Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1894)
X THE TOLEDO BLADE. Harx FERRY’S SEEDS • few d»ys, and you will be Martled at tlic uriex luccess that will reward tour effort» W< xriitively have the be.i bu?uie»a to offer au agent that cau be found on tne luce ut tliis rurth. IB 15. Oil pront on (B 75 Ow worth of tins ¡lies» if belli" i a-llv uud honorably mai.e b> uud paid ic buiidreds of men, women, bo. a, and girls in our employ. You can make money farter at work for os ’iiuu ' on have any idea of. Tin- basiueas Is ■> •»»■ t i I -a.-n, on I IiiFruction. so simple and pl: . flint all » iccecrl from the »tart. Those who t»i> hold ..f : "• huaine»* reap tin- advantage that ariaea from t le sound reputation of one of the oldest, most «'iec«siful. and l.irgert publishing house-1 In America. Secure f -r yourself the profits that the t-u-iness so readih and li»i>il»omelv yield“. 1 All beginners succs*'i grandly, and more than realize their greatest expertation». Those v no f.-v it find exactly az we tell them. There i« plenty of room for a few more workers, ami w- urge them to begin at once. If you are already em ploved. but nave a few spare moments, and wish >• u»e them to advantage, then write us at once (for this is your grand opportunity), and receive •ul' nartloulars by return mail. Address, TKl’E & CO., Box No. 400, Augusta, Mr Fufì TH£ FRI3£ Or INE. Our Premiums 1 F0< TUB YEAR ----- H*----- THIS PAPER— ----- WITH----- THE S N FRANCISCO Weekly Cali ! PKI CE Si.ft '» Y A*. —OK----- SAN FRANC'S 0 I IL rs Magazine And book containing all the Nag. by Letters for One Dollar. US TRATED In answer to a general d^m tnd from all p^rts of the United Staten ILLUSTRATED. Harper’s Magazine tor 1893 will centinue io the Toledo Blape has publiihed in maltitsin the unrivalled n’andard or excellence which has ch raeterized it from the Keirinninn one volume, cloth bound, all of the . Among the notable features of the t ear there will he ne.v nove s bv A Conan Dovle. Con- i ‘•Nasby Letters” ever written by s mice Eenimore Wo.dson. and William Black Short SMrlea will b» co trihiited bv the most the late I). R. Locke, omitting per D. rr. FERRY & CO p nu ar wriiera of the dav. including Marv F Detroit. Mich. Wilkins, Richasd Harding liavis, Margaret haps a few unimportant letters on Delttnd. I raiiaer Matthews, and ma'y otheis. J T be illustrated descriptive papers wi 1 embrace local or fogotten topics. Only a few ari io es bv Julian Ralph on ne v Southern and Western subjects; by Theodore Child on India: of these letters were ever published bv I ..Ulin«y Bigelow on Russia und 'lennanv; . by Ki. hard Harding Dav a on a I. indon Season: in book form Everybo ly has read hv < olotielT A. D.idueon Faster" Riders: etc. 1 Kdxvin A. Ihhex s llliistraiionsof Shakespeare’s some of them .but who has read ! jPoriAioTii "me. les xx i 1 be continued Literarv articles will be contributed bx rharlea Kliot Norton, all of them? The hoik contains 'THE DISABILITY BILL IS Mrs lames T. Fields. William Dean Rowells Brander Matthews, and others. over 5i)0 large pages, and all the LAW i Soldiers disabled since the war a re Nashv Letter- written ......... ............ ,,,, o a during HARPER’S PERIOCICS * Entitled period of twenty-five year*; also a Dependent tridows and Parents now <le- Per Year: pendt nt whose on» died from the effe r- of portrait of D. R Locke from his army service are in< hided. If von wish II A I: PER’S MAGAZINE tA.Ot HARPER ’ S WEEKLY last photograph. It would sell at \ bur. Him speedily ami successfully 'iro-e- . 4.0f fl A RPER S BAZAR . 4.0< uted. address JAM ES TA ?’NER, HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE - •> n< one dollar or more, but will never I a:e Commissioner of Pensions. I’ostnge Free tn all Subscribers in tin he placed on sale. XX XsllINt.TON, D x’. One hundred ( lilted Males, Canada, or Mexico. thousand CxJpies are now being 1 be volumes of the Magazine begin witt the Numbers for June aI1<l December o’ printed and bound, and one copy cue ii year, w hen no time is snecified sut will he sent postpaid by mail free (•options will begin with the Number cur rent at time of receipt of order to every person who this winter re Round volumes of Harper’s Magazine fot mits one dollar for the Weekly hree vearc baeK, in neat cloth binding will I personal and PROMPT be sent by mail post-paid, on receipt of $3 Blade one year. Everybody invited I ATTENTION (ii VEN TO l‘A i'-l ¡•er volume Cloth Cases, for binding 50 to send for a specimen copy of the cents each—by mail, post-paid. ENTS, CAVEATS ritAPE- Remittances should be made by I’owtoffic* Weekly Blade, which will give a loss'0-' Order’ or riraft, to avoid chane of fuff description of the ho ik "The MARKS, etc. i NO I-EE UNLE S PATENT York'lr’SS IIARPER lt BROTHERS. Nev NatLy Letters.” T he T oledo W eekly B i . ade is IS SECURED. CORRESPOND- the best and most popular weekly ENCE SOLICITED. newspaper published in this conn- W Han ’ s . i i STODDART & CO., trv. It has the largest circulation I L L T S T R A T E D. 613 ¿t 61t> 7th Gtroot, IJ. V7. ofanvweeklv newspaper, and goes <’I po i'-. > -I. l’aleni Offl.-e,] to every Stat, Territov and nearly Harper’s Weekly is acknowledged as stand V. A -111 \(. • < IN. i». < i Ing firs among illns rated weekIv periodlenlc every county of the Union. Only ..P'1urir 'V ,!t "ffupieR a p’a< e between ths of the hurried dailv paper and that of the less one dollar a year, including the timelx- monthly magazine, ^includes both above metioned book free Setid itera'tire and news, and trcse i<a with equa • ’T-c iiiid fe icitv the r»*»iI eve r «»f current posal to T he B i . ade . T oledo . O hio , lis'ori and the Imazinn ive theme s of flctio • •n •iceount of its verx complete series of ilh ,. f r a free specimen copy of the |>a- rati, ns of the World’s Fair, it will be not per. Send the addresses of your be l es' eni le to rhe g-eat Exposition, bitt a’s JR C8 Ruvenir. Kvery public event of genera friends also. teres? -e fully illuR?nite<t in i r pa, h r Are Just what every •• u.ver needs. Ì he iaer- Lfi or Ferrj'w ^erci* L/ in ILr toununiion up on which hiiM Le»» Lui.'t tho larden « t cl LufcjnebH in the wut id. ferry’s Seed Anneal for 1894 contains the m ; ki a nd subsumée of the latest lanuiiig knowledge. Free for the asking. I I PHI C E •«.