JESSIE’S HERO Frvin People's Home Journal.»i..T8.ifUpin..u.ii>. .Mgart 1 JcfSie am n >1 an "D jii i t be alarmed; . 1 — ogress,” she said "I d;> D«>t want The H ehai . d is Failure. ) - 50 a year and j Now we ¡the Good form if 2 IM). make our subscribers the lolloiving . Her, wtii< h wi I Boid gi 0*1 as long as we run this i.ottiv: to ail de- limjUi nts who *i ill j <iv up and one war in advance and to all new subset ibeis, wc will send to their }' O. ad iress. the Goodform “grat is.” 1 his is certainly an offer that no one should o\eHook, ami we sincer-iy hope ■ ur readers will ac cept I I ¡120 DOI-LAR.7 I | Y our PER MONTI; O wn L ocality HOW TO AVOID IT. tne fiower. 1 would not have it made easily amt honorably, VVitlloin (.J if it grew at my feet. I want- The epitaph on niaiiy a tombstone is t ?1, .luring yom- spare hours. Any t P now, “One victory for Will Ei.derlv • lieaiifHure.” No w»»uder, wheii wecon- woman,boy, „rgii t eundothe work ; . ! find out who was the brave e i to ily. without experience. Talkin', .¡n „1, r the immense sir.iin w.n« h is put »>n II»- ban the kindest heart, at least, nere's-iry. -Nothing like it for man. , id who the coward. And 1 ih.4 smail<>rgau Mai veious as i i , in ating 1 wish he shared my seat instead nmking ever offered before. Om- work ? Mr. Marshall, pul ¡"0,000 im «-8 and» xiTinig a fu ccupial U« h ive linind out. •j.;S4,b ’ OO p»> unis daily, it has ils limit — its always prosper. No time west»»! „ of Tom. If he but proves as brave on your coat. It ¡* ’ruing the business. We te:l( |, V()ll : it is enough th it I endurance otleil is loo severely ivsietl. So os he is kind, why, then—” co iimo i are di e .res < f the heart—though a night how to succeed from th». t;r , you Wore willing to dare the »lunger oueu lor u cou'iovrabie lime wiilmul tin? hour. Yon can make a trial without. x Even in her heart she did not pens»* to yourself. Wc start you, iunil. ru-piei us of the aldicled person being in fur m v sake. I finish f hat sentence. But there was cv. rytiiiug needed to carry on the i,u. Will was not too far oil’ to h« ar the lea t exu e»l—,.ml it is staled that one ness successfully, and guarantee V"i p• i.i iitjni.r Ao.» a bad kioi\! Dr Franklin o lovely light in her eye as it beam eier» *vor»l J tss'e had spoken. Sh» lilies, of T.lkhaf , J .«I., Ims for >»ais made against failure if you but follow oi- ed upon Will, in return for fits sal simple, plain instructions. Header a special study of ail di-eases of me heart, mid raised her mice on purpo e old h.s remarkable sui'cess Las ma e his vou are in need of readv money, !U|i I utatioii, which made his heart beat want to know all about the pavin ■ ttiai 'I*- might hear, and she kmw i.auio it familiar one in i.ll parts of our ! uni. I lie Ims found the most C uunou svinptoius ■usiness before the public, send ik V; i !', r.ipbllv with In dj . her taunts had siting deeply, as she of hc-ait «lise se to i .•/iam, t/isL».