1898 rz" ¡ITPBÏS L' S T R A T K I) • few days, and you will In- startled ut the uu<*x pected success that will reward iour eflorts. Wi »O.itivi-ly have t! - b< -I I u-iiie-s to olii-r Illi agent that can be found on ' is- - of tin- forth ■ 1.1.00 protit OU S75 I ' VI orlh of busini .«» ie bi lug i a-ilv and liorurubl - u mie b-. mid paid >c buudredi of men, wome.i. bo- -. and girl- m nur employ. You can make iiiouev fasti i nt work tor us'liau vou liar* nay id* ;i of. Tin- .-ini--« i-so easv to learn, n I 11> 'rncii -u- a »iiiiple and plain, I tiiut nil sn-zeecd fr<- Il I1'1’ -tai'' 1 Im-*- w Im take , hold of tii« b-uin- “ reap tin ail-.-ntage il at , arises from t ic sound rr-putmion of one of the oiliest, most - ic-e-ofuf, mid largest publishing bouses In America, «eru-i for - our-i lf the prolits that the I a-iness so readil and l.mid«omi h > 1< 1 I-. All beginners succee I i rriiu.c . mid no-re than realiie their great*-t ext.ecimlon- llioee uno trv » i-'-t ex III.- a- w • ’ ■ 'll II.................... of room for a few more worker«, and w- urge them io begin at once. If you are tilreadi i-m 1 «Io , |, bat nava a few spar* momatita, and wish to u-e them to advantage, then write us at onee ; (to. this 1« vour grand opportunity), and receive full particulars by return mall. Addres-, r: I '¡HE SAN FKANCiS 0 Morning Call! • ‘ anv !« manatnM by » comb.nation ol ' oil Infili»miai n««uHruipcm in tnt ex ic • i>’:rp' •») of pr«>te<*€* » »«er* ut * un«» rupnI ouj P it A ent«, an*t ea< h pupe/ i - ti ir t .» .i ira f^r thn resnonnL • Ü4, - - UU’llU , l i CU l’.v • ‘ iU»’lte.CVü4*uUJ STODDART & CO., Hin’? WI I (< ippo ile I >. I'aieut Office,] \\ A''I hn »; ton . d . <;. Woven EEiinillfi wire rtNullw RABBIT AND P0ULTR1 NETTING. HARPER’S PERIODICALS. DAILY CHj tSrsEMt FOB FURTHER INFORMATION The McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co >20 X. Market St.. Chieu*«». AI.V WEEKLY CÂLL YOUR FUTURE Pip .Ml year : HARPER WEEKLY.................... H ARPER’S MAG \ZINE I \ I! PER’S BAZAR. IXRPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE 4.Of I 0 | o 2.0 1‘. Hinge Free to all subdi-ribers in the United tnt s. I’anada, nr Mexico. I The Volumes of the Weekly will beiin wltl he first Number for January of each year vhen no time is mentioned, Biil.Reriptiona wil f eyin with the Number current at time of re ■i pt of order. I .’tind Vo'umes of Haiper's Weekly for ’h’e • ars t in k. in neat cloth binding, will be sen mail Pos’Hgc paid, or by express Tree of ex • se provided the freight does no'excoed f ■er volume) for $7.t>i a volume. tii i as.-s for each Volume, suijahic, fo> ■ ng wfli be sent by mail p-.s' paid, oti re I I I «f s’, »lit nnei-s should be made In i’.-st Oflici e order or I " nft. !o avoid chance of loss. \d iress 11 VltPl lt HI: iTHEIh. New York H ip ’ Bazar t L L (I S T R A T E 1) J) f SC'?! CAVEAT«. TRADE MARKS), DESICM PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, eto.l 11„. tt-M.I» write to I loti f.irnni scfiuesp 01.1. - I- It.. «Slirvg intent« tn Am.-ili«. , ... It 11 n , nt I,y ,,, I. Hr,,,mb, the pi neb): iiiren fruMof uliameiuUiu ♦ J • E* • - Jhirntific AnicriGir. tziryest ctrrulat' .n of any polentine pa->w In the v.ild. M- n.'i 1 r iru»ln»le.l bo lute'lizeul r su »h. uld tu » Uli -u It. Wee.lv •> I Illi n y.-ir I »I ,X> »Ix inet tu. A.t In-, v t X < . .