Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1893)
1893 Han r’s IL LUSTRA TED. F08 THIS YEAR ----------------------- —THIS PAPER— ----- WITH----- THE S N FRANCISCO Weekly Call' ----- UK----- 1HS SAN FRANCIS 0 Morning Call! THE DISABILITY DILI LAW Soldiers disabled since the war are Entitled Dependent widows ami Parents now de- pendent whose -ons died from the effeers of i urniy service are included. If you wish | vour< lain speedily ami successfully prose-1 uted.addres- JAMES 1’AENER. uted.addre«- ’ JAMK.* TANNER, I ate 1 oinmissioner of Pensiona, WASHINGTON, D FUI I T •11.0 > I’t It YEAl’. j the Numbers for June and December o' | eap h vear. When no time is specified, sut ciiptions will begin with the Number cur rent at time of receipt of order. Bound volumes of Harper’s Magazine foi I • • three years bang, in neat cloth binding will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $•" PROMPT ‘ per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding 5C TO PAT I cents each—by mail, post-paid. Remittances should be made by Postoflic« TRADE 1 Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chanc o i loss. Address HARPER A BROTHERS. Nev PATENT York. HE SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY < ALL I- Caiaah, Trad«•mark'! Design Patents, Copyrights, A.«x2 di !’a’p¡.’ buNinuRs conducted for Jn’orn ir << i A’ 1 •' uhargM n to inventori» without Andrew P3E3S CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEOOERBURN, Alan g ng Attorney, r o b <, x irti I W ashington , I).C. .... I* managed by a combination of .1............ ! i.'ut ntlnl it WHpuprrs In tha i / • -H piirpow of prolyl* • « >« rn n. aiOHt UDRcrupuloua t À-entn, and ea< h paper ; ri’ vouebea f«'rthe responflt- -u ... < : ilu lTu ‘CnihiiflCooipuA,. Itami .ollie i-ijllt- pagc paper. It is i< u- d • very Thursday, a- d contains all <>( tue MODERATE FEES. a important nr»s ol the weak, gleaned from every qu i- ter oi the globe. Conil i-le up to date of pubi cation. It fiu nislira tile laici and u<>.. reliable fim.n<*ial news and mm ket quotations, >i <1 give« special attenti n to Imrticu!- turai mid agricultlir .l news, and is in even re- ec> a fir«’. Stasa tmiiily caper, upp-oi g tolde intert-si ol -ii lucu.ber of tile h "ilseiiold. nt MoitM m : <’ \ i i (S ev KN I.SCLbA v V e CKJ ab h live in tf ♦ ». r it It in ti e MOS I REI.l \- BLE, and ia lecogn-Z" i a» l>. mg the LEADING NEW n - iliiilv. PERSONAL AND ATTENTION GIVEN ENTS, CAVEATS, MARKS, etc. NO EEE UNLE S IS SECURED. CORRESPOND ENCE SOLICITED. STODDART CAVEATS, trade marks , DESICN PATENTS, COPYRICHTS, etc. For Information and free llatnllHtok write to MUNN A CO., ml B uoadwav , N kw Y okk . Qltlnsi bureau for scouring pati-nt« tn America. Kr cry patent, taken put t.y us I h bi-onxht h.-f oro the pufuto i y a notice given f ria- of uhargu lu I ho ®rirutific ^meriran <: on i [Oppo iie U. :s. Patent Office,] U ASHINGTON. D 0. Harper's Week'' j, acknowledged e.a atand ing Ills' among Illustrated weekly periodical« in America, it occupies a place between tha of the hurried dailv paper and that of the les« tiinelv monthly magazine, it includes botl itera’ure and news, and p ese-its with equn f. r< e and fe'icitv the real eve’ tg of curren history and the imaginaiive themes of fiction ’ <n -iceount of its very complete scries of illng iHtii'iis of the World’s Eair. it will be not cnl lie l es gui le to 'he great Exposition, but als Its 1 es suvenir. Every public event of genera tereat will 'efiillv illustrated in its pages Its coniributions being from the beat writer» md artists in thia country, it will continue t< excel in literature, news, and illustrations, all o'ber publications of its class S fencing RABBIT AND POULTRÌ NETTING. HARBER’S PERIODICALS. t3y"8EM> FOR Fl'RTllER INFORMATION The McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co «ISO hi. Market St., C'hlcwAto. TOUR FUTURE And ibi. P p I-arseet rtrcnlat'on of any iwmntlflo paper In the world. Ri'landldly lllualrated. No intelligent i»mu should b«> without It. Weekly, M3.110 »» »'■nri •l.jhstx month« Address MUNN A CO. I’t'liLl; an Wta, 3<il l'roadwuy. New korkllty. 