» i e — .w i t ntf t VOL. V II. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY-, (ÌREGON. FEBRUARY 21 1894. Î? i Copse on the other side ortlie canyon. ^As\oM M I They find three shots after them i the kin»'and without effect. Further pursuit at nevorJuxceiL ted; -’^*'Prte4 _ the time was impossible, it b. ing tyid proven-” toirdark, so the officer* investigated r is thè verdtal ■ the .............. biding place of th« bandits. l REGUL ATOrt- \o f '-iniltions. . | . —■ ~-’ The cabin, which was hid under j.’ S. Lrrf m o n s :| " 1 •Liver Reg»--«- an uverhanging n ck arid by the . latop is ilrs *crul> growth, was built of rough lumber, evidently obtained from ♦only Livo'.’ and* Kidney ■ Moore A Smith’s mill by some medicine t o y sympathizers and brought fo the which you * J proper poin t on the grade and can pin your ‘ .'I r 5 s' packed down to tlx ’ faith, for a 'canyon. In it thej cure. A mild' laxa­ rubber Rnd -cloth overcoats ^imL WEDNESDAY BY W. C. BYRD & SON. P ublishers and P roprietors . ! * •* , . z- ‘ HJ— - ■—— ------ -T-- n I f A . 1 ' Jii---------------------- --------- ; 8UBSCRIFT10N RATES: Que Yekr ..*r....... :................. LOO , . .75 ._. .j------------- Three Month« HERAfiD club list Herald and Harper’s Magazine........... . 5.00 {«raid and Harper's Weekly ............... 5.20 eraldand Hariier’s Bazar .-.. . ..... 5.20 3.75 erald and Harper’s Young People ( 2.90 tierahi amt Alilen'a Manifold Cyclopedia, x . jv such addi|ion»l volume after Vol. I 55 cents: W < «111« elffa ver volume, postage. ' - . - - --- 4 fXP^fih|Slesor'iall the above^rorks can be ex­ amined al leisure iu the Reading Room. 2 Publishers of periodical« arg solicited to sena olubbiug rau-s, a Copy of their work for ««r Fret Keaitillg Room—We file and bund the hlter at, «-.lose of ev^ry half-volume, md r»' < i xopiesliv advertisement. t ÎPACÇ l Inch t " I < ¿ col. I “ j 3 RATES: j 6 pio j l AUVERTIHING . 1 2 wk 1 * |5 1 m<- 00 »1 .>0 o.OO 3.50 4 50 U.Off 12 «1 12Ü.U0 »2.50 4 00 0.50 -S.UU *8 00 « 00 10.00 'J 00 15,00 ib 00 28 00 30 do 40 00 « |b '8> 12 03 I.V-.W» 20 00 25.ÜU 48 00 60.00 »11.00 18.00 24.00 32.00 48 j 00 SO 00 110 00 1 a n i 115.U. 28 (Oi 40 004 50 Ot 54 U 120 tk 140 Ol tive,» and purely vé. etable, act- ing directly on thè Liver and Kid- neys. Try it Sold hv all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or mad e i rt to a tea. " M ' much servicelo hirn. 4 The fugitives m ,s I2.0U .....................................................-y ■ • gjx MxinthF. ■> ° •J?A ■ The Herald PUBLISHED EVERY K 9. . -.*$ * «3-TVEBT PACKAGT«» As In ’49 4»as the 1 C*mp In red on wrapper. I J | 'yj r—" *♦ > advertising swind'e mint« . An. t alleged r ’ > • •»< lip in (Janada ’»as l i en pperiijed in San Frmciseo tmccessfully bv one H. H. Hosford. ■• f .» .... : •His plan was to suspend a balloon eàpetts cart’ndt'dPfcA the V. V hte b it in mid nir and attach advertisirg and there in fherotquired ftmotuit ot b dletins therefrom,and if ¡«claimed silvei in eÄcn chin»- Hurte* - i* -no f hat he secured quite a considerable ’ means by wliiffK^tHe côiiti’erfeÎHhg !amount of money in the way of can be stnpjied. pijly. by.e and iaell-ng stock for partnership in­ *‘ - »be r United terests i.u, his enterprise, which is | unlimited tfftimigeF v in States. Thé miners wtil get their d-dared to be a pure swindU.— ( silver in circulation. Job’» Sheppen, Printers Guide. • Grover Cleveland and Kolhchild» | notwithstanding.— I v * N *♦ |y ’ à i- "v * F olsom , February 9—Folsom bids fair to »gain experience the golden busiliiig davs of ’49. As an OFFICIAL DIRECTORY adjunct to thu renewed interest nm Mrs.FT. 4 »08 Haar , excited by the nr^ny rich Btrikcs > <7%eA of BtHeviy«, Kan.: “WUa J t I could not ' kJn <», After. L ual for 1S04 Prejident ................... A. Tne aipurpaayi Vefvht Ibe IF- »0 lb- Grover Cleveland I and substance A«> V *ult o'8 H«4;Ki.tt’..„ -i* !" ? U have engaged (»»ur-horse freight rui Vice-Prenident. Adlai S.teMisoit ’ of the latest farming knowl­ -a I A h Alike« ’ » Ih Inaiai-.. A . Sy h.. J /• Fcretary oí State Walter Q. GrcHham .tu» ar. all pew ’rwmia’ar-1 nlf > 1 . I» C J *n. y edge. Every planter should teams f>r t he purpose of bringing I 4 pH»«7Î aeretary of Treasury .. John G. CarliBle V’tH tvplT Ui tnquqrica M( th CTL fTUtrtef have it. Rent free. acretary of Interior BfcWTS J MAIL Hoke Smith EVANS LEFT HIS HAND, b.M.r«rrg-*Cc their store supplies from S.icfa rp*le«e No ”i ’ » - »r rtwnfA pu> scratary of War - Daniel S. Lamont Detroit, a retary of Navy . . Hilary A. Herbert . i » r. 5 mum cíwsíc . c mento, ns they claim that during •eret.ary of Agriculture. J. Sterling Morton Attorney General Richarn S, Olney But Carried Oft* His Legs Near the present hard times the freight Fostmaster General .. Wilson 8 Bissell .... Camp Badger. . STATE—OREGON : rates have been increased to such J. N. Dolph »■ to re .......... | I an extent that cheaper transporta J. H.Mitchell. F resco ,.. February 9.