THE TOLEDO BLADE. r’s Magazine WORK FOR ii. • few day», snd vo« will be «tartlrd at the u. picu l «uc«e«« tii»t will rewuid .our effort» positively have me be»i bu-au.-M to Oller an agec that rail be found on the fa«" «(f '!»'• ” KI5.0O profit on 8*5 OO wonh of I.«.» beiug eSaily uud bouurabi. i..u..e b« an.l pa hundred« of men, women, ix> «, and girl« t. cm employ. You can make mouey faster al »or . for ; us'hau vou hare anv idea of. The bw-iiie»« i- ►■. <-a»v to h-arn, and inerjetion« ao»in>|..'< and; that all «neceed from "ie »tart Tim*' who hold of t m btulne»» reap the advamage ariM-i from the «ound reputation of one of the olde«t, most « >ere««fnl, and largest publishing bouie« In America. Secure for vot.rM-lf the prn’m that the tint»««« «0 readile and hand«omelv «i< Id-. All beginner» «uccee l prandh, and more than realise their gre«te«t expectation». I ho«e wno t»e I' find exactly as we tell them. There i»plenty of room for a few more worker», and we urge them to begin at onoe. If yon are em. ploved, but have a few »pare moment», and wi«h \o >i-e them to advantage, then write u< at ore,, for thi« 1» roar grand opportunity), and receive •nil -.articular« by return mall. Addre«*. i L Jour a s (J8TRATKD Fun fn .UKIG OF bH: Free to alL Detroit, Mich --- -+----- THIS PAPER— ----- WITH------ THE S N FRANCISCO Weedy Call! ITIt V A’«, ----- "K----- Hi SAN FHANC S 0 I Morning Caili I I’. K YlkAl*. i.nts. Copyright, HE SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY 'ALL a »land’t'Uie eiglit- page paper. It is ia-iwd every Thursdai, a <1 contains h )I of tne important news of ilm week, gleaned from every <|U .r. ter ot the globe, complete ui> to date of ptll'l call "i. It fill, liiahea the latent and uno>l reliable fiti.iiwial Ib'Wi and mat ket quotations, a <1 (Jives special attenti ti to horticu!- ttiral and agricultur I news, and is in eveiy re-ie« ' a fir« - 5las* family cat er. a, p"< i to tile interest Of eV i i use . , lit tlie household. ------ eH <|U< t d tor .-ntor. without < ; co. Î3URN TON. D. C. • • by » <•< nib.nation of i n rs in the r; oxo of y>r<*U*<*t> in-d uusurupitlom • and cauh paper! j for the responsi. ( * 4u> d.a CvuipuUy. ( 1 I The rv . ccmn of this Groat Cough Cure fa volhout a parallel in (he history of medicine. All druggie s are authorize I o -cell it on a pus- Jtlv 1 "¡tf -.uli th? >»• otherc re can F 1 land ’’ ’ i* ni ty become P "!»i i * .. . t t’ enormous ex- »♦ l»U<” i< i aid !« Hnttln b’rre into ne i i the I ■ « d st.jcs nml Cunnda. 1 Coiiijh» »^‘iw »’hrnnt, or Bron* u>< it. for it. will cure you. If your r'd! I 11 the Croup, or V/honpi ng Cough, use t momnllv. and reliaf is sure. If you dread t >'>«■ l.< ns iils ave ('onsumption, use it. »•11 l" Igfist f"r SIIII.OH'H f't'RK, 1 ' 10 cts . so cts. and fl .00. If vour I.ungs ui ■ aore or Back Inina, naa Shitoti's Porous 1 ster. Price 2"> cts. Für aale by all Drug-» und Dealer«. aourie. FO.i TH1> YEAR i'KIt». SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE. about w nat io r.. -«•. " how to nlae it. It c<> ns e'erma. HOU to'«- ha,! Iron, co other Our Premiums TRl'E X CO., Box No. 400, Augusta, M ( PLANT FERK t ’•* SERB'S thia year. and make up for lost tima Ferri'«•». e,I tnnuHl lor l-o-l ai U give you many «a P-le huila „11 K M < > 11 N I h G < Y I (SKVKN Iwuri.t W skki 7 I I * 1, a live ii ti<•''o 't biilv. Il is the MOS i IvELI l- BI.E, Holl ÌH lecogll'»’ i b Illg tile LEA 1'1 NG N i.l\ h. I'Al'ER if the I’H'itic <’■ '.