■* STOCK BRANDS. It «è rtuuh oí House, sign and carriage paint big. , Kalsoming, decorating, graining,: and hard oil finishing. Cow», horses or anything suited ■ jv purpose will be taken by me iro n parties so desiring. Prices reasonable I believe in the motto "to live and let live.” L. B. C ulp . i 7 n° oä W mill Proprietor. JOHN SAYER, SiuJi8críber8“The H b R au and Rural Northwest both for the price of the H erald The RUral | Northwest is a good newsy p.ippr devoted to the wants of the a«ri- I culturist. Now is the time to pay : up your arrears’ and one year in advance anti get an additional pa- . per in the bargain. i Situated on Silvies river 1 mile East of Burns, near the bridg« Customers will receive GOOD FLOUR from WCBYRD & W Y KING. REAL ESTATE AGENTS M, R Biggs FREE BRAND COLUMN. ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC, Horn brand bar ten on left Mhoulder; Cattle bar ten on left hip and upper clip on both car». T. A. .McKinnon, Burns ore. AND Hardin A. Kiley, cattle branded Von left side Horae brand "7 leftside, p «». Burna.Oregon REAL ESTATE AGENT. Office at Sheriff’s Oilice, BURNS, - - - - - - - Oregon Gocd Wheat horse t>rnu<! 71 on right R'it'e. i several productive farms, well ’ini RED FRONT LIVERY STABLE GEO. S. SIZEMORE, on left rit I’, O. Riley or. i Horae h branded )-f on let-' stifle. rattle brand ed ) ( on left hip. Marion BunyarC, |’o Burna ATTORNEY, B urns , ............................ OliEGON. Cattle «ÜHiiiundon left hip: h. r«esCVon le' burns Oreg.ii Land bii’îhvsN, and Reai shoubier. Charlea II V.x Colise .ions, _____ ... ___ I.tale mailer promptly a.iemled to. x-nysiciMfi <v ourgeon. .... Propt the Iowa Stats- I i it. rsity atid College of 1’hysi ciaiir and Surgeons < «flice at residence in Burns. Geo '*■' 1 mu. hoiMH ’oundiug \s , «ui right stille ^hop vertise freely bv sending circulars and cards in all directions solicit ing purchasers and describing the land. The Proprietor is well prepared to accommodate his customers We will also buy lands for per- ( hiirgf-a very reasonab’e. Job Wagon in connection. sons wishing to purchase in our r ¡countv and living at a distance, Hotav brami j on righ rii iv <»• <‘i *i-n. t-ni- m»*rk lllb.t r i ll in left. giving careful and accurate dis- .laine. Rollini . ’cripiion of the same, also the title I i 1J Correspondence Solicited. MRS. LOUIS RACINE, Prop’t. I HW.*- Itutri h; :•* , fW-cnilr been rulrrpo and entirely renovated in first class styiw. P ROI'. T'Ver cthliig in my line guarani« • < ’o '.nue '.<ii>i;ictorilv. »ar Th.. only piaci' tn Burns can g t i.iitlis. DO YOU WANT TO ADOPT A BABY I fol H H - \\ .Kbit’ • • III- Ex M H \ t «• New ,1erRe' t '■ • ir« I 1 \ •: rvaa, Hon • KH! WORK DONE. AT Tlir t b be s I ’ A rue I m h ’ • * I 'ai it I stop. Betta UHM Maybe you think thia is a new business, ■ending out babies on application: It has been done before, however, but never have those furnisheu been so near the original sample as this one. Everyone will exclaim. “ Well I that's the sweetest baby I ever saw!” Tins little black-and-white engraving enn give you buta faint idea of the exquisite ori'-ir'’’, pr’- - I f Tn’dc i« Pi'ur.’i.d riHithe RPMf »he Market Affords. I /♦ ► hi -ini. New JVI’HCV. “ As old as th»-hill.- "and never exced ed. “ 1’iiel and proven' is t lie v.'i d et o f m.ilion . S i m in o n s L ver il '."i lator is !•> o n l y L ani ’Ki.ln ine licine t > w;a li y o u < m p.n vou filli î a I I Burns Restaurant MESDAMES JOHNSON à 1ÆGER. ¿Ceils at0,11 Hours, First’clnss mocils served Promptly HER \I.D OFFICE. ! X l • S\l r —-’Three ]< i ( r with fur hiiaint pp I niMiug on cue, ail s*e*d in «Inrun mi main strei t T p ice ask..| is low conaidt ring the ad V ant mu ' roti a position of fbr Iota f*»r Inir'i’.sa« Term* cash F. r further pert irti I tra fi II on Byrd A Ki it. Red Rs>H*e Agilita. Burns Oregon Having purchased the entire stor k formerly belonging to Cal bv all Sold ( a in L quid, or n i Pow 1er to be taken dry or ma il' i. i.i lex The litnu <»f I hrr '1 ** I >15 . <• »* I • > «ni’ 1' •I '.llll’V ’ ’Zcsrii* î i*, i ho I . J V k- bit«»r.»