—Judging tion can be had by (,,anj c _ .of - i Binger Hermann Ono Vijugressmen ................... iW. R. Klli» •overnur ............ . D.Sylvester Pennoyer from the pews received last evening our gpocerymety paid 40 cents per lecrelary of State . R Gee. W. McBride thb WiuuntainS of Treasurer R Phil. Sfetschan. from -- Tulare, -------- th6 l I hundred on freight from Sacre- --------------------------- •tipt. Public Instruction R......... J. B. McElrov • late Printer R........... Frank Bakei course of the notorious bandit Chris 1 mento two week ago The rate on I . . , » K. 8. Bean. Supreme Judges .............. < Wm. P. Lord Evans and his partner, Ed Morrell, | cars of stove wood from this place I > F. A. Moore will soon be run. td Sac.ieniento have been raised SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: About 5 o’clock Tuesday evening, nearlev $8 per car. As this con­ District Judge . D M. D. C lifford District Attorney ...............D .. C has . F. HYup a part of Sheriff Scott’s posse sur­ sumes the entire profit, several four Joint Representative (R)......... A. W. Cowan lemt-Seuator .(D). H enry B lackman prised Evans and Morrell at one of and six-herse teams will be engag COUNTY—HARNEY: their hiding places, between ( amp |ej ftri goon ag roads harden a i County judge ...(D)..... WM. MlLLF.h Badger and Sequoia Mills, and t|(e I little, to transjtort Clerk <•>).,... P. L. Shidt-ler - the wood to Treasurer ....... (R) ... ... -I. S. Geer bandits, who had done so milch g a Surveyor ncrement«.’ Returning, they will (K> .. . . J . H. Neal • A IberiU A. Gittinxs (R) .... Assessor . ........... ....... (D).,.. 8. W. Miller boastihg, fled hastily in their shift bring loads of goods, and once School Superintendent te is 54 cents per mile on this I A. O. U. W. Rufns Lodge, No 47 The squads found a narrow trail line. ‘ Meets every 2d and ipi Thursday»- .- that had been cut out where the ' ' « W R.Gradon.N.W J W Sayer. Rec’d. growth was thinnest, and finding Work was begun on the canal ■ r , , t„ H tracks there they knew at once they yesterday morning, and some fifty ' Bl RNhitlA- HONOR lAMtgr; No. 8 every 2d ainj ifh-snorMay. .. . . t I were on the trail of the bar.dits, as ¡die men were given employment. •if • • - -Mae A K Youug Cgg jL r ,t «l ' -3...« ; .■ • ,w. ., __ they were on the trail of the bandits, The rain, however, soon put a'stop V. . • -. iodge . no . ¿7« 1 Q l6 r. Committee on arrangements. as they were satisfied they were in to ope-ations. The town is -cyv'er- n m*' >d'1 Fall'’w» Hall, every Paturdey, Lt. Thompson. Soarg. B'ggs. Corp. Tupker. This narrow trail wasirun with idle men and large nil t’nb ‘ pru> W.Y. King N. U. tie vicinity — W. C. -Byrd, aery. cut out underneath the bushes, so ers are dispersing in search of em-t Floor Committee. harnry post no .«,«, a . r . - (hat the officers had to crawl to get ployment elsewhere. Cap. Gowan, Lt. Thompson, Searg. Jacquemin, Sizemore, • < m? Z.’ VJtJ’L.*011 Wednesday of each through. About a quarter ai a mile Biggs, Corp’s. Tupker, Tregaskis, Private« Hayes, au c°mr*4* McKinnon, > Stenger, Young, from the Camp Badger road they ___ Cardwell, C ounetfeit S ilver . — The treas ­ • •» < •* , Mothershead. I broke througfr-this tangle*! > brush, ury department have run up D S. MAIf^. • * * and as they did so Will Henry saw •* ' ■ ■ ** i 9 ♦ 9 • i | f * 9 r • • «4 against a stamp, in the shape of a __ _ valb : Evans and Morrell in their shirt An invitation is most cordially extended every one By Troop “A -lepartadaily. counterfeit silver coin; now that x .-v. , <. . ♦ 9 N. • O G. • . . peeves, kgging it away from a • —: . ______ silver bullion is so low, silver can Orand March 8 o’clock «harp. Ticke»«, 11.00 I '»raliiid hut under a cliff into a T he H erald is kept regularly on file for re lerence, in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Au- veriisiug Bureau, lu spruce st.. New York. I r N ews I n G eneral ubi m um FERRY’S SEEDS omitwo Í I J m j T roop Grand i BURNS OREG. THURSDAY EVENING FEB. 22D. 1894. » - T» 4 ’ 1*!* $ *