Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1893)
Heart Failure. The H ebalp is 12.50 a year and I the Goodform $2 00. Now we make our subscribe! 8 the following | offer, which will hold good as long • as we run this notice: to all de- , linqueiits who will pav up ami one year in advauce aud to ail new subscribers, we will Bend to their 1’. 0. ad <’ress. the Goodform “grat is.” '1 hir i* certainly an offer that no one should overlook, and we sincerely hope our readers will ac- i ci pt 120 dollars to go ?” PER MONTH “Into thi» room, th«n, please, opening the door of a small sitting- I n Y our O wn L ocality Prom Hearth tad Hom«. HOW TO AVOID IT. made easily and honorably, without cap! rooLi, opposite tJ that which she CHAPTER]!!. tel, during your spare hours. Any man The epitaph on many a tombstone is ! had indicated formerly. woman, boy, or girl can do the work hand he*rt f-ulur«.’’ No wonder, when we con By, without experience. Talking un “No—not staying; we live there, | Lockw(XXj lifted Netta eider th* immetui* «train which is put on necessary. Nothing like it for meney. that «"»wi l organ Marveioueas it is, beating Carmen ie a farmer.” ]n bb arlBP> carried her making ever offered before. Our worker* loO.UOO time* ana exerting a foiee equal U< always prosper. No time wasted in “C.rmen?” repeated the stranger, lor and piaced her on 6 ¡34,000 pound, ______ daily, „ it has it* limit—it» learning the business. We teach you in involuntarily. ...... th..»«.; > <h.u he reared in the op., common ar« dise.mee of rho heart—though a night how to succeed from the first It leetnod Buch an out of the way hour. You can make a trial without ex often for a considerable lime without the pense to yourself. We start you, furnish suspicions of the afflicted person being in name, especially in connection wi ith — Pofi‘te ri,oin- everything needed to carry on the bust, ri _____ Ii..,...-. u farmer. hft he the least excited—that it is stated that <"« Carmen Danvers a farmer, ness successfully, and guarantee voir the “farmer.” odd idea! She person in four has a bad heart/ Dr. Franklin i against failure if you but follow our thought. What an < Oda Idea. Mlles.of Elkhar. l.«d., lias for inaUe ___________ , years maue ‘ Yes,” »aid the young lady, simple, plain instructions. Reader, if a special study of all di-ease* of the heart, didn ’ t look a bit like it. Herman laughingly. “Our mother was vou are in need of ready money, and and his remarkable siu-cena law ma-e his ner was wonderfully simple and want to know all about the best paying uaine a familiar one in all parts of our land. named Carmen—she was born al business iiefore the public, send us your 8« lf-poH8«'8sed, but not in the least He has found the nioat c niiuon svniptomi Cadiz Danvers is our name.” address, and we will mail you a docs, d d tl *--e °f heart disease disease to to Le Le pain, dint'tut or tmder- ment giving you all the particulars. rustic. How on eait'i bowels, , - left “And what is your Christian ! nr»» ir the chest, chest. back, bac~, stomach, . ........ .............. v __ are Ja«t what every refined cultivated people get Otll^j^i.iff^da^shortnessof breath, sntother TRUE A CO., Box 400, name?” said he. as one would c .vrr needs. '1 b> mer- .. i t Ferr»’» >«•»<!« .ilh.heir rurtie neisbl..