N ews I n G eneral Family Arrwted for Stealin Cattle. WANTED, Agents to sell o:ir choice and har R otse , Idwho, Jan. 30.—Jain*F dy Nursery block. Wehavemanv Sims, his five son* and his biothei new special varieties, both in fruits Wiljiam have been arrested in and ornamental»- to offer, which ar< T|iey Would Die Together. Logan county in connection with controlled only by us. We pay ---------- .1 ¡yl i the Griffin cattlestealing‘c.cse. 0 commission or salary. Write us at At one time if a Japanese gi rried a foreigner she was decap t ’ Johnson, the Logan county cat once for terms, and secure choice "tated* A Portuguese gentleman tie king, claims there has been a of territory. probable the first European to gang at work robbing him of cattle M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, marry a daughter of the land of the for years, and he is determined to Rochester, N ¥>. break it up. Other arrests are to crysanthemum with impunity. H ffent there thirty years ago and fell follow. and the case promises to be A high-class iilustriiteii loom I I v in love with a Japanese girl. Her one of the most. Sensational of its magazine in the home is rm longer parents warned her of the fatal con- kind eyer tried in Idaho. a luxury. It is a necessity, and to sequences of marrying him. He iiHW’t the demands created by tlijs was young and ardent,and she ro necessity, THE COSMOPOLITAN a. i t ■ THE BEST f ’ MAG AZINE, giving yearly, hs it tnantic. IS THE SAFu "If vou agree to marry me I will iNVESTMEr does, 1536 pages of reading by the die with you.” he said. 1 EVER MADE ible|st living authors, with over •‘Then 1 will marry you, die or 1200 illu“trations by clever artists ve,’’ the nretty maiden said. has stepped into the breech, with He was a Roman Catholic, and a reduction in its price that has he had promised his parents not to startled the literary world. marry wutof his religion. The H erald , fully alive to th» • Will you join the church?” needs of its patrons, has made asked. special arrangements with this "Join anything,” she said. i superb monthly, whereby it wil die together.” receive orders for yearly subscrip They eloped and visited the lions to both publications combiner nearest priest, who advised ;h on for the sum of $3 IK)V against their fatal marriage, but to The price of the great illustrated no purpose. monthlies in the past has beet; fhcro aro a’nglo retail ah«o atorealn our l.r < “She cannot be baptised, con eitlca which eel 1 2,000 pair* of chocs a d.iy, makii. $3.00 and $4 00 a year, aim they a net protitof $250,000 a year. Wcacli abocolui firmed and married the same day,” but v.o Bell a great many pairs, the clear profit < were to be found only in the mor< our ladles’, tniasea* and childrens’ shoes is r.t I r. I n cents a pair, and on our mens’ and bo\ s' a!:> said the priest. pretent ions homes. Our offer fur 1 > cents a pair. We shall establish shoe stor< e i “She mu8t,”said the lover. each of the fifty largest cities of the U. 8., a: d ’ nishes a help to all families, i>< they sell only 300 pairs of shoes a day they v. "1 must,” she said, “for we both < ern $>25,' 00 a year. We should bo able to paV matter how modest their means, yearly dividend of $5.25 a share, or over ¿0 perci r/ die to morrow morning. ’ a year on Iho lnv< stinei.t. We a< 11 the stock at f to keep in touch with the great t i chare, The price mint Inevitably I e much I"' : The priest waived a few c f‘ aa f 1t r.'tar-. No r.'.ock has ever been sol i ; ' minds of the world, as The Cosmo- i;ss th an till price, which la i.a par value. S: c.. i on-awessai.lc. Ineor^iorated. Capital $!,00>f,C . jjiolitau has today the strongest ma>y rules to tit. the occasion Wo bate c r l.' OO stocl.lio'.dcrs, a::d the numb«. performed all three cerrmonie Is increas:::.; dally, home of tlio principal etovl.- regular staff of any existing period haiders arc : T S. Wall eg. 5’.! I. J Potter, Ik--tv- ; ical. Send orders to A. Itreil. J ' < aleago; J. It. Van- l>- It. Chicago; IV. 1 once, and then interceeded for fc i s auzh. Untie It.H-k. Ark.: I. II. Ki: !