-il« i i, »o»« ■< .u io- t i kiiKT»’! . «I itv»*r i.i«Mlielitt * < tu. tirine -•»>-. ' ■ ». t‘'N, P unouhi . U imitili ;U»ti. - • ’ r V \ i 3 '»>«» I»» r-* 1 Geer, comprising all lin.-s of ilAliUW are , ckckeky , glasswake , tinware , Md HAK1 \\ AL’i . N .4 ! • Es. a UARBENTLRS lUOi » o. «r the saluti fur »an- al ¿rcat-y reduced price* tur CASH. C H VOEGTLEY Till' CM» «■»•».»! »3HX M •’ > ’ P. O. Hex 4«A. kli’f »¡terne, w yTtrU»’, ton I».c V> eMMlT rew SOLDI?*!», CH!LDQtS9 A >5 f '» .» f’Kjr di tie Kjrt*,» Al I at rti »» .tf Usrir * Mo %•»«•» i »orriaHr ' |*V X .* «• n- «, r <-,r« s < »ilice E ast O rfgi . n H ekald .. ailaw i. i k in righi car P » BUi l«» Ore ha urial parlor JOHN ROBINSON Bat . ru we have for sale, and parties desir- png to dispose of real estate cannot do better than to put their lauds in i ur hands for sale, because ve ad I J. I’ Hckenaon t attle bro dJ Pro lei icdo left I ip. Hurte brand anvil mi left Riii e P. Laue. One Ca«! * rand figure 7on eithi r hip: mark light, •rop off ea hear, alip in e.■•« h ear. anil wail hi leB Jaw. H trae brano i: .ii <*. on either hip. Ed WaltO' p o Burna ore proprietor. All rtork in bis lm> Iloiae brand bar in on lef- Hin»H tier: < a : v rm m . • .'i. left hip H . i < I ii>»s. Catherine gu . nti. d to he first class Call ■ a - a I’ . Narr..« a ■ )r< Htid «ev Ill in. «> nipah re iVdbouK « a ' e biatid^ [ J OR 1 on us we will show them the land ! —Tuneorial parlor T j N ¡proved and well watered. I i Parties wishing to purchase cal Mino Kona hi< k»*uaoii H«> iru brand pi vi «*t I «•ft ►•file. aille biande*! bar K mi left hip I ). La wen Ore A graduate of Birber HENRY CALDWELL,... Horse branded P oh ri¿h sb. nìder. <n*He P h right hip. K. A. lleiidri kg I’ O Lnwei. Dr Home iuaihl :«» oh left »honlder, a’no th ret I dota . . in bluipeof t riangle. <*atile brar.de«I Rime I K. E. Grout Burna Or. Burns Orogon. We have at this time for Bale J. c, Folev, cattle I. thik I too rignt aide Horae brand -on left ah..u der. J. A. Williams cattle braud, 11 I SEEDS » ! I “ I’M A DAISY." which we propose to send to you. tation p.iiiL the little daihng rests agay s« a pi.low, and is in tho act ^t.“’*‘?’'‘*n1,|ie<i pin .» soc't, the mate of which roo. off and flunqr aside with a t *<‘nlI*’un. ,, w The fl sh tints are perfect, and the et s follow you, no matter where you stand. Thee Q . ¡itere »roductionsof this greau-s pain ng<d Ida Waugh the mo t celebrated of mo. rn painters of baby life» are to be giten to th<M who subscribe to Demorest s rami.y‘ x line for IS!«. The reproduction eanmdw told from the original, which cost »-W. are the sam» size 17x2 J inches'. life size, and ubsoiub'ly ,...r ql|p- also in preparation, to present «” *J ' tl. ■cribersdaring Wi. other great pit r«s <>y such irt stsasPercy T ornn.M»udHunwlney. Louis Deschamps. pn<l others of w< r renown. Take only two examnlcs < f we lid .1 irin t th ' past year, " A Yard of • m ,1ns." and “ A White 11« use < rjhi- I » ins wife of Presi l»nt Harrison, and you will sev Mat ixine for 1*^3 wiilpoMeM a « a quisite works of art of great va,læ. „ ,n M i .-azine that cannot b' equaled l y the «voi Id for its beautiful lilustriiti n subject matter, that will nT 'he ed on all lhe topi«-, of the th# fa 1» and different items ot interest a o d <n. household, licsidñ furnishing J»* [11# rea lin» matter, b >th grave and 1 ' no< whole family: and while Demorest s . a fashion I.ig isinc, its fashion TJ'Fy . I. feet,an I wo give y«»u. free of <TíÚ,¿enr and ter s you w sh to use during the yea < * |b> in mv size you chrexse. Bend tn y • (1_ ■crin-lon nt once, only $2. and you ¿«uber, got V -r « in value. A«i lr.-ss the¿»'blf rer. W. Jennings Demorest. IS Bast l«th Pt • York. If you are unacquainted with Magazine, send li) «tenu* fora specimen > < i r » i Sii i » rj-p WI^O'VS p - ry» yr*', “I ’ '*» 5 T. J W itt , P ropri » tor . i Vriv V, uu 1 V* -• And Deporti daily, except Snudar. •a-l ». rd »-»’’- ; - < ' ». » n»oigf.»r «in»» *n<era. I . .1 Nnrns. t I ^•*»1 HM<n -al, I \nrvic. w i# . saya ex »tatem^nt ur«^3tr» t and mo»»'iire-'Br«t ♦ » h-íiÚM ot. Waist . < \nnent. íh ¡ h - - * -.'.TâU BY MAIL. C” a >♦ »«»•*’ ’ ' .riti. iw»’«