-s or L «</er- address, and we will mail you a dwti- A f»-w days later, Jessie had a giving you all the particulars. meant i he • shotii«'. She walked Iirsx IP th • cA«Af burl:, al'iwuch, linnrl», b-fl «hiince to test I In courage of hot II ^hnul'irr anil urm, fkiirliuM ij breul'i, mnolkei' .may on I om s arm, and he was •.il'j n)> IIi., Hi* TRUE & CO., Box 400, PT.ANT FUJI If Y’S SETOS this year, and inalo* up for lost tima her lovers. A' out fiv e miles from indie i, Eerr y > *eril A nnnal tor lb!»4 u ill Mr. George K. Smith, of B rm s, Yates piumi of his victory now. Augusta, Maine give you maiij valuable* ninta Springdale there was <i wild, beau about wtiar to nitM* ami howto t e ha»i guessed her intention all ti e Co., N. Y, wri.e-: — “D r . M. lls ' N ew I Hh\in • I CE / •'.« u'.r/.cd V'lid ijidly on » raitie it. It contains i:it*>rma- tiful spot, known as Fern (¡leu. tion to lip had from no other i. «m- Hem-ver realiy meant to mai l mid h .j x • 1 cm du a Iiund d tii •» wnr:. . BOUne. Erer to u!J where picnic parti«*s often r» sorted; If '. 11< a ycai s • ii'iiia i and lake mor? i:>teresl D.M. Ferry & Co. e -ceiid that dang» rous dill '»tit n nlliois. 1 Lad sli ru e's of Im a b. palpi" Det rest mid hi-re Jessie nml her two suitors, fFnw want w: ¡w. tìom as 3«. t lie knew Jessie Lincoln, a <1 fell tai :o i. pain miiii r le t .-houbli r bl ale. /> "■< Mich with a merry party, ha»l gathered r .iiud I ''. In art, I i:,.il I not rh''p o • y ri.di: -ure if he off red to go she would •i le. Si ue I lave taken Jlr. J//..’ A ir Th»-v had enjoyed an abiimlant forbid it, as she did, ami he would ¡h urt C’< I x'u/> »r"//, and li tre i o J'"'e la ilium r. spread upon the fresh green tian. It luts inn ;e my Ar«i< sTom/ ?. I ■ sh ii. tv«- i ne honors of a blomih-s na. vou woul I print I Ii is, bei-mse I v. i«*t n I m DO YOU WANT TO ADOPT A BABY 1 gr i-~ and wen rambling ami it in Maybe you think this is a new business, know what Jdn M.h:f II. a t Cure ii ..? m* semling out babies on application: it has been .......... upon th.* rock,« cliffs ermind for me. ’ »lone before, however, but never have those A'l'tr^*.. ' ¡..-it. f nr i.'.Br i -rru -o furnished been so near the original sauipl<*us THB PKKSS lORFHY “ lor month» my wife su fie re» I wMi th*- .ileii. gathering wild flowers ami JOHN WE..0*.RB'JF.N, • ■ M. n*(jin-i Atiornev this one. Everyone will exclaim. “ Well I t ’fion, uninl .. I'iuif ttjulh, all I was u ;i' l ■ goiten. except by th«* Hi '• • . -- ......... ' < , P.O. BOX 403.______ _W.\SHINGTOX.D C. that ’ s the sweeiest baby t ever saw I ” This r .r -p< < imei.< of I eauuiul ferns I sice i on I er left side. She t i ' I «•»■»»•'.i little black anii-whi'.e ingravini.' can give I r-E '.'SIGNS K.A-.-REl: FC” eerii' »1. Will wiiik I red you buta faint idea of thef.viueite<ui'-’r*'i. ^Imtur- without relief. Your il fiom » Iiich lie glen »lerived it- SOLDIERS, WIDOWS, .1 < .'sii i was leconiinend ii. Afh Afl»r r tai: irouiid iilone, iMiil. wheiiev CHILDREN, PARENTS. . ......... . wiien J» —ie s chanee came imtfles, she fully *«*<">vei< <1 I ■ • IÌ ' Alsu, f ir SoM'rrs «.n I Salhir» <llnal l-.i u: •’ .■ hnenf li OU <1 iii»i loin passe«! him .