-,»" l'i at t ■ n tu -, 3.41 r et -• w» Ni-w \ i ‘ita te »1)11 V! a K; T8 UNI CU 5ÇUARE. h •oSTON.MM , «UNO • « FOR SALE ti ’ rFMUtUM I'loh’t t XV I '■OVVI P»!UNT «■ui . m >< ytP Nn I. I m SS- i ■4Y *11 • S I «LÀ I« -At ' itrki I " ilil 1 I» y f r - -, ,, fn<» In Ibe tvruls. inuv • s , .lore •nrvtvorv et o Indi. .»■ • 1» Un-Ir wldo.K em-ti. t i> . r . a •perish< Thon. - te .-t-n i« •en.t ferne« ls«. b . . » f s so , AW •«‘Mit Sat Enttu is b parimi ut. o ito. «as 8OLDIKRH, CHILDREN. V l.f* . -I H I X < ; Il » y. f IMFWlMAi A-’arm « l<-ti Til I VH1 V» < • i »HA Will IFRRo«,», t —iTi.L,........... ’ • I . r , TS IN YOUR OWN HAND. Pahntetrv to tell what the lines In your hand mdicaiu. It will a n .>e you. if nothing more. The ubo\e i.ijr;un Him«" explain« it-vit. The ¡»••rjin of the I. NH Ob’ LIFE indicate»* probable »..• to wh i h vo i xv di live Each BK a CKLET fl V' l Ihitry Afirs. Wv I nniikvd LINE uH* HEVi) dn<’e* Iran | oAvr; char LINE OE FORTUNE f.’’■•orri» huM Both combined mean Micev*'* in life; but you nnn*t keep nu w iih mod» rn idea-* to w in j. You \\ i i ilnu p unty of the?e in 1* q E.nnily M.i lue k » at raetively pie- p' "1 C-» it » very m tn » r of the family is enter- t’i o'd b - i d ”’ n tn;i_’i7.n< 5* lii one. A CLEAR I I x E <» |||.; \R t ih ‘- d < aka tendernec-a; a straight - u-t-fnl lite; thè reti- se if erooKed A well 1 ; ud I.IXE OF HEALTH •par *'» you doctota* bi « ; tu i>ili Un- ben r- biuta in De iiores*’*, F ......... e pnbiishea so No et ............ i r iioiguzii nt-in> ri ? to iu r -t t ie . I omv _.... circle. »:____ Yen n ili De ^tibit iecl to eviri e. nf I leh .pirite or <1.•«|Kirid- enc« tf .11 ..................... ______________ v • pie i.ll.T-1 E OF VKXl > well nvi kt d keep np \ » r *>p .is bv having Dentorvei'a W« to r 4 |h k - ribi, g t«» It for 1^91 you ai l r ee v. a j Herr of exnul» tv work* . ..Jini« te orK* < of r art of tt \ .i .i ». hes'dt s tue * urn a rn pr» pr. minpi minnt picti pictn re. 1T xt 3.’inch»»«. *• I’m a l)..i*i wliich le ainmsi a tea! ba ’v. and eqn I to the » t :i ' al oli pi.iming wliich co-t $3*'; m l vo i wi « i I I h;u li i anci.-nz.nn Ih tiannot ne eqaa e»l by an - in ti <■ wo N for ite beau iful •lln«traru»na an: •ubj,. . t __ _ ___ ___ ___ ni.itter. il at will ke p von post dl the « ,.f t* e d »v. at d all the r*l*. B"(k MilTee ut • Iteiu» ’ “ ‘ , t It trrvst ab. ut thè h<>u*rho'd, b*"» d f ini -blu.- intercsting rcading matter hot • qyavfl i d c ira.’i . for thè whule fnniily ; and wid e De’n»vri'«t'a i* V ’i t h u >N!*ni(m fa-hion u n acaxine, Its f ish'on s ar»» i » r r’ <-f. a» »1 y«n ret with It, free of co*t, nil the pa ' r y. a wi-h to use . tiling the year. a»ni tn t»nv ion <-h c«v sin.l in roar «ul-« r ntion . i'y «igt .11 <1 von » ill r adv £•• • ov. r « >» in v e A Hr,', tpr pub. |i •r J*v t n copy A lare-91’' D- b’ ' Nt.’ U mm»« . ; a Hnn- TRI VNlil K. gviner»»* tv te • 1 illX ln- Inr *v « •» T r M • am t’-»t of ' Il i:x. prut • t- « st N, . » I:« ■ .1 a -c; MtiOV »” 1 wot • • At \ ! M « » ■•i I i-ure : an i MKBt t BY, ». T ki- • »I .-e ». above «rd voe wi I»' «a:» W JKte o ILe and u.ot valuauir Ì»*-- ). Harper's Tarar is a Journal for the home zi vi h the intesi informa! ions with ...... renani k • ,, h■ . ' ‘islii.n s, and us numerous ------ ------- - L..o illustra i.