Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1894)
? ! I 1 f House, <ign and carriage paint- 1 Proprietor. tvilmming, decorating, graining, (mi bar I oil finishing. Co*». horsea or anything auited ■nv purpose will lie taken by me from partita ao deairing. Price.» reasonable I believe in the motto “to live and let live.” L. B. C ulp . I I I I JOHN SAYER, Sw.t«t on Siine, river 1 mile East of Borne, near the bridge ! Customers will receive GOOD FLOUR from TREE BRAND iQLLMN. i Horn brand bar reu on left shoulder; Cattle bar ten on left hip ami »inner elip on both care. I. A. McKinnon, Bnr'.s Ore. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC, I I Go?d i REAL ESTATE AGENT. (•thee at Sheriff’s Office, BURNS,------------- - - Oregon. I horse brand 71 on right a itle. « GEO. S. .SIZEMORE, Horses branded )-( on left stifle. t'at'le brand nd l ( on left hip. Marion Runyard, PO Burna AT i ORNE Y, B urmd .............................. Cattle diatnondon left hip: horaea ,-V on let ahovlder. Charles H Voe^t'ey. Burns <>regor O regon . Io.» iuris, I.and butdii«»«. and iieul Csiuta »nailer proiuptiv aaemied U». 1 A graduate of the Iowa State University and College of I'liym- Ciane and surgeon». (•Ilice ut re».dei ce in Burne. ' and cards in all directions solicit- (ing purchasers and describing the i Hoiae brand j" on right alifie. James R. naall , I i ‘»and. J. I* Dickenson < alt le brand J P com eetv»l o leii hip llurae brand anvil on left »’itie I’. I.awei. On*. Ca'tie rand figure Ton cither hip; mark li^ht . etop oil ea. h ear, a.ip in each ear. mm watt I on left ju,». Horae brand figure 7 on either hip. J. II. Buiivard.Litma Ore. Geo *1 l nia, b»tses and mules brande I rounding M, ou right a1 itie P (>. Rjiev ore I We will also huv lands for. per The Proprietor’* are wi ll prepared to accom’nodate their custome- sons wishing to purchase in our Job Wagon in connection. Charges very reasonah’e. countv and living at a distance, giving careful and accurate <lis- er i prion of the same, also the title I* O Burns ore ■ Huise 'and liar-in on left alioialde ante Hbranu in-tn on left lop »ml ribs < i'l»erine .Marshall P O Narrows» ire. i I I HARRIS A BE DELI Mirs Koaa l>i< k>*i aon Hoiae brand a' vi o « left r'itle. 1 attle btanded Lar Ron left Ln» P O l.awen Ore t f I H I.HUI pah re A honu rii'lr btaud f-nhiiecteii « ar in»*rk BwHiiow h»rk ir ligi.. rar UIVH r bit in left. H l Lun r « >r* f i proved and well watered. Parties wishing to purchase cal on u« we will show them the land we have for sale, and parties desir ing to dispose of real estate cannot better than to put their lands in Poj> nr hands for sale, because we a l I vertise freely bv sending circular» i I I i í i several productive farms, well im If.ise I'nid 3f> on lefi shoulder, also thre« dot.. . in almpeof trtangle. » atiie brai ded same • E. E. «rout Burna Or. i ( x-iiysiuian öi durgeon, ] We have at this time for sa » llorse branded P on righ' ahoulrier. cattle P on right hip. R. A. Hendrii ka. P.O. I.a wen or ( I I*. O. Rile» »-r. ( Burns Orogon. i BURNS PIONEER LIVERY STABLE J. »', Koley, ('.trie brand =3 on riant aide I llorac brand - on left ah ulder. J. A. Willlama cattle brand, IL, on left rib* real estate agents I Whest « liardin A Riley, cattle branded Von 'eft aide Horae brand ~ left aide, r o. Unrt.s.Ort eon AND i i '.WCBYRD& WYKING. 1 M, R Biggs j / —To Subscribers •—rhe irai . d and Rural Northwest both for the price of the H erald . The Rural ' Northwest is a good newsy paper devoted to the wants of the agri culturist. Now is the tune Io pay up your arrears’ and one year in advance and get an additional pa per in the bargain. E ast O regon H erald .. 1 ha? i»«rwit|y been rniprpe «nd entirely renovated in first class Btyie. Picor I Table is Supplied with the Best the Market Affords. I Office MRS. LOUIS RACINE, Prop’t. TO.ÍSORIAL PARLOR., JOUS KOIIISSOS t 'orrespondence Solicited. DO YOU WANT TO ADOPT A BABY! Maybe you think thia is a new business, i lending out babies on npplh'nrion: it has been done before, however, but never have those furnished been so near the original sample as this one. Everyone will exclaim, " Well I that’s the sweetest baby I ever saw !’’ This little black-and-white engraving can give vou buta faint idea of thoexqni.-iteorl"''—’. ¡ìli i lin'-tel M.. i * Ytr.xrw_ I I Burns Restaurant « I Better MESDAMES JOB SON AJÆGER. Meals at all hours, First-class meals served >r a A I ix i- i ve, an»l I uv'v vex- <•'. itilo, act in’ ilire'tly J // C Of' 'lie Liver ± 111 J a n 4 Ki<l- iit*v». Try it. Hold I'V all Druggists in L »pu»1.»>r in Pow ler lu ue taken dry or in i l »into.i t»*a. *’ I’M A DA18T." which we propose to send to you. transfer» tat ion paid. The little darling reMS agaihst s pillow, and is in the act <1 drawiegoll its pin.» sock, the mate of which ha- been pull» d off and flung aside with a t iumphiint eon. The fl >sh tints are perfect, ami theeyi a follow matter when.» you stand. Th> eiqui- site reproductions of tuts greaiest painting <•! I Ida Waugh itlie mo t celebrated of nit*' trn ' painters of baby life'are to be given to those who subscribe to Demorest’s Family Maga- I line for iwri. The reprodu«'ions ninnot be told from the original, which cost i»00. nnd are the sum» eiae 17x25 inches . lh> laby I life siae, and absolutely lifelike. We have also in preparation, to present to our sub- scriliers during 1SW1. other g-eat pictuti« ly such art sts as Percy f omn.Maud Hitmi h< y, Louis liosehampa, cn»l others of w< i d »» h J rn.iwn. Take only two e.xnnm|cs of wh; t Having purchased the entire stock formerly belonging to Cal wedid »1 trinz th'» past year, ”AYnrd of Tan sies," and ’• A White l'< use < n hi«i ” 1 y « '• wifeof Brest lent Harrison, and you whl set Geer, comprising all lines of wh it our «nosubscribe promises n can. Those for Dcmom-t's rami y M i raiine for l.»!U will possess n gall» r> <> e\- iqtiisite works of art of i n-at value, besi' ts • HARDWARE, CRCKERV, GLASSWARE, TINWARE, Mazatine that cannot !>• equaled ly atij in the world for its beautiful i.lustiation- ant _ subject in itter, th ;t w II I- cepeven» »" '" -t* ed in all tho t tpi-s of th" '';i», '"I " ' 9 Is and diScrent items of Interest nl'Ottt tne blu\ I1AR1 WAKE, bUNLERIES, A CARPENTERS TOOL* ! fa household, lies id os fu-ni-htng interesting ren Un» matter, both rr.tvc and gey. fortlte whole family: nnd wh'l-* Demorest's is not I a fashion Wag iitne. Its f.»»hion peges arc p» r- I ullwr the lauiu for .aie al greatly reduced prices tor CASH. fe 1 wo give you. fr>-r nf nil the pat ter-is yon wish to’use during the year, and in ttnvMxe you choose. S--n»l in y ur «uh- sc' in'lon nt or.ce. only f?. an I yon w'll n’-'l-f get over «."> in value. Ad lr ss the pwl li- ' G I »V. Jennings Demorest. IS Eiwt lit It Rt ■ ■ * CH VOEGTLEY. York, if you arc utmcquaint»*»! with '»• - Maguziue, seud 10 eeui.- for _ s;« < uuvu t>'Pr- Promptly. "Than AT THE HERALD OFFICE I Pills OU» p»»silioil of the il Terni» h «.. ca»h lui« For I Th* Klwg •»€ I ' «»ur »• ! «’»»um’lriH’loii» *.i i \ - Itlfl '»•' ” • ** ’ » » " •»».'». ! t li -rl* *. ••I hftxc ’• 1» tn> ill b«»N. r.i- I I . J AC Ik* iM «, Wa«hi iiu ’»«> ii . rv.Y r\ ? >• Mp •/ k In r*’ I • » ff 10V WART NftMTM MOOT i r THF »V k »” FERRY’S . SEEDS in.Alwl s ows- J MT. FMOO*» »tuaA HI» » ' SOLDURS» CHILDREN. % n »V« I«..., r» U,r-y anliin tim uf“ W 1^0.VS, paRINTS. »rwy r ». ■ »‘"*5 * ’r4 tut'. •S.-Hl*»' »*•* * lì U til? STÄ SSW l.w» * » «h-rr •«’»<•' S» f- ,Ul tsyepOl.__________________________________ « - I .i e». > ‘ U’ i ► r • r » ’< *»<•» «I» r , •, • h a t , . . I . . t I t !»■• lais»*! t*«««l I b»l|M» in ll><* W\»l tai. Ftrrj’t Aim! 1er la«4 coniM.K» 'i p »VIM » nd »ut«iaiD(v of (hr * um « know *dgr F ree Ivr It r n»taintf. E urrv-Cwon Stage Line T. J ewitt , P roprietor . Arrive* and Departs dnily. exeept Sunday. P > PB WRY a co.. 5W-. M ■, » » ■ I» |U^** V'».»|U., I"» mo<> »'i by . - V ■» harmless b«-rb:i / < J remittee that *>r t tn-* ’ '' ».i cli «hnwr— irs. IS <■«.. — _ __ » r J “ • beaJth or latori» ™ whq oix - ■ » . — iHiirft it buiidfl up and ha prow* tl** i^anith«ftkincDd »*‘1 o et •• i- ‘ -v *». < »-lean ths »kin -"nd (>« t>» — ■ »-. ••»•» tr ■ !»»»»■'.•---- - • ij tr av. ug phnuciai,« «uu . .oiage *i»t> - • • HEATS TREATED BY IlflL COA. lOrkfi**« i •'’»*•*■• 9 m 4 4( v n urpi taw p«r • • i. A r. MIMA IMUiE I taUlUL CHUSi ‘X Á