: The Herald. ions that follow the simultaneous WANTED. appearance of old and new school physicians in the house of the in­ WEDNESDAY JANUARY 17. 18F4. Agents to sell our choice and har­ conclusive Mrs. Roberts. dy Nursery Stock. We have many new special varieties, both ii* fruit« The series ofarticles on “Great and ornamental,. to offer, which an American Industries,” edited by controlled only by us. We pay Mr. R. II. Bowker, will be resumed commission or salary. Write us at fbom our exchanges . in the February Ha'pt i s Magazine | once for t,eringi an(j secure choice the subject treated being|“A Bar of, of territory. Iron.” The article is a histoiy of Osborn’s Great Scheme. M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, the processes of separating iron Rochester, N Y T opeka , Kas., Jan. 4 —Secretary from its ores down to a descripticn of state Osborn has evolved a re of the latest methods, including the A high-class illustrat< <1 mot tl Iv markable scheme which has al Edison magnetic process, The niav thi- gins the new year with a declaration necessity, THE COSMOPOLITAN that two hours ought to constitute MAGAZINE, giving yearly, as it a day’s work. He says 10 or 12 | does, 1536 pages cf reading by the hours a day wp 8 all right before ablest living authors, with over the era of labor-saving machinery 1200 illustrations by clever artist- but with all the improvements • has stepped into the breech, will which have been invented in ma­ | a reduction in its price that Im- chinery he estimates that one oper­ startled the literary world. ator can now produce as much in J The H erald , fully alive to th a giyen length of time as 20 could • needs of its patrons, has maib 75 years ago. special arrangements with This idea is being freely discuss superb monthly, whereby it ed by Populists in Kanses, and receive orders for yearly subscrip many of the leading men in the par­ tioiis to both publications combiner ty regard it as a taking scheme by for the sum of $3 .00. which to capture the sympathy of The price of the great illustrate! the wage earners of the country. 1 monthlies in the past has beet I In a talk with Osborn today he i$3 00and $4 00 a year, ami til* \ said: i'here nro «Inglo retail «hoc stores In ou.- I ,r [were to be found only in the mort cities which Fell 2,000 pair« of shoes a day, makl:. “It is estimated that two hours a net profit of $250,000 a year. Wo Bell abocii lo pretentious homes. Our offer fur but w e Bell a great many pairs, the clear prulil < of labor each day performed by our ladies’, misses’ and childrens' Bhocs is at I : | nishes a help to all families, no t-n cents a pair, and on our mens’ and boy t’ r L every able bodied person will pro­ > cents a pair. Wo «hall establish shoe stor s i matter how modest their means of the fifty largest cities of the U. H.,a: d i duce all the necessities, luxuri s! each hoy s.-ll on’y 300 pairs of shoes a day they v.oi: to keep in touch with the greatest trii s 2">, Oj a year. We should bo al.lo to pa; and ornaments that the world can -ir'y dividend of $5.2'>aabarr,erover ¿0 pert minds of the world, as The Cosmo­ r-.-aron ih-t Inv. stment. Wo si ll l je stock at i consume, as well as perform all ■ i-harc. ’¡ho price must lncvit.-ibly I e much i < politan has today the strongest ,'iaa f 0 a share-. No «to< k has ever been gold . necessarA bisness of the age. -,- sb than ti.is price, which b its par value. St < :. regular staff of any existing periml on-asr.c.ssaide. Incorporated, Capital $1,000,0 . » “If this de true it must necesarily | Ve have over 1,000 stockholder.', and thenuml < r ical. Send orders to i < Increasing daily. Some of the principal stock­ T he H erald , arc : T. 8. Walling. N. Y-, I. J. Potter, B< rt<: ; follow that forever operator or em-i holders M. A. Heed, Jr.. Chicago, J. If. Can-, I k II. Chicago, W. ki Burns Ore Kavanaugh, Little Bock, Ark.; I. 11. Rich. Chicago-..J. 1 • ployed 10 hours per day four other, Turner. Phila. t B. Harding, N. Y.j Ji. I. I’ayne, Iiat"- Creck, Mich.-, F. P. llullette. Arcade. N. Y. must be forced into idleness or the | Write for a prospectus containing the names of « i A lClia!>le W iuhhii our stockholders, etc., or lend an order for stock, world will be overstocked with pro- . enclosing cashier’» check, cash or money eri'e r. Ì I Orders taken for one or more «hares. 