W II K ill loin Mai>liull anil Will thinking I’mlcrly wm» Imtli rival* for her, favor. Both w«»rv brave, hantlboine.! CIIAITKH V generoiiM young fellow»: loin had Heart Failure. HOW TO A FOIlt IT. (he iiiom ( money, W ill had otde hi» J / 7 Th« epitaph on many a t<>nibsU'm’ is ’ Ihd you dream " h«> said, pas 1 h<«ai failure.’* No wonder, " hen eecon- own energy and ambition Jessie • i0,t*00 times ami eiertmg a foiev etpial U> la nt. (look of mo «• h pleasant eomp.in >.iS4,tMH).po inds daily, it has its limit it# “I with I «lid.* she said, mining ,'iuluranee often is too m - vciv I' texted. So lou V-m would not lot in< no«> tun, "I wiah there w:o som«» win of common are di-e.iscs «>f th«’ heart -though Iv t aiinoii, »on alwava kept in (he otten for n Cillisklernble lime without the Die man I marry suspicion* of the alllicted person Ging in baekground ihm't von low me a proving them must boa hero, in the la st sense of. lhe least excited—that it is stated that <>y little, deareat?" p’sua i'»y«>Mr Aus «> bud kre ..’ l*r f rankliu the won! IB’ must be kind, ten- Miles, of Elkhar , L..L, has tor vear» tnsile She had tiit’ppotl het fa< t'against dor, ami true above all, he miibt a sjHx-ial study of all disease# ot the heart, bun. (ho (htt’l’biiig of hei heart ami his remarkable smxx-ss has ma e his I»» brave More than anything else name a familiar one in all parts of our 1 m«l. to«’k her bteath, the aiidden jot ptoms 1 «l«’#pi»e M i coward I He haa f.ain«i tiie nms: c mMM dated hei of h> . | diaa taa to I a mm - »or 1\< el«’ar her brain, »lie decided •was ii- the i-.Var. Mcx, # -ur.-A. fx rr:A •. • »p Au army, etc Mr. li.x'ige K Smith, of I' rn.-s, \ ate» \ .»ii iti.i not think ha > , ,i. a pretty park by th«' riverside, i a. N. Y. wri.e> " I's M '■ » N '■ " teiido: !v, "Iwiil'e l on have laugh: where (h«> jH-op!«' «'(‘Spring i le used llsiKT I l KK Ao# wi’-ced * ; O* to • amble on summer evenings. * auad warf A - y #> / cue .:•> ,i exxi d . > ro-A. i «’lit sell th.xl toil were . .«in on’, i / :ev )Ai-s v ks..-r ami take more interest t.’i salt *aer tee, and not tot , ma - ► -ated heraelf on one of the -ustic n artair*. I bad »h >rtiws of hr.s b. palpi­ ‘ ruches She had net l>een thera tation, under left shoulder b’. >!e. lov e Km »mi .■•-.■•..s,» inv-f, I A’.i.i x . x.-y .,v -j t< n minutes, when the v.rv persons don t * »HI. IP M «: Si ,-e I I ave tasen 1 ’ of w horn she h.a i >v';i 1! ink. gap (\ # I revp «vg, ,:*.i A.rrv »-• pt ; that * »'V. n *- <* peered, each probablv hoping to .-« r. It h»sma>e tuy wo . «-.’»y. I > lev < d «,x; would print thixKx“ I wart a’i to la x-,'w w at 2V. JWJsv* H ■■ C*rt i - . c \ ■ « is* .ven k c«» ; .O ouk for r.-e ‘ n is ho she CCI .»I Vol s.*l ax' in v»ot\i'. bi.-. •' —,v-th« nsy w e - •senM w. r the sni oth ■x. x ar i »as u a* ’e t her .'»<•« g *' ■ . a ■ s w . i « ; • a .. - aft aide SM t < b. isie I CCkWAxi -,v. I Cxi *m< her hp< t.x’ d.vtior« w thiMrt relief. Your H ■- - «as -eex -nr.