<> » P» It YHAP. „____ .If w_____ I *T« l HE SAX FRANCISCO i i i WEEKLY ' ALL Tistfe-marki Design Pa*en!s, Copyrights. Au . c|l Pu-cnt bualn.-sc conducted for Is a page1 paper. MODERATE FEZS. tn eburg*. Thtirsdax, n d contains ail of tie important news of the >n t<> In ventora without r>nr'. i r.rul r<B Addresa week, gleaned from every qu c- ter ot the globe, complete U|I PWESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEDO7RBURN, to date of pubi cation. h i., i- Iiishes the late-t and most reliable tiii'ii.-ial new, ¡.nd nmrket quotation*. » <1 give* special attenti ll to Imrtleii!- litral and agricultural news, aipl is in every re-, eci a firs’. i. ass fainilj' i-Ht'er, app*>iii g t<>the interest of every member Mau »ring Attorney. Di 3 i baud.iou*. eight- It is issued every W ashington . D. C. any Is managed by .•» coinb.nattoQ of u t tnihicntiul nt wspap> rs In the ’ i ' j), r ,,so <jf protect» ¿»'I'J hii »if’.iinnt unscrupulous i it A .cuts, and e^rh paper • i; i »< no nt vuii'-bu for the rrsnonat» < -.ateteuDUiUg vi tlu: Pfe.”« < aiihiib. < ....iqi^tijr ut tlis" household. ’ jp?UK McilCM \G CA I I. (SKVMN IssOIM A XVKKK1 X*,* Is a live n. tiOlii t n SHILOH'S • itiilv. It is t"e M< >b I' RF.I.I A - »« RLE. nini ia leoogni*. I ii. ing th- LEADING N/.A s CONSUMPTION i’Al’KU • t lite I' m . Hie t’ •.Mt. E thel of the almx e up. r x>- will send po-tn id as a ¡.re- iniulii oil reeel t • •I the full > ... itig aiib-crlpiio'i prie s (i.r ti e <■ u 111 b 111 a: Ion; CURE. The ance»«« of this Grcut Congh Cure fa wiitiout u parai lei in t’ie b.story or medicine. All drnggists are imllmrtr".! t< - :■- Il itoli 11 pos itive ir'inrn'Hee, a test oo otherc recau succesMtilly suini. Timi it ni ty bicorno known, thè Proprietors. at -n enormoua ex- p - iiki . are placiti, a Hnmple llottle Freo loto ex ry hocne iu thè United States and Canada, ir vou bave a Cnugh, Sore l’hront, or Bron chiti., ime it. for it will cure you. If your child ha. theCroup, or Whi-oningCongh, use Il promptlv, and retici ia aure. If you .iresti thst fn.idioiis diseaxs Co.iMiinption, use it. A-lc your Dri’iflriat for HHILOH 8 CURE, l’rice IO et,.. noeta, amili.00. ILyour Lunga are sore or Back lame, use Hhiloh’a pnroua Plaater. Price 15 età. For sale by all Drug- gUta and Dealer!. ÏÏ” FENCING RABBIT AND P0ULTR1 HARPER’S PERIODICALS. DAP.Y CU’ A m I P. LiA The 118 McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co au«F «90 N. Market Mt., Chicago. a i \ W5EUV ÂLd it! YOI’R rUTURlS P 'J £(kitfific ^tt.rriGir. • k l'if j. Moon, c ;T»t:p-|N£ST> ¿•^WQG DWORRi • ¡: CHIt «BQ, KL. »r ljlnkmd X I- w ' H ! X E 'a c e “* umon ■ ****•• squam . — ra n v - •OSTO*.MASI ATI «NTA GA ----- — SMirSMKlMe Miuuiu. FOR SALE. UY H uai »•, V 1 S I • CO.. 7 » Marki t Si., •Siiti Francis i I ifp tri nu iit • .