ÜUKNS. HAKNEY COUNTY, OREGON. Ths Hr’»-!?. PUBLISHED EVERY BY WEDNESDAY W. C. BYRD & SON P ublishers and P roprietors . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year Six .Month*. Three Months ................. > ............ HERALD CLUB LIST Herald and Harper’s Magazine. . ¿eraid and Harper’s Weekly . . . Herald and Harper’s Bazar . . . 6.20 Herald and Harper’s Young 1 eople 3.<5 Beralu ami Ahien s Manifold Cyclopedia,. 2..'0 ei -'ll additional volume after Vol. 1 i>u cents. Hi cents extra tier volume. 1»,stage. rjgr*<'opiesof all ibe above works call bcex »mined at leisure in the Reading Room. Publishers <>t periodicals are solicited to serm dubbing ra-es, a copy of '.heir work lor Oui Free Reading Room—We file ano bind the latter at close of every half-volume, Pod >-•' < i topics bv advertisement. ADVERTISING RATE«: ¡12^ j . wk 1 1 DIG J :> m„ J i. mo 1------ 1 Inch $1 »U ^..A) ♦O.U0 3b :K i »U.00 3 OU 4 U0 6.50 12,Dì I lb.OC ï “ S “ 3.5U 5.00 8.00 l.j.OOl 24.00 4 . >0 b.00 10.00 20.00 62.00 4 “ b.UU ■J 00 l.’i.OO 28.00 ‘lb-IM) k 12. 4) hl. 00 -N.0Ü 1 48.00 so.no y, •• i •• i 20. OU 30.00 40.00 1 60.00 i 110 00 • PACE “ As old as theliiiis”and never excell­ ed. “Tried and proven" ¡3 the verdict of millions Simmons Liver IT'^ti- lator is th.) X//7 only Li ve • v I r ami Kidney medicine to which you can p.n your fa. th for a cure. A mild 1.1X1- t ve, a n d purely ve^j- (•ttble, .act­ ing directly on the Liver a n d Kid- nevs. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made i nto a tea. Than Pills fession il man. His ndoptt'd for lif , and business is * Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov t Report familiarity with the conditi ns in which he moves r<-miers him d< cidedlv \ A 'or the me », these businesslike. w’ o were j-rked nt of the line like, c lives in a cattle i ar l,>h>s than stupid, and had made up their I minds to pat that price foi a : lodging without complaint sentinent. Tney were new to such a place They were not tramps or profession j tai lodgers. Seven in ten werestich men as one is ti'< d to seeing about the wharves, or carrying dinner pails homeward in the uptown streets at sapper-lime They were unskilled labcers. with here ami there a man not so easy ' to place— Python's Nest and Eggs. i Upon bung removed from the log the eggs dried up n rv rapidly. A writer in tile Scientific Amer j ieai , after describing a trio o| \s the temperature of the interior if the k g was noticeably above h it <>f the atinosphere.it is probab e that it was the close «'nils of the enormous serpents, w hich he either killing; or cspturing while on a vi-it to the Philippic« snake's «lamp bodv that prevented Islands, thus de-cibes the eggs oi evaporation and consequent drying The King of Liver Mmlldne». i a cwuntrvman, perhaps, . or a ni.in one of t he monsters: up b< fore removal. “ I have nse l yourSiHini >:m l.i ve liegti- Tliev stund T Intor and i in coiisciendom-1'Mi it is the 'from a distant city. I* .-Olli the |. g in which the t hird JOB WORK king of all 1 i ver medicines. I i-otiodcr it a with their heads up and their ev s niedi' iuv div-1 in iisdt.—G eo . VY. JACK- specimen was caught pes, Bill Heads, ly found, about the size of tin ordi Letter Heads, tatemen s. Note Ileana, l ards, Tit sets. num began at
  • - h e I Meniormiua, invitations. ii . tv baseball, tmd were covered Dodgers, Etc. I and asked for ■ recruits fot the wot li­ with a soft, leath-rv shell or •'kin T he Il EtiALD is kept regularly .,n Me for re terenee. in the Lee. I*. Rowell Neusi aper A .■ house—a new di p .rttire in lodging Tin v adhered io each oi her. »ar ising Bureau, in spruce at.. New i ,.rk. form­ room practice. ing a large mass, which had to be ' ve;.t.. -,r 1 'IMurks obiaine.l. and all Pat­ “Do von w ant. l<> go ’way?” he literally torn apart in separating ent : iH -.< cel aicte-i for Modt.ra e I ees. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY i O tr 0 ic-e is Onnesdc U. S. P- 'em Office, asked of each, "Do you want tn n.d . 1 -<-n>r.‘ patent in lees time than those them, bo la- as observed all wore Ci- 'I■■ from 'A : ington. FROM OUR KXCH ANGES. go ’way ? Do you mt mt t to > go ’ wav wa t ?" ? national : ...KJ ... .cl. -.ra ving or photo., with deeorlp- lernle, each specimen examined t.i.i V .uiv! >■. if pater.table or not. free of How these •: O^or’unates under President ....... Grover < 'leveland I. 1 - ■ '":r fee not due till parent la v. ' tired. containing a living embryo, about Vice-President. • Aulai Slevei.aon A S r> >'I r. How to Obtain P uente,''with I -food him 1 don’t know, f >r I mid seretary of state Walter y. Gresham ■1 inches in length; \\ hen discov i i'»me t-i rual di nle in your State, county, or aeretary of Treasury John G i arlisle >v. -i, • f t. free Addrosb. The Station-House Lodgers to have his miming explained • : ,-jt irof Interior lloke btnith •■red the snake was coiled tip tin.is Secretary of War Daniel b. Lamont The facl was that the Department Iscreiary of Navy .. Hilary A. Herbert