Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1894)
f The Red Front Saloon keeps the best brands of whiskeys, wines, beer and cigars. Is furnished with WIDNESDAY FEBRUARY 7.1»'4. card, pool and billiard tables. F. Stenger proprietor. I — Bailey and Johnson, proprie tors of the “Tex” Saloon, are doing Baker City, Or. at good business, because their cub tamers receive the courtesy and po Alao takes orders for enlarging pictures: Crayon or Pastel. Work lite attention so essential to suc —School books at the drug store' cess guaianteed on delivery or no charges made. I ♦f H. M. Horton 1 Post Office Address, box 361. Boise City, Idaho. — A farm on Trout creekcontain- j —School hooka and stationary 1 ing 160 acres. This ranch has Ifra. jr. X Hainilton cheap for cash, at the Hani ware | about 100 acres of meadow and is store of C. H. Voegtly. admirably situated for a first class Given Up to Dio *T wu troubled with liver complaint and Sts sheep, cattle or horse ranch, being —The Burns militia will gire a lar;cmeut of ths splceu. At last I could not surrounded by the very best range. ____ walk across try room, and took to my bed, a» big ball on the 22nd of February. t his Title good For terms call at Real I m,“T thought, t> die. I b van to take Hood’s | Sarsaparilla ami ata entirely cured. It has all office or write Bvrd A King, — Peach brandy at Stenger’s I — I Estate 4gents, Burns Oregou. for $3.50 a gallon, cash. —Th" Elite Saloon Geo Tre —Another piopt-sition to sub- been brought about by flood’s Sarsaparilla." I gaskis proprietor, fine Wines. Li-1 scribers, . I o those w ho will pay up Mica. R. A. H amilton , Fresno, California , o------- quors and Cigars, billiard and card I back subscriptions and one year in Hood Kaod'g bu.'s Cure ’s Hili ‘•uro Sick Seo* Headache. Headache. 2u« j tables. I adyuncc, and desiie the Toledo I A. J. McKinnon Blade, we will sendto their address A Marvel««» Dtac.tvery Free — Don’t forget Henry Cheatham | the Herald and Blade for $2.75. barber, desires a part of your pat-1 ‘ Superfluous hair remove! per- ronagr, at the new barber shop. Farm for Kale. Shop opposite the Clerk s Office. manently. instantaneously, without1 — Who said you couldn’t get a pain, by Electro Chemical Fluid. I One section of land about 7 miles Inorder to prove superiority, we* experienced Workman and satifaction Guaranteed. good flavored cigar in town for five An cents? Call at the City Drugstore north of Burns, fully 160 acres of will for next DO days -end samp’el which can be irrigated, and quality I bottle and testimonials free, on re-‘ and inquire. He solicits a share patronage of his frends. of soil unsurpassed. Good outlet —Job lot of spectncles and eve ceipt of nineteen cents to pay post glasses at Jorgensons from 25cts to range For sale cheap. Electro Chemical Co., 25 East B yrd & K ing . al»e’ to $1 per pair. Photographs $4 ( 14th St. New York. ver doz , Cabinets. I I Th: H'-’’ J. H. Jett Marble Co. Business Locals. < I I I « BLACKSMITH SHOP. Hood’s:;s»Cures Notice. AN OLri AMD WstL-TaiBD RsasnY.-Mrs. ( —The Rebeka Lodge, is going Wlndslow’s-octhliig-> rup Im» been used fol . • to have a sheet and pillow case A I umber one Duriind Organ for children over Hit \ while -ears l.v milli.-tii-..finulher» theii '** *AA f T»T1 CI ■■ I J Yl T**l teething, wilhperfect f..r RurroB. **>3 AM. T.£l V«**. AV ball on the 14th of Feb. for the sale cheap. Call at the H erald It H.-othei the child. » t en» -he gum», allay» urt-» wind colic, unci and is 1» inc the dvbi best rcm< rent« j f z* * t * c *■ ail T1H.Ì11 , < urei» benefit of the lodge. e<iy f,, lor ¡-iarrlicvci. la 1» plessatit pleaaatit tu to ¿he the mao- ta»iei Office for further information. ' J<|y “’iitaîrheoe». _____________________ , Sold bv Driiggi» » in every ¡-art -if the world. Proprietor. — Builders tools and all kinds of I I 1 wenty-fiveceid» a bottle. It» value is invalp . r. ly U. vki A good ranch belonging to H. G.! 1 “ »^, “ « •" re “ "I 1 ■ ’ ’ * for «"• « tn'ist«* > u. »v . 