¿J F4.1 ILFC.J TMli »•; SUT a***: <»• •.-®i j <’«rl in _ I . i.Hi-1's ixisaiohi - xxt , v ,(|is, a st*.’,yp, WASH.Xf, rfiN 1>.C •:■'« V I A”. MT r - WIDOWS, P«»; NTS. CHtLOtftZN. '« * -r s I • • i • Xiff !•> ir I la O r iti», f '■ r**M|i*r imo rXi ifurri w»-. “1 '•' .11 •• v• .if Isi, 1MB rn<i 11» e *», aa«w r<i. I rt <4.ilu » 1 •«••••:» i?-lk1 ic het rsl. » .‘.’ii l<* n* * *** •' •''r Mil tv, *L .il i*.i»»r.i. V:r-v a >*, a niaiiH-il and ixii ¡‘st "ii.bai it-1 fcr Mo A. r i . , r»,. s"» U J P e> 01»c». •i-» -nt in bon-on.» than’.i.i-^e •' »l.ii? -I >r u-Ai. .ng . r cbof.., w ”v. If psirt.tAh i. ■ r i .»•<* <iue tbl |>»tt<x»M to Obtain i 'f •» » jt! Ciirn i >• ia vt.HU >txts U «u, evrt tr*H- Adurrae.* C. A.SNOW Oupci*;» Pzis" .*»«, w»«* ■ *'” .irlD1’' » lx 'WBrt R€°?mr ,,Ä reivwt.t't' % %»» , » i tbr health cr lyates wu *’»rw». It bid «Ja / ( V . ih r» an th* <ki i • t . ». « m F 4 UP TÄUHJ Ll t* «r» jmb . Be *«rvi«<. *» l »V M » i « » j »rlkitrf «r MCI *. •* i I 4.0 l’oatsge Freeto all subseribers in the Un 'tari s, i umida, or Mexi- o We,‘k'v w‘" 'edn wi*l XX hNumbe- for .lannnrv of en-h vear Whcn no tlme ia ment’oned. anbs. rip’ wtl’ ' Mu wi.h thè Number eurrent at lime of re evip h t»r» er • e.™?!1 y”',,me«’'f Harper's Weekh forthrei • • •n. n'p’.1," «-ili lie se . ti! I ori >u<e pRid. or bv exprcFs freeofex Tr.’videdllhe freight doU not exee^d »1 per >o nme) for^.j.) a volume. hindi f‘>r vaVh Vo,u’ne’ »tiitable foi ■ mpt ,f il bes ‘"’ >V ""dl I' *,-I’iiid. on re rhera nro s’ng’.o retail sbee stores In ou.-1 * cities v hi. fl soil 2.0C0 pairs ci chocs a d.;j-,iii:‘ T a nei proiit of $:..o,o.!O a year. Woi 1 •.«»» b it v.o sell a great many pa rs, tho c!<-ar;p:‘ ; I LLPS T RA T E D. <>.:r I.idi. K*, misses* and childrens’uocs i" ■ • ir,!?.r,'r? ! "Mr J" ' journal forthehome t :i ci nta a pair, a-’d ca o :r mens’r.:.d be. i • h'r Ki’1* ’ " 'vi'b regard tc I i c-.r'.s a pair. V.'o shall estai.iish f hoc t. i‘’ h. I nahions. and its numerous ill’ s'ra ions meh of tho City largest cll'.esof th? I ..b-, i!”’' , J'R,,er" kheet supplement! ••r . i di t iicy sell only SOO pairs of shoes a C :y t-1- V v i Ik ' 7ih,'e u,'kc •••’he home dress maker <■ irn $ 2 >, 00 a year. We should bo a .c to I' ■. a id the profesai.eia! modis:e. N . expense is .riy dividend of f.'i.S'.»share, orc’, i r JKr‘/.' h,i’>?...i "r'i "1“’ V* ’/"■’I'' attractive’ ess of tht .-.-earonth ti:iv aline: t. V.'cs-I!I’”'•>!1-- hlsh-et order. Us l...uhfa’or -a. amusing com a I i..rc. ’¡'ho price min t Inox' .L'y I c i.x-i-.i ' >■ fu’ essnvs sa isf? all tastes , -an $ lashar-. No t < k it 1 .3 c-.:r l;cci. r a d Io. ' pa? !" f*"1, "K "R a budget Of wi’ • 3 th .n price, x !;iJi i > i J par x . ' i" i,i i'wi i1 ’i1 " ’Jl‘eklv iaauea evervthiu’.' h 'iri-a-’.-eaBa.l.-. t:ioor;iora:i it. < ', in <d wb'ce Is of 1 .teresr t,, women The V.’o have ot ; r„J U ici.h hi "?,•■' .1 '■ •■ria.