«.? Augusta, Maine. ti, : Iu ii, t - inunuulion up- of BÌX apeak to a child Thi» chit Mr. George K- Smith, of B mre, Yates r on which hna t-een built the Co., N. Y., writes: — “ ha. M iles ’ N ew , Carmen a mere dilettante farmer? largeftt setd buainees In the world. tern was no more to his grave H ka RT CUBE /«•/» worked wond'rfully on Ferry’s Seed Annual for 18»4 She did not look that sort of a wom uuntaina ILe ruiu i nd submonce of year* and experience. wuwl and. b 'dy s » L can do a qood day’s work. the latent farming k nowledge. Free I feel ten years voung r and take more inlen-Hl an, but her face was not a bit sun- for the asking. “Mine is Netta,” said she, with in atr.ors. I had sli'irlner« «>f breath, palpi D. M. FERRY A CO., “As old as Detroit, Mich. that touch of coquetry which men il>urn«'d; her hands were^ smooth tation, pain under left ►houhler blade, pmn IMEBEE the croundths heart, 1 Could not sleep oa ri^ht and delicate. In a little while she hilts" and of over five and twenty find so side. Since I have taken Dr. Milts’ N w never excell I came into the room. Net a, she Heart Care 1 sleep well, and have no ftalpita- I amusing in school girls. DO YOU W ANT TO ADOPT A BABY) ed. “ Tried It has made my heart strong r. 1 wish “A very pretty name. Here W(i j said, was not much hurt; it was tion. Maybe you think this Is a new busineae, von would print this, b<-c:iiise I want a I to sending and proven" out babies on application : it has been only a slight twist. She would be know what Dr. aides’ Heart Cure has done done before, are ” however, but never have those furnished been so near the original sample as REGULATOR^ is the verdict They had passed up the garden | il^l° walk again in two or three tor me. ’ thu one. Everyone will exclaim. *’ Well I o f millions. “ 1-or months my wife suffered with pulpi- 1 that's the sweetest baby I ever suw I” This path, bordered by old-fashioned, ^H-VB’ taJioH, emobietiia/ spells, ami waa in a'il” !<• little black-and-white engraving can give Simmons “1 have put the tea table in the site • on tier left side. She tried Severn Liver Regu flowers, and paused under the wide, doctors without relief. Your /A«r( (’<n lator is the The porch,” she added. “\Vre generally i was recommendisl. After taking th'C deep rose covered porch, k.nles, she fully »ecovered her lie.tltl- only Liver house door stood open. The stran haye tea there in the Rummer.” I Your medicines do what you claim " < K.u and Kidney ger placed his pretty burden < on | And never bad Gerald Lockwood C hristman , Tol«do, O. medicine to Miles’ New Cure for the heu> i. aoiH one of the Beat« of the porch, and enjoy«d tea in a Londm drawing l>y Dr. all druggists on a p skive guarantee, it wiii 'h y o u looked for bell or knocker, knocker. Diere room as he enjoved thij tua under is safe, agreeable, effrc'ive, and dots owe. cm p.:i your Dr. Miles Mixlieal Co., Elkhart. Ind. was neither f.v th for a 1 lite porch of the C«'dat« Farm cure. A “Netta called “Carmen! Car Netta reclined upon one • f tie mild lixt- men!” and instantly a door at th1' eats, and there w< re cane chair» t'.v a n <1 end of the passage opened, and a for her sister and the guest Th b ir- ’ v veg- tall, slender young woman earn«1 younger lady chatti red mu« h, a «1 <d hie. act- quickly forward. She wore a blue ii her i-ixte< Il year (11 fa-hion co- serge gown and a large, bibb «1 quett«d w ith the guest. The elder holland apron. She was not a Im «aid little, tl ough that little was like Netta, hut pule and dark, with worth volumes cf large black eves and dark chestnut Netta’« which we propose to send to you. transpor DrUhiiz«.’.’..« tn u qui'i. hair, worn in short curls One tation paid. The little darling rests against j\jn a pillow, and I, in the act of drawing off its Lockwood learned cl i fly in ui tone ‘ >,h Ö11 ' or’ >1 could hardly tell whether she wa pina sock, tiie mate of which ha- been pulled ffi91 off and tlun? aside with a ti iuniphant coo. 1 th” latt r, that Mr. la iyt rr hi.d TN- Klug < f ä.'v« r ’ handsome or not. but she had » The fl *sh tints are i>ertect, and theeyi s follow ; ....«,. 1 ii.t < i - »i . you, no matter where you stand. Theexqui- | Been an officer in the army with a • . . 