-.i. Either of the aboie « will send t'O-tu id a, ■ilium on rec.-i t >>f i'i» f< 11 >«. il,g aiilisct l|ii i.i i prices i t ii.e euii.Uluatl 'ii: I In answer to a general detnupj from all parts of the Uniter! States, ILLUSTRATED. Harper’s Magiline for 1898 will continue 10 _ the Toledo Blape has pubiiihed jn maintain the unrivalled standard of excellence which has ch . racterixed it from the beginning one volume, cloth bound, all of the Among the notable features of the year there will be new novels bv A Consn Doyle, Cou- “Nasby Letters” ever written bv ■vance Fenimore Woolson. and William Black, I short stories » ill b« contributed by the most ' the late D. R. Locke, omitting per popular writers o'the dav. including Mary E. Wilkies, Richagd Harding Davis, Margaret hap* a few unimportant letters on Delat'd. Hranaer Matthews, and ma'y otheis. The illustrated descriptive papers wi I embrace local or fogotten topics. Only a few anirlea bv Julian Ralph on new Southern and I Western subject«; by Theodore Child on India: ••f these letters were ever published by Poultney Bigelow on Russia and Germany; by Ri< hard Harding Davison a London Season: ! in book form Everybody has read by ColuiielT A. Dodveon Eastern Riders; etc. Edwin A. Abbey's illustrationsofShakespeare's • some of them .but who has read Come ieavi I be continued l.iterarv articles will contributed bt iharlea Eliot Norton. all of them? Toe book contains A Mrs be James T. Fields, William Dean Howells. I lover 500 large piges. and all the Brander Matthews, and others. ' 7z>ensions, ' the disability bill IS LAW »Soiilirre d’sabled since the war are Entitled .* ' Nasby Letter- written during a period of twenty-five year*; also a ■ Dei.ende'it yidows aiins ,lied from the efieers of portrait of D. R. Locke from his I af ii «' -»-rvice lire included If VOU wish HARPER’S MAGAZINS.. last photograph. It would sell at 4. IM v,,itr< '..¡in speedily mid successfully prose­ HARPER’S WEEKLY HARPERS BAZAR jut« .ill .1A M E> T A > NE R, 4.m me dollar or more, but will never HARPER’S YOUNG . PEOPLE .............. I ! » •■ (h.inmlssii.ner of pecsi. tm. 2.1* w ysfGN'iTO.N, D C. Postage Free to all Subscribers in th« e placed on sale. One hundred I nited States, Canada, or Mexico. thousand copies are now being The volumes «»f the Magazine begin will c<»py the Numbers for .June and December o’ I | printed and bound, and one copy FEktOiSAi. AA. attention GIVI . » ENTS, WE \f M A1 KS, eU’ ’ NO l’i’..' I \L1. ei. < oitu i EVI E < . f i : d i I i' HARPER’S PERlOi’ICS eae h year. U"__ .. . .... ............. -. ''y mail ftw •eriptions will begin tviih the Number cur- "HI ■ l"o'l'«»l ■, rent at time of receipt of order. i to every person who this winter re» Botiinl volume-of Harper’s Magazine foi nuts one dollar for the Weeklz rliree yvar> baoK. in npat cloth binding? will i >i j if •» i •. « be sent by mail, post-paid, ,,n receipt of $3 1 Bind«* one