« . rl ■» ill be written hi-Waite-Bess’ • ♦ iacreaii:: t d-.iy. Lome cf too; .ac; al »to. ■ • 1 , nI ' hr aline Terhune Herrick ’ 'Jers arc: S. Wail ■ p. : V.: I J Î’ "'r- •-, . ' X. ihs-il. Jr . < h;ra;?'l J. B. x i. ■ - • , , T i ,,r* m:’■"ties, en'ttled “\t the • . .• au-li. I.a:!i H.«k.‘Ark.:.I. it. b '■ ■’Va- . ’ ¿"r"t Xing, "live Thorne Miller, and i ur i.r. Ptuix: P. Ibrdwg. N. 5-: !.. i Ia' »’•-•a •■ v i I be frequent e .ntiilmt-rt C ’ .-V" ’ :. Mich.| F. P. Hull»«». Arca.ii-. h. 5 - . . ike „,,rk ,>f w-o Fxno . nsn in the ■ ■ • ' I'.dumh ............... <1 an I I X J >t » Write for a prospectus conta.:..n-; i e n.-xtiiL* <•> •i w I »H’fuht 'cpreaented icpreaeuted with inauv V, I cor stockholders, et«., er «rodin < r.h r r r \ main i', • ► ; I Itio W.> | tn Xi1'" ’ a “ T. T' ? Higginson n ■•tv..m... "iVomei / - c’o ing ciMAirr'* chrrk, ra»h ’>r ne _ ■ < r • •I Men. ,.a please »cultivated «uiliciK-e i lrd.-ra taken for one or morx- shares. 11 : • ■ a phare. <. « - - » , j Han’ Bazar OAVKAT9, TRADÌ MARKS, DESICN PATKNTS, hfc - * .. . , COPYRIGHTS, etc. unk J*!*? o" ’'’'’dbook write to i. * “’? *• B hoahwav . \ kxv Yons. Old.», I urrsu for securing patents In Anwrl -s. Kv.-n , '. "t «sk’-n .nil b, iu. u b, 1«.,.,.-,, the pub.W by a nulle« girali frro ot clnoge in Um _ I . . xt\'1ovi<mi'Pr'8 be made by Postoffict Vt |T »‘5¿’kHv.ri.l Chance of loss. 'ddresa: HARPFR t Bit iTHFRS. New Vert < h ’h w • nN, y.V H . »«3. ii ÏKL. t B J3 THE E j E'ííii ftìÀl:. HARPERWEEKLY TA RI’ER’S M AG AZINE ’ \ RI’ER’S BAZAR. U VRI’ER’S YOITNG f’FTPLÉ nr SEMI Foil FURTHKB INFORMATION A* vs U r coutr Inrions l einar from the heal writers mid Hr'ipiR j thia country, it will rontii tie t< ryel in literature, ne va. and il;uatraiio:.H. al •»her publications of i s c I hfr NETTING. Scientific American Agency for «-K I PER ŸE.AR: AKI) iHi I d «•»».'»ÖC* II., u. t ». r. «truc avxiuiuuiiì. u...,» iu. *%• Mt • «K.* ) *• t . « ♦«« -i«»s ar rÁriihfJ Tstzi j ¿y M4IL •AIO UG4L IMMIIS TIUHL . I' IN YOUR OWN HAND. urlimi'- to tell the line» in yottr -.*. it will » , -e you. if not hit.g inore. i.i --i n in .-t explain, it-clf. Th« • o the I. St; . if I.IFE indicates pr.-balile ' i vo i „ Il ) ve Ewh DKACKLET y 'ears. We I ibinkv.i LINK x>F es 'rain pouxr; cl< ar LINK OF f’’ ’I 'i f ..-•’• or ri Ins Both combined mean *•; but you eui-t te.-p »•• a ilh mod. ru •• « i i t. You x. : I tied p • nty of th. re in ■ Fa in y M i nzn e su at ractivrly pt«- ’ very n- m .<-r of the family is enter- - idv ii m. .--.mi- » in • tn- A I'i.K xR li'i \lî I' -e-;>. uke tenderness: a straight . X I'l-i |. '(-t-f il life: the rexe se if ' »■ tlmil LINE OF HEALTH uni dec; os' h <; ,o «¡h l|M leu,tn hints IV —• - No ct . r inagaxii e p bllshes so ti - toi t r -t tue i onn-circi.-. You »ill ieri to I'vrvt’..« of I iuh »] Irits nr di-pond- ' i m v- the (.IRIII.E OF VI-i -lN well d kmpnpv I .r -p HIS by listing I’en.orvu’s e to r ,1 He rl! .-irlbieg II. it for 11-81 f ’" 11 r e > a lien- of eximir te work- i f art ?- 11 ’ '*■* P 4 ' '• .nta rb pn mlnn> picture, 1. v.' i ..