Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1894)
though h* UST TO BE CONTRARY is honorable, Heart Failure. aa I fear not; eyen though this escapade has not the sinister TM* Hearthstone. 4 fear». CHAPTER II. lot that!”—she fingers. fore; enapped her “Just allow me to in you, Mr. Allan Keith, that al- gbyou are my guardian—thank ness it will not be much longer u are not mv I ' and I master, I submit to no tyranny. in in this matter, as in all others •e tuy own interests are concern I look that Martha i HOtr TO AVOID IT. If she had only told ue be hut 1 aiust see ii this other 1 Tiis epiupli on maoy a tombstone is ■ ‘ heart failure.” No woiaier, wheu we con trouble is to be averted at anv cost sider the immense strain which is put on —or if I must send my charge from small organ Mm velouaa« it i-, bating me, must shut even that light out I o O j UUO time« ana, xertmg a fo.te equal to 5,184,000 po unis dany, it has iU limit-its of m v life, because it will be out o |_________________________ endurance often is tow twrerel ____ v tested. 8o n»v power to loeger surround her.“• di’* *** !’f u,e hear‘ t—though - K • nftiHi often for for a a cnn»!-¡eralne coruu ierabie nine tune wi without the with the comfort and luxury which »Utapicii.ns of the ntUicted person being in bare become indtspen-able to her. I I—that it is Slated that one person »»/our A»u a 6»id heoitl Dr. Franklin I can cnly trust that mmie good in- Miles, or Elkhar , l-.d^ has for years made I I fluence "Hl stay her steps and *n*f*£*1 ^“Irub’le smxCT ^hw I COKSUJJPTIC’S < V"RMM». >. i «Mpiiysiciai,. n >„-w:. , h». <ng tk&j y.-.- cam b Ji UaUd* by a;- • j . : l eu -, l . ¿>¡ w --y tf.C leGudiú «I » Min} 1“ VWHab.» nsi-cuy er » no rp' -.-di' sud p r_.uieutt ufe ».<. C-.-tr.uuip». ... <, Asi.u-s. uni ait tiiri.u; ai.d I. ing APe tiou:. a uaiiiTt ar.a radical ei.ic òrNervcua ueuiliiy u^ilta.i ' err usi oL.piia.1.«. after bario ■ t.-su.-d its ivi.n.lerft.1< urani t- poi.» •> 'i thousan Isot r.rv s. ha» I - lit hi-, duty to kj ;.u Uiadwn u>hL’«vfï<-rineMi»i»ta Actuate,! 11 ihii 19LT* and n»les t r’.icv e i.'ie-an '.Lei.n , •rili send free <4 chant*, »-•a . who tit-,tre it, v 1.1 eine, i-r l.erman, J reni er I.n<!t-h, w itii ti.-.i :.rei-:;o'n I .rf-rr -nri. c a*d «•> "? t •ittyi’-.i y j i <-, > •• r 4 f ir. p, r... « t! < p-tr—r, .'.A. Sol ó. -« >U!e‘‘9 : a.... I • . CT... t- FERRY’S SEEDS Ar« Jual wbat every w*fr ueeda. '1 be mer li» of Ferri'i Seeds ft>i ru tbe foundallou up on which baa been built the largest seed busineeu In the world. Ferry** Seed Aaaaal far 1«M contain» I be suui and subeiance of the latent famuli* knowledge. Free for the agitine. D. M. FERRY ft CO Detroit, Mich. I please and gl'ar(I her safely while 1 am nb ent nam* a familiar one in alt parts of our land. I e* ’ r,...., I,.,. ” , He has found the most c uumoii svmploins >uld be as well for you to un- Iro,n ner- • of heart di»e;i«e to be pain, duetreu or Under- I He paced his room until morning, I n,‘” ,r th’* 6«ci, «/»»laneA, Aorr/a, left .and it.” , , , .. , ii . i ' thoul'irr nhmd'ier and arm, arm. ehoi thorluM liuta* of breath, »mother- tmathar- , while Rosalie slept lightly on her \ng ap- ll*, faitUiiai, etc 'erv well. Rosalie.” Mr. George K. Smith, of B rn*s, Yate« • face grew dark with an ex- downy couch, ami met him at the Co., N. Y., wrues i — “ Da. M iles ’ N ew ART < _____ VKE .. _ worked < • • a>and - rjully - at* ■ion that, had she seen it. might breakfast table with a face eo terene jig ______ that he took heart of grace, although 1 <md b-oy »> 1 ean do a a^l day'»'work. * I subdued hrr even then, but her . . , , , . .,i ffeel tern veart t-mn-j »• and lake more interest 1 had bad ah. sh- rtneni rtness of breath, palgi- palpi- was bent in the mocking his hand trembled as he he heui hers for a moment and eimpiy said: t»non, pain under leit shoulder blade, p<na ' i tesy with which she had finish ar'.uod the heart, 1 eodd not eleep on my right ■ Good bve, Rosalie. ” Then he wap tide. Sines I have taken />r. Mile»’ jf w er rebellious speech, Heart Cart 1 »'rep well, and have no palpda- f it were nut tnat this business | g , ie ti'in. It hasnia-le my heart