tiround its egg«, apparently ineubat- fci'ivtiiry of Igrieultllre J. sterling Morton Oupjsite Patent Office. Washington, 0. C of Charities and Correction has de­ 3tt.tr.lev General Ricliaru b, Olney Postmaster General Out of the black shadow of the . .. Wilson s Bissell termined. in order to relieve the STATE—OREGON : alley, like a great bat’s wing, came distress arid lhe pressure for lod-| | J. n . Dolph B ■ tors I J. H.Mitchel). the head of the line < f men across Sling room, tn send t<- the workhouse , (Binger Hermann e* * Don pressinoti Oak Street to the basement gate ol on Blackwell’s Island ali New . . . t W. R. Ellis Uovurnur D.Sylvester Pennover ■pere.ary of State The doorman Yo-kers of several years’ residence | • R Geo. W McBride the station-house. aV flS?»rer » ** l Phil. int. meiBcnmi. R Metsehnn. • up., i d.mc Instruction K j. H. McElro> now developed as much activity as who have no homes and are willing Blue Printer ................... * ■ '• R...........Frank Hakei He Hew ,ti leave town for the winter. The 1 R. S. Bean. ihe tierman had shown. Supreme Judges Wm. P. Lord at the first man in the line, and F. A. Moore i strangers are to be sent back to the SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: catching his shoulders, Hung him places they hail from. D int riet Jiiige D M. D. C lifford ten feet away along the pavement District Attorney D C has . F. H yde “Do you want lo go ’wav?” |oi,it-d..piesentàtive (Rl — ....... A W. Cowan ‘ (tit out of here,” said he; "a-a ah. Joiiit-seiiator • (D). H enry B lackman “No, sir.” give me no talk. 1 know ver 1 “Do yon want to go’wav?” COUNTY—IIAHNEY County j uige tilge vouiiry .......... (D).. You was here last night. Git, now, W m . M iller “ I don’t ’»lin L” It was a long Eek ....................... (D) . P Sbidclei Treasurer zu\ And you •horemai. who spoke 1. b. Geer or 1’11 give yer mv foot. Surveyor ......... iR J . H. Neal I 8b. iff ■■. (K» git, now, and don’t let me see A. Gilling» too; ‘ No. sir:” "No, sir;” "No, sir,” A bs ‘HR.>r S. W. Miller •en >.>l Superintendent . Ç te to » ltz face he leaped at the bearer of it ! might have long been a truck driv­ harney u . h . land offick : and gave him a knock or a twist er. saitl he "didn’t care.” And a J. B. H untington that sent him spinning out of the third one, a mung f< llow. answered, ...... H arrison K elley line like a top. "Thein’s old soaks. ‘ Ye-, if you please.” There were . AT THE I that’s been here before,” said he in tiovsm the line—at. least twoladsof SOCIETIES. I explanation, "and we don’t take seventeen or eighteen years—badly 3) I.VA REBEKAH Degree N o . «3. i ’em if they’re regulars. There’s <«iT, but vet better placed than if Maets every 1st and 3d Wednesday. not room enough for them that de- they had ten cents with which to Alice E. King, N.O. E May Worthington. Rec. Sec’y. ' serves a lodging.” get into the average lodging house, I suppose those poor devils were where thieves are made as if they A. O. ü. W. Burna Lodge, No 47 Meet»every 2d and ithThuradao the most to be pitied of all the men were factories for turning discour­ Í I c.A.stiow&oo. S Grand Military Ball. RMORY HALL W R Gradon, M. W. J W Sat er. Ree’d. I _ 1 saw ___ that ___ day. What under heav agement and poverty into crime. “What do yon want to go to the cn they were to do if the station HDRNO r JA HONOR l odge. N o . 8 I hoii-c spurned them was indeed a Island for?” I asked the man who Meet» everrai Bud 4th Monday. .Mr* A E Young C of H. ■ question. But they were spun out had been a longshoreman “Well, sir, what else can I do?’’ harney lodge , no . 77. i. o o f . 1 of sight and out of mind. Down in m ■« st Odd Fellows Hall, ever» Salnrdsy, ‘ I have no work and I t"11' W.Y. KingN. G. the brightly lighted basement of the he replied. W C. Byrd. Secy. no money and no home I buried . station house the German and the h arnfy post no . 4s, n. a . r . l doorman lined up the men in a my wife five vear ago. and I have M '»every 1st and 3d Wednesday of each Ä.’A" ’J.' Hell. All Comrade i crescent shaped tile '■ * '• 1 »'and! ng in vited. t BURNS OREG. THURSDAY Committee on arrangements. Lt. Thompson. Searg. Riggs. Corp. Tupker. I’ loor Committee. Cap. Gowan. Lt. Thompson, Searg .Jacipiendn. Sizemore, nnchildren. I’ve bsen here twenty- Biggs, Corps. Tupker, Tregaskis, Private« Hayes, five years, and I understand I can McKinnon, Stenger, Cardwell, he took care of for the winter—till Mothershead. with many a curt order to "turn your face this way; let's see your face, man.” The manner of the | h diceman was times is Iretter.” Ü. 8. MAILS. nrawa— talk : ^ome one slipped some silver in ! rough, his tones were sharp; but it ***i ver an A departs dally, , was only a manner and a tone his hand—for tobacco on the Is­ Armx^-CA.)fvoii city : ‘ifiWH.4 I’-wa Rdr. H Sunday The New York policeman is a pro- land.— Harper’s Weekly. • o. 1 tf r . ’ • | ^An invitation is most cordially extended every one Ry Troop “A” Grand March 8 o’clock sharp. Tickets, $1.00