year. Everybody invited ¡■er volume. Cloth Cases, for binding M " send tor a specimen copy of the cents each—bv mail, post-paid. ..................... - ' Weekly Blade, which will given Remittances should be made l,v I’ostothc« I Mone.v Order, or Draft, to avoid dianc o niff description of the book “Tue los.s. ’ by Letters.” Address HARI’F.R .f the hurried dsili paper and that of the les, ■imelv monthly magazine, o includes! imra'iiro and news, and p csents with equa r-'t and fe'iojtv the real eve' s of eiirren' liis’or- and the imavina'ive'hemes of fictio ' account of !•« very complete series of ill> »- rnti. or of the World’s Pair, it will be not qiil he t ea sltide to'he great Exposition, but ala R'fR suyenir. Every public event of genera ' teres' will efu'ly Ilins' rated in i's page» Its cou»r'bu' efng from lhe bes: Writer» »nd artists i this - ountrv. it will continue t. excel in literature, news, and illustratioi a. al ■'her publications of its class t} e best and most popular weekly newsp.iper published in this coun­ try. It has the ’argent circulation if any weekly newspaper, and goes to every Stat, Terri toy and nearly •very county of the Union Only •ne dollar a year. including the above motioned book free Send postil to T he B lade . T oledo . O hio , for a free epeei'neu cop» of the pa­ I per. Send the .vhlnsses of your friends also HARPER’S PERIODICALS. PER YEAR: DAILY GiU AND 1111.» 1. And book containing all the Nag. by Letters for One Dollar. »WSEhD FOR FURTHER IN FORMATION The McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co «SO N. Murkt iSL, Chico#«». 118 m V FOUR KUTURIS Scicntiiin Anieneati Anency for ’I \ i:?Ei: WEEKLY If ARi'ER’S MAGAZINE H VR I’ER’S 1FAZAR. H \'U‘ER s YOUNG '’EOl’f.E . . 4.0, I.IM Ponta re Free to all subscribers in the tin '< < states. Canada. ..r dexic... The Volumes of the Weekly will be-in wi I r.r nrKt Numbe« for January of ea-'h veer When 'to time is mentioned, subscrin'ions wil begin with the Number current at time of rr t'eip ..ryer, ■'i'd V.- nines of Harper's Weekly for th re* cars l ack, in neat clo h binding .will be s -n • mail P.o age paid. •>- bv expr- »8. free of ex '.. '■se r- 'e 1 the fr-ight do. s-.»t ev-ec! s per vo nine; »■r»7. > ,•» -.oiunie th t as -a for each Volume, suitable foi "m l "g will be sent bv mail p. st-paid, on re eipt 1 . ■ ii’ ances s't. old be made by Post Off)c< ne ‘rder. r I'mf. to avoid chance of loss •Idress: HARPER VHR 'T'iERS. New Yorl I'here aro s'nglo retail ebec stores in our Dr... ettiea v.hi. li »«11 2,000 pairs oi shoes a . a net profit of $230,000 a year. WceGlsao« " , b it wo a. 11 a great many pa rs, the clear pc ■ o'.ir ladies’, misHe»* and childrens’ elievea D ‘ •• ' H iir;»',r s I aear ia v f..r !’ • b.mie t :i Cents A pair, and cn oar men •’ and bo; • ' Siv's the latest l'.fcrms I " a «vi'h re;t.r.; t t'• c nts a pair. YVc gbnil establish shoe s-1 <• :',.»:ii.,ii»- u'i at:n i • s «■achof lhe fifty l.'.rift cities of tool .'-.v ■ ' rat« i sigtm s>t > a' ern »liect stipp'eaient« ■ 'icy sell only SOO pairs of si ocs a day t.c y «•«■" i ■.¡v,,«,1,, ,.,1,,. t,,,q,. h,imedres« "mi.■•' < irn $’.2’>, W a year. YVc should he a .e to p r'.ydividendofr>.