'building hardware at the ____ Burns K i bool hi hr Syru^rP»-^ uke no other kind. hardware store, nt bottom prices Campbell, containing 160 acres 12? ” Leaves Burns daily at 6:30 P M. Arrives at Ontario in 42 hours fur cast.. miles south east of Burns. This — Mrs. Racine al-vavg acts the | ranch has aliout KX) acres of good One wav $7.50. Fare, round trip. $12. Li st of tables, everything nice ¿id meadow land. Price $8(X> or will plentiful. Her rooms are unex trade for sheep. Through freight 2jets, a pound. ceptionable, and everyone of her i B yrd & K ing . patrons knowt she spares not>aiiis| to accommodate and please. Cjieati Trade-mark;, Design Patents, Copyright* i Stage Line. k ' l — Don’t forget the old "stand-by I French Hotel” Board $ 1 (X) l”‘r| day nod leas by tile week. And all Patent business conducted for James Edwards, MODERATE FEES. Real Estate, l.ife and Fire insur —Tne Baloon, in th*« new hotel ance. Collections a Specialty. building, Richardson mid Stephens | OREGON proprietors, 1« nicely furnished and ill RN8, it-» customers is given the bent ML i—m MBiTTh~jMpr~ ~ M>* ”* brands of liquors and cigars. — For s fine S dav Cal Clock. 8 dav Cabinet and i Mantle, git to Jorgensons jeweler. 1 i “When ’ ■ ~ ■ T treat ««»•««* 9 «>♦. „ I « a* ao J ' tbMR»u by alhJ»-*nti ihM | co aid > >t, ».'ore. A't*r. Ln»» r anv werk. Tb« aceomp-tnri *^‘ Ita |1* il • i hi WN y tuli 3 i.»«uUu* ..♦*» .B - t. . !» i I la IH* I . « « like a n '*utg. Ili iV *u:. * bh» .1? 44 Jn* ara all pone. rnainU orelHip» .... lì la 4b la. 3 •• diwli«t Will oh#erf»'ir laply K' 'ncauke with tu u»r JttaX .«.* >AYI£KT$ TKÉ*1 ) UY MAIL COaF.OtMTIftl. Ma *tar«Uf. — Do vou tike it Cal paper? If not try The V >‘re! Published nt the Capital Bright, breezy, rt indep-ndent. literary ami lie v.tu y.ur ■»- I • r information and adrlv. <. -u to initiators without «barge. 1.1 (EEK & [0. ■ A di! re*« PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEDOERBURN, Maunclng Attorney, P. O. Bo X 4A3 W a CHIMOTOM, D. C. | eyT'"» C --many n maaaged by a combination of -i. I - ut .; . no»t lnttaentl»l newspapers In the • o-1 i-expresa purposa of wrote-ct- ■•.1 O ir uoaerltewra h gainst unscrupulous . I.- .¡> . >t Pu.eut Agents, and each paper Manufacturers I ( Tinware & Skeg*,* ron Good I | ' ;i - H i . IvertU. msnt vouehe»forthe respoasi- . lu./knu iuga standing of Utcl’ra— <Ualiu»Cuuipaay. | :-:-AL80 DEALER8 in -:-: •>» 4 * «rate t» »AMipe for pr.rti *iLu« UIML HMU t IBttHL CtlCAid. U( PAINTS HARD- I W ons R GLASSI M I —The Be»t Week v Paper in I California Only $1 •’><• pr year., Address T he B ee ; | Sacramento, Cal , idoors I A ••■«Irrfiil o 1 o V & WIN- HANGERS DOW’S '««*<•* try. FISH IN». ìal KLE TINWARE. GRANT AMMUNITION & ' ■ il.ASSWARE GARDEN SEEDS, FAB- W A R E. C ROC K ER Y A N I > G.... .... ....................... . - -■» r\fl ME RS’ & MECHANICS’ TOOLS it UNDERTAKING GOODS. Call and see cur Holiday goods. I A T I Stcitper Jc JicGcv/an I s Proprietor H. M. HORTON L. X k L.. the Fcbekah Lcdce, Feb. 14th. • Dnrnq tr^nyrTA-v-- r-**~»rTr, I « f Carente. and T~»dr M» »» oMa ned Uhi all Fat •nt Vi-sn< M e n-lu-te I.» >n I HI. 0 » OS • -, Orpat'-* U ’ P •••»• '•<* »nd *• <-*n rv i .ira- lu wo -.tu« than ih.w •viole from I» Mhmcu-r Send nuvlr' draw lag .'r ph«*<> with d.wrvtp- I«* W e ad, *e. (( pater »Na r-r 1». t. Ore of I k .rea Oor *wa not due till p.»irat 1. seenrod. A p .mo» let “How li»ONs>r i«nie ’with win. d acausl ciior-s In y.-nr Plait, .xmMy, or Aon», sent fres Aitare*». I C-nnuiiltce on arrai g< uit-nts Mrs. Su-nger, Worthington. Geer,. Thompson, joLnron and King RTtTtnArnv Æ F Ar’VTHTfF’r . v»-v„, ir»« Ì <jk tv g P4TrvT VFpTrTNFS, r»Vrq rnnrrF rFPFCVF« TOpA rrn FTC A RS FTC. fr»w Mpdien fW'I'ros cnptiuns accurate-» compounded. Purposes