Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1894)
p-lNA». PROOF —’I h‘ Friday night dances will — Dr. Cate is kept pretty busy.' AT BURNS, OliEOON, The universal good dentistry «ione continue in the Stenger and Me I.ANU OFFICE . Jntl '.4,1-84. a grand success. Ti e parties, rest- by hin» has gained for the Dr. a Gowan hall. Noth el» herí'»“ X.'. er. that the>v.iig- * iiaine.l »eil’er hti-fl'i “ I’“” C ci hi» in»ilii» poll COUNTY JUDGE. I d» nfa of Burns who attended speak lasting reputation. il < al y “fi. sui V vr cfh »claim m —WilJatn Harvey is sole agent i ■ I i ihi nixte «aia it .', mJ I e t ii .before 1 c Regis i-r 1 in glow ing terms of the supper inni RiCi-here- s lire-leil.vll .- a ih U.i . —Masquerade bail at the Stenger, for the Salem Woolen Mill Store. , z I > 'I l..; ! I n clin 1 hereby announce myself as a a K!i. I lid N.i, .ill f -It ■ '<■ -Wti and N‘.2 -W« of County | _ —The repubiiean c -¡validate ¡)ii(li<iair for iv‘ the office ..... -• -- i................. state conyem - • ano McGowan anwiowau hail uu.i on the me < veiling intfiisnn! f i ra m un ms. I bol -e.-. and 1J T|».'-U E. R. • E name- i be fotte.'! ivCacSB » to pr.-VO Ja ke subject to the B^tionjif the tion will he h*)d in Portlhnd on the of March 9tli. Music by the Burni ’’,iJ ,!;:e a - silk, robes inferior t< b K lie lOtltllOl.'ll ' ' l'l"i'.C ■ i-ip.T SO". ililtiMili. i’ 'Democratic convention of Harney j nh dav ()f Apr¡] This county is land, viz .- W. .»it er. sme l till". », ■ none. <>v’r-Hrts ami underwear a- It. Hiii.l string band. E. K.ict, il . f I.un.» ervgon,amt I M. Din » County Oregon. ..f Vau urex-.n allowed two dd< gates. t »h“ti p as the ch» a pest, sock s, g love-¡ C } THOS.J SHIELDS. .1. B tIUNTINGTOW, Regia er. —The political p<>t )s slewing ,—The democratic state conven- mi'tvn«. overcoats. Ilann» Is hv th rsaxx Rteu ing, combinations are bre mg, tion will be held in Astoria April va’d, cloth hv the viird. ladiesdres' »T -,-1 brewing, combinations cannot win, luth This county is allowed three flnam Is. etc etc. Takes ineasuri i- NOTICE. d» legates. ‘ J for men’s and youth’s clothinc manipulation is not it; the swim. i i Call and see him. office at til. Is hereby given to whom it may WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 7.18'4. — I here are 5776 members of the —This town is certainly in need Hotel. concern that ti - promissory noli A. O. IT. W. in this state ■ <rf a Marshal, if any town on lhe jiv.n by D. !.. Shirk and F. M. total number of members in civilized f'o'ue is. The sheriff and aA8 the largest circulation of Sfinie of t lie Populists favor th Shiik. in W. Pirri-h for the sun> order on the first of Dec last 1 his deputy cannot al wavs be pres tiomjniiiion of a la»lv ASY NEWSPAPER IN THISCOUNTY. ladv for school if 600 dated the — day of May 324.27(5. ent to prevent, rows ar.d mak«‘ ar- superintendent: Women are m-" I8'j2due on or before two years restB .and it is not expected of them.r . ., M arhiep —In Burns at the educational od.e> frinii dale ha- i een paid, sait! note t 11gt >11* to a11 . . state. , , — .. , „ . .. ' e limes ;..,... T P FISHER. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING deuce of Samuel Miller on ’1'1 Harnev I We ?.re well aw ar • of lhe faetlhat1. tn this L I'rmi-i ■t supp >s< d to have been lost in the J J. ¿-ent .1 „1 .Merchant» MerenHTHB ’Exebans-.san r.ivnnui;1 ,.-««•!-» nil- . . ai« - t is .Hir ail h.H-ized is <l:i v evening Inst, Adam ».bri. ,:ir mi h.n izeil agent.. agent . This paper ss I itir corjioration is now so heavily | U. S. m ois. Jept on file in his itliee. involved that it i- not expedfi nt for ' Miss Julia 1I< ward b<.th of Tie- Cosmopolitan for Februar» Dat'd at Burns Ore. this the 22nd our town municipal officers to ji cm Cicek this county. introducís a famous E ” t»'pea I the additicmal expense of employ author tn its readers—Valdes of day ol January 1894. D. L. S iiikk . — The 2nd of this month Local News. ",1s‘itiga Marshal, but could it not '-e Madti'L and th«* artist Marold, of j rot t d lc g day. A nd if t11,1 ’ | done in tin- following maun»' ; I b»‘ Sealed Proposals Invited. —\V. W. Johnson is now proprie gentleman ventured out he cert.tin I town council appoint a Marshal i Paris, well known as a E rendi iflit« tor of the Elite Saloon. iy saw’ his shadow, which,according [ without a stipulated salary, but li> » rotor. Notice is hereby given that sealed _ ;}() degrees below zero blankets to an old saying, means 40 days of to get his fees for arrests etc . al.