-In duly In the veituiur Ar.ry. r >... ■■ .Incetl war. Y'-ur med »'in< s do what vou »• :> . She ivas gathering H splendid Survivor» of the Indian war- of IS."’ v. 1842, nn<l tbi’lr wldowu, now entltkrt I 'dandreli • ci: an» ioi. glance at him, mu *ii le Sp a s CilKI-TM i N, To'i do, O. a Bpcelalty. ThotR ndi- e..i,tih-:i to'. r ,ate». fi rn, winch grew ». ry near liiri <|g. Dr. Miles’ New Cure for ltd .... Send for new laws. No charsc fur adviic. Xofe» to him until SUCi'ei»f ul. by all driigirisis on a p sitive gnuram» e. nf a niif'i, rotiith coll, whim, chanciiif The hour for going home had 1.4 tafe, U'lrftahlr, efl'c’ire, Olid (fins tilTu. to 1 >«ok iV«*r tl»»' g "Ige. she spied a Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. ne h iv arrived, Some of tile part , liiHgmticent scalivi Hower growing w r«* alrcaiiy descemli ig the cidi' ti»*|<nv y i lie long path In ih • g’en, oth r < >h. how hi a itiful!” h|H. were yet tip<m tie pl'i ci ii "I • i V. mi « <»> "• hk" it. 1 must top, when a wild shin k a i am n Ii 1 have t bat llow» r ” bv those below, follow' .1 I v c: '1 gr • ip gather» <1 ‘Help! help! help!” i* ;. ii » k "v, r ' I don’i think •‘VVn it is n? \Vimt s i In n i Mid Molly Fr« e 1 i " i .. was the «' 'ger <|il' slim, And th io i •" »>ii'‘ nom'd i e tin illmg answer came: ‘ John Free lik. 1 fl" '••* f In r<* for i he sake I’M A DAISY. i n <i n o«er. lie is cau/t t ivliich we pronose to send to you. transpor of a Hit ' llnwer.” JÜU tation p.iiJ. Tlie little uarliii'a icsts «»gainst on a Inni) ha f wa v down Wn. t s pi.low, uni is in th ; net < f drawn g oC its 1591 » ur ' " 1 f'»r ll|\ sake."ern <1 pin . soc <, mute of which ha- been pulled shall we do? Who can save hi u? elf and tlua r asi le with a t iunipliunt eoo. Jes A wilful spirit seemed |<> The fl 'sli tint» are perleet, and tlieey» s follow I le Call I hold on long, and he’ll be you, no mutter wii r ■ y >a stand. Th» e.vqni- I t i k i pi»«ses^ioti "f her. as Hhe sit 'i-e woductionsof tins grcao st painting of killed.” Ida Waugh >tiie mo t celebrated of mo».« rn Ihiiight: "Now • a Hie chance to p.iiiiterjof baby life' are to be given to those Caotmus! v holding va. h other I who 'Ubseriba to Demorest’s Family Mnga- I* Hl t h<,ni.” A im ! then aloud sh»- zin > for 1S33. The reproductions cannot be back, they all pe» ped over th'? fear I told from the original, which cost S':00. and iiii<led : •• Inhere, nre the same size 17x2 J inches'. Uhe baby is gentlemen, is a tu! dill’. There, indeed, hung poor I life size, nnd absolutely lifeline. We have Choro tiro e’ngio retail rh< o flores in our ! r. rhidlvug«* for \ mi. also in preparation, t»> present to our sub Who is brave John,caught upon a jaggeti limb i Hticd v. hi: h noli 2,0ti0 pairso* fhocs a day, in*. : scribers .Tiring 1891, other great pictni».« by . ........... a year, We Gi’3 I-1 • a nyt prolit of " $2 enough to go »1 t||e s leh irt sts as Per.y T oran,Maud Humph: cy, gorge ami to winch he clung, midway down i b ;t v. o R. i! a groat many pnirn, tho cicar pn f.l < i 1. "iis Doseliamps, : nd otherd w<.lld-wiue ¿Ík- Á.__¿ S ■U a t" H ■ hl ___ _________ bung me that flower?" o?.r .......... Lidie a f ’, ___ r. is.sL-8* and child re _ is* chocs id it! * r n >wn. Take only two examnles of what ' the tirvadliil gorge, And his en» s I n ct ntiipair, * and * on o r rn--:*? and bo; ’ > we lid.I Tin r th > past year, “Aiaril ofl'an- > ce nts a pair. Wo shall cs— h choe tit • I "«• <»r three yom g s'cs,” and’* A White I1» usol r< hi'l ” I y the t ichof the fifty largest c’Jcsof iho U. S., ¡- I of "Help! help!” iviieoi Prc»t !'