The Red From best brands of whiskeys, w . ■ —w --------------------- - - — beer and cigars Is furnished VRDNE8DAY JANUARY 31. 1314 card, pool and billiard tables. F. Stenger proprietor. — Bailey an 1 Johnson, proprie tors of the “Tex ’ Saloon, are doing at good business, because their cus Baker City, Or. twmers receive the co irte»y and po i lite attention so esse itial to sue Also takes orders for enlarging pictures: Crayon or Pastel. Wort — 'Chool hooks at the drug store . cess guaianteed on delivery or no charges made. of H. M. Horton. , . . ■ ' - A farm on ... 1 rout creckcontain-1 ---- choci books and stationary jng ¡60 acres. This ranch has Post Office Address, box 361. Boise City, Idaho ifrs. If. A. Hamilton ch> no for cash, at the Hardware about 100 acres of meadow and i« admirably situated for a first class Given Up to Dio | Btbr« nfC. H. Voegtlv. sheep, cattle oi horse ranch, being '•I r-a, troubled with liver conipl- Int end en- ' — !’he Burns ndlitia will give a surrounded . . ____ by the very best range. iMicmout of tho s ;.I ccil At last 1 co. 11 not oflice or wriG. For p.ri.1 c 17-" at this. " i Bcr03s l; y rcom, cad took to ry bed, ai, big "¡ill on the 22ml of February. Title good !,■ . . • terms rd A- call King, Real | maay thought, t» did. I b -an to take Hood’s { < nsiaie Agents, Burns Oregon. • ( Sarsaparilla a .d am entirely cured. Ithasall — Peach brandy at Stenger’s for $3.50 a gallon, cash. —Another jiiopoaition to sub- —The Elite Saloon (Seo Tre- i scribers. To those who will pay lip been brought about by Hood’s Sarsaparilla.’' gaskis proprietor, fine Wines. Li back subscriptions and one year in Wits. R. A. H amilton , Fresno, California. ( 1 quors and Cigars, billiard and card s advance, and desiie the Toledo Hood’s Piifj Cure S ick EciulacUs. 2¿0 A tables. J. H. Jett Marble Co. BLACKSMITH SHOP. MoocL'ssPlauurcs | -lx.n't fomet ¡|,.„ry c-heatha,,, ,'i''”!? baiher, desires a part of your pat- 1 ' ««hire« A. J. McKinnon A Marvel hi « UHcovery Free ‘ ’l,1< Bk<,e f°r ‘!2 7'5’ Superfluous hair removed per | Shop opposite the Clerk’s Office. manentlv. instantaneously, without — Who said you couldn’t get a pain, by Electro Chemical Fluid., One section of land about 7 miles | An experienced Workman and satifaction Guaranteed. «oo.l flavored cigar in town for live In order to prove superiority, we 1,1 ( all at the Uitv Drugstore north of Burns, fully 160 acres of I will for next 90 da vs send sanip'e* which cati be irrigated, and quality He solicits a share patronage of his frends. and inquire. hottie and testimonials free, on re of soil unsurpassed. Good outlet ceipt of nineteen cents to pav post •b’b Jot of spectacles and eye to range For sale cheap. | oge. Elect ro Chemical Co., 25 East at Jorgensons from 25cts B ykd < fc K ing . : 14th St New York. ‘” S1 P«r P«"-- Photographs $41 i I P‘ t d.»z , Cabinets. i I Notice. -Th- Hel,ek„ l,„|g,..iB R„f I I AN OLD AND WELL-THIRD KKM KD V.-MrR. ■• have « ,|.,.l t .... . pi,linv . A l umber one Dli’tiud Organ f r lover , wnidgiow thing '” ’ i> ofniotbei» I',',;8,mriiiei e lift, ’s-.« ear» by uiilli.'U lor ’i while tee hing, »Itliperfect iuimw . sale cheap. ('all ¡it the 11 lUiA I t> , I i children childmn whil' """""I" l'"b oim,. It Root he» the child, s f erg the suing. «Hata / benehl o' the lodge. 1 Office for further information. | «Il putii, cures wind culle, mid ig the beat reme ( cily for Diarrhoea. Ig pk-Hgitnt io ihe taste Proprietor • Hold by Pruggig's in every part of ihe world. G. W. H ayes -Builders tools and all kinds of' T m eiityflveceiilg « bottle, Ila value ia iiivulg' lable. Be sure mid ar,'. for Mra. Wincglow'g ■ A good ranch belonging to H G ' Suothl« bin Mi ug hardware at the Burns v svrup. mid ake dq other kind. Leaves Burns daily at 6:30 p m . Arrives at Ontario in 42 hours hard war« store, al bottom prices ('ampbell, containing KiOai cj for e.isi,. miles smith east of Burns i’Li- I One way $7.50. Fare, round trip. $12. — M r*. Racine always sets \ the ranch has about 1<K( acres of g<>i> i PER MONTH b< st of t.iiiies, even thing ilici- uml meadow lami, Price $800 or will I.i «Z«-.iu«am. I 'fhivuph frr-lglil SJvtn <• plellliful. Her rooms are me-x- trade for sheen ... made easily and honorably, without capi • | T ykd A K ino . 