■ —To Subscribers—The H xrald and Rural Northwest both for ths I price of the H erald . The Rural I Northwest is a good newsy pMper devoted to the wants of the agri, culturlst. Now is the time to pay up your arrears’ and one year in advance and get an additional pa­ per in the bargain. STOCK BRANDS Haaas, Mgn «ad earriags paint- W- KalMooiag, dseorating, graining, and hard «il tinishing. Cows. horsas or anythiog suited • r purpoca srill bs taken by me, Cru'n parties •• desiring. Priées raaaonabla I believs in Us mutto "te lira and let lire.” L. B. C’ ulp . Praprisusr. JOHN BAYER .............. SHaated on Silvie, river 1 mile East of Barns, near the bridga Customers will receive GOOD FLOU K from WCBYRDA W Y RING. REAL ESTATE AGENTS M, R Biggs Good Wheat FREE BRAND COLUMN. Burns Orogon. ATTORNEY. AT-LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC, Hors brand bar ten on left ahoulder; Cattl* barren on left hip and upper clip on both •art T. A. McKinnon. Burns Ore. We have at this time for sal« AND Hardin 4 Kiley, rattle branded V on left aide Horae brand T left aide. p o. Hurns,Or* gon several productive farms, well im REALESTATE AGENT. Office at Sheriff’s Office, BURNS,---------- _ _ - Oregon. BURNS PIONEER LIVERY STABLE J. C, Foley, ca’tle brand a on rignt aide I j Horae brand = on left ahoulder. J. A. Williams cattle brand, II., on left rib 1 horae bread 71 on right stifle. GEO. S. SIZEMORE, Horses branded )-< on left atifle. Cattl? brand i ed )-( on left hip. Mariou Bunyard, p o Hurua ATTORNEY, Bi B ns ................................. O regon . Cattle diamond on left hip: horeeaCVon let ahoulder. Charlee H Voegtley. Hnrna Oregor Collections, Land business, and Real ■at ata matter promptly attended to. q n M P, O. Riley Or. M. D. x-xiybician a. surgeon. A graduate of the Iowa State University and College of I’hysi- cians and Surgeons. Oilice at residence in Burns. Horae brand 36 on left ahoulder, also thre< 1 dots . in ahapeof triangle, cattle branded same. ■ E. E. Grout Burns Or. —Tonaofial parlor Ed Walton proprietor. All work in his line guaranteed to be first class. Call and see him. I We will also buy lands for per- The Proprietor’s are well prepared to accommodate their cusloraer | sons wishing to purchase in our Charges very reasonable. Job Wagon in connection. Horse brand figure 7 on either hip. J. II. Bunyard.Burns Ore. ' county and living at a distance, Geo wli< ms, lioiaea and mule* brande rounding W, ou right «title P O. Riley Ore t giving JOHN ROBINSON P«or. Everything in my line guaranteed to be done satisfactorily. Ths only place in Burns you can get baths. cription of the same, also the title P O Burns Ore Horae brand bar tn on left shoulder; ('«trie brand bar-iu on left hip and rib.. Catherine I Marahall PO NarrowaOre. n Correspondence Solicited. Office I 8 Lampahire 4 bona cattle biand E ast O regon H erald .. MRS. LOIJIS RACINE, Prop’t. V BEATTY'S PIANOS^ WHYSORGAN.S fot catalogue Ex MHyor Washington, New Jersey, Daniel I Hotel ha* recently bcsn enlarge and entirely renovated in first clasa styte. TaMe is Supplied with the Best the Market Affords. • Tisxelii p n er will ftG this Hotel a nite irrens K --------- AND---------- ADVERTISE "THE HERALD,” 4 4 JG Burns Restaurant *1; Better um Zíeals at all hours, First-class meals served JOB WORK DONE, ------[o]-o-[o]------ HERALD OFFICE F ob S alt —Thres lots with n fair business building on one, situ tied in Burns on main street. The price asked is low considering the advantageous position of the lids for buiinees Terms cash For further particular* call on Bvrd A King, Real llewiM Agents, Burns Or gon Promptly. or a . A I tx i- a n <1 vex- act- Than AT THI Pills f Having purchased the entire st<>< k formerlr belonging k> Cal Druggists iu Liquid, se. Send in your sub­ scription nt once, only S2. an-l rou will really get over $3 in value. Address the ” . Jennings Demnrest. IS East Hth fit. York. If you are unacquainted with taa seed W oeoLS fnr a apes uaea aopy /i 1/ > i St i j 5 Li !n*< tin " 1 Bferr* •• “ I’M A DAISY." which we propose to send to you. transpor­ tation paid. The little darling tests against a pillow, and is In the act of drawing off its pink sock, the mate of which ha.- been pulled I off and flung aside with a tiiumpbant coo. The fli-ah tints are perfoct, and the ey17x»> inches'. The baby, life size, and absolutely lifelike We bar* also in preparation, to present to our sub­ scribers during Wl, other gn-nt pictures by suehurt stsasPercy Bfomn.Maud Humphrry. Louis Deschamps, rnd others of world-wiue renown. Take only two ex a moles of what we did -luring the past year. ’’ A Yard of Tan­ sies." and "A White II. use tn hid ” be tbs wlfeof President Harrison, and you will ess hardware , crckery , glassware , tinware , If TOO «AST INFORMA nos AH OUT vow u.mu* va i a» r» • * ‘'Ml •«’ IWM* ‘.»O* •• It. U contain* »nt< rn.A- T. J kwitt , PnoruiKTOR. Krrr in r ,I. i» B v ITFW tt AG« g.i» \rrive* and Depart» daily, except Sunday. TVtrc’ '• f. Maybe you think this is a new bualne< sending out babies on application; it ban been done before, however, but never have those furnished been so near the original sampleas thia one. Everyone will exclaim, •' well I that's the sweetest baby I ever saw!” This little black-and-white engraving can give you buta faint idea of the exquisite oririr«l, ..... . - - ——A r e the - be a t —_ J IX rite for < alalogee Ann a*, lion • Daniel F. Bentt.' Wa*hliigton New Jera*-y. »-« ------------ DO YOU WANT TO ADOPT A BABTt i Beal* i F. - SUBSCRIBE FOR I, careful and accurate dis- James Roussll [ ■ connected, ear mark swallow fork in right ear uuder bit in left. P O t> Burna Burns Ore TONSORIAL PARLOR, • on us we will show them the land we have for sale, and parties desir­ ing to dispose of real estate cannot land. J. P. Dickenson cattle brand J P connected o left hip Hone brand anvil on left stifle. P. Lawen Ore Cattle brand figure 7on eitherhlp; mark light , . crop off each ear, alip in each ear, and watt) Horse brand'j' on right atifle. Parties wishing to purchase cal ! and cards in all directions solicit­ ing purchasers and describing ths Misa Koaa Dlckenaon Horae brand at vil on left atifle. Cattle branded bar R on left hip. F O Lawen Ore I Barber Shop * Propt do better than to put their lauds in ur hands for sale, because we ad I vertise freely bv sending circulars HARRIS & BEDELL Horae branded P on right shoulder, cattle P on righthip. R. A. Heudrii ka. P.O. Lawen Or I on left jaw. proved and well watered. I * with .->• »»ta-l.v, Crl'ieV’le v I ' «X -.1. T