Th3 Hr?,11 if I succeed in geeting on a match I WANTED. with the winner of this right I will I WEDNESDAY JANUARY 10. 1«P3 I have Phil Casev tiain me I think Agents to sell our choice an i bar there is no man in the bu*iness to­ Jdv Nursery Slot k. Wchavemanv day who can compare with him.” new sjiecial varieties. Loth in fruit*1 When asked who he thought would and ornamentals t>* , which ar* win the coming right, Sullivan controlled only Lv us. We pay I OUR EXCHANGES. shook his head dubiously and Baid, commission or salary. Write us at “I hope the America. I once for terms, and secure choice I ____________________ ■ of territory. Silver Bill of Representative I M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, | Whv.” shouted an excited nt- Oates of Alabama. Rochester, N 'i toruevin Kansas, “you can poke Stive- Bill of RepresentativeOatrs vour head out of the court room A high-chi'** illustrated month \ of Alabama, Introduced on the 3rd widow and call for five beers and 1 magazine in the home is no |m g. r Providing for the Coinage of Silver get them in two minutes ’’ And a luxurv. It is a necessity, and to i he thought he had made a great Bullion now owned by the U. S i meet the* demands created by this Section 1 All silver bullian now point against th** “administration” necessity, THE COSMOPOLITAN owned by the United States shall for fhe non-enforecment of the pro­ MAGAZINE. giving xearly, as it be coined as speedily as practicable hibitory laws But the opposing does, 1536 pages <-f reading by tin into standard silver dollars of the sounsei promptly opened his watch I ablest living authors, with over weight and fineness as now pres­ ¡and poked his head out of the win­ | 1200 illustrations Lv clever artisis cribed by law, which shall be legal dow calling loudly for five beers. I has stepped into the breech, wi tender in pay.nent of all debts,pub The watch ticked oft’ two minute, i reduction in its price that and the malt tieverage did lie and private, provided oneseventh -tartled the literary world. The court ruled that the w a > part of said bullion may be coined The H erald . fully alive t< into half dollars, quarter-dollars. on the lawyer who made needs of its patrons, has I mm I and dimes in the proportion d.rect- I and there was a recess of special arrangements with ed by the secretary of the treasury I I utes. superb monthly, whereby it and to contain such amounts pure ! receive order» for yearly subt silver and alloy as now prescribed lions to both publications combim Li/C/ anj Kidney I ical. Send orders to treasury not otherwise appropriated T he H erald . medicine to add to said sum so as to k< ep it Burns Ore which you up to $40,000,000 until the agregute can pin your faith for a amount of said notes outstanding A lllialile Woman cure. A is reduced below that sum, ai d m i 1 d lax i- Wanted in every county to estab then the secretary shall keep in the |, ant DKITER SHOE CO.. Im p. Capital. «I.OM.OM. i > i »ell G ku , W, J ack ­ BEST «I.AO SHOE IN THE WORLft ton , Tueoma, Washington. or persons, or between private per “A dollar eared it a dollar earned." "IT i I r Ladle** Soll.l F rench IFongola Kid But­ «rrTTrrr.T agk - ss sons, which is by its terms or by law anywhere In the U S.,oa • 7 - *mp in rei »>n wrapper. ton Boot delivered free receipt of t'aah. Money Order, payable in dollars or dollars and or Postal Note for flAO. Equal* every way the boot* •old In all retail »lore* for cents, may be paid at its maturity : 12.50. We make thia bool ouraeivee, therefor* we paar or thereafter in any lawful coin of i antee the Jit, itulr and wear. ■nd if any one fa not aatia’led the United States. N from ews in G eneral Than w Pills CASH ONLY I2G DOLLARS! we will refund the money or .end another pair Opera Toe or Common Ben**, width* C, D, E, k KK, ea 1 to 8 and h».f tee Send uonr nee; we will JI I you Iliuat rated Cat* >OfU* per month I N ew Y ork Jan. 2—John L Sul­ I livan,the ex-champion pugilist.’who I n Y our O wn L ocality I easily and honorably, without cap! was in company with his former made tai, during your spare hours. Any man 'i FRKK backer, Charley Johnson, speaking woman, boy, or girl cun do the work hand lly, without experience. Talking un relative to the Corbett Mitchell con necessary. Nothing like it for money D exter S hoe Spretai terme to Dealere. test.said: “It is my desire to chal­ making ever offered before. Our worker: always prosper. No time wasted ir lenge the winner of the Corbett- learning the business. We teach you ii. PATENT night how to succeed from the first Mitchell tight. 1 think with good, a hour. FLUID You can make a trial without < x- proper training, and with faithful,! pense to yourself. We start you, furnish needed to carry on the busi­ conscii ntious work on my own part everything •NUN ness successfully, and giHirRDtee yoi I can whip either of these men.” against failure if yon b. follow om POISONOUS”’ iCATTLE-WASH ■’Well,” answered Johnson “if you simple, plain instruction*. Header, il safest me AT ALI 11NN. von are in need of ready money, an< will sav right now that you will want to know all about the best paying IcBRTAIN DEATH TO ri< KB, LJcE.Etr Itefore the public, send us your BEST CURE FoR SCAB. tram conscientiously, and will do business address, and we will mail you a docu­ I the right thing, I will back you for ment giving you all the particulars. I 12*',000 against the winner.” To TRUE & CO., Box 400* creaso the quantity this Sullivan replied, ‘T will, and | Augusta* Maine SHEEP-DIP I i I THREE (¡OOP REASONS. 1st—It is the Leading Paper of Harney County. 2nd-lt is the largest Paper in the County & has the largest circu­ lation. t MANHOOD RESTORED! ••“‘H omo T power I n G*a*r*ik **nt *r*l*d In plain wrapper. Addre»* * EK V E * £ E U CO., Maaoou Trap*., Cmcaoo. r»r*al* l0 Bora*.Ora . by H. M. UURTuN. Urn««*«. I J?/il i Arfrlt VI* . **.•* t *r«mv , r.i .. • L y *B<1 h. »-U . , .atit, fS S, ,. , *1 to ll to ■wu ».llMO»»en«i.l»u * >a. un. li* li.* l-»n. > .b* treataaM •*•_. u*. aito, u4 •k’.e> TS TF«»TE3 Sr **. i *.'*!■ , «»4 w ,, ■* ,*••• -* at « w i uh ! conrioEuru .. . s liUtii -t I