->.2',aahare,oroy«r .'pern 1 '!"• rr..f« 'Mi ■ III .n.,.| 'S!,». N.. expenav 1« »i.i-c o icskc i-a rlis'ic a'trnctive, e«s of tbc . ycaron th'- lnv «;:i!■ ■ t. YVc» lll.ios o.'k,a. r. t, st’. ''s i.t.uht gtori, s, amitting ,',.'n I Glare. 'I ho price v.m t inevi'auly I c■ ; c H s. und i h .null fnl CMiiv» »H'isf« all taste» ' :a:i $ 0 a s '.ar •• Uo «'.«>. U Lai ««• r I’«1“ . : ' f I hm pag 1» fam. us as p budget ,.f «vl ss th n i! i« price, « i t i.J'. nnd hunior. In i'a weeklv iaaues everv'hiu? i» • trn-aweesa! I.-. I :«.-mra’.. I. < . ■•!♦■£ in tiiu«i wliice ie «>f i .terest t<> wnmc'i Th, Wo have ov’ r V J •’ . !:■ id/..n .d tben'^/ erinla :..r 1 ■ .< i]| 1>,> ivrftien hv Walter Bex'i »♦ incrc.Miin JSoracof Lio - • ' Ina i v all i hr rlne Terhune Ter. i, k F ddors arc: T S. V a. p. Y.: I J r !'7;.Ew ”• ' ■vi furnish a praf j al eeries, entitle 1 *At 'hc > ' V I' <"l. Jr.. < l.ieu ' h t J. B- Cai , i V 7 .’¿i*' e KitV’. oilv,. Thorne Ml"vr. an I K ». a au-h. I.ail" Iieck. A-k-:!- 1.1- !■ 'j ..’..'"J. 'p,,t - •lurncr. f’hila.1 B. lBr i. N. \-i 1 • '• 1--nt' “ i”. n i tth,... er ill he frequent c o.t.ilnr. r» Cift-'i.Mieli.t F. r. Hullrttr, Arcade. W.V '...>., -k .t. fn 'he « olnmh ei Expo YViito for a proapcctus commrm,’ the names • •■’"II' 'eprcFcited with ma"« i I our stockholders, etc., cr wl rn rrlrr far . '■* ' u‘ f-, " Higginsmi in ■•Wotne! rnc'n^ing cothier'» check, or mn,’r'. , 'i - will ptease aeulilvated audic .ce Orders taken for one or more shares. 1. Ha p’ 3 < ¿4 r I I. L U ST R A T E 1) . 3 CAVEATft, TRADE M.VfKS, DESIGN PA1FNTS, COPYRIOMTP, c«o. For '••'.•rmstloii rm., fr,a< Hr.ndbook • r'tn to mi » « • n iv. New Vona «•'." • . . foi <•. >.•■_• pati ni h'v« ' : (ali Ml bj 11.« I in«i>»l:i n f(1 , €!».■ • -.f » v «. nel c« t Ken tuo ui < i>*,. U j umj AI jozi •W ' i’StTt 'A’.TAefVAprn®! Twt fHritVJ-, WOODWORK £rkuti(ic ^li’.CiiGIl; 2^ ri UNIOM SqUARt N V. M,0».MU A..«"« VA FOR SALE. ÜY I n-i-eit rlr. Illation cf«nv „ »ntlde pa-.Mr In th. ».Hd. Splendidly imiMmi.u. s„ imeUu-em limn should bo with .Ut it. Mr '<• • | on * 1 ari 41 >' ,1« ni. oil., A I 'r. ■ « ■ A. « , , ,. •l I'll <.«.301 b ■•<•.,»,¿vei ' 'toy »»•'•»’«, HOMh bEWING ('< '., 7’J*> Mark« • St., I’ rancis < IF TPU W-JIT IKW w MION AV OUT 9 j,Viv;rv » « IMI» l'H».,h « » lOHS W;8J1 R 1 U.lM, • I'.O ltux AM. SOLDISHS, CHILDREN. W.WiltNfilf'.x I» C widows , PAFffNTU. I l»x f’» Vw, ,n • Iwf'-r, Î Jtv In th. rftt.n» Arse > ' I IT ' 'I” 7 h-iis i.«e-z»iyw» a» '.J «v«rm«> < '» cl ' II. T « 11. - , w >w • ' ' : • t 'a I I ■•>■ ' ' ' SX < ..Sl'iwv, Mr, .«qinu Attofftsy. ■ 1 « ; y ■ f r ^4.. I i , N u f.-e vr I.A, > ' *tt |i* '.. |M >Wir%.«r |*.f ■ •>’ ¿AAa.lU.ww». Ulli IN YOUR OWN HAND, I'-’ ... .................. assume- to tell the line, in yout hand :i H ate. .. It it will am'.yon, aamse you. if nothing noiliing more. T «b» ' i.i-’rtrn wimoKt explain« it-elr. ___ ' - . Th. I »• or the L Xi! OF LIFE indicate« indicate- probable prolaible «•<•!'» k yon wdl live I Each BRACK1.ET tri e<* v»n ihii'y veam. We I ma'ke., I.'NK vF h ’’ \ I» ib'noiee train power; char LINK DP FUIU’CXK f . ■ie or ri. bvs H uh combined mens rue* t — m re; but yon niu-t ki < p a.' w ilh mod. ra hi • t- • wm l. You wi i Und p.mty of these ia |> :t '« Family Magazine eo atirartively pi.