A > —( omt. to the i al! to he gi th- Caldveil ball on Mord i» ni.'ig the tir.-t day of 1 | t> —The ball supper ut Bucklands was v< r g-.-.o I V I'M hi SI. ¡go riding is now in Lake c -unty. CUSt'DI li EXTER. RJLLEII Mill.. a few day*, and you ut ! v ¡.iiuUrii Kt the »•» • ” ptslicethat will ewaid xoure ttortr *» <• xuuively haiTlhu I h > i liisiu» .*» to oiler mi •• ( that i ah be todiui oh tv *»• ut tl.i» tuil... $13.fei i:t woik I .* u* *liaii voti havt uu\ idea of. 1’1. * i*-inv*' i* » eany to learn, n i1 ia- rticiio.i* ho m i.ph u'si j i.d . thtif .-iH < » • <■< tl f '”i f’e Th■ who hold nt’ I »•* b’l-dnr'« reap the nt* rar tn .•» t i ari*i‘H from t ir s mn ' imputation ni rae of » • oldest, nio.’ ’u: ; iiouse« lu Ann n a. • ter ' ev ’ I he p « that the i wdness . anrihaviritfomrl ■ ' Ah beginners «niccee t . nit db . ano nior»* thp i realtor tlieir grentot t xp<-c:*»tion>. Ihose v co »••v (♦ f|nd cxj' tlv as v u el! them, i'h^rt i-pL” v of room for a few more workers, and w» nr-'«» them to begin n* on- e. If ton Fro a’rc •••' v>. » pho rd, hui have < i> v« 8pure nK»n»rHto, and with to use them to advurtare, thru write un nt onrr I lor thin in your gra op|»ort unitv), tuid rrwoe fill) particulars by rc-urn mall. Addrv*®. rZll'E CO.t >»’o. 400. AugiiHta. M —G, o XV. Y oung wi ! I give .1 -ucing ILrn.u county is greatly in need lessons at Locher’s hal;. Ad. ap­ Ivaneed process of inak- pear next issue. ing flour ihan we have here at —This we wr;ie Thursday morn­ present, The old fashioned way of ing, not being able lo go to press making fl- •or was once considered yesterday a ft'-ru non, we me able good enough but since the roll» r ». a this morning to give a lh«iit notice process has been put into general . ifiN FRANCISCO. C . U- of th<> masonic insia lia’,tt ! t>che. ’ h ha! I 'u s’ e » e ing not seem to fill the requirement, The introduc’ory addresi u cs flannels, etc. etc. Takes measures mittec for Harney County, are re-* subject tbit we should give a botni p. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING for men’s and youth’s clothing. Agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange, San Frail­ Call and see him, office at the quested, by the Chairman of said towards tin- '.mdertaking Th* pre esco, is our authorised agent.. This paper is committee to convene at some iniun to he given bv citizens of th Kept on file in his office. | French Hotel. i suitable room or hall in the town of county and especially the town — P. F. Sterger met with an ac Burns on Thursday the 4th day ol Burns. Local News. January 1894 The object of this ! cident the latter part of last week, i 'fhe most vital point in consi.l J> Mwi which resulted in the loss of the' meeting has already been explained f ling the bonus proposition, is we| —Masqurade Ball at the Armory ends of t wo fingers, the se< und and I to the members of the committee in are not financially able to cont ribuli 1 Hall on the evening of January 12, the column of the E 0 H erald as third fingers of the left hand j towards the the enterprise, th .t is! 1894. I w< ll as written communications to the town of Burns, Every one here 1 * assisting his bar tender, ! While IS IN YOUR OWN HANI). t;. n.cmbtrshy the chairman. —School books and stationary i Frank Smith, in adjusting a barrel is aware of the fact that our county | Pahntofrv amihuc * to tell uliat the line« In yonj J. L. C ross , I seat trouble cost this town a big hnml lii'iir.'ite. It will u ip -e you, if nuitiiiiu more. cheap for cash, at the Hardware 'of whiskef, the fingers were caught The nbo'c uiaeram h I iih -t explain« itsvlr. The Chairman I amount of money, and thef nancial; l«''i.ji!i of the L NE Ob' LIFE i nd leu ten nrehnble store of C. II. Voegtly. 1 between the chime of the b.iriel at.d 1 to whivli yon will live Each BRACELET y.»u thirty )vnra. We I nmikvii LINK OF i crisis immediately following not I give« tlE\l> denoiri brain pnutr; ch nr LINE OF —J. P. Gearhart spent sever.. 