was 48 cents in currency «nd the lowest 45 cents. In 1881 the high est price was 62 cents in currency. WEDNESDAY JANUARY 81. 18-4 ’.AMERCAiN" EAGLE JÛB OEFtCi. an«I so on. I commenced sellit g wool in 18/0 a ml 1 have 1» en gradu­ Editor. W.C, BY1M»--------- ally getting a lower and lower price roprieior for toy clip, except in two or tine«' years in the interim, us I will sin w the wool industry from this table down to the passag Uuna, Harney C.*.S, NOT E EADS | my wool clip in 1892 for less tliai From The St Louis Republic I ever got before. Washington. D. C., Jan. 18.—Mr. MOST PERFECT MADE. KN V EI-OPES, STAT E M E SO MU< II EOR YCKINLEYISM. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free Hatch of Missouri delivered a PRICES: I speech in the House yesterday on' In 1893 I [sold my wool for thrj ona Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant dO YEARS THE STANDARD. the wool schedule of the Wilson, highest price that wool brought in ' bill Free wool was being sharply the City of Hannibal at the date ' I attacked by the Republicans and delivered it, because mv wool cli; I the Democrats insisted that Mi- was graded as choice, medium weol . $1 Reward $100. Hatch, a representative farmer and and I sold for 16} to 17 cents a ' farmers’ friend, should make an pound, the exact figures I have no I The readers of this pat» r will be answer. at band. The lowest. 1 have eve pleased to learn that iLe'«’ is at Mr. Hatch has been very sick for|go]d it for—(The time of Mr. Hatcl lea«t one dreaded disease that sc - I eotue time past and was not tn good having expired. Mr Wilson yielded •nee has been able to cur«- in al yoice at th- beginning of his speech. I ,wn minutes more.) its stages, and that is Catarrh Towards the close, however, his old ( Mr. Hatch: The point I want t< Hall’s Catarrh Cure i- tie only clarion note rang through the hall -1 make is, all American wool, or a positive cure known to am medical and, as usual, he was listened to, i least the great hulk of it, is bough fraternity. Catarrh b« a con i with profound attention, and his by the manufacturers of the Unite«! stitiltional disease, ieqi.1 < s a con utterances were greeted with ap States. They cannot make cloth in ! stitutional s Ha lib treatment Harney County, plause. His speech was short but competition with the manufacturers i Catarrh Cure is taken i- ■ernully pointed. Here is what he said- of woolen goods of the world with ! acting directly upon lie i mod am 1 have been a practical wool out an admixture of certain grades I mucous surfaces ol the system. | grower for 24 years. I have had on of foreign wool not grown in this j th< reby destroying the foundatioi M. BROWM, Buns my farm a Hock of pure Sout hdown country, and the highest the prict* of the disease, and giv ng i he pa thiep since 1869. I sold mv fir.-t von make them pay for that foreign Itient strength by building up th«L clip in the spring of 1870, and have wool, the less they will pay the I constitution ami assi.-.iiu natun 1 sold it as unwashed wool to the wool American wool grower. (Democrat­ ' in doing its work. The piopriet • . buyers of Hannibal each year since lie applause.) have so much faith in i its euraiivi the spring of 1870 Since I have Sitting right before me now is a | powers, l hat they offer bn» Hun been a member of Congress during I wool grower from Texas [Gresham,] dred Dollars for any «•:•• sc that i' the diflerent tariff discussions that } who has now 25.000 pounds of wool fails to cure, Send fo'- list of tcsti have occurred since the Forty sixth Ion hand, the dip «if 1893. that he inonlals. Congress I have been a veiv dost ' tells me he has been offered only Address, F. J. CHEN ICY A CO . student of all the statistics and all 8 cents a pound for. and that under Toledo, O. Sold by Drng_i‘(s, 75|<- ‘ ■' <'V A- .1 facts and figu res that have hoen the operation of the McKinley bill. presented either to the Committee 1 Put wool on the free list. You can on Ways and Means.or to this house not make it anv cheaper to the i in regard to the effect of a tariff on American wool grower. Youcannot wool uh it affected the American make it lower. There is not a I wool grower. I have not t me to sheep-raiser in the Mississippi Vai go into an elaborate discussion of ley today, so far as my personal the subject, except to state the tin acquaintance go« s, who dot s noi questioned facts that can be verified ;sav “Put jt O|) t|)e frfee )jHt \y(. j, by a number of gentlemen upon not want any tariff We have trie« The success of this Great Cou^h Cure is this floor, who, like I, have been in- tariff until it has broken up th- without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos­ terested every spring in the p-ice ■ intry, and now let us try somethin!. itive guarantee, a test that no otherc re can successfully stand. That it may become of woo!. ' else.’’ tnown, the Proprietors, at. an enormous ex- The Hr'll CREW. I THE PIONEER FIRM eadin O^n Premieto* SHILOH'S ICONSUMPTION CURE. no money in wool . [CONTINUED ON LOCAL PAGE.] I >ense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into ■very home in the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron- ■hitis. use it. for it will cure you. If your •hild lias the Croup, or WhoopingCough, use it promntlv, and relief is sure. If you dread I that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH’S CURE, I Price 10 cts.. 50 cts. and $1.00. If your Lungs arc sore or Back lame, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. Price V> cts. For sale by all Drug­ gists and Dealers. I want it understood that I not carry a tlock of sheep upon i win. on.y dice for mo insiuo. 260 farm with any idea of deriving >»eis in Ramus, all winning. perfect work, weignt, and cannot bo do teetvd by outsiders. Confidential profit from the wool clip alone, nor corre^Dowdonce with games invit­ ed. Price “Miss-Outs‘"per set, •£&. do I heleive there ls^in the State of Fair Birds Eye, ivory (see cut) pair, 82.50; loaded high or low, 816. Ordinary work, to pass, bone. 12 9 16 inch, pair, 81; ivory, 8 .50. Finest marked Illint is or Missouri a farmer to-day or -.rds made, 60c, 81,81.26» pack. 64-pare oat. «ce guaranteed. BLY BROS, Box K, tbkafo, IU. cert duly not one of a bun lred.who carries a flock upon his farm for the profit in the wool « lip alone. Mr. Cannon of Illinois: That is one «dement of profit [a a | Preutibd Kt ctifyiug pills cure coustipation Preuii; s RcctiiyiDg pills cure coiiBiipatioa Mr. Hatch: It is the very smallest |2£ Prentiss Rectifying pills cure constipation Pwnti^s Rectifying plliscurccoiw