>■ Chicago; J. I T ur II fuaid Turner. l ’ hila. : B. Harding, N. V.j 11. I. Payne, Bat:'- bride’s life. The mikado de< Creek. Mich. ; F. 1’. Ilullctte, Arcade. N. 5 . Write for a prospectus containing the names of I that he could not behead the Por our stockholders, etc., or send rrn order ¡or flock, 1 i rnc'oxing caehier't check, canh nr moiiry or'"' r. tuguese. but the girl shou d die. Orders taken for one or more shares, l’licc, $lu | llliable Woman ’ ■ ,» ------ - » -- The priest warned him, saying DEXTER SHOE CO., ’V,’^T<V” " 1 Af/enl» II <r>t. e<l “She is now a Portuguese, too, and Wanted in every county to estR!' you had better postpone! the de lish a corset parlor for the sale o capitation until you have conferred Dr. Nichols’ Celebrated Spiru with tfm Portuguese government.” Spring Corsets and Clasps.' Wagee Tmie was granted. The priest $40 to $75 per mmithand expenses tried persuasion. The husband We furnish complete'stock on con pl aded. Th.- Portuguese govern signment; settlements monthly inent demanded Caveats. Trade-marks. Design Patents, Copyrights, $3 Sample Corset tree. Send 18 After a correspondence which f And al! Patent butlines* conducted for cents postage for sample and terms, lasted five years, and in which the, MODERATE FEES. Nichois Mfg Co., 378 Canal St cn to Inventors wltkoM New York Lritish, American and other con-! InforTNAtion and r: suis ¡md representatives took much charge. Addreaa _______________________ PRESS CLAIMS CO., interest, the young woman was pel- DKXTER RIIOR CO., Ine’p- Capital, tl.DM.DM> JOHN WEDDERBURN, MSST BI.BO SHOE IN THE WORLD. mitted to live. ••A dollar eared tv a dollar tamed.” Manngfnz Attorney, Thia I.a<lie*' Solid French Ihmaola Kid But Mr. La Rosa, the happy husband, W ashington . D.C. I ton Boot delivered free anywhere In the U S.,oa O. Box 4«S receipt oK’aab, Money Order, is now in busiii Ms with a family or Foetal Note for $1.40. .^n-i-any is manam-d by a combination of Equate every way the boot* surround ng hi n —Welcome .oat Influential newspapers In th. •old tn all retail atom for enow our exchanges . 41 a a L> >-,n> 1 a . <• ♦ I, ,, L, _ I > - - r 1 • * t VI 1 i Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder t .oexpres. purpose of prwseet- McrllM-ns agalnut unscrupulous I', il A.ent», and each paper ’■ rtts 'mcnt vonelie.forth« resnonsi- .ny -nd U.,'h»uouU.,-of tAc Pre—‘Salma Compan». $2.50. We make thia boot ouraeivea, therefore we paar antre the Jtt, etyle and wear, and if any one la not Mtiatled we will refund the money or aend another pair. Opera Toe or Common Benue, width a C, D. B, k BE. aliea 1 to I and had izea Send your eiaa; World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma for the THREE HOOD REASONS , ¡4 • i • I', . - 4> .»••I I I lst-Itis the eading Paper of Harney County. X wa C m *. loguo FREE D exter S hoe w »ee SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS PEPSIA er INDICEST1OM. . , . take RIPANS TABULES It Rears BILIOUS. eOMTIPATEO, erhaaa LIVES COMPLAINT................................. TÄR« RIPANS TABULES «•■P’-EXIO« IS SALLOW, er yaa »UFFEH OUTNESS AFTER EATIM, Täi« RIPANS TABULES ” Fw OFFENSIVE MEATH sM ALL OtSOE- MAS OF THE STOMACH, . . . TÄ?« RIPANS TABULES Ripant faiu/os Ragulzt» th» Syttt 'em ^ fmdpfd th» H»»Hh. ZKS1 TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. RIPANS TABULES X PATENT FEEL SICK? Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous, Co71£Äi?lLS’i POISONOUS RAFE8T DIPAT All. TIMF8. i CERTAIN DEATH TO TICKS, LICE,Etc BEST CUBE FoR SCAB. r ■ 2nd--lt is the largest I Paper in the County & ! has the largest circu lation. Improves the Wool, and in creases the quantity. j I .One gallon mixed with cold water hunk les 100 gallons of »trong wash JAMES LAIDLAW A Co I *................................»MtMm i H iii taAr HU ptaoe of A COMPLETE MEDICINE CHEST SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. AnM by DrogrfeU ar sent by m*ll on receipt dt prtca. Box (® - a -1»’, >5 cents. Packace (4 boxes), $2. Far Fwa SaMat«* ailraaa THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. 10 SPRUCE STREET, - - NEW YORK. 3 D--1T IS ONLY J2 A YEAR, YOU CAN I I ii fl il * i'll n1 i t / r t i 11 • •I