190 DOLLARs per MONTH I I n Y our O wn L ocality I macle easily and honorably, without capi tai, dhring your spare hours. Any man, woman, boy, or girl can do the work h;.nd- ily, without experience. Talking un necessary. Nothing like it for money making ever offered before. Our workers always prosper. No time wasted in learning the business. We teach you in a night how to succeed from the first hour. Y »n can make a tritd without < x- ■’use to j’otirself. We start you, furtiis'i very thing needed to carry on the busi- .Ass .successfully, and guarantee you .gainst i'.ulure if you but follow our nple, piain instructions. Reader, if .on are in need of ready money, and vant to know all about the best paying business Iwforc the public, send us your address, and we will mail you a dotn. uent giving you all the particulars. ARPER WEEKLY .. .. \ RPER’S MAGAZINE \KPER’S EAZAR. ! \ RPER’S Yol’NG PE iPLE . . . . 1.0 .4.0 4.0 2.0 P. Free to all Rubfleribeis in the United ’nt.’ g. « Hiiudft, or Mexico. Th** \ nliimes of the Weeklv will be rin wit! lie fitKt Number for Jantinrv of each vear K hen no time is mentioned, RiibscrlptionB wil e_:in with the Number current at time of re- ip* of order. : • und Volumes of Harper’s Weekly forth^e» ♦ rih back, ip neat cloth binding, will be Ben< mail PuBtage paid, or bv expreftft free of ex • • sc 'provided the freight does not exceed r»er \ olurne) for .!)o a volume 1 'h ‘ mb f f • ea b. Volunv* *<ni-able fo’ n ■ wf 1 b*- h nt by mail p pui<l, on r< ip of P. • ini anerfl s’lould !»e made by Post Office < ”• ler . r ’ •»•nfi to avoid chance of logs. ddr»Ka 1 V’tPEK BK »THERS New York H i ir Y3'J v > t r toir,",rt “Do you take me for a trainp?’’said the sherifi, as he eastened to take his seat in the car. . PER YEAR: 118 aoJ WEEKLY Han’s Wlv. I L L T S T RATED. Either of the above ipd . will send po>li> id a< < Illium "il t cel I f I ■ fi How ing «libaciliitioii pri •< • i» r II cviiiliiua; I >ii : DAILY 0 1 1 «lllil.b I ... CO., From all accounts Sheriff Massie, of St. Helen’s, has a good joke on (he taxpayer* of Columbia county generally and on his boundsnidn in particular. A good joke is just told on Linn county’s popular sheriff He was at Salem the other dav and on returning was stooping^and look ing at the home of the tramp on the hrakebeam, when a tramp who was waiting for the train to start stepped upto him and said, “Get right un der there; you can make it ail right ” I 613 & 616 7th Stroot, II. W. PA PER '■( tue l'a» Hit- C mat. Scientific American Agency for The editor of a paper at Storm Lake, Iowa, is now hiding in a swamp near that place in con se I quence of the way he mixed up the reports of a cattle show and a con I cert. His paper said: “The con- cert given last night by sixteen of Storm Lake’s most beautiful young ladies was highly appreciated. They sang in a charming manner, winning the plaudits of the entire audience, who pronounced them HARPER’S PERlOi’ICS the finest bred short hors in the country. A few are of a rich brown fer Year: t».ot color, but the majority are spotted HARBER’S MAGAZINE 4.01 HARPER’S WEEKLY brown and white Several of the HARPER’S BAZAR ... 4.0< HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE 2.0» heifers were able bodied, fine limbed Postage Free to all Subscribers in th« animals, and promise toprove good United States, Canada, or Mexico. The volumes of the Magazine begin witl pr<»pety.”Ochoco Review. Harper’s Magazine for IS98 will centinue to maintain the unrivalled a’andaril of excellence which has ch .racteriaed it from the beginning Among the notable features *>f the year there will be ne ' novels bv A Conan Doyle. Con miince Feuiinore Woolson. and William Black -hurt « oriea will bt co* tributed by the moat popular wriier« of the dav, including Mary K. Wilkins, Riehasd Harding Davis, Margaret Beland. Brat-aer Matthews, and many others. The illustrated descriptive papers wi’l embrace articles by Julian Ralph on new Southern and Western subjects; by Theodore Child on India; b.v Poultney Hlgeiow on Russia and Germany; bv Richard Harding Dav’s on a London Season : t.y < olonelT A. Dudgeon Eastern Riders; etc. Edwin A. A bhe.’a tllustrationsof Shakeapeare’s Come-’ies wi 1 be con'inued Literary articles will be contributed b» Charles Eliot Norton. Mrs Jamea T. Fields, William Dean Howells. Bramier Matthews, and others. Our Premiums I’KICE SI.«A PER Y I p ’ 1 . I I Bazae TRUE & CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine. I L L 1 ST R A T ED . ZI<wi ?? I c-»r-’ rn TIH ••I4J t Ltl'lt «U’H’Kt. • M.'U x j Alt» fUC JOHN wm tfbt'Y P o bo« w.vii.s«. roN, i» » yr '’«ics* !• kth . L’cn » »»» 8OLDI*K8, CHILDREN, t r B'x'*>»•» 1 *!