ntrotuj r. 1 wish vital importance, I would defer “‘I don’t believe I care to g‘>.” voil would print th»«, becitii»»« I wnnt a'l to Any reah*r of the E ast O regon H erald can get The Twice a- t/ after ihsstt p»op'e have 1 ft I Ros die mused as she sat in the know what Dr. Mile»’ Heart Cure bus done 1 for me. ’ i Week Republic free by sending in three new yearly subscribers to The icighborhood; but 1 have de I garden that afternoon. **1 think 1 “ For months my wife suffered with palpi- Republic with $3. I it to the utmost limit As it (w 1 go away from everybody an * bdinn, rmot'.eriiai »pell*, and was unable to In addition to obtaining the greatest news wetklv in America,every ■lee. i on her left side. Khe trie-l several cun only say to y ,»u that, ifyou i .uake a visit of a few days, and pei> doctor» without relief. Your Heart Care subscriber to The Republic will save ten times the priceof the paper, or After taking tluen more, every year by the special offers made subscribers from time to time. gard mv wishes in this respect, haps he will be kinder when I was »ec»»n)mended. buttles, she fully recovered her health, Sample copies of The Republic will be sent anyone upon receipt will repent it as long as you come--------” t ¥<>tir medicin»-» do what you claim "—C has . i of a postal card request. Address all orders. C hri - tma «, Toledo, O. I fear.” A step on the gravel interrupted Or. Mlle«’ New Cure for the htu. i»» sold ha! adding threats to com her, and in another moment Frank i by all druggiatn on a p sitive guarantee. It is *«f», agreeable, effective, and doe» ewrw ds!” Hashed Rosalie, her tern May stood before her. | Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind. i uounting to white heat ‘Y..U ‘So you did gi I out!” lie said o do precisely as I THE ST.LOUIS REPUBLIC FREE! EVERY WEEK. GREAT SEMI-WEEKLY, ONLY $1 A YEAR THE REPUBLIC. St. Louis- Mo- . very poor judge of character Keith, it you do not know that make is the very way to determined than ever. with ian stealing away I wil. to the d< si ruction y mi e 1 go “ surprise. your guar «fter our Dancing Instructions. las interview, that he w. ul l h ve ehnt ■on good day, sir, and hope you ttiu affected thought when I noticed m, have a pleaaant business well i so kindly prophesied for me.’ von up, perhaps------- ” “Shut me up!” flash* d H 'salio, • v< ry other feeling giving way LOCHER’S be- when she » ii me in that Wednesday fashion, return before dusk 1 J is. he Mode, Yorke Berlin. Creola, Jersey, r No . entleman visitors admitted. at 13. “ 2 00. New Quad rii Is will be taught Satiirdtiv Evenings. changed, the gypsy camp Rosalie wished heae last few months. Often, most heartily that she had not How all. Social for Terms 8 Lesson* I u.liua k arrived Advanced. Manitour, Spanish Yorke, Highland Glide, Pirrouette, May Schottische, and many others. lu ve a bug But long before they Ladies A Gentlemen Rye Waltz, Comas Waltz, La Marshnlaine, La Bon Ion Gavotte, . of an explanation. I will show ed her in, and they drove off contrary I .................................................... P. M. All the latest dances will 1 <• taught, the following list to l»eselected from- then issuing lus orders like tl e gy waiting just teiond the gate.” d -»logtil, without the compli And conducting her to it he help that I can be just as 7:30 Saturday............... ............................................................... .... “Come, then; “Hut I admiring rejoinder^ playing the wn have scant tiiuti if ww expect to mean at at Evening Every JÜU wa«« ulone. he has taken to HALL 9 'tor»- the resentment his words ex id without another word slit | cited. "I would like to see him t'jr •d and swept into the house, it! So that is how he found out e had half a mind to giv»« it ur, Will, I will go,anyway.” Ir. May s attentions are g< itiug “Tnat'a a girl of spirit!” was the ■r t»»> pointed of lute,' she mill- I has Geo. W. Y oung . he but known it. a kind word come. t him might have—might have • There was a sort of HMurance in I I never mind! 1 won’t think of h*r companion's manner toward fiMtlishiiess, and lately lie has her that not only annoyed l<"( in a I like a perfect dragon, lie measure alatmed her. a me just aa it I were a child, When the camp was n ache I, bean immense distance h I miv »- hi wever, the picluresquenesa and and these last few months tie novelty amused her tor a time; but | »dually seemed to avoid me. the f »rtune that an old crone t<>ld since he has given me mv lib- her seemed to contain a sinister in- , 'Completely. I will make what tent; and as soon as she r.