1’rlce, ducts. A vast number of such id­ a share. Wanted in every county to estab lers depending upon labor for sub­ DEXTER SHOE CO., Agents ll'anted lish a corset parlor for the sab- of’ sistence must materially reduce the Dr. Nichols’ Celebrated Spiral mrrket for the consumption of all Spring Corsets and Clasps. Wages products. “As old m $40 to $75 per month and expenses “This again must reduce the the hills” and | We furnish complete stock on con number of producers and create never excell­ signment; settlements monthly more idlers,which process must con­ ed. “ Tried $3 Sample Corset free. Send 18 » tinue to go on while the conditions and proven ” cents postage for sample and terms. .r. v iw ¡3 the verdict remain unchanged. Hence, we see Nichois Mfs. Co., 318 Canal St iREGULATORj ~-=jg o f millions. New York to-day in this country of ours mil Simmons lions starving, going naked,cold and Liver R.egu- DEXTER SHOE CO., Inc’p. Capilal. |l,0«e,000. homeless, wh'le around them are BEST «l.no SHOE IN THE WORLD. lator is the “A dollar eared is a dollar earned.” graneries bursting and warehouses Thia Ladle«’ Solid French Dongola Kid But­ O n 1 y Liver ton Boot delivered free anywhere in the U.S., on packed with the necessaries of life I receipt of Cash, Money Order, and Kidney or I’oetal Noto for $1.60. that were never so cheap since man | medicine to Equal« every way the boot« «old In all retail «tore« for which you walked the earth.” $2.50. We make thia boot ouraelvea, therefore we guar­ can pin your Whila Osborn’s idea is consider antee tbe Jtl, »lute and wear, and if any one fa not «atiafled faith for «a too radical along these lines there we will refund the money cure, , A or send another pair. Opera is neyertheless a belief in the minds Toe or Common Sense, mild laxa- widtba C, D, E, fc EE. > of many Populists that a modified size« 1 to 8 and ha,f tive, a n d ixea. Send your not; I declaration in the next State and ws wilt Jit WON. purely veg­ lUultratcd : etable, «act- national platforms of that party Cata­ logue 1 ing directly would secure for them a large per­ FREE 1 on the Liver centage of the labor vote.—The S hoe term» lo Poaloro. and Kid­ D exter Spatial Republic. neys. Try it. Sold by all I I PATENT Druggist« in Liquid, or in Powder FLUID « . 1 The farce which Mr. Howells has to be taken dry or made into a tea. , The King of Liver Medicine*. contributed yearly to Haper’s “ 1 have used .voiirShnnvtn» Liver Regu­ Magzme for so many winters has lator POISONOUS” &CATTLE-WASH :uiil fall conaclenelouBly aav it 1» the king of all liver medicine*, I consider it a almost come to he regarded in the medicinerhe*t111 Itself.—<« ko . W. J ack - SAFEST DIP AT ALL TIMES. Washington. light of an annual festival. The bos, Tacoma, »-EVERY PACKAGE"» I CERTAIN DEATH TO TICKS, LIC«,EtC February Harpr’s will contain Mr BEST CURE FOR SCAB. Hu, the 7- Ct unp in red on wrapper. f Howells's latest piece of humorous -------............................ —- — Improves the Wool, and in dialogue. It is said to be one of his Or. Price’s Cream Baking Powder creases the quantity. lest, and deals with the complicat- Most Perfect Made. One gallon mixed with hold water makes 100 gallons of strong wash I JAMES LAIDLAW A 1 òo AGENTS____ PORT I • rio< 2 news I k G eneral 1» p L ' .• J • 'for the 1 Than Pills $2 CASH ONLY $2 CASH. three good reasons ' ♦ t 1st—It is the Leading Paper of Harney County. » ' Cor^S?ï2k' : » ♦ i 2nd-lt is the largest Paper in the County & has the largest circu­ lation ~ .- -y i j L ^. j • Ì f MANHOOD RESTORED! ( » Tnis wonderful remedy Raranleed toeurea.i nervouadinesaei.iucli W <-ak Memory. 1 k > m of Braid wer. Headache, Waketnlnen. Ix>»c Manhood. Nixbtly Emlnolon*. Nerrou*. neka.all drain« and I om of power In Generative organ« of either eexcaii-ed by over exertion. y«»«tkfal error*. eiee«*lre n*e ot tobacco, opium orrtlm- ■(anta which lead to loOrn>lty.Con«umptlon or lnaanliy. Can be carried In veet pocket. »1 per box. • for »3. by n>«ll prepaid. With a ».l ord, r v, a written ewarwatr-etw ear« or rviwad the So!d t y all tat- «■* for It. take no other Write for free Medical Bonk »ent *o*l-d Ver «ale wrapper. Addrew NUVItEIU CO.. MaeooM Ttmpla.Caicaoo. Serna.Ore., by U. M. UORTON. DruMiat. Mr« L.I iupb»U <.«ay« I p J I. > >iixiit »nd ni"**urei, m-.tit ’l show of ... tn tn wt wi'l alio* tbe rt-RTialrf reanilaciar. U u. niM* tre*tmeat. hnys^.. st », < x m PATIE i TS TREAT» BY MAIL CONFIDLRTIAL laron vwamq «*, st dfecM < /•r Mrueti.Ari •dAr«», vitti • er« u m «U«n> M I ■. f. MTHI. ■ TMUEt WiUW IU 1 • • • YEAR. YOU CAN