TÏ3 H ot -V-I WEDNESDAY JANUARY 24. 18(4. N ews I n G eneral The March of Science WAITED. I B altimore , Jan. 12—A most I n*arkable electrical e.xpt-riment w.is (j ■rite to ««-11 o ir i:-i at.i’l bar . Nursery Slock. \\ • have many new special varieties, both io fruits' ami ornamentals to offer, which ai> ■ controlled only i v us. We pav commission or salary. Write us s: once for terms, and g.-curc choice of territory. M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, ■ successfully exhibited at the col- lege of physicians and surgeons last night. By means of a flexi- j hie rubber tube a diminutive elrc- ! trie light was introduced into the f’KOM OUR EXCHANGES, .stomach of a patient. The lights were lowered and in the darkness (over 2,000 students viewed the It has been definitely decided R >( bester, man’s inside that the official ceremonial opening workings of the of the California Midwinter Inter­ through the transparency the light A high-class illustrât« d n ontbl national Exposition shall take created in the abdominal wall. The magazine in the bom«’ is no |<>t g, r place on Saturday, Jan. 27. This , experiment has heretofore been re a luxury. It is a nee ssi' y, ami to garded as an imp i.-sinility. decision has been reached after a | meet the demands created l>v thi- careful consideration of all the eir “f— necessity, THE Ct )S M i) ]’( ) !. i f A N cumstances and there is full assur­ MAGAZlNE, giving yearly, as ii ance on the part of those who are “As old as does, 1536 pages of reading by the in charge of the preparations that th’' iiills”an I ablest living authors, with over everything will be in readiness at never excell­ 1200 illustrations bv clever artists, that time. The great fire at the ed. “ Trie I h is stepped into the breech, with and proven " a reduction in its price that has Columbian Exposition on the night , is me verd ct of Jan. 8 did not damage the ex j «tallied the literary world. o f millions. hibits intended for transfer to San I 'fhe H erald , fully alive to the Simmons Francisco, except that a few of the needs of its patrons, has made Liver Regu- cases in which they were packed special lator is tho arrangements with this were pretty well drenched with I only Li ver superb monthly, whereby it will anj Kidney receive orders for yearly subscrip- water. Luckily however, the con ! medicine to tious to both publications combined tents of the cases were not injured ' which you and as a matter of fact, such a very can pin your for the sum of $3 (K). small proportion of the Midwinter: The price of the great illustrated faith for a display remained unshipped at the : cure. A . monthlies in the past has been time of the fire that the delay will ' mild laxa­ $3 0 ) and $4 00 a year, ana they not be aggravated on its account tive, and ware to be found only in the more purely veg­ pretentions homes. Our offer fur The building are beginning to at­ etable, act­ nishes a help to all families, no tract from visitors the praise they ing directly justly merit. Their rapid grow ill on t'.e Liver matter how mod’ st their means, was but one sulj-ctof « (¡icier in a n i Kid­ to keep in touch with the greatest the progress of this great ent« rpris.-. neys. Try it. minds of the world, as The Cosmo­ The arrangement, of the vest numb Sold by all politan has today the strongest er of exhibits with which their in i . or in Powder regular staff’of any exi ting period­ to be taken dry or made in to a tea. ical. Send orders to teriors ere to be embellished is, ofi T he H erald , The King of I.iver TleUicIne«. courae,another wonderful operation : “I have useil yoiii-siinnrin* i.I ver Regu­ Burns Ore lator and van <-oiis<-ietieiou-lv -.ay it is the but meanwhile the development of king of.-ill I! ver nn-dieters. ^.consider it a medicine <-hc’t i n itself.—(iEo. \V. J ack - the ideas of the architects and the A Kliabi’ \Uuu«a tON, Taeoiiia, Wasliinglou. development at the same time of' «3 EVERY PACKAGE-^» the general scheme of color which Du,-. U.ie X V imp in i‘e:l on wrapper. Wanted in every com?v to esta is being worked out in all the build lisli a cors'-t parlor f< r ihc sale <. ings comprises still another field for Dr. Nichols’ Celebrated Spiral wonder and admiration. I TH: BEST ANS Spring Corsets and Clasps. Wages • 13 Tiff SaFLST The official opening ceremonies > imSTf^T $40 to $75 per month and expenses will take place on the grand stand We furnish complete stock on con 3 i EVE?. Ü’ÀÛZ. which is now being erected for that signment; settlements monthly purpose, and for utilization after­ $3 Sample Corsi t fr«e. Feud ward in connection with athletic cents postage for sample mol term-., sports on the Recreation Grounds. Nichois Ml'a. Co., 37S Canal St This stand will accommodate7,000 New York people and the populace can be ac­ commodated on the greensward in DKXTF.R snOE CO., Inc’p. Capital, ft ,000,00®. BEST S’.BO SHOE IN THE WORLD. front of it to the number of 100,000. "A dollar eared la a dollar earned." Pj TP Than Thia Ijull.-«’ Solid! rench I>otiK<>la Kid But­ ton Boot delivered free anywhere in the US., on receipt of Cash, Money Order, or Postal Note for $1.50. Equals every way the boots aofd in all retail «lores for $2.50. We make this boot ourselves, therefore wo guar­ antee the jfZ, atule and wear, and if anyone la not satisfied we will refund the money , or send another pair. Opera I Toe or Common Sense, I widths C, D, E, 8t EK, sizes 1 to 8 and half I zee. Send your sins, ll Jit you. Illustrated Cata­ logue At a White Heat. J a < ksonville , Fla.,January 1-2— ’ ity licenses were issued to-day for the Corbett Mitchell contest on January 25th. The Duval Club officers laugh at •'overnor Mitchell’s threats and say ’he contest will certainly come off’ "n the 25th. Local military officers say their >nen would probably refuse to turn ''''t. and that no dependence could •e placed on them, so if the State froops are called out companies frf>m o t this county must be call- «*d. The situation is at a white heat All parties are in a ferment over the daily events — The Ree. There nro »ingle retail shoe stores In oi^I t < cities which sell 2,000 pairs of shoes a day, in;.... ¡. a net profit of $*250,000 a year. We sell oboe; . but we sell a great many pairs, the clear p.~ < our ladies’, misses* and childrens* shoos is r.t 1 1 ?n cents a pair, and on our mens* and boy.? t ’ 1 j cents a pair. We pha.ll establish shoe t; < ac.h of the fifty largest cities of the U. S., a they sell only 300 pairs of shoes a day th- y \ earn $525/00 a year. We should bo able to j y tnrly dividend of $5.25 a share, or over50 per < < a year on the Investment. We sell I ho stock at i a share. The price must inevitably be much r::< : than $10 a share. No stoc k lias ever been so’ 1 ; i?ss than this price, v hich is its par value. St < L ron-asscssable. Incorporated, Capita! $l,003,€ We have over 1,000 stockholders, and the num!.c i is increasing daily. Home of the principal stock* h ¿dors are : T. S. Walling. N. ¥.; I. J Totter, B^tcn ; N. A. Kee CO., Maaooic Temple,CHlUGa F««rsa4e d Bums.Ore .by U. M. LlORTuN, l>ru' «eure. It build« up aid irripr... »1. . , alth.cloarw the wkin ami 1. ■ o •■’Inkle« oe rtabbl*-- .<•• <1 by pbyiu. Ur.e AllEYfS TREATED GY ‘ Hnalaw. V« v.-rli^, > t. 0. r. .»8 I » ..i> J