1 another or some object, with the, Mail Contracts. FORTUNE f.i 'ir or rl< bvn Both combined mean I only leaves the town vei v much I auccej** in life: but yon nm*t keen up uiili modern days in our town some time since. above n suit. The wound is very Idea« towin it. You w| I tlnd |>.hi< <1 It - i do/, n lU’.paz.Hi' r in <>liv A ('LEAR C. D. too late for publication in B.urnu route, was let to W. E. Travis here wile a bonus, it will pu> 1 LI e eiiua'vd by unv in (lie wo*Id fur its beamlful cellent music. All are cordially | would hivi been much more strik-( Francisco Cal Ct-igideration $1900 IliiRtrationa an 1 -ubject matter, tl at will ke« p If we were in good circumstance» roil posted on all the 'opica of th« day, ai d all the ing and e licient. a diversity of hats , invited to be present. fau ch o«r Sind in sideration $?500oer annum. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas a fair business here, and if so, it is your Mub«'*r(ptlon at once, oh'v $ J 00. and you will get here in time for their ball. r illy get over * .’5 0) In v 'ue. A drr»« tlx* pub. Dodson. t undoubtedly the better plan for an li-hur. W. Jcnnlm?« J)omorri»t. 15 Knat 14th St., Stiil the boys looked splendid. ( New York If von are unncqtiultdrd with the individual or firm to use his or it» Mii'jH/.ine we’ d for n -m i imrncopv A large QU ’ l>. —John McCoy, of the Narrows Every one looking in during the. UxNiJLE mean* liom<’v; a largt* TRI \ NOI K, own capital io building a mill and zcuuro*'tv | v ■ F’lt^T DIVIMoN Ol*’ TIII’.MII, neighborhood, paid us a visit last grand march, ot course, had some I *:rI \ 'IMON. run-on* P lush L ake , Dec. 8. 1893 not be under obligations to anv III'.' '’o ii'tv. T ic 'D)l '.T OF JI ITl'EK bemkrnf week and gladdened onr hearts by favorites, and diflerences of opinion 1 •«mbit o'i : that of s vit LN, prnd »<« (Io-'•UN, I »f *i»lrn ’»»r M ' I« t u u ■«• ; Mi »ON. imarina- The weather here is exceedingly one. depositing in our store room a quar were freely expressed. The H erald t *>* : VF.NU*. love of p' •i-nrr and MEKCi’BY, nt,-| |.rn t<*r. T ke onr a 1 <•♦• a« above and y-**»*-8 tl.i) l.i. l uud mo-t «aluaidf $ ¡<10 Howard $100. Several ( cadis of the r¡mh“rs —The impioyemente on the Red crowd had his choice which he will give with all due deference to the here are still out on the rond load Front livery stable are now com­ The readers of this paper will be '. The whole troop made ed with provisions. opened for command. pleted, and the stable o; pleased to 1« am that there is at customers. The stable now, pre­ an excellent appearance, ai.d we Our social hop set for Dec. 7 leant onr dreaded disease that sc.- sents quite a new, < comfortable, «re »roud of them, but for true failed to materialize because of the once has been able to cure in al pleasing and improved appearance, soldierly appearance and military absence of music We hope for its stages, and that is Catarrh. which adds greatly to its business style the H erai d will have to give better success Xmas. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the onl) perquisites, and the public will find the “laurels” to John Jacqueinan Bill Ford will not go to Harney positive cure known to the medical accommodating courteous proprie­ and E. 8. Joy. Valiev this winter a* he expected. fraternity. Catarrh being a con­ tors in William Harris and Charley stitutional disease, requires a con- Th. auece«a of thl. Oro.t Cough cur. fa —Attorney Thornton Williams ¡s because of an irn-si-ta'ilc induce I without ■ parallel in tliu hiatory of medicine. Bedell. Their ad. will appear in stitiitionul treatment. Hall ’ s All druggiata are authorired to a.ll It on a pos­ in Burns. His appearance is rpent to remain near his swe* th: art, | next issue. itive guarantee, a teat that no other c re can Catarrh Cure is taken internally, changed so much for the better, a "school marm suoceaatully stand. That it may beeoni. I actin directly upon the blood and known, th. F'roprietora, at an enormous ex­ i pense. ar. placing a Maniple Bottle Free inte Mr. Hamilton and family that many of his acquaintances,! Levi Thomas hat gone toCalifor mucous sui faces of the system, | every home in the United Mtat.a and Canada. I found it hard to recognize, lhe nla, called there by sudden illness tin r< Io destro, ing the foundation If yon have a Cough, Mor. Throat, or Bron- Brother in law of J. C. Wooley, are chitia, use It, for it will cure you. If your Mopping at the latter’s home. Mr. healthy hearty looking Thornton of of his sister. We are sorry to lose of th' disease, and giving the pa-! child han th. Croup, or Whooping Cough, ua. It promptly, and relief in auro. If you dread Hamilton arrived here a few days to day, to be the same who left here hi ii as he is a general favorite, fierit strength by building up the that Ineldloua disease Conan motion, uae it. Ask your Druggist for SIIIL/)l{'8 CURE, since from Pendleton. He thinks several months ag<» in ill health having many friends here. I constitution and assisting nature Price 10 eta.. Wets, and 11.00. If your Lung, aor. or Hack lam., us. Shiloh's Poroua of making Harney his home if he; All his acquaintances join in con N. Fine started his cattle for the in doii g its work. The proprietors are Plantar. Price 'Met*. Fur tale by all Drag- gratulalions, believing his cure to | can find a location suited to his taste. desert on the 6th inrt. have ho much faith in its curative gist. aad Uaalira, He informs us that times are exceed be permanent and rejoicing, that powers, that they offer One Hun­ Stock is looking well. inglv hard, in and around Pendle­ ii one with so fine an intellect, has i dred Dollars for any case that it I regained his health, to again take Jim Givans i« building a new ton. fails to cure. Send for list of testi I his place at the bar. knowing he has residence at the Mapeo Ranche. montale. ■“Adam George made ub a visit ' but few peers on the Pacific coart. C. G. Alexander has just return­ Address. F J. CHENEY A CO., ‘4-, week. He has been working at Mr. Williams, as well as being one i ed from a trip to Ft. Bidwell, he re Toledo. O Sold by Druggists, 75c the \\ hite Horse stock ranche for of our most prominent attorneys, ports dull times in Surprise •°n>e time, but has returned to his is a brilliant conversationlist, ex 1 Several bands of sheep have home near Lawen for the winter. cellently posted upon all subjects H" pictures the White Horse coun of interest, political, religious, sci­ passed here in the last ten da,» » J*ftTni I'vtBKIN» F1USTHLD F"" 8OLDISRS, WIDOWS, bound for the Big Juniper moun­ “ r rcntmitM lh»t do not io I » Ul I J ence. the arts also the common lit ,ry in glowing terms, with iis CHILDREN. PARENTS. j.i.K tt.a br.ltli 'M* Intrrt- r» with on.’, burina» oí Afor an t Gallon ' ••*»!•■«! In 1 •• lln* »f t,l-*»ure. It bulkM np »nd Inn-row. th-, .. n<-r.l duty 1 a llir rtgalar Arn y • r N • 'Prings bubbling upon nearly every ierature of the day. which adds tain. •liirr th war. h-»ltb < loar»th<-akin U14 l*v*’r ifi»-stbeov^.'prUon Survivor« of fb* !iM’. • .»f f • 1*42, -nd Mo «'Inklmor Habt.ln.'-r |. w Una t.--vn. There are many idle men in Lake tbrlr wldo <«s r II • n I greatly to his social qualities. Ei.dorwd by pbnunana an.) . auln« tv )a.i< _ oartf-r section with plenty of water • •iwrfaP; If- ei»Ut I V j IL mfr«. View some desire to work for their FAIIEHT1 TREAIEO BY MAIL CONriDtNIIM. Bend forn»w!a< ctarrfc » X ulvice. Nu fen Hb. War^a^ fas. t .rate 1. ——yi S t yarn- lln I la «nil! aucecM/ul 11 I'r ’P^rly utilized for irrigating One never tires hearing Thornton board thia winter. u i a. f. ums. buchi i num. caiuM, al Purposes. Williams talk I * t ? J p ( I I SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION r