Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1894)
1 i 1 .. and knowing the writer well, if i truthfully and] WEDNESDAY JANUARY if).. l,a-4 I honestly would verity our opinion ■ I C.W tAGLÍ JOB (iFFiCt A great manv tjewspapers b< «•:. many people, c-iih l’< i ,»»_> r * * — — J&ditor. ‘crank’’ The word crank *e< UY RI» inglv has many d> fiiiitnm .. i this case it means an individm, CLEVELAND AM) PFNNOYER. • who fearlessly writes and sp.-k ~ 4 . «.< his opinions regardless of pu ii ‘iravy ( w i^>«( c,, ... , Tomahawk, a weekly demo- opinion or ednimebt. is a crank ,L-) t per lately started in Port i Such a man would never PAMi’HLE 1 >, r* I-in*its issue’ of January 2nd. the presence of.the President laM"' “ R, nnover I.¡ i TER HEAPS, NOP E KAI’S gives a suppose A interview of 7mv other man. neveT known to wilt at Cleveland and i’ennover, based up any t ivFLCT MADE, on the Governor’s letter to the and while he has made a g I N\ ELOPES, STATEME p: Cream ot Tart r Powder. Fres Governor and done many g President. •an : -. m A*. *.. ? any othci . dulterant •RICES; CIlKauP It starts off with the President thingsand hie enemies cannot su • 40 '.¿ASS THE STANDARD cordially shaking the hand of the cessfullv estab'ish any serious mis Governor and-ad-dressing him as take of his in public life, unless n ■ Sylvester, expressing great pleasure his-fusion with the ptople’s put 1 : KM) Rew nd ' Hit). in su ing him,Rut very sorry because we tivlievv that move of the Guv Collins nor to be wrong and certainly t! i G vf the Governor’s gloomy appear The readers of t hi« paper will la I anc-e, which the Govt rnor explains his work in the line of reformatUH would bear more fruit had lie re pleased ‘to learn th it ,. i- ill • ’ and Censal by stating that his appearance could I leai-t one dreaded disease th.p i sc - not be otherwise than gloomy, when mamed will) his party. ■nee has been able to cur< in al two thirds of the laborers of his Wagons Buggie Ect its stages, and that is ('atari'll State (Oregon) were wanting work. S ome time since Oregon's dis All w. ik done neatly and w'lli dispatch. in destitute circumstances and their j tinguislu d At tori ey t’.'L Williams Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the <>m> homes being sacrificed at a small was in San Francisco on 1« gal positive cure known to the medical per lent^of their real value to satis business. \\ bile there hi* was into ■ fraternity. Catarrh being a < on tv the claims of creditors viewed by a call reporter and gavt stitutionai disease, icqui is a con Hall’» The President expresses great some reminiscences succeeding tin stitutional treatment Catarrh Cure is taken internally, concern at such condition of afi'alrs first several years of the close ol ai d asks that something be done to ! our civil strife, in which he figure» | acting directly upon the blood am; flllevi ite their suffering? largely himself, which will be nev | mucous surfaces of the svs em. The Governor replies that it i* and interesting ^ our readers. ’ thtreby destroying tin- foundation and of his power to redress the In D cember 1871 Mr. William» I >f the disease, and giving the pa- wrongs of the suffering prople Lol was appointed Attorney-General nv ient strength by building up t! e he [the Pr< -iderit ] is the r. sponH- Presidin' Grant. Two years later I -onstitution and assisting nature b e party at d rt dri es can tm H com- he was in minuted to be Chiif Jus in doing its work. The propriet ri-| Harney County, t .rough him. and furtln-r ites to tice of the Supreme Count, bit- have so much faith in its curative I incversi that thev offer One Hun 1 the Presidetit that such distres- through the efforts of Senator J W. t-ould not exist had he (the Presi Nesmith of Oregon a personal ene Ired Dollars for anv ease that ii I dent) stood by the Clrcago my of Judge Williams, such,an op fails t i euro. Send for list of testi N. BROWN, Buns Op7i form upon which he was elected and position was aroused as to mak» menials. Address. Fl J CHENEY A CO . lUiich he should respect, but bad his confirmation doubtful and his Toledo, O. Sold by ptuggists, failed io do so. claiming his utter, name was