t Democratic Announcements. ■OR COUNTY JUDGE. F I —Can the [0] < xplain how a pop Simmons Liver Regulator hasi ulist got the appointment of Stock , never failed to relieve costivenesH, | Inspector. , and blind or bleeding piles The Belle of Kalamazoo. i THE WOOL INDUSTRY [ communicated .] How It lias been Ruine 1 by 3 —Messrs. Ed. Stauffer and G porge ; So easy in its action, harmless A I v.xom gi’l, with hang and curl, Protective Tariff. J hereby announce myself as a Shelly were in town yesterday. I "kinder” thought I’d woo: |and effectual in rnlivitig is Simimm 1 She’ll stoP my heart with magic art, ’ Krom The St faillis Republie candidate for the office of County —1 he Friday night dances will Liver Regulator. lu Ire subject to the action of the ., „ Burns Hotel if . i Wav down in Kalamazoo. M arried —Al trie CONTINUED FROM EDITORIAL PAGVT. 'Democratic convention of Harney continue in ttie Stenger and Me , Gowan hall. on fridiiv the 26 inst, Maurice 8h«’d d'Op her eve, as I passed bv, County Oregon. twin iniquities . Ill OS. J SHIELDS. ' —The question of a telephone Fitzgerald and Miss Evi Waters.1 And quick began to chew I do not claim, and do not want ller’liunk ’ol’ntini and giggle some, line from Pendleton to Canyon Citv Simmons Liver Regulator has f Way down in Kalamazoo. I to be so understood, that the tariff via Long Creek is again being agi never been known to fml to cure alone is responsible f r all this. tated. Though favored short her foot flit! . dyspepsia. Wool has gone down like every sport I —Dr. Cate is kept pretty busy I Mrs Maurice Fitzgerald and her other product t hat the farmer rsi-es WEDNESDAY JANUARY 81. 18'4 A number el* ven shoe, 1 The universal good dentistry done ! sister Miss \llie Waters left here, in the United States, and in ad But then the wind she did not mind. by him has gained for the Dr. a for Portland last Sunday evening dition t<> this robber tariff and this Way flown in Kalamazoo. BAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF . reputation. on the Ontario stage. (depression system which has drag- Her arm was stout a "knocker out. j ged it down, is 'hat other and more Simmons Liver Regulator h s any NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. Will Burns have enough of inn 1 And freckled some tis true; I potential cause inaugurated by the Jigent timber in the town irrespi c never been known to fail to cure But thi n tliev need that kind of • Republican party, the infamous war tive of candidates for county offices , sick headache. breed I that has been nade upon silver in T p. FtsHER, NEWSPAPER advertising ! to fill the municipal offices ofthei \i.K„npr.il].. Iidl-a lb.. UtHiKiFr L. A«ent.. a MerchHnt»'Ex< hui)g.-,san Fr»u- . * . ( —.M asquerade Dall al » De Meilger Way down in Kalamazoo. ¡the United States, beginning in Thin paper.. corporation ? We belet ve the tow n , an() McGowan hall on the evening [ Democratic apolause ] leleclion is held on the 5th of march.■ of March <)tb Music hy|he Burn3 Her shingled h« ad was titian red. I 1873 The shade a storm to brew. (That and its twin iniquity, high tar and we hear nothing said of candi- slr|,Jg band e Upon my word among a herd iff'. have destroyed the value not 1 dates for the offices. Local News. I Of cows in Kalamazoo. only of wool but. of all th»1 farm Riley Items. | —The A. 0 U. W. Lodge of, She’ll milk a cow or yank a plow. products of the United States until , Burns will give a grand ball at the! _ The streets are very muddy. the farmers are confronted today Am) sling some slang talk too; Wm. Spencer and bride have Military Hall on St. Patricks dav —Mrs. Ollie Robinson is now 11 with an average valuation of less or rather on the evening of the IGth moved to their home in this neigh And oft forlunch raw turnips munch than 50 per cent of what their earn convalescent. ' Way tiown in Kalamaz >o borhood near the Warm Springs. of March as the 17th comes on Sat- ( I ings and their holdings were worth The order will spare no There is also another newlv mar- Iler sunburned nose st renely rose —We presume the (0) is working ”r'LiV. before the demonetization of silver ¡pains to make the occasion a suc ried couple living on the flat, Mr. In scorn superior to. hard on his combination. in 1873. Thei’ baneful influences cess in every particular. The ad. and Mrs. Taylor Simmons. All niush talk oi* love sick gawk, are felt throughout the country, Wa down in Ka la mazno. —E. II. King of Harney was in , and program will appear in our next Thos. Allen and wifo are now | and they are as inseparable as the