'paiV-ins Kfinn'i stie spares no pains ta), (hiring your spare hours. Any man woman, boy, or girl can do the work hand t<> accolli modale and please. I ily, without experience. Talking un uecessary. Nolhing like it for money j — Don’t forget I he old “stand-by m dti ng ever offered before. Ourworkcr Edwards, Fr- neh 1 Intel ” Board $100 pci always prosper. No time wasted ii. dai and lega by the week. ¡earning the business. We teach you in Real Estate. Life ami Fire insur I i nHht bow t > succeed from the first I — Elie S iloon, in the new hotel ance. Collections a Specialty. I hour. You can make a trial without <x- i peuse to yourself. We start you, fiirnisli ' building, Riehardson and Stephen ens Olt EGON | v. rythiug needed to carry on the busi- proprietors, i* nieelv furnished ami HUHNS, . ness successfully, and guarantee you | I gainst failure if yon but follow om i it< ctistomers is given thè best I imple, pliin instructions. Header, i j 1 branda of liquor» and rigar«. I on arc in need of ready money, nut1 | ronage, at the new barber shop. I'artii For Sale. « Stage Line. Burns - Ontario • »I • «»•»«•» i- ...... r< ir» tilt' ■ roane» I ir* that do » r» * ' ul I I —For a fine 8 day Calender * trr tho health or interi» ro wit . ’ I « oi , uro. It buihiN up Htivl 1. pr»»wa i < .» • J Clock, 8 day Cabinet nml 8 day . althj loarstheskiu:.n<i I tuti co»: : .ton. DfMlt's r- t’P'bln . t I’ t Maiit le, go to Jorgensons the i iortud by pbyNK i.un aud I hd.n^t- .n tv i. AIIENT3 TREATED UV MAIL CGN7IDENU L, jeweler. I '.irate«*« Starving. I 6 « enti I. «tur: f.-r pn«--. i licito I a. t.w. r. N<» funata, «vienilisin-. . cenni) ut — Do vou take a California papel ? If not try I lie \\ e. k I \ Nev! Published at the State Capii «I. Bright, breezy. , reliable. ...... indep liti« nt. literary and tiewsv. io c h m lì hit I^G doli - ars 1.1 HER & (0 •want to know all about the best paying 1 iisines.s before the publir, send us you. 1 address, and we will mail you a docu I inent giving you all the particulars. Manufacturers Tinware & Slee ' ron Goods rfWE & CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine —The Best Wn-k'v Paper Calild’im». O.ily $1 50 per tear. Add resa T hk B f . k ; Sacramento, Cui ALSO DEALER8 IN' PAINTS , HARD- OILS WA glass , doors cumpRTOR i o V WIN' DOWS dangers TV «» n <1 r r f il I 11 i ac «i % r i j . Dr Chvcini'i» Electric Spavin Cure pisi’ivelv removes Bum* Spas in. . Ringbone, Splint or (’urli in 4S| hours without pain. $500 '•»•ward failure or slightest injury. The greatest Wodder of the Nineteenth l vnturv. astoniahit » as it does the .'ntirc vclurinarv world Circular« nml testimonials free Dr. Guv hvemi. 378 Carmi St New York — William Haney is -ole agent tie Site. " “ * ' Mill Store, gì in Gii»and Grant comities I'lut k «1» fine a* »ilk, robes inferior to •nine, overshots and nnd« rwe»r as cheap (IS thi t-u nprSf.F. liS, glove«, Committee gem ids Mi-, mi’.!«I««. o\ rco >1«. tlirmla by the rheu.pvii, Johnson ami King yard, cloth by the tard. Im’ira«Ires* tlaonel*. etc etc T ikie measures for men s at J youth’s clothing. < . ,1 . , t r TINWARE. GRANIT ‘AMMUNITION * fishing WARE, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE GARDEN SEEDS, FAB* » HERS’ A MECHANICS’ TOOLS & UNDERTAKING GOODS. Call at.d see cur Holiday goods. Proprietor H M. HORTON, < Frcru h Hotel. ♦ ^r.Tirvrw’ I %tr, Wh rthington, G»» r. < tn « AfFDTCTKF« rTTFATTC tTS. PATENT MFDTCÎNK9. «TtTTOXFRv. TiTtvcivn nvFS CHOTCF PFRFUMFP A FWTYTOTIFT \PTTrT FS TOBACCO. CIGARS ETC. c’in*' Wires & Liquors for Medical Proscriptions accurately compounded. First Class Dental Work Done. Purpose*