4 Where the president wiii hi I dmber now is only a n att< rot Ijectiire. hut he will Imve WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 21. UM‘4 I -itch as is.not n j-riio enemy, David II >11 Kilt tor. W.C. BYKD The latter has alrv”1' fathers in his cap. e • • e«l b DANCING. instrumental in cleft jj • Hornblower ami Peckham D ancing , the prevailing manic of this town is carried to an extenl which all good moral respectable citizens know is leading, the wives, daughters, and youths, just growing into manhood, if not directly into the path of licentious immorality and sensual proclivities, it is a, FjfiTH; FRIS: OF HIE. least giving rein in a channel of sin - - -+-- - - - ful propensities which if not checkt d will lead many good women to de Btruction and young men to acquire FOl THIS YEAR a taste for recklessness which will ---- -+----- finally end in their disgrace and downfall and loss of self-respect, the —THIS PAPER— _WITH----- ruination cf their prospects for lPe1 THE S N FRANCISCO as respectable citizens and the bringing of disgrace and sorrow on their families. How is it possible for respectable 1’It ICE SI.S3 I'KIIT. AR, parents, men of family to shut their ----- OR----- eyes to the fact? m san francis : o No one is prohibited from attend­ ing our dances, and all are admit­ ted as equals and treated as such PKICK •«.<» > riR YEA». without regard to character or stand* ------- TH------- ing, pimps, gamblers, and drunk «r*inE SAN FRANCISCO ¿•IgJ WEEKLY CALL ardsare apparently as much respect­ jl/o 1« a b*ue household. ------ ------------- ■puih MOltM.XU CALL a I1! (S kvkn lsauxa a W bix ) jlfC is a live no troi-oiit m THE TARIFF BILL. Y esterday was the day set for the committee to report the Wil son tariff bill to the senate. Of course the free silver amend­ ment of Quay of Penn will have to be considered, and we only hope it will pass and be made a part of the bill, but its chances are slim, as it i is generally believed it will be voted down. Some democrats fear that with this amendment the whole bill if passed will be vetoed by the president, while on the other side of the senate, if the republicans thought it would kill the bill the amendment would be indorsed by them or if that wing of the house were satisfied Cleveland would veto! it should it come to him it would only pleaee them the better to make every effort possible to shove it through. It is generally presumed that the bill will come from the coin- niittee in substantially the same form that it came from the house. There will undoubtedly be a strong opposition to the income tax, but still it is thought it will pass. It is feared that the numerous amendments offered will materially proloiigjthe progress of the bill, —. L ! » • , which is to be lamented tor the people demand prompt action. The passage of the bill is intend I ed as a measure of relief and as such its speedy passage is hoped for. and cannot come too soon. I $100 Reward $100. The readers of this paper will pleased to learn that, tlo-re i least one dreaded disease that lence has been able to cure ir its stages, and that is Catarrh Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the oni positive cure known to the medica i fraternity. Catarrh being a cor ,'stitutional disease, lequiies a cm> stitutional treatment Hall’ I Catarrh Cure is taken iioernall acting directly upon the blood an mucous surfaces of the aysien ' th reby destroying the foundatioi of the disease, and giving the pa­ tient strength by building up th constitution and assisting natux in doir.g its work. The propriet 'have bo much faith in its curativ« powers, that they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case that i fails to cure. Send for list of tee* menials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 7.5 t I daily. It is the MOST REL1A- RLE. hik I is recognized a* being the LEADING NEWS- PAPER of the Pacific Const. Either of the above i aper. we will send iHi'tii'id as a pre­ mium mi receil t of the follow­ ing subscription prices for th« combination: DAILY CALL AID IHB PEil IEAR, WEEKLY SALL And Ibis Pipr, p r Year, » ÀÌ--- 1 O£l>cLtXl County, Burns Cpn OFFICE I SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION The eneceae of thf. Great Couch Cure la without a parallel in the history of medicine. All dnicgi.t» are authorized t" sell it on a po.- Itive guar»"tae, a test that no otherc re cau snc’.WMfully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous ex­ pense, are placinr a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron­ chitis, use It, for it will cure you. If yo.t child has the Croup, er Whooping Cough, use It promptly, and relief in sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH’S CURE, Price 10 etc.. M etc. and Si .00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 15 eta. For sale by all Drug­ gists aad Dealers. alerciiELnt I; Il 1 \ y_ -ffl rey.: 1 tie ProprieUus of the White Front Livery Stable as­ sure the public that they are prepared to accommodate tn every way in their line of hubinees. jfelflF*'liu is first class in every particular. Experience barU Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. >=. ï’Fckham’s Rejectment. I T he nomination of Peckham for supreme court judge, has been ra jacted by the senate. Thia it the i a*cond nomination made by the president for that office that has ( *Mt with defeat in the senate. I I Should Take Advatage of its *