withdrawn. disreg-ird for that part of the plat , His service as Attorney General WJETITJES form relating to the 1 remnneti-1 was during the reconstruction per i z ..ini of silver viz: ‘ use o.f both ' ¡ ..... ()d. President Grant trusted him i two n ajorii'- gold and silver as standard money | fu]jy and implicitly upholdingev> rv I Mr. Williams opp ised amendment, and still thinks it w h mt discrimination against action of the General. was a had move, giving them thci either metal ” 1 Mr. Williams while in theSenat* freedom he thinks was al! tha’ was The '’resident insisted he had was the author of the reconstrue- done whal he believed to be bis | tion bill, hy which the Southern required at the time. BRENTON A- J BUCHANAN He speaks highly <f Pr sident duty and acknowledged that pros i States were rest »red to the U ii hi Verity had not followed the repeal Though after going th the Seni’.t • G’ant, and.decl ires. In-never Re rl of the Sherman law, but excused I his bill was amended to suit tin 'or against a confederate olliet r. liitioeif by saying if the Sherman demands of New England. The act had not been repealed the U. S i original hill, when reported back by f would he in a much worse eondi I the s-b committee passed the timi I’ennover then accuses the House by an overwhelming major President of evading the question I ity. In the Senate Wilson and I an i asks him, why he did not stand 1 Summer of Massachusetts fought The Proprietors of the White Front Livery Stable sure the public that they ar* prepared to accommodate hr the platform ami finally tells persistently for ¡m amendment pro in every wav in their line of business. the President he did not, in his viding for negro suffrage and final ¿tar Il-:y and grain constantly on hands, and careful help. ji-lgeineut. act honestly towards the ■ Jv Wilson i won his point oik or .¡if I people. • lu.K< >> iu all pui I d ut the vuuuu >. Job »1 u^uu 1U cyuuccUvu. The conversation continues un ■ til the President becomes irritated and accuses Pennnyer of wanting t > make political capital and notor phi tua IreuUiw l.< ctilj ¡us pills cure cu-: -.n-nl-. 11 r»A t ietv. pronti-*1 nrcttfyliur pfllsc'ii2£_'r-',1r''-1'' •' 1 At this, we would infer from the Ì Tamihawk, Pennoyer began to LJ weaken ai.d acknowledged it would JOHNSON A BAILEY. Proprietors. secure him seme free advertising I and even went go far as to beg the WX Liquors, Ciga s and Cigarretts 1 resident to say nothing for fear the Good Billiard tables. Pleasant ('ard Rourns, etc., etc. I ’ople ot Oregon would suspect his ‘ little scheme.” Saloin is first class in evert particular. Experience barte s ___ > A]m<w* al* putsand mc'tx tr.o proituc« r -uHtlpatlon, herq b a J l i t cun a torpid Now we like the Tomahawk in and Uv. r Mixed drinks to please the most fa<-tidioue. Rte main very well, but the editor J troubles without r .-I la.-» or l-avlu; nay trn.-o ot CONSTIPATION, which should bridle his little hatchet, and 5 ? Is t ho prime cause ot nil sickness, beware of It cittlnj habitual uud chronic with you, ' ' • . > . . ' •t like famous George Washington » Hi boo to It tn timo; those pills will curs you. yl I tC*- ’ PnCNTIGO RECTIFYING FILL. cut everything in his path, but » J «U * I Bl AWxb Him It Is the only «nfo -.n-l hormleea - c ! I MB r--. -ly t!>.t w I > o CZA’JTIFY the •lick to facts. We ___ have no idea ’N MK b U tEat Gov* rnor Pennnyer, Pi J s when he 2É wjrvte t» hat letter, th night anything n ■J e c ää alxvu | notoriety • but it was simply tcu dear the skin and remove c..’! blotches f.- .m the face. Try u bos and seo for your □ G self. 25 Cents a box. effusion of the writer on i the COLD CY ALL DRUGGISTS, Should Take Arivotngp of jt9 : • <2 *4 Or oent l>jr mail ttpon feo-lpt of prion by ’ u * p,atis> of political action fcr Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co., *hicb be has I ee i noted in his 406 CALIFORNIA STREET. SAI FRASCISCO, CAL. i/,rce r»r>cl O<r>l Txmn .—“.—“ "Tlx- I: >..111 pills cun’oai»Up»U<rti ’ ' iv career. We Relieve l -lievr tl - e 7 I • ii-thawk. couscieAt o i»ly speak- £ £ Pr nfl«s Fortifying J < J-" — i C Hnprk il to write * .•* . T F t n u rr . \ 1 COMPLEXION A r • H I ti ' fl*