-o proposnls are invited by the County rt.or l’ Secretarv <•: at William Harvey’s sale room. cold disagreeable winter weari er he allowed to act as eon-tab!“ c * State McBiideand Superintendi ni Court of II trnev County Oregon — Mrs. Worthington is still i'l — from Miller on the evening of | ting the fees allowed fi r s. rvices in t.if Public lostruetions MeElrov, for the building of a Court House and unable to take charge of her the l.-t. was treated to a genuine that ofiice l>» fote the jnsm e of the a ho ;:r.' ih Board < f Coltimi t«» >nd Vault (except as to doors of school tinhorn serenade. Sain says this p»‘aee and recorder ami iftuct ssirv 11 he Deaf Moie School and thè R /atilt which the County will fur- him commi'-sioned bv the ish) according to plans and spec- —John Andetson of the Narrow's is the second time in his life he has I have .ibrtn Si !>>•;, bave« d fi. been so honored, th “ first was 25 county court, w a s < h i I cation now on file in the Olli.:e of neighborhood was in town ‘those insti: iitiO’is. Ex Gov> rm.» years ago. He thinks it is a lonp Tuesday. ' Moodv s fartn ot 321 ac 'es, 11'011 ■ he Count v t'lerk. each bid to lie ac- — Is Burns absolutely without % time between times and requests i ompanied with a good and suifici- I -ah in fot- $ 6 050. —The artisian well boring ¡R law? And is it possible, if we have more frequent visits of a like na nt bond in thi' sum of i 1.000 to the stopped for a feiv days for want of any law restraining fighting, oh- tun . iV ct that the ¡udder in case said cable rope. scenity, the lowest villianou- V ul Dissolution of Co-partnership, •ontract is awarded in him will fur- — ( Li'dren have no business on irarism and slang ex pressions pos- —\V. H. Hogan of Silvi r Creek, ish a good and sufficient, bond in. Notice is here’ov given to all ti writes us that he is not a ean<lidul< the streets after dark, unless sent on -il'le f>r the human tot gtte to emit, ; lotilde the amount of his bid. All special errands by their parents. the town authoritiesitm power I whom it mtiv concern that the firm for the office of Sheriff. ids to he filed with tlflp Cotltiiy There is no restraint put upon the less to enforce the law? How long of Bailey ni d Johnson is this dai I lav dissolved by mutual a««en’ —The coldest weather, here, 1- rk ami to He opened and examin- children of Burns in any wax f-bape is this state of affair • going to exist, I by the Court on the 15 day of during the month of January, was or form, which gives them free li J or rather, be countenanced by the Mr Johnson collecting all account» 17 deg.ees below zero. 'eb. 1894 at 1 «clock P. M. cense to form licentious, eltJcusting. | (.iiiZens? Our children ar getting du” said firm and paying all debt- The Court reserves the right to re —\V. A Olden of the Diamond degrading habils, and characters for |, s..uns in profanity, fighting and of the same ef any and all bids. Dated at Burns this 2nd day o! Valley country was in our towii | the penitentiarys and gallows ■ law I- ssr.ess ssr.e-.- fcKJiry exnry dav and this is ly order County Court. brnary 1894. . Several days in the last week. ■ill lhe ie lessons they are reciting —We hope tut town council will | P. L. SniDEi.t- R. S. B ailey . —Mrs. W. E. Smith is sufficing take the matter in hand and in Mlist w»' longer shut our »■} < s to t he Clerk. W. W. Join. < n « with a swollen hand and arm.caused some wav provide the town a Mar fact that we are, hv example, in by taking cold in a slight cut on sbal. who will strictly attend to culcating pit mi pies in tin- children of our town, ’he most vicio s de one finger. business and make arrests for fight | moralizing and licentious that a A dose of Simmons Liv.?r Regu ing quarreling, using profane or j civilized p< o: le can imegin»- is lator, taken daily, will relieve and obscene language, and arrest any this tlu ir inheritance? and could and all, who make themselves lia I prevent indigestion. we f >rmulate a more diabolical bl»*, regardless of state or eond11ion. —The tariff bill,with the internal scheme to had children to h—I nr revenue and income tax passed the A few arrest- and fines would cer mark a broader road to sure de lower house of congress tt.e 1st day tainlv have a healthy effect upon struction than the one daily follow the morals of Burns. 