Masqtirade Bad at the Armory manent cure and return the young standing on the brink of the Stine’s Hall on the evening of January 12. manto his friends sound in mimi Mountain Gorge, casting your ev« a 1894. MIU1 downward, you take a survey of a ( ' 4 c-invr. n more than a mile in height, —The Dallas Itemizer s.ivs the I A Few Buffalo Left. a vertical rent, at the bottom of former residents of Harnev V alley, I which winds a serpentine rivulet, about thirty in r met at 1 he .-J at this time of the year quiet ami residence of T. .1. Morrison Tuesday tranquil, but in the spring a roaring evening the 26th ult.. for the pur­ cataract, caused by the melting pose—the Itemizer supposes—of snow The borders are fringed wuh contrasting the advantages to be grass, an I is the home of the plum — found there with what they former frA 1R G U A R A ? ! T fÎE □. tail deer at certain peri ids of the Iv endured. The H eraid will year. G. C wager the cigars that more than ADDiZSC: SAN FRANCISCO CAL. three fourths of the thirty, wished ___ I —The Democratic Central Com­ themselves back in Harnev Valiev. . i I mittee for Harn *v County, are re­ — The old trapper Mr Withero, —William Harvey is sole agent quested, bv the Chairman of said Th3 Hsrill who was found dead in an unoecip- for the Salem Woolen Mill Store, e nnmiltee to cmveue at some in this and Grant counties. Blank ied house on cow creak a few days I I suitable room or hall in the town of WEDNESDAY JANUARY 8. 181S ets fine as silk, robes inferior to ago. is supposed to have died from fea I Burns on Thursday the 4th dav of none, overshirts and underwear as natural causes. He left Harney I ami January IS'. 4 Throtjcct of tiim two or three davs before he was cheap as the cheapest, socks, gloves, LARGEST CIRCULATION 0P »»»m vmnipeBi, sock s, • m* eting has already bet n t-xplaici d ! mittens, ANY NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. niit,en8’ overcoats, flannels by the the- " e wa8 sick at the o the members of the committee in yard, cloth by the yard, ladies dress jt,me’ Hnd U 8ee,ns' trni" whi“ we the column of the E 0 H erald as ('omni il h ¡cat ion. can learn, he got too sick to reach ( -— - ■ ■ - - ~ — 1 j flannels. etc. etc. Takes measuris well as written communications to his own cabin which was several for men ’ s and youth ’ s clothing. • ' he me iibers by the chairman. Bl.ITZEN, Oreg in r P. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING J-1- Axent, 21 Merchant«' Exchang., ban Fran- Call and see him, office at the miles further on and took refuge in J. L C ro * s , E d , H erald : I land»d in voir < ,i»co, is our authorized agent. Thi» paper is ; the building where his hodv was kept on file in his office. French Hotel. town on Th inksgiving and stnye found. The Coroner was notified over i.ight and have been on th —Tomorrow the democratic cen­ and went immediate ly toinvestigaU move ever since I have just r< tral committee meets. We hope the circumstances of his death, but Local News. turned from a trip to the P Ranci Scientific American • the committee will be governed, in , has not vet returned, so we are not Agency for where 1 was accompanied by m —School book» and stationary ] its deliberations, bv a strict sense I able to publish his report in this two granddaughters, to wit; Mis cheap for cash, at the Hardware j of justice and fairness towards the ' issue. Hattie Bunyard and Miss Ann ; whole people of the county, show- I store of C. H. Voegtly. — The Xmas festivities on Silvet Comegy.s. We were plrasuntlv en (ing conclusively that the democra- tertained by Mr. French and wer< — Henry Long has purchased J. OAVVATS, icy of this county are determined to i Creek held at the school house wa- TRAD! MARKS, the recipients of his hospitality for Gould’s interest in the Elite Saloon. a very enjoyable occasion, except OKSION FATINTS, break down, if possible, all section 1 COPYRIGHTS, etoJ , . , to at the op ning. it was found thf three days, and all told we had in For Information »nd free —During holidays Mr. and Mrs. al strife, and a determination Handbook writ» to ; MlINN A CO- Uul B i «> ai > wat 7N kw YORK. enjoyable time. The scenery at th Oldest bnr»»ll for »eourlng patout, tu America. A. Venator accompanied by Mrs. work for the welfare of the county • Lob Baker was absent, which was Kvvry I'Htent t»kcn put by u, 1» brought before ’ such a surprise to all present, as It, 1’. Ranch is magnificent, and natu c the public by a notice' given free ot obargo lu the Blevins, gave us a pleasant r ill. and its citizens. create some alarm, fearing that has lavished all her gifts to makeit >neutific American —Mrs. Marshall and her daugh —Young America asserted i's ' Bob had become su l lenly ill ot a little Paradise. Mr. Frenc circulation of any »cientlflc paper tn the ter Miss Nora residing near the claim to recognition last Simdav met with an accident a deputation knows how to entertain compute luuveat world. Splendidly llluetrated. No Intelligent should bo without It. Weekly ¿S3, Utt a Narrows, visited Burns the latter night, in our town. by drumming was sent to his home to investigat« and this trip will long be remember uuui ycari •l.Nlalx month, Addre,, MUNN A CO. PoBUHUkiu, 3tfl Broadway,New YorkCity. part of last week. ed by our little party. The geolog out the old year and ushering in and report the reason of hit absence I —Quite a number attended the the new, having an utter contempt | In the mean time a committee ical formation of the Stines Moun­ <..