-joim d I <i •» i please. It I am not good her escort she requested him to take I gh to l»e company* for him. I |. immediately bom •. lot good enough to mind nis * But this is not the way we nnicul orders, either; and ii c.Uue!" eh»* excl i>ned after they Mav attempts any of his love 1 I had gone sum- distance. ‘ Where :ng iKiiisense, I'll »*' lid lililí to I i ar»* ymi taking me?” right about and come luuue «« “To the home we a»e hencef • th b. Rfl ily upon a chair, it might h ive i inerd th it votir •d her mticli iliat her never hail' <*oi,s«>rit> d to I- I m- h • ve »»as to bring upon tier. you; s this tlie end ? 11 is •ot even. g»»n•» as w»-ll regard, a.« t hr an mean hv d too a«v»n tire <if mv ”That consent was given suiter least implied when you or at .»me here «, and f-1*! her 1» » ii l< .a g tiling with me" w is the r ply “Ni» »»; at» ! so I have left her free other opposition shall st.-n 1 in t:n- li»r this —to f»11 tit »!er the in way.” •a* of on* u lu» coul»l >u»lv bring (Tu UK i OSTIXI ill } b«ppn»<-*s a i I - >. w n O*T I Do You » tt»-* •r ■ I ’ FEEL SICK? ii i'T. ch i I nea mi and Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. i ScientiQo America« Agency for mteh lu>i»e<l —a bngli', impatient child, who and I I n von bv stratagem, ns I hue done.' von Manti wíLh ¿.-7, . iV5.r o 7,r<s •»«‘»«-‘l’e »»eoi tobacco,opium orsUm- ▼e*l m\7k»ibwim?i>?o n 'Jr. < »»nsunipllor. or Itoanitv. Can be carried tn aZol -^•Vo<-_ 1X111’•? fbr 0,1,11 r rcnaltl. With a SA order wa Ä'^ritten guarnntre io cnrt* ni1 rciuiiii the manor flnhi brail ¡«irutrriMs. A«k furti, tnknp«» other. Write f<»r free Medimi Hook sent «mied in plain wrapper. Andre». A EK V LSK1.Ü t t»." MawuiJCl4mW«TtncÂu<£ For sal, m Burna,Ore., by II. .M. UOUTON, l>ru*ai.u the Inct would »1» iiiamlcd Rosalie, might mill i«h? ' thoroughly roused “ It is us ,al to re her lt*.«rl ami make it •? But tu», | hive long einer a«k the lady’s consent fust to a.iv »ed that I am iio lit in tie for Step of this kind.” tion I had once i so tlie otilt wav was lu take hut <!<» rkkd ».“ liSiSS I .»»Id R »»salie have Hern the look t > share together, my darling.” was ter guardian'» face when lie l he reply NN he .»Iteiupied to put •ed his stud» and threw Inmsclf lus arm aroun I !»♦ r. ‘ I am eoo- T “ mb « vb I Q s » __ Ik* J V CAVEATS. TRAD« MARKS, DZSICN PATKNTS, COFVRIOHTS, etoJ If yaa SUFFER FROM HEADACHE. DYS PEPSIA er INDIGESTION, . . . TAKE II yea art BILIOUS. CONSTIPATED, or have LIVER COMPLAINT.................................... TAKE II year COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, ar yea SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATINS. TAKE Far OFFENSIVE BREATH aaS ALL DISOR DERS OF THE STOMACH. . . . TAKE jhteuiific ¿American c’lXtailsf’.wi of Ml» wsentlflc ww-r tn »H« SH jhk U.II» ll i .U s U a I. .\o7,7e.n«taO •lusn be with, ut tt. W«wlr» à » OH a , ,i »■ . «nn .-ni ■ A.ldrwa Ml i civ K attaMi » a*. 4SI toKul-’w.-aww locbilQ, I* TABULES TABULES TABULES TABULES Rtpans Tabu let Rcgu.cte the System and Preserve the Health. I .stun «• - 1 - fn - - e Usn.ib.s-V -••’•»-v-ta.-« www wi n<» »7 M» • < A CO .«I .1 H hsiadw . it . WWW »llu>ADW*T. Naw Voai Von«, CM'-i » v, ror accerta,« patent, tn Amerltw. ■ l tak.-n otti l-y M is branchi s-r.^n lb. put ! • by a nouea « itm trac ox oharga in Uta RIPANS RIPANS RIPANS RIPANS RIPANS TABULES r " I fasAr rkr pt.i.-r of e. SAVE MANY A DOCTOR’S BILL. or Bo* (6 rlabOs cent*. COMPLETE ! MEDICINE CHEST • ! j «»d b- lee«/be wm matwry/aw«»... EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. bT mail on receipt of price. Packa«e (A boxes >,SX Free Sample« addre«« ___ THC RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. 1 10 SPRUCE STREET. . . NEW YORK. .<