-nt. I! ■ ri-nn, ami jeu wi'.l see \\ ishii g to secure as nmnv i e <>v«*r the din; a|1(J K|K)uk I :-?y sell only ¿ g O pairs cf f hocj r. C. y th y v wii it o ir proniises » «;.n, .rn 0 a year. Wo » hov. ’ .i bo ab ’ e t > ’ faint» r and fainter, an ! c I’h is * .viio s ib' ril e 1 <,r Demon - t's Tamily l.euals »mi lew slits ri, Im i as ii«*iiiis nlo rj,.|i M;trt •r.rly dividend of £5.2’» aroy- r q r< M ' - iz.ine for ! '9:1 wi.i possess a gallety oi ex- too great; diminished year on tho iiiv stme: t. Wes II th? h '. gc k ; ‘ possitde Jan. 1st, ue ii iniisit ■ works of art of i rent vah.e, besidts a i rhare. ’¡ ho price rnn t i:it \ . - I 'y 1 e im. ?; : tin y would not dare it. M i .izine camot b • eiptaled I v any in But Jessie <l' «*i'i* •»> make a propos i on t than C 0 a r ’ is :-.'. N o r/ock b.ever bi > ¡1 r But lit* COllId Hot he I; the world for its beautiful 1 lustiutlons and - s» til n t • P i - , ' . ! • r I was deli rmined. T liming to Will subj 'ct in itter, t’.i t w II f eepeveryon»' post shmihl l*t* le.epted by every n die. Someone surely iv » on-assesMa’.J?. I::corpo:”'.t: <1, < .; i' .1 t *( ed on all the t >pi s of the »lav, end all lhe I I'MolerI v, she s rid: We have over J,' -J t toe I.?.« hh." •,d then-J. * f i I and iliiTere-it items i t interest al out the I he Gomitoni, a wonderful mi: down. W ho should it t«e? i ♦ increasi:: 'dully. t?o:ne of the principal sloe..- h >:t» iiol 1, be-id 's fir i’i lung interesting zine p ii'lislii <| in Chicago— b j’.dcrs arc : T. S. V.’al g. 'i. Y.; I J p. :•« r. P- ;‘-'b ■ "< "in»*, Mr. End« r tin r m itter, b *th grave mid gay. for the N. A. Peed. Jr.. Chicago; J. IJ. Cai", b ’• '• . • Tom! I'mn! Tom will W orld - Fair Citv — if whole family: rn l wil l? Demorest's is not you Ka.a aurh. Utde Rock, Ark.: I. IL I. «* ‘ »Hl I'lihling. | khou a I i'hi- ii iag izino, its f isliion pages arcper- Turner, f’hiia.: It. Ilardmg, N. V; L. J. 1-. • 1"‘ g<>!” cried several v» iv« s. “W hen* not see i ii on cannot a i p fe-t, an I wc give you. frrr nf cos', all the put Cn^'c, Mich.; F. 1*. Ilullcttc, Arcad«’. b. \ . -irl. ( (lower, pleas ter < yon w-h to use »luring the year, and Write for a pro6pccti’.3 the jkd * how ni< » it is, is Torn?" in -tie s you cho -s'*. Send in v< ur sub- our stockholders, etc., or send an ord> r /< r > 'V ill look» d gu v( sc n-in i -t once, only $2. an i vou will really cnc'D'dng coshier's check, cash or tni. ’’ >ot as lie answer- ling it is Oidi a yen i got"« But Tom, alter om* look, (I run Orders taken for one or more shares, r. . > a - iiiial'ic. Ad Ir.ssthc publisher. ed: old it » a 11 I !l <> k S I : ill 111 of 'I. .Irnili ix< Demorest. 15 EiuT 14th St . New a share. . back, pill»'and VaR. Ii you ¡ire unacquiiinted with the *N", M iss Jeasie, I cannot risk most popula - ring.i DEKTER SHOE CO., •laaumue. scud 1U ceuis foruspecimen copy "1 couldn’t.” lie sani “No man Aijeiilt II anted rid. «".V life for su.