters. I would not ; THE REPULIC. St. Louis- M »“¿•/THOUSANDS from my bankers till you marry, when I have left it unsecured, even with Ac a aure care fur a U Kiflcrin* fr tn theee caueeft J ams » & W arra h< j»e to see it adorn your bride upon you here tn guard it. but that I Sold on • Poeitlv« Guarwnter. her wedding dav A nd Ind'm feared poor Hinds would miss his Os. MILES' PILLS.50 D oses 25C ts . Prince bestowed it on me in 3 fit train; and the case ia small, and (■! gratitude, as he waa pieastd tn there ia a knick in making the or- say that I saved his life during a nament fit into it ” tiger hunt. It is a rare jewel. jewel, mv All this time Mr. Selford was I ov. or rather, a collection t-r g« ms. uttering these remarks he was formed into a coatlv or:iam>-nt. a d fidgeting st his watch chain, w hich I shall have the pleasure of sno «. 1 g L id got hitched up by i small gold LOCHER’S HALL it to you in a minute or two. Put k-1 which hung to the chain, and FjtL'Ii fRIC: OF INE. mind, not a word to any one t f this, he h id but just succeeded in disen 7:30 P. M. Every Evening at or we might have the house rvb tangling ii. bed.” Ladies X’ Gentlemen Advanced. “How tiresome! hut I have done Wednesday .... Social for all. Roger ea«ilv promisee} s.lence, it at las'!’’ exclaimed he. as the Saturday and ms father, going to a piece of .«tm.li key resumed its proper pl-c-i All the latest dances will be taught, the following list to heselected F03 THI) YEAR furniture or. on side of the room, on the chain. “Now let mt l «..k frin Rye Waltz. Comas Waltz. Lt Mirsholaine. La 3fo<le, York« --- ------- •'hich had the apjiearance of a tip this pi-eci ms haul k ! ’ Bon Ton Gavotte. Berlin. Creola. Jersey. Manitour, Spanish Yorke, —THIS PAPER— t kc.trr. at d w hich was. in reality, Car» fully he remov'd the < ci ’ th Highland Glide. Pirrouette. May Schottische. and many others. ---- WITH---- « - :i<-. umocki-d it, and ruughtout which h- had thrown over it lefore, No gentleman visitors admitted. THE S N FRANCIS'S a ..Mil. which he ojieitd <L-clos f lit butler s entrance, but its spirk Terms 8 Lessons 13.50 « * i e > i magnificent ornament, glitter ling lieautv did not I meet his eye, Ladies S 2 00 - : . * . i „ with i. ph-cious flom s for. in fac’, it «as n-» b ngi-r there New Quadril’s will f-e taught Saturday Evenings. «•Kier « .«j l-FK V. A*. '\>h. fatRer!” cried the boy, • Why. where is it, R- g-r?" ex Geo W. Yorxo. —>>K---- l r< alhlesxly, “do let me bate it in c’.iimed he. casting a hurried glance N‘ SAM FBANCIS 0 my hamis for a moment! ’ on the c i. p-t»d flor. 1 < s. to <e sure! ILn- a good ‘ It must be there, father!" critd look at it l i-fore 1 put it Rack again Roger, nut in any alarm, for he FUJI » S>1 n riKYKAP- ♦ s. to [>e sure! Have a g'XM* knew he had not moved from the '• -k at it it tore I put it back aga'n. rug since his father’s absence from MANHOOD RESTORED • T ..» woi.derf L; renieif 111- S.W FRANCISCO fuarBDU*e<l to cure a.I nertvui jqcu as rat Meaury. Lauopf And guers the worth of it. Roger! vwer. Headache. WakefBiDe««. Cost Maa&ood, > .jrLuy K kim ; hk Nerrooj the r uni. and that no one had enter wkekly VALU rxr**. Bl 1 drain» wod I o «« « f power in General ’¿x » of e.iner •exeB-M« t troTereien; ------- ------- ------- " • t-^&Bce cp-= r»..» I had it valued once " 5 <-*» n.j-wi ithfnl err®*^, » I* a I * i4M>nt» rl<bL ed n r J C bb be eB-r-; S -^r*n ____________ ant*. *bicb h ___ - xg io io ¡Dtorw.tT.C^r.xcrap 1 * _,«, r-ATtot «1 rw-r ft p»gr vaprr. Il 1« i»»u- <1 rrrrr ▼e«t pocfceu »1 per ps.x. « f <.r S3. P t to « w • - x K» or-, r ’’ I *.ior three hundred pounds. “ But it is not here, ” Xivr a wrntenn>ar«teei«rnrt-rie a -; ihe m»nrv. gasped M ’ Thciltola', ■ <| Coniala* all «f druxT «1«. A«t for iu tax * r o* '1'- • : r I < p< rh.ips. father." said