> s i ’ rnis riliu UK1UD8 «ifiiirtiu ftivl <111,1 «... ft., o.. .1. ... __ _ • einen!) ........ pattern-FÎieet Flipp irei ‘ii^Dvi'Riitle alike to i he home dresH THok’’ i •i’i'i the pr-Jf'Ksi fini modiHìe. No expena k i) ■ “pi-o *O make i's nrtis'ii'a'lraetlvc’e«K ol the tizh st order, i's bi >ght stories, amuiingcom , i . ili I tli >iizb fill essays sa'fafv all tas'e. b uni 's last pag -is famous us a budget of wi­ ll ' ti nor. In its week v issues ciervthiug i» nt i: . i, w Ì ire is of interest Io women Thi vriiils ..r I 3 i t',1 be written bv Walter BesAiU '. ' n i mil t'hr aline Terhune Herrick vi fu-msh a praetii al series, entitled “At th. I I- i et ' Graie King, ulive I'horne Miller, unii 1 «da e Whee er will be frequent contributors I '■ " ’ * ' " in the Columbian Expo , ’ ' - ' ' ’A' til'll icpi s 'iited with nianv i'l b '• - '■ ’ • s' Higginson in “Woinet Me. wil i ease at uhivate.l audience. HARPER’S PERIODICALS « '¡CZAR ' '1 GAZINE ' WBKKLY 4 0» 4 0< 4 I'M Y" MG rWOPI.n , * * r».Ma « I “••riI»era In the Unite», a I h . or Mexico. ' ■ >-m-» e ■ be I'»« ir • cxin with i,.Hr. when iu • ». i ne I. »-t-.se ipn n will Legit ' Xitn.i. i current at lietinieof reccin' ■ in o Harpe » i azar lor Ihre* •i . cloth mding, .» ¡Il be sent bv mal F “ i 'o’'»' ’ ?*I're ’• fre'' •'< expense ■ i ■ rd i »»freight doe» eveed vine one UVI dol — a • ' »*»'' < - r •“ — h ----- - volume. — I •-TV . ” ninp l ì*!b < -es f . ¡each volume.suitable for bind u < Î ’ leset i ma guarniti. n ixreip of in tsni c. should be mn.le bv P .tOiDc. »'v rder r l>r*f'. i, avoid chance of loss R A HR ’THERS New snapeni re t . T t to . p% Rnv «ne nor •11 of th shove a, ■ * r m en* r v it hou t hr ixpr .s i :d«r of II a KI'FK T rq uer ”. st. DEXTER SHOE CO., 8U R0ST0.\ Agents Hunted “As old as the hills” and never excell­ ed. “ Tried and proven" REGULATOR) is the verdict o f millions. Simmons Liver Regu­ lator is the only Liver ami Kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith for a cure . A in i 1 d laxa- live, a n d purely veg- et ible, ad­ ing di rectly mi t.he Liver a n d Kid- 11 «vs. Try it Sold by all AR L tpiiil. or in Pow-ler to be taken dry or ma Ic intoa tea. SIMMONS Harper’s Weekly is acknowledged >-s stand in« fits' among illustrated weekly periodicals in America. It occupies a plat e between tha of the hurried daily paper and that of the less tinielv monthly magazine, it includes both itera'ure and news, and p eBents with equal fort e ai d fe'icity the real events of current history ami the imaeinative themes of fiction < >n account of its vere t empiete series of illus rations of the World’s Eair, it will be not only I he bis guide to 'he great Exposition, but also itsles suvenir. Every public event of general i'teres: will 1 cfully illustrateli in i's pages, 'ts contributions being from the. best writers and artists in this country, it will continue to exrel in literature, news, and illustrations, all other publications of its class PER There-are »ingle retail »hoe »tore» in our I - cities which »ell 2,000 palr.se/ «hoes a < “v , a net prot t of $250,000 a year. Wo ». l.’ho. h .',' but wo .c l a great many pairs, the clear pr. our ladies , nusseg* and childrens’ shoes isi • i ten cents a pair, nnd on our mens' and bo- Z, ’ ’ '¿'“»".I1’“?