*h a trilli*. Surdi could, a»'«i live to ri't'itn V<m »In not wish u? K WHY? Simply ’<* *’5 o’.! told .l**8sie you »1 g eric»! "But I do wish it published to pie ■ se tht* cried Jessie, John's cousin, Moll I' htiii . n d«*cid«d)y. "'nv I ii"t tii eiiitors. In fact collimami ii.” I hr<Higli In r sobs. • «ti ii of i ligii c ■ « ,iraetei I caIIll«*t ob<A ," » was th»* firm "1 knew she «lui’i't III -aa t» h a <* t *>♦•<>1 »;< aiisn er. ! 1 r and li.ii* io ilwav.- rail! T' III, flushing ti n red I VI-« ‘ What? ; ill«1 Are you nfi.ii»| t , g,, i - ii < «o di' rm i «ime i <4 down?” H,ke<| JeRRle. » * - - Htl'l <h*»*« n •• tauntmgl v. u'k t h< re. • k s »• <• p h«T pretty ,-lie« k R »ill iithim»*- II Enrivr y to t .! p . i i t V W dl tome«! pal •r, out In* said the «liti • «I ■ ;.<•'» g qu « ily ; rt s orles "Ves. forsosnial! N < Hme. I *4« lect and I Je «si»*, w 11- am ” Disease commonly comes on with slight W hat ? You a »«»war«l”” rtf u and A mi ‘ \ « 11 k i. o h symptoms, which when neglected increase " v"B‘e r.u g |„u l ami clear Matters of dress. in extent and gradually grow dangerous. * G«> Hus moment. or I will Worn» * tn v< I w is Wi i ' s Sphere, Ilo...«* Decor liions, H, d 11 FR0M headache , dys «‘fil’dk to i ou \V||i |?lbi,.r|vr, pepsia or INDIGESTION. . . . TAKE th <t I »' • •«race and Be.iui v. ('orni i"t a d ■ 1 ■' I*'.’ii»|| I w¡|¡ , .. ” ’7'. ,r.BlL'Ol,S’ CONSTIPATED, or have ' lira o k i i k . il t le : ' v til ash* d • ’lii.racter. Health—Th«« V'ir Fs» r *, LI.ER COMPLAINT.................................... TAKE KIIR the AiiRBer Andd. Idly whit Our House • Atr.irs, Plants ami 'A it ho . t < t » .I pivmg I.» r a «. ant »*. F iiwer«, ” radical ■ * it!) fi ideti Hriii», W.ll If jo-r COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you Amn« imint-, ». ke t Will threw otr • lit» « • t aid R et • etc . SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING TAKE are aids di-te.)*-* »( rad ii w ay. » rIm* s. I’t'«* «4h«*rs, r«' *• month li> <«lilor who ir ■ »I or *uzh F0,rJ«NS,VE BRE*TH«nd ALL DISOR 'Tom Marshall ».j, DERS OF THE STOMACH. . l'I'» »1 for« urd. ti a-t*' • pint, w t« h» »! in TAKE s ! v I • ! O I th» -»• department of and «H'ifan to thro« Off Ins «".»at in silence TcMe, Hcgy.-u, u, S/slem ard prt„r„ th, fl„lth. M iar J csaìr , 1 || g,, «k>* n iu.<l g» t "Bring t h<* i ope froni » e you want Go • ¡ here. ;.,u » k'" hr Ord ( li» flow« r,” be Raid RIPANS TABULES**] ; d »es. ■»nd our »r- • r ' g volili)- fl rv ft * «1 R : ‘t Hi, ,I i > h «', d«»i.’i h t him!" rritd w litie s « completi : ,SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. th the publi'hcrg tnikt s i 1*1«! ling, lie ’hi him f * » a M Snl.i by pHiRgist-» or sent bv mail on receipt of price. pos * two or ihr« c ♦ e f'*r von to get this n ‘ It ir too ih« grum J. r». ’h» d ¡.i ♦ MEDICINE CHEST: Dux 0 nab), <5 cents. Pai tape it boxes), d . « r btAiii'ul ami valúame n»«g : n» owl N- trw foe 2 valuable m«g d »ugvroiis F«r Free «ample» addrees Hie W- a il H <ltd < h r «'•"Tn/anu,... ♦ I f»r nothing during a limit« d ti ne the ripans chemical co . be ermi!” to SPRUCE STREET, • - NEW YORK. lT BK « «'N » ’M »* ) only. CHAPTER II. Do You FEEL SICK? RIPAKS TABULES RIPANS TABULES □PANS *V«»» TABULES RIPANS TABULES EASY TO TAKE, QUICK Ti ACT.