town Monday and Tuesday of this issue. living at the Warm Spring ranche. I called one day in festive May i Siamese twins. I week. J (Scottie in hardware store,seeing Tom is foreman. The boys em And asked her if I’d do; —Notice ad. of Rebekah dance quite a display of garden seeds) ployed at the ranche, sav things ‘ You’re fresh.’" she said, "go soak I I priNAi. PROOF your head. in another column; To be given ( "Hello! Don’t you keep anything again look natural since the return of Tom to his old position. I for sale heie except garden seeds?” And skip from Kalamazoo.” February 14th. l.ANI) OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON, I Proprietor sarcastically] "Yes, The many friends of Ji ck Craig Now though my head to soak I’d Jan. '.4, l.'H4. —The town is improving the' Notil e is hereto given that the following- we keep Smart alexs’ ” niiineil sen 1er has fik.it imtii e of his intvntioii are pleased to learn of his r»covery flread, i street by putting a bridge across the l.i tn nice II oil |> oof in support of h 8 claim, and 1 [Scottie] "Well my friend you from an attack of rheumatism. t hai Haul pr.>.n will le niHue befoie l e Regia er •‘Tis true, tis sad tis true,” ditch in front of the H ekai . d Offic< and Reeeiveral Hurt f. Oregon,vtl V a < h ]{i,D!4 have a good trade I only see one cr.c v.z I Y U.K III» AHU. "I ’ ve had a bluff, and "quite enough Lawn Clark paid a flying visit lid No. ..11 f.irthe S'a NW*4 and N'.a SW1.' —The Heppner Gazette wants b.B Se lOTp. .OE. R. E In mine” of Kalamazoo. Ile tînmes the following wltnefg a to provo Prof Rork to explain why he was I Curtain fell, so did the counten- to Silver Creek a short time since. h 8 e.mtlnu.ills reRide < e upon anu lUlthatioti Dick you had better be on your of said land, viz S W. Miller, Isaac Hlevet a, fired from the Unitarian church of ance oftbe proprietor. Perfectly sure, perfectly pure, '»regon.asid I. M. Davi» guard, Lawn says he is getting aw Salem. perfectly harmless is Simmon Liver J i ” huntingtom , Regia:er. 1 —The young man, who has no fully tired < fa bachelor’s life, —Corbett knocked Mitchell out, more respect for nirm-elf and his Regni •;tor. —— Isaac Foster and wife are not ex in three rounds. Next we presume mother who gave him his being, peeted home fr >m Nevada ’mtil will be Corbett and Jackson brutal then to terquent company of ill- NOTICE. There is not a better school in spring. Iv punching each other to gain no repute and speak lightlv and dis Eastern Oregon than Long Creek Wab Parker and family1 were has at the present time. The num- toriety and pugilistic fame. hereby given to whom it may paragingly of women, is not fit to visiting Mr. and Mrs. Vanderpool >Ur (>f ()U, pupi | s sin j attendance concern that the promissory note —We see in an exchance that associate with families of resnectii a short time ago. is tine evidence of th it fact.—Long given by 1). L. Shirk ami F. M. Deputy collector Cook will be in bility and it is the duty of parents Creek is now running Cre» k Eagle. Shirk, to C. W. Parrish for the sum Silver Grant county in the near future and young ladies of good repute to of 4(>IM) dated the — day of May registering the celestials. We pre plainly inform such that their room through to Harney Lake the first slime no one will visit this county Pr,‘Lirable to their company, timeat t his season of the year since The’-¿9 Mining Cam p lit the Kid. 1*92 due on or before two years from flute has been paid, said note winter Fttir. forthat purpose and the Chinese .This distinction should be shown ’92. I >s supposed to have been lost in the here will have to go »o Canyon City in ,h” hft)1 room or at nnv po,'.’al [ • Stock on 1 he range are in splendid Perhaps the most interesting of U.S. mails, " • 1 ’ gathering that brings i respectable verily the good Lord is if they desire to register. " Dated at Burns Ore. this the 22nd ’people in contact wilh those of smiling upon us, if congress doe# all inaugural exercises thus far has ................... —J. E. McCoy, a SaDmcontract <lay of January 1894. doubtful characters. This .... distinc-j .......... i refuse to pass the free coinage bill. been ’he start made bv the ’49 or, visited the Oregon Pacific heat! D. L. S hirk . Mining Camp in the favor of the lion should also apply to women D ixie . quarters on business some time public This feature of the Exposi as well as men. A woman whose : iinee, and on his return, said he tion is as uniipie as it is interesting, i actions are questionable should be j So Live. Sealed Proposals Invited. i could have