- I r.t . very in. n> s-r of the faiudy is enter- i » I «,<|..z n niHgasin-s ili our. At'i.K vR I ' H :\RT nespeiika tenderness: a straight I r‘ FA IT: peaceful life; the reo w if CIO .« we'i .1 fl„,d LINE OF HKAI.TI1 «p» < ■ • hi .t >ct. rs’ bit s ; so «lb tlie tieniti, biuta in 1) » ■• '- No ot er magasi' e p. blishee so m ■ n _ _ ______ • to I l r -1 • ___ ,e I ein I. Y ___ ou ____ w ill I ‘iibivci up" i toexrrt'nej to extreme.« of Hjb Idgb s] biff Irite or du«|»oiid- d< s|*md- enr ,» .. • f i.>u ■ h y the t.IRDI E OF VE I S well m n ku >d k. pun, nr-p • .1« >•; Inn u g Demorvst’s Mt-ri? •■’to r. d Bv sub-.rlbiig io it for 1MM ♦ i ' rev-:»* v of exqui> • V - a; lie: terr exquis tr te work« works < < f art i* r u' be* òr S n min ii . iu m ,u pivi |M( 11. i;re. tC, ■ ’ F.n I i a i D. ' ' i> i- v > !** uhkli » hi, li I I- f amioet :i i os' a ival n ai 1 ba” tn i rqii I (o i io orivii'll oil pniii'u liich •>>' in I yon wi l h iv a iu’i2n?irt (h itcannot « m * »• e d.»r, a> d all the fa •* id !> rt 1tv:n« of inlrrt'M at»« nt th« h’HMvhoAl. lx»« .!. !» f ni ‘h n » lmcrc«tirg rend matter, h. mv? » d v iv. f*>r lhe uholv famdv ; e -1 IK iion»< «i i- i *i i» f.i‘hion n araxin», h« f’.*h <»n p-4-v am fret. • <1 n C’’t W»Ilh it, true of r ■»*•(, all the pa • ru * yt u wi’ li l<» n«*’ « ming •He yerr d In »i r *• Y 4’11 Ch O»»’ **4 flft ITI jrour w»j. - r ptl m it o fo, rr y $ * iV ni <* YW u ill r *î'v «i r < n«» A r.t . n«c<*n;ui*fi«i wi’h Ih® ■i.C’l’v. A 1^’ ; n . »rr- *l Kl 4XGI K, b»\ 1-ioN Tilt MK, >\ »» TMX I*»ON r » «»F .1’ I i F»* ’♦ * n» ’ V ia r. V.’ h »S. in» -;> > ’ ar X’KRi l !(T. * w<» !*• nbsivc 3»*d *»'• L. -l Mni ». <»'l •I \R!’UR’S PERIODICALS SOM DOLLARS r Y»*ar ir E RS M ' F : •* ■ < vi ■ 11’. 1’ Vo • « Fr M« »*► (’ mdîi J h t DEXTER SHOE CO., Aycw s fl tm ul NR... Y I* KO Pl r. '••ciiSerii in th» ... I ■ . I 3» I * . I I’ll ’.- per month I n Y our O wn L ocality made easily and honorably, without cap t.'l, during your spare hours. Any h. "i' e-In wnii .'„e fl,, vv oman, l»oy, or girl can do the work Ii •" ' r r J h - ,,f ...,.«, wbcn k “’vi» ec'l.nel. su,«, - t.rt wil] [„.„j, lly, without experience. Talking "r- he x mb riurrent at 'hetimeof receiw 1’ccews.try. Nothing like it for mow • r’' !. • ..’"t it ?, * ’’«w ’or ihres e* " ev ced do) a niaht how to succeed from the • j n i'tniei < r 47 a «oinme ‘. 'll*".’ 1 . h v,, un e.stiitable Mr bind h .ar. Y m cun make a tri d without • s> h * 111 5 m* P'*l"»id«n rtreip .d , to yonr-wlf. We »tart Jou’n‘V’ . '4' "'“ ’ ni'-eu thoiild be made by P etOFlca everj thing needed to carry on tlu ' • \ r r *’ *f’’ " ■v,1*d chance of l.wa .a ss successfully, and guarantee • ‘èv.e.n.». ' *.R * BR THERS against failure if you but ^2 °T,r f th .LΙ rer,.,tlo..p anv ..,e nor r„ | L S . .. Tn f'v« «i'hout the simple, pl till instni' tions. voii are ia weed of ready mon< y. • «.■«watauiu hKu.iiKk» want to know all alwwt the best P*. _ business before the public, seB’l u' ' address, ami we will mail you a rueot giving you all the particulars- R V*.'. .%> i.Ru , ■ * n -«"IX IkMI*.” ?cw Y«u* tut. TRUE & CO., Box 400« Augusta, Maine«