* condolence. ..... '....., tain count!v is very interesting as ball last Monday evening. The for the coventionalism of more ar- • drafted resolutions of next dance is the masquerade on istocratic towns, coal oil cans, tri* I which were read, by the chairman, connected with the P. Ranch. Here angles, bells, and the immaculate to the audience. A vote was about we find an outer wall several bun the 12th inst. veil, the latter being the main fac- i to betaken on the resolutions, when dr d feethigh which bounds this —Mr. Geo. Smyth and wife of f Bob stepped into the school pretty Valley, and to the east is a Diamond Valley, were in Burns tor. were the make up of the youth PLANT FKHII V’N HE I: DM I accompanied by the deputation, series of over lying stratas which tbla year, »nd makr up fur lo»t lima two or three days of this week, ful serenaders The slumbering . Ferry’» <*e«- IS pocket the Items, for it might be TrltAItD BY MAIL. CONF IO f N It U arm. tnl- # and with starvi««, b-wnvtnw-ucs, cr t»«d its liabilities are so heavy as to tear or 30 years old, a resident of this level of the entire region When I •Lii r» t'. trr«., wftn a ce ii« in stampa, e < o. w f . ksroca. M'iwri iiutu cuci» in —Miss Daisy Robertson, sister its trousers and then a row with county near Lawen post office, wa- brought into town yesterday by J. of Mrs. Harry Thompson residing Sophie would be inevitable. I’. Dickenson and J. H. Jordan in our town, has secured a scholar­ — The Ontario Burns mail 1 T|)e latter gentleman reported to ship in the State Noimal School at is taken about .>1,000 cheaper than | cotmty judge that Mr. Parker I ’ Monmouth. Miss Robertson resides ever before and no contractor up actions the day before were such as in Drewsey. , to the present has been able to make to warrant his friends and neigh­ —The following are now the of ends meet. The contract, ^taken bors that he was crazy. After re ficers ot the Burns Mason Lodge: now at $8,888 per annum means to cei’’ing the report an examination John W. Sayer, W M ; William us Hung on the line no mail service was ordered and Parker declared in­ Miller, S. W.; Charles Voegtly, J. and troulde and vexation of spirit sane and an order immediately is­ M ; J C. Welcome, Treas.; Geo W. to drivers sfRble keepers and hotels. sued to Sheriff Sittings to convey LOCHER’S HALL Hayes. Secy.;J. Burnham Hun­ This does not say much for the him to lhe Asylum. The sheriff tington, Ty.; wisdom of the contractor unless he left here yesterday evening on the Every Evening at 7:3d P. M is a rascal and expects to beat his Ontario stave, with his charge, It is now expected there will be Monday .... .. ............... Gentlemen.« Beginners This is the third time the young Tuesday ........ another sale of the O. P. R. R or way. •• ........... Ludies’ dered to take place inside of six _ I. S. Geer returned home last man has been adjudged insane and I Wednesday Ladies A Gentlemen Advanced. •nonths. The present sale only Monday morning after an absence I sent to the asylum, He ended his Thursday............................................. ■ .>.,. I Ladies’ Advanced realizing sufficient to pay about ten of two weeks While absent his second incarceration by taking Friday ....................................................... Gentlemen’s Advanced. Percent of the indebtedness the1 business called him to Fortland, french leave and making his way Saturday................................................ ................. Social for all. court will not confirm the sale. Baker City and other places, He home across the mountains which All the latest dances will be taught, the following list to he selected was some time ago Last Monday ~~It is estinated that the human, also visited his Bro. Ralph, who is he concluded his mother and some | from: Rye Waltz, Comas Waltz, La Marsholaine, La Mode, Yorke, family in the average life of each, now in the Hardware business Mt.— Bon Ton Gavotte, Berlin, Creola, Jersey, Mnnitour, Spanish Yorke, ' ’ ’•’unie about seven four horse Vancouver and doing very well.' of his friends bail lived long enough Highland Glide, F’irrouette, May Schottiaclie, and many others. *aRon loads of provision more than Ralph did not forget his little friend ' and made an attempt to end their No gentleman visitors admitted. Jack Ragon, but remembered him |existence, hence it was found nec ’’’“sseniia! to health. We presume Terms 8 lessons 13 50. this does not apply to the thousands' by presenting him a very fine razor essarv to again place him in con- Ladies 8 “ I i*>. regu- ' finement and under the care of 0 unemployed in our government with the injunction to uie it New Quadrille will be taught Saturday Evenings. than competent physicians, whom we of work and clamoring for larly if for no other purpose Geo. W. Y oung . I hope will I* able to effect a per- keeping his face clean. •onitthing to eat. Don’t Lose Heart. pm mo Dancing Instructions.