- i..», I .a a D i-i !" xxhicli is aimost a *eal ' - i : ,| eil pain'mg nliick e«»-i t y iu,| a magasin, th.itcanno* •se "pi i e.i all, in th« wo-Id for its beau Ifni ib:--. tt ms in -ubject matter, ti St Will ke p I"'- I”'-' '• ill the of t> e day. »' d all the •* " * <l Te nt i’.'ms of interest ab. ut the ho’i-. tio'.t ' ■ !>'•- >1 • s - fnrn -ten ... -’g resiling m>"er i>. ”w.’ Ill cur. for ibe'li ; S’i l w ■ i « h, ’I irv-t’s i- n-t » f»-hlon n sgasili», Its f i»!t __ _______ _ . f(V, ,,,, y,,n p,., «uh ft, in _ pi; I,... free of co«..’ ,r Ih,’. ^j,,. r i y-a wi-b Io um l'uilnf I >e ve ir -i ■I ' n ny • « \-n ch o«v *• nd iu tour subs t ption st m jr < ' iM> a» d yon « ili r-S. r r-i m ■ r • S M XI In ■ . , t. .5 lit*»» Iri pi’l»- li«fc ; XV . Jennl .»« *' 1» r-eb-t. 11 K»-» illl'St., N-v ï , If eel a r nnncqnaloted sxi’h Hus M •• d 'er i «o., -m cop, A isrev-QU ' D- I! ■ N<;' •• II. i-, i ; a I rjr THi x m ; i K F’l’' |HX I'-’.’N 0F 1 III MB. t •>'<; - F h vi» D15 l»1ON r- von '•nt XT <»F AUl’ — ITKIt be "k- nr • a x V*T », pm<l r. r 11 M N, ft r; N’M'N. imvjira* e : m-l MKR< ( RY. • • • ftbovr a* d >»«• »I aad «aluabk HARPER’S PERIODICALS I I Per Year • f RPFR’8 bazar . ......... 4.D :i • KPFK’s m \<; ^ zixf i a \ Hi’Flfs WEEKLY 1 o» Rl’ R\4 YO* . ............. .... ........ ... ’S’<; TEopi.r, 2 0 I * AK*e n*»» to alì auharrlbera m the Unite MtMtM ‘’ft'?ft la. or Mexico. , .. ’¿b intime is of order* 'hv *l’h ’he «ri n»-i I. nel. su «e-tvii n will Nw-it r rurr'‘n' »tthetimeof reertp o o d >. lu nes o "nrpe « barar tor Ihre« 1.' ■ . ¿l,.CL‘o ”,h ¿’h,',!ni-’- ' <!' ’«•• sent bv mai ’ ."r by 'TVe s. free of t-xpense 1. 0» .led the freight <1. m - s n • ex eed one do) I • v-r v lume) or »7» -on-v i, \uh f I h Vo U" e.suitable for » Ind »th ***'"* r »a«|.ni.i<n ritffip of Itemi t»neea sh.mld t-e tni.’e bv P r’n*Ic» *l7..r *'r ' r *’ *ft' '• "T"'1'-'»"ce of loss -¿J v 'RI’IRABR TH FUS ’*•7s’” *"*n*r* rec. tto- p snv «ne nor » .- th sbor « ‘-emeus without ih- < Xpre-a c«rofH\R 'tK hKv HKÏÏ? | <4 ’ - -•> i ».t - i »e nn tfi.c- tarsici l li»-. . ; a.'fi. . Urtiglir«.< rrr.nd. Samples irree. .VMrar t s tklAlK,' Box «'Ibi, Now York Ut* I I UEKTER SHOE CO., ’V /ff/ey*.‘R I* *u« eU IOF - dollars PER MONTH I n Y our O wn L ocality made easily and honorably, without capi tal, during your spare hours. Any inan. 5v oman, boy, vr girl can do tlic work b tid ily, without experience. Talking uR- iiecess.-iry. Nothing like It for inoti' .v- making ever oflbred liefore. Our workers always pros|>er. No time wasted • learning the business. We tc.ielii you in a night how to succeed from the tii'» hour. You can make a tri-d without • v pciiicto yourself. We start you, ftinn>. everything needed to carry on tlic ou* ness slice Msfitlly, and guarantee you against failure if yon but folloxx o' simple, plain instructions. Reader. voii are in need of ready money. •" want to knoxv all about the best I**'1”" bu^invsA l>cfon* th«* publh*, rcim I ii * v > address, and we will mail you a docu ment giving you all the particulars. TRUE & CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine- 1 f