/. )Ve •haU ^Glsh shoote- s' each of the fifty largest cities of the U. 8 c i they sell only 300 pairs of shoes a day th< v v earn $ j’25,f 00 a year. We should bo a! le to Ù yearly dividend of $5.25 a »hare, or ever j per o' a year on the investment. Wo sell the stock • t'c a share. Tho price must lnevliably I o mi ch7 than $ 0 a share. No stock lr.s ever been so ' les» than this price, which Is i.s par vainc. Ft non-asscsBablc. Incorporated, ('..-¿ l - j $l*000< We have over 1,000 Mockholder,, a: d thc’nuir'- is increasing daily. Some of the principal »to holders are : T. S. Walling, bi, Y. : I. J »... N. A. Reed. Jr,. Chicago ; J.M. Cain; b t.cti igu’; V,; 'f Kavanaugh. Little Bock. Ark.; 1. II. Kid,. Chiêa-o- J I Turner. Philx: If. Harding, N. Y.; 1 . .1. l-'.ÎÎ; lÎ! Creek, Mich. ; F. F. HullMte, Arcade. N Y 7 ’ Write for a prospectus containing the naraciof our stockholders, etc., or tend an onlrr for >toc' tnclotlng cashier’) check, cash or money, r' Orders taken for one or more shares. Price, C a share. -Vterrtt I L L T S T R A T E I). 613 d Gio 7th Stroot, IT. W. Sciontifio American Aflency for i / >. Year: Per HARPER’S MAGAZINE . ...fl.00 HARPER’S WEEKLY . 4. Of HARPER’S.............. BAZAR . 4.0( HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE 2.0» _ Postage Free to all Subscribers in the I nited States, Canada, or Mexico. The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Number« for June and December of eae h year. When no time is specified, sub -criptions will begin with the Number cur­ rent at time of receipt of order. I .our.d volumes of Harper’s Magazine for ’hree years bacg, in neat cloth binding will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of |3 I piT v»»lume. Cloth Cases, for binding <50 I cents each—by mail, post-paid. Remittances should be made by Postoffice Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chanc of loss. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, Nev t ork. PERSONAL AND ATTENTION GIVE.N ENTS, CAVEATS, MAl'KS, etc. NO EEE UNLE S PATENT IS SECURED. (. Olili ESPOND- ENCE SOLICITED. bi tug the LEAD1NG NEW», PAPER< t lite l’acitic C ■ ist. hilher o( thè abore «per» will send postulili a» i p Illium on rcceii t uf the f-dlniv. ing subscription prices I t the eumbinallon ; Is »V \ II I \|.| ( ,S. I ». C, HARPER’S PERIOi’ICS 1-. so.o * i1 HE SAX FRANCISCO WEEKLY CALL 1« a liaiid-i-iiie tight- page paper. It is i««u< d every Thursdai, and contains all •-( tne important news nl the week, gleuued from every -¡u ter of the globe, compl- te up to date of publication, It fur« n is lies the latest and numi reliable fiimneial flew? >nd niai kef quotations, a d gives special attente n to hortieiil- tnral mid agricultural news, and is in evciy re-icct a lirw- jlass family paper, npp-mii g to the interest of every in,-., Per of tile household. investment i EVER MADE ILLUSTRATED. I Harper’s Magazine for 1S93 will centinue fo i maintain the unrivalled standard of excellence i which has chiracterixed it from rhe beginning | I Among the no'able features of the year there will be new novels by A Conan Dovle, Con­ stance Fenimore WoolBon. and William Black Short atoriea will be contributed by the most popular writer* of the dav, including .Mary E Wilkins, Richasd Harding Davis, Margaret Beland. Hranaer Matthews, and many otheis The illustrated descriptive papers wi'l embrace articles by Julian Ralph on new Southern and Western