bought the whole thing made to know her place and ce. tain- Every tiling that has lieen claimed lia'l he so desired, but the propertv for it has already been fulfilled.and Iv should be made to feel that res ‘‘COMMUNICATED ” Notice is hereby given that sealed Would not earn enough money to al) its special features have been pectable women discountenance proposals are invited by the County »and the rails anil he did not want ¡any immorality or degradation ■ Let vour life be one <»f sympathy, put in early active operation wii< Court of IJarnev County Oregon it. be compassionate ami kind to all a view to have things running when found in anv their sex.; for the building of a Court House creatures. —Our correspondent, smoothly when the great dav of V anRy | —.phe aunoun(.^|lient of T. J. and Vault (except as to doors of informs us that Mr. L ( . DeCon- |gbb,|dj) iI(J a candidate before the ! Be honest and pure of heart. days "arrives. On the occasion of Vault which the County will fur <lress of Nebraska i arrivd, a few [ de(11Ot.rrt^jc convention for the office From the truth never swerve the opening dance in the Gold Gulch nish) according to plans ami spec diiys since, in the Pine Creek neigh of county Judge appears in this faithful and it list wort by, injure not Dane»* Hall everybody present was ification now on tile in the Office of borhood and is stopping at the taken utterly by storm. Fandango issue of the H erald . Mr. Shields I thv fellow-man through deceit the County Clerk, each bid to be ac home of his son-in law Mr. E. L. was appointed Judge by th»- Govern i Listen not to slander« us tongues, was never hmced as it was on this companied with a good and sutbei- Be-tie Mr. DeCondress purposes occasion, and the old miners wl"’ ent. bond in the sum of $1.000 to the moving hi8 fail)j]y to tb,3 county in or, w hen our County was fir«t or what you hear derogatory to one’s had assembled to witness the scene ganized and performed the duties j | r reputation repeat it not. eflect that the bidder in case said the spring. wanted to catch the dancers , until the time of the first regular •tp hi contract is awarded to him will fur Thus live as a binder together of their arms, so full of enthusiasm The plan for our court house is | election in the county. That he nish a good anil sufficient bond in a'fry nice one indeed, and in case i was faithful in the jierformance of friendship, a peace-maker and lover were they and so fill I of reini ri’sceu • double.the amount of his bid. All ce of the days of gold. There were . • * ' ■ ..... ’,¿'"7 *r can get such a building for tbe ' his duties, we be eive is generally of peace. . ../».J . . blds to be filed wilh the .............. ‘ Couiiiy Refrain from bitterness of speech, two ,nen ahot ( ?)'*uring the progress f’"11 named ..p le^p, ||ie people of an acknowledged fact, and beleiv- Clerk and tn be opened and examin pleasant and humane, d ince, carried out on a board, Harney should be well satisfied, ing such to be the case the H erald he _ courteouM, _ . ed by the Court on the 15 day of etc..but thedanee went on. Severe I Many doubts are expressed regard has no hesitancy in recommending cultivate a forgiving disposition Feb. 1894 at 1 oclock P. M. claims have been jumped already C H ,ng the price, taking into consider- the Ex Judge tn the voters of our | The Court reserves the right to re ■’"•" hardly county. COUIlty. Mr. Shields is perfectly, ---------------------- and other shooting scrapes may be #ti >n the the model, model, thinking thinking it it hardly ject any ami all bids. r P u ’ i H'Mble o o i ’. 1 . to construct such a build .honest, trustworthy, capable and I I)r. Embree is the leading spirit any dav. None of the Bv order County Court. '"8 for the money. Butthat is a impartial clear of deception, and i among the populists in thia County loaded, however, so P. L. S hidei . fr . question to lie settled by the bidders aloof fiom any combination, ring or J and is in dead earnest. The other *hal ,here n",r” iban danger Clerk. 11 a,,y one gives the necessary 1 sect, open, frank and courteous.' evening he organized a club at in in this part of the |>rogramme I ""I "nd undertakes the job, such knowing no rulings except thoae dependence and ’hey propose to 4,1 ' 1 certainly has counted the that justice dictates and honerty i have similar elu >s all over the °st and knows what he is doing [prescribes. county. I he I'emizer. rfr. ¡»rice’s Cream Baking Powder Moat Perfect Mad«. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World1» Fair Highest Medal and Diploma.