A Th? Tirali scalding teare of mothers bending oyer them in sorrow and despair, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 27.18’3. and then resolve, as you should, to faithfully carry out the pledger Editor. which your party gave to a contid W.c. BYKλ----- ing people. If you will do so God will bless you and a grateful Nation | will applaud you. Governor Pennoyer’s Xmas Let­ AMERCÀ¡N ' EAGLE JOtì uffiiCi roprtciui ter to Grover Cleveland. -------------- 1 . - of -................ W e are in receipt a letter .. from The extraordinary circumstances | the Oregon state committe. for th le .............. , . . greet the return of tins holi I Mid-Winter Fair beginning _ w the first I I - this . - month and ending in July * be my excuse for writing ¡of da> d iv alt is the first Christmas | 1894. at San Francisco California. 1,1 t history of Oregon when more The purport of which is, the ntc l wo-thirds of its people are'easily of devising a way and means Nwn*, Jlarnty t'.Wj, ihtyvtt. *UiJ 1 PAMPHLETS, MOST PERFECT MADE. . , - i A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free without employment, and more than .tor a proper exhibit .of our state at 1 tom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant» ■ ............ Ul.-C-. I ENVELOPES, STATEME one third without sufficient means ' the fair, 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. ■ ‘ is almost ‘ of support. - Business com- .1 It is strongly urged that a auita nletely stagnated, money is not to 1 ble building should be erected upon be obtained, and debtors are pow-' the grounds to be known as the * erless to avoid the seizure of their'¡Oregon building, the exhibits of th.. property and their homes to satisfy s,ate placed in this building. $ KM) Reward $100. • at ’ a small ’ -• percentage of ............... . ¡These exhibits to be entitled to their value The readers of this paper will be Cabinet-make all rights of competition and pie and Ceneal the claims of their cred.tors. ck: pleased to learn that there is at Repeated appeals have been made i mium. to me as Governor of Oregon to as- ( The management of this exhibit least one dreaded disease that sci- Rep Wagons Buggie Ect le.nble the Legislature in order to will be virtually under the charge ence has been able to cure in all | All work done neatly and w’th dispatch. aileviatethis condition of affairs end of the same gentlemen who so ably its stages, and that is Catarrh , avert impending calamity. Re represented the State of Oregon ai Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only­ dress is, however, not in our hands, the World’s Fair. In order to raise positive cure known to the medical but in yours, and hence this appeal t funds for this work the committee (Maternity. Catarrh being a con- to you. * have incorporated under a capital | stitlitional disease , requires a con-1 Hall’s The laws of Congress, which have i stock of $20,000, at one dollar per Istitutional treatment Catarrh Cure is taken internally, discriminated against silver and for share All Oregonians are asked to | gold alone,as full legal tender money | take as many of these shares as. acting directly upon the blood ami' | mucous surfaces of the sssiem.' AND— giving to the money lender the priv I possible, ilege of refusing both the silver i The World’s Fair commissioners j1 hereby destroying the foundation dollar and ihe silver certified«, thus I nave savtd $20,000 of the amount I ,of the disease, and giving the ) a- rendering unavailable more th».. ippropriated by the State lbr th« i tient strength by building up the onelialf of the national currency as Columbian Exhibition and it is I constitution and assisting natur. Harney County, an absolute debt-paying money, are proposed to repay from this fund to in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative the sole cause of the decline of (all purchasers of stock the amount powers, that they offer One Hun values, paralysis of business, ami of their purchases, in consequence the impoverishment I The committee will do all in its or < • ->t I rj.ro ' > . 1TS » » » ■ , Tilt. 1 ‘ itEM. U.lltls (OMPIXY. dared for the use of both gold and JOHN WECDEK6JRN, - • Manai in fl Attorney, i iTON.D. C. 1 P.O. Box IG3. ______ W.iSil INC ? .................... silver as standard money, without rilKSIOMF J’liOCCREI. FO'I I discrimination against either metal SOLDIERS, Wire CHILDREN. PARFNTS. the widespread depression of Also, for c ‘ rx r I S-ll’.-rs ..i.fll |. it * *1. III. ■ >f PLANT FERRY’S SEEPS duty In tlx-rexnlai \rn-y-r N a - < k< would again revive and prosperity would again visit our land. It is honorable to carry out the pledges of a party to the people, ï'ieül.s» jG. tiiylu».-pills cure cobHlIpnir n P. , u •• >' m . j H ■••ir. .liTlp ’ .a Prentiss licet Ifyiug pills cure c--ntl;>ntl’ii prctiu-s 1.- ■ ■ |.i .......... . n and is it not most dishonorable not to do so? The responsibility lies entirely with you. The complete obedience of the Lower House of JOHNSON 4 BAILEY, Proprietor«. Congress to y< ur wishes has been , observed throughout the world. It W is, Liquors, Cig a s and Cigarr&tts would be your behest and in thisj Good Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Rooms, etc., et«. ’he Senate would give you support. Salo hi is first class in every particular. Experience hart* You are a father and you no1 1 £ - - ------ doubt feel grateful to God, when Almost nP pills and modlclu« produce constipation. her« Is a f I « . t «arcs torpid Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious, biliousness, rheumatism, l.-idljeallon. sPk headache and kidney and liver ▼ou. upon retiring to -«st, look up |££ liver, troubles without griping or leaving any traco of CONSTIPATION, which on your sleeping babies in their 5? Is the primocause ot all sickness, beware of It getting habitual and chronic with you. couches, pictures of health, conse- , <5 see to It In time; these pills will euro you. 1 'ee PRENTISO RECTIFYING PILL, quent of their having a sufficiency = ~ | I - M I II | r" ■■■ It ft the ontr safe and harmless I m I ■■■■ remedy that will surety BEAUTIFY the of food and clothing. I pray you, however, to enlarge vour vision and ^•hold, as you can, in many and ”0*07 a cot. children loved as much mm FA dear the skin and r»mtm all blotches from the face. Try a boa aud see for your their parents as yours are by - £ self. 35 Cents a box. GOLD BY AU. DRUGGIST«. Should Take Advafage of its «pen receipt of price by you, weak and sickly from insuf I it Or sent by mall Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co., ficient food and clothing, tha ir.r.c inno 40« CALIFORNIA -TV! IT. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. •*nt victims of financial legislation, • S Free ties Becufytng puis cure ^Oioilpatior, pi. u.~a tying plllaeuro----u*Ua*tlun I Pr»ntliMi JUrtlfyln< p1!l«cur» eoB«tlpctlnn Pr^rt •T^rylng pfn«rur» who«e sleeping forms are bathed by THE PIONEER FIRM I I COMPLEXION S ubscribers to the herald