the lad. ai>- St lford ■ >ee.' [ shaking the cloth ] it ▼tapper. Address À £MV£ M£ x . a > < u., 5<-uiC Te3»,-«e.uK-«-Aw<A Vw lmp-nani ara. ol 'br Fursxi«>D Burns.Ore., by LI. M. UUUTv.N, ¿» wxa ^ u • eak, « from rvrr» ,U .r. - rbed in admiration cf the jewels, “it is not here !” lit ol (Sa gioì—, «amai Ir u»> which he turned on evt-rv side, in ‘ Then it must have slid on to the lo date ol i-ubl cali >«i It fat. I order t«. catch the light emitted floor remarked Roger • i«hr* tti» latent «od movi ratta bla tii»N*-IAl .nd from the brilli .nte. set among sap- "In that ca»e we should easily a (1 - , «, market q phire and rubies disco» er it. and it would show cita »prêtai •ite-nli n to h rilru:. "llundr de' rejoined Mr S I- Iv on this da’k carpet.” exchiimd turai atMl a.rala’ I • »•«. a**i i» in •irn t>. e- a tu., lord, with a triumphant laugh, “it Mr Selford. r *•» lam i« i» rr, aip- .- is w.rth four or five tho'isami llw interrai <»( r» ty tu * i er ‘ Of c-i'.irse it would. Where can ol tir- h u —n«i4 p'-mde' It is a fortune it-elt!" it »«•. father’ But don’t be oueasy. Do Y'ou ------ H---------- \ go i i |»,al of talk f ■ >wtd after •t cam ■•, hive got nut of the room ’’ T“ ,• ♦ » 'lui, u 'i, c \i I. this, at t>t the cirvumstdt.ee» w h -I i l'araa l-araa a Waaai N >t with -ut hands, certainly.'- ’•r' j* a »e . liai • It II had leu M r >rtf ru to l«*Ct»lue J. • > s«id h:» i .ther. who had tarn* 1 | sle l. »te M(»S( KFl.l \- »t«'-d of the gi-uts. R ger st t n mg ■ > d « js iirci.ifdly uneasy. RI K a «I ta te < te I ai much sbsori^d and h*l in wonder i i.. V- I.F » bis« s EWx. Disease commonly comes on with slight “N>* one has come into the rr< m l’Al’I’R t i * r. »-e., al ihrir (•eautv symptoms, which when neglected increase —of that | rtam.” ins -• d >. Lier ol Le «b »• apera*» A »uddfn knock at the door was in extent and gradually grow dangerous. Roger * .1 «e«>«| rwi.ti, as a followed by the entrance oft he but um I* <«t> t-e-l I ine («11**. ‘"But yiu p»rcrive that it is no tt r»« SUFFER FRO« HEADACHE. DYS TAKE RlPANS TABULES ■ g •»'•«<• lv M i pi| * (. i c.» l»r. Btgg« and Mr 8alf PEPSIA ar IROIBESTIOM. . . . Ils' it where I left it Here is the ccse' r«.a.bi a t u: If yea ar« B’LIOUS. CONSTIPATED. ar bar« to k the jewel from I.. r. conoat- — pushit g it a<tde—‘"but whe e >s LI»ER COMPLAINT................................... TAKE RIPANS TABULES II g it rrom vjew as t ne man etitered the j-WiI If jmv COWPIEXIOH IS SALLOW, ar "Mr Hinds is watting to s-e » OU, TAKE RIPANS TABULES SUFFU DISTRESS AFTER EAT IRC. •"I neVer '• Ally moved, fa 1 ar — ARD.I-1- ì : ,P El, s r. »aid lhe »er%ant. nev. r *- i.t near the table You Far OVFERSrVE BREATH »M ALL (HSOR- i Ä IW » TAKE RIPANS TABULES DERS Of THE STOMACH. . . . Oft. ah. trs* the Rad til* r. Tell «•nt ’ t e r drawer— —is ia it not in L tn to wait a few - — tn >nietif .... .its, l’iggs.’’ therei * 1 R.par.s T&bulet Re^',^.*n Me Sfst9/n and Prasarra tha HaaM g »ot.r p 11era?” 'He t «• itch a train, if n»u • M, to-rrunly tot’ J should • RIPANS TABULES j EASY TO T AKE, QUICK TO ACT please. «til Bi^gs not !*• »■ 1- -t .t in the drawer,* sa d 1 takrlAx^áar» V ¡ SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. "The <1 «, Collii at I Asd L P 3 . » ’ L., A ‘-liCV G i Mr liur.J. hurriculy •’Stili, 1 - COMPLETE ; SeM try or wet trrmail oe rer^T< jr** ; MEDICINE CHEST • Box <« n*i-»7Y5centx. Part»*« <« be»»*. >’ I • ill turn r ut mv J apera ” And he Fwr Bjfiylf rtM •t THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO d it; si.':<»n to ‘.be word. 10 SPRUCE STREET. - - «tw VOHw. 4 I I J I » ¡ I I I TWICE-A-WEEK 16 PAGES EVERY WEEK. ** Dancing Instructions. I I Our Premiums I I i i Weekly Call! Mornins; Call! f ♦ I J I DAILY CUL i 4- WEEKLY OVA i I à j'j f V > •» s W t A: L I A i fu B a OXTINCBD. iooooGcoScZccoSc