9 of this month. ed in our town? Vulgarity, slang | —Mrs. Gibler of Drewsey is in —At’- rney M. R. Biggs is prom phrases and profanity is the com Burns visiting her sister Mrs. Al i inently spoken of as the coming mon dialect <>f the town, in the, GIVEN BY Liftings. candidate on the democratic ticket stores, or. the street and in th»* su ' ioons. interspersed with fights and I Pimples, blotches, «oros, at d then for lhe office of District Prosecuting quarrels to give, the example set, tause, removed bv Simmons Liver Attorney. The citizens of our rutin ty will do well to advance th» inter more force. Parents for what pur- . A Regulator. est of Mr. Biegs for this office be [ pose are we raising our children?1 i ! We hear dailv children, only seven , *y R o .< n —To Mr. and Mrs. Harry cause of the honor of so important and McClure of Harney a ten pound tland eight years old. u«e the most « at. ofiice being confered upon eji« of girl, on Sunday the 4th inst. 'vulgar. .Im most profane, the nm<t D^ee Of HOIlOr NO- 8 its citizens, besides he is temp.-rate —Tom Dodson slipped on the ice sober and eminently qualified for disgusting language conceivable.1 | You med not ask where and how 1 List Monday and sprained his right the position. thev learn it? l’< we know of knee, necessitating the use of At the Armory Hall, Burns Oregon, Friday Evening, March 16th. I * __ Ex-Receiver Hadley, of the 0. ourselves it is the dialect of our 1894 crutches at least, for a short time. P railroad has filed his final r» port town, and many persons who have Affections of the bowels, so pre with the court in Corvallis The I been reared to respect law and mor-1 valent in children, cured by Sim- report covers 50 pages and is made ality instead of restraining such, uioiis Liver Regulator. up of itemized accounts. When he vie with each other in promulgating the language that brings the blush — Remember the democratic pri assumed charge, the road win ol shame to the <■!>»■< k and lowers indebtedness in the maries are to l e held on the 31st. • uarn ing an of Marchand the county convention I p’,HPe receivers ’ certificate« of the individual in his own estima- , $800,000. Due to employes -y 127, tion. Is if not time we should stop W. W. Johnson Proprietor. the 7th of .»pm following. 000. For material $25,000 After and consider consequences? The — Editor John E. Roberts and his appointment confidence was re men of our town are not naturally W. E Alberson <-f Harney were in stored and he was able im any m< re vic ions and immoral Beer Wines Liquors Cigars Etc. town Monday’ and Tuesday going mediately to dispose of $40' ('Oof than men of other towns, but with I home to day. W. E. Alberson is his certificates at par, this w«s out restraint the had that is in tis The Best Brands New Billiard Table titiking up his chances for the nnm paid to employes. By disp«.sing of naturally comes m the front. The law prohib ’ ting obscene and pro various offices cutting safari»« etc., • nation m the democratic ticket for Pleasant Club Room When in Burns come and the office of sheriff. We think we he was able to operate the mad at fane language, fighting, etc. is a • re safe in telling our readers he total annual saving of $100,000. dead letter here and until this law *ill he a candidate before the con He asks the court toallowhim $10, is rigidlv enforced we cannot ex pect any reformation. 000 for his services aa receiver. Vention. W. W. Johnson. I Democratic Announcements —The dtmee at I oison Creek ! school bcu«< on the 1/st ¡net..was Í • !