subjects; by Theodore Child on India; by Poultney Bigelow on Russia and Germany; by Richard Harding Davis on a London Season; by colonel T A. Dudgeon Eastern Riders; etc Edwin A. Abbey’s tllustrationsof Shakespeare’s Comedies will be continued Literary articles will be contributed bi Charles Eliot Norton Mrs Janies T. Fields, William Dean Howells' Brander Matthews, and others. THE DISABILITY BILL IS A LAW. Soldiers disabled since the war are I Entitled PRFS5 CLAIMS CO., JOHN WE DO' RQURN, r r- - Mich* THE S N FRANCISCO AM I HE FA. Msa g.n : Attui ney. Detroit, ---- WITH----- II I . M < >lt X 1 A G exit, (SKVKN IsaUKBA W kkk ; Is a live in ti <>i o it ii dtiilv. it is the MOs 1 REI.I \- BI.E. and is tecogiiij..,. | !(< Ê Free to all D.M. Ferry &Cc THIS PAPER— ----- OK----- The success of this Great Cough Cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized tosell iton a pos­ itive guarantee, a test that no otherc re can successfully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous ex­ pense, are placing n Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough. Sore Throat, or Bron­ chitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use ft promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price to cts., 50 cts. andtl.OO. Ifyour Lunge are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 eta. For sale by all Drug­ gists and Dealers. ■OUree. FOR THIS YEAR PllICK Bl »3 FKK Y SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE this year, and uih R h up for lest tirna Ferry’*Seed Annual tor 1*1 v.ill give you many valuable hints about w bat to rais»* ami how to raise it. It contains informa- tion to be had from no other ,Î s £ th IE s T af *? 1 Better Than Pills The King of Liv.-r 51 -iHcine». “ 1 have t-.se-l ourSLnme is i .iv- r R<-gn- latiiruml turn i-omn-ieni-iouslv say it ist-M klti-x »fail liver tnedicincs. 1 eonsidei it a ineillr-lno chest 111 hscll'.—GEi>. v\ . jack ­ kin , Taconia, Washington. gg- UA FK Y r A C Ii A G F' u» JG:i ,lie 7 2‘iinp in rt-il nil wrapper. - fc ► . J .' n H-' — ion DOLLARS ■ ä V per month I n Y our O wn L ocality wade easily and honorably, without cap! t;d, during your spare hours. Any man woman, boy, or girl can do the work haiKt- ily, without experience. Talking ua- necessary. Nothing like it for money­ making ever offered before. Ourworkt always prosper. No time wfistetl in learning the business. We teach you m a night how to succeed from the first hour. You can make a trial without iX- pense to yourself. We start you. ffinu.su everything needed to carry on the '>u i- n<-ss successfully, ami guarantee .'- against failure if you but follow - - simple, plain instructions. Reader, i vou are in need of ready money, nn - want to know all about the best pa) 1 - business liefore the public, send u> ' 11 gddress, ami we will mail you a doc** incut giving you all the particulars. TRUE & CO., BOX 400, Augusta* Maine. COMSVMPTIOM CTTIFD. inohiphysieian.remeilirò -1’ tì* Ea«i pia« t-U in hwhaDibby un I d i “ ary Uie torumla «t a umpl«vegvud»le r ‘ -• and l'-ruiuncntcurcol < • Uruachitis, < alar. h. AMiuua. bx . i a.l1 1P a< “,p ¡.’in« Alleviinii>. u.-o u ha v *n * •*» il ’àuo’.rn lobi.« • « l^r i n^arùii? and u*”!? * Crre. Adiln ss“ A X I h I Ms,« I ir"«-— • v ■ h r ’ nam’.ri? th * FV ■* lK>x 2*1*, Aew \urir titg. •i . A ÒO . < ...Vi '•