-.eixirxl After tak , • > -v I , mg s a : r o.ier : ' S s ex »be f.:lly »exx'vv-vd er 1 • • V ’ - " • ’* *' ' \ • used x'sne» A' w hat y ex.. « . - . i C x *x. Tovxk\ «A •' * *.t ' ' I.: -g bv ’••» '• W 1#$’ Mew Care ftw the H-< . you < • V. X 4 *. .* I .-.«•• . »AXI ■ a" dr cs-srso® a tv*;, re g ars ’ :x It V /»MV - > ■ j»,—««.Ar^x" -e rwv jt >«'# ran* »v\ t « a .'/. îî ». i « Xi #s Med.oal l\x. E-khart. lad. < X» * " *‘cg sb# .* ' ' 1 .- A • * « 1 L<\i k .’ i . The H ekai n is $2.50 a year and the Good form $2 00. Now we make our subscribers the following idler, winch will hold gcod as long as we run this notice: to all de- tii qu- nts who will pav up and one vtarin advance and to all new I subscribers, we will send to their ‘ I’. O. ad iress, the tioodform “grat­ is." 1 his is eevtainlv an offer that I no one should ovetlook, and we sii'.enely hope cur readers will ac- i eept sower bas no «eeonil ebanee. you would at first su«> ceed. be sure and start with DO Yor W ant TO ADOPT A BABT1 Maybe you think the ts « new buaneew. •ecm r e-.t bab«et on ippiicatk«: it bas been doue before. however. t.n never bave those ftimssbec bvt s? near the oryrtna. satr r .-•- jj tin 'ne. Exe-ye «I eicaim. “Weill that * the *wve esr <*by I ever saw ~ Tea i»ark anl-wh.-.o etxemvtr.e can mra yx'« but a fair-t '.-iea ot the ea juwttv< nri-»t. ”L: ,^.x- PER MONTH I n Y our O wn L ocauty - _ Z.:-. •- a ears N> r-»« w».-sseg x r‘.r ®s ■ 1-* * Wt -.fX: : ; - x ._i.X *■ .•< v> F»ew«< frn u»t c-; h- ir Y ■*» n.i zljj :- * xr~i_ w "_ti «n: *i- P M »O V .TTMfxf. W * <4." I .L • c ry 3» tarry : ' r -s • •S'5 t " t . lic rusruEe- - S ;» -» f «4« :>r. f Turt<» -• : LeaâtS* S«.- T>* ar* «a si *!*• m < »• xmc v aZ afeau t.i>e :*hC :tj t t«* ••• ■“! tre 3«II> AHBC as yw •• rwsfc. am vr* »ril na- y’t i i.«:-*- X- t-: tr J'jx y*«s i-. ..¿vs. £*’ ‘' g ' ' -fx: r . * s ? i: TRUE & CO.. Box 400. Augusta. Mairve. •X' ■ » ' ‘ ' tW *•*.. V* #» . xa ! » DEXTER SHOE CO., ~x e «’-s- j t . w ^Mcapl tai, G . j yoor ?<«*.-« Ary r^.- ■ T- i? « » s: x;«cne»'.r Ta_»^r - B*-res.r . H-X : I ?. bi- K- X-a , X ’ «.< Write f:r a prorpef—i ecr. 4_-. . .■ . oar etoekhcldm. .— >r- —, ,... ree-’ nef rsekür'» .- U c. <. - Order» uXen for aoe ae ~ .rr , a »hare. IÄV u# . »V * «V . . ;..« 4 '># ' ' X t * w nr aS . ‘S' ' > ■ 3M l.*V»f vrn«2S : n in- » » « WQit-i* S C.A.SNOWACO < U«^. t 1 ii^r «rnACiiy- I itnr* *•’- ». « i * O } ? i FEEL SICK? •ross nz v i. sum« »•£ rititl »I ■•» eST *♦ £ RIPAWS tabules !♦.£ RIPAWS TABULES $ > a «P*» *5 ' r RIPAWS TABULES RI PAWS tabules a ’ - . 'X* f I2Ö DOLLARS '* < 1 N ï ESTM é - I EYE8 al'* There are •sni!e retail *h:i , c-„ . _ eitiee erhieh «eil 2.0W pair, of _ a dc I protil of rxo.OCea rear. ’ **' ' l-ul wc* .1 a r-eat «E*3y pa:. t . our ladic.» , tn.«c<«* and c' .i.-ea»‘ ri ; .. t -a ccnu a pair, and on o.r •' • 1 > e-ut* a pair. Weahiii eei^tZ. h a. ryeh of the fifty large« ci::« of tie ' s Aey ■<*’! only b.<) pcire cf «koea i 7 .' .-a . -.r' . diT^erdofS.-.A a.ia- .<..- - ' .• vyearoatbslavtecaeeax. V.'-.- .-raca- «-i_-e. The price---t:-r« ^r.ia.iA.-. Ke.-it, -uthaa t4t> price, vh at, j - c -- -» swU Xnuual for IsM sum »nd set