14 Jp . -I «’.a » < .» > lent i • I slrangeh vivid face, and her »•» <•- yiteroproductlonsof this greatest painting of ‘ » • 1: . f Î ’lèi»!. Ida Waugh ith« mo t celebrated of modern turn at farming, at which he t.-ded; Were beyoml douuf, beautiful Sh« painters of haby life1 nro to be given to those • X. I 1 », \V: .-:'G I fl who subscribo to Demorest’s Family Maga- that Carn en, inheriting bis tas , «Im not look more than foiirorfh«’ xine for 189X The reproductions cannot he <; ’ F* told from the original, which cost f«00, mid learned tie business thi-roughl . » •.> I • • and twenty; »»he might have t>«en I I are the same size il7x~! inches'. The baby is life size, and absolutely lifelike. We have and when he «lied, sone years ago. older also in preparation, to present to our sub scribers during 18911, other great pictures by Netta began eagerly, the moment she took up the remainder of the such art sts as Percy Foran, Maud Humphrey, Louis Deschamps, and others of world-wine lease and actually succeeded in do-' renown. Take only two exainnles of wliut an«1 caught sight of her aiater: wedidd irinr the past year, “A Yard of Pan EtiC OFFER. sies, i"g well; not making a fortune, ” and " A White I!< use f rehid” by the ( nrmen, I twist««! my foot in wileof President Ha-rison, and you will tee Beechen Wood, ami thia gentleman but paying her way and making a wh it our promises trt nn. ■ Wishing to »»eurv tis ninny le Those who subscribo for Demore«t's Family 1 living brought rue home.” Magazine for Ism will pesress a palk ry o ex .. .,, , . j • .» nt unis and new sul s. rii tion ns quisite works of art of /.■ reat value, besides a All one can nope to at, m tn«'se .. . . e . . . ' . Magazine that cannot b ■ equaled I y any in “Il was most kind of y«»uI’’ said I p.'sstt 1«* before Jan. 1st, we nav« the world for its beautiful illustrations and It is a small, j. (.j(h.(| (o ,„ake a propoa t on subject matter, w 11 keepeveryone post Carman, looking straight, with ( day»," Carmen said. ed on all ilie topics of the day, and all the grateful eyes, into the mau’a fac«* I ‘arm, and 1 have a splendid man- «Ip.uld be accepted l>v every one. fads and different items ot interest at om tho household, besides furnishing interesting 1 hank you a thousand times, but aginu man, hut I look after e»ery-< I'lu- Goodforn. a wonderful maga reading matter, both cr.iv«- and gay, for tiie PENSIONS PROCURE!' FCH '>"<■ published tn Chicago—the whole family: and while Demorest’s is not WIDOWS, you don't mean (<» say you carri« d thing myself too. 11 IS the «ildy i \\'o'ld’s Fair (. itv—if you hav> a fashion 'fag izinc, its fashion pages are per SOLDIERS, fect, an 1 we give you. free of cost, all the pat CHILDREN, P ARE NTS. thing to do, if you mean to sue her?’’ you wish to use during the year, and Also.for Soldiers and Sailors¿W-’ jj ml seen it '.ou «annot appreciat« terns in unv size you choose. Send in your sub- dntvln the remlar Army or 5»u'«»"••'J""j gcriprion nt once, only $2, and you will really Survivors of the Indian wars of 1332 »'*„* a ?iainn *i.»w n re it is. Almost, he replied, smiling; ceed.” get ov<-r 85 in value. Ad Ire»« the pvblisl er, tbrir widow», now entitled OKI and reiectut ri»l™ apcclsltv. Thousands entitled to htPher . Not wihstaiiding it is oulv a yem W. Jennings Demon-st. 15 East 14th St . New a Send "You are right. Mit«« Danvers, “she is not very heavy, you know for new law». No «marge for advice. York. If you are unacquainted with the >1«! it already outranks many of until successful . Magazine, send 10 ueuts for u specimen <x>py 1 don’t think Hhe is badly hurt, on Whois your landlord, if I may oldest and most popular niaga ask f ly a twist, 1 fancy; t.ut 1 hop.-, <i .» of the world, "Mr Shelton; he is a very ¡.«i d Mias Danvers, you will let me « all YOG ASK W HY? Simply be- t" morrow, to tee tiow v«>ur sister landlord, though a compar.itively •;iu-e it is published to please th« is?" new mall. His grandtai her bought pen le anti n<>t 1 h editors. Infac "We shall >>»■ ver\ pleased,’’ re tiie property. Il is a splendid ea tiny iiiioriuatii n of high cha racle plied the girl, simply, "if yul| are late, out In- talks of st Ling II. He h « id tend .e toe pel'll!« ippier, alwav* <O«H1 enough to call Will yMU l,.t tins no children, und the pin«- vi er bet’er mid H I ’ inds >i place m 1 rin. ! doesn't agree with his wit«, «.«« me offer you some lea now, it Wei Il lias no h and '!'>« s n<> * icaliy a Durdea on Ins haml.-. be ready in a few mmutrs?’’ t h k' aid so«, ;m> «pestio <-xeep e. ; “In iK’c. pting vmir kindm-ss i | are so airaid of nouveau ttelie t huS<‘ of ho « S > . | tice « t purità s lid, let me mliiiq osh tnv a Ivan I ling the pn> perty.” t t i«C Its I'ightv |n«i'K are ti * ’ l hear«! it was for sail , ’ ’ 1« >« k- , month with se-ia mid short stories 4»ge Mv name I- Lock w«i.««| — I of the highest «> ’ «• r. s left am I W«M>d said tiernld ix>ckwo«»d Disease commonly comes on with slight I urn staying I choice literature, poetry -ong ai'.< •• ( You might buy it, yon kno at Brenton's Farm symptoms, which when neglected increase ’ ¡art. , «aid ettu, a llllle saucily. Carmen ami her in extent and gradually grow dangerous. Matter« of dress, Wotnn 's , I ■ | ’ « rli.ips 1 might! ' he leplicd, 1 Brenton’s Th-v I It »«• SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS Sphere, Ilo,..«' Decoration«, B d v PEPSIA «r INDIGESTION, . . . TAKE RIPANS TABULES liouse, an<| m the summer let ' smiling lido the rosy face; but Grace and Beautv, Conduct rd If you are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, or hm apartments, for which they ask ii ’ whether lie spoke altog«( li< rj< stilly*! i haracter. Health—Th«' Nurs« r LIVER COMPLAINT................................... TAKE RIPANS TABULES ! tv, or hall in earmsl. she uould not ' Our, House Affairs, Plant« ani an « x whitant rent It your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW. *r you ;• owers. '’radical Amusement . TAKE RIPANS TABULES SUFFER DISTRESS AREA EATING. "W ill vou come in here. Mr ' make out. • te «■!«• , ar«' a dv disc.l«a< <1 »‘a • Tiie p!v.<siint time cam t « mi end ! Lock wo . m I ’ »sul ('.«rm<‘n, o|wt«tn ; For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR ««»nth i>v e« editor« who ar«* thur Ml ! DERS OF THE STOMACH. . . . TAKE RIPANS TABULES at last, L««ial«i laiekwool rose t«i ’ n « d«a>r neat You ni I < xcu*«> im- th«»* department o fí/pans Tabules Regula*» th» System and Pr»s»rv» th» Health. f>r a few minutes while I a«e to depart, uud took leave, thanking Illi young hostesses, and rep atiiig h’rlla's hurt?" O'c u «e von w « nt Goodforn STI EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. RIPANS TABULES ih «t lie would call on the m irn»w. ■ v< r 1 •••■! d >es ml our arr « g taiv fV rJacf of •‘Bill w.«ii’t you Let me first h« Ip i SAVE MANY A DOCTOR’S BILL. A COMPLETE ------ . I PpH by Druggists or sent bv mail on rerelpt of price. if he might, to w Inch N« ’ta r •pl »vd, m< r ' ' lb* publi-her« make« i jrmi into fh< hens« ?" MEDICINE CHEST pog* 1 fri - n 1«» get this m s’ ----- • Box 10 sixlsi" j cent*. P»<k*«e (4 box s . “In«le*d, I can nun.'go th it ’ I’lraae uo coiiie,'* ami C arn»o • «knsM br lr.< <» F.r Free **■»»!<« addma bean r. ami valuable w< ■* «wry /amai*. .. nmg sin* THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. A ou ha ve don* enough. I am sure ” aiuiivd aeqill«**«'«lice. lf««r < I i"tf during a limited ti ne WH ic in IICSIUV7 «* *«•«*•*••••■ g —- FERRY’S SEEDS ITI 41 l i Do Y'ou FEEL SICK? *1 I ______________ 1 ly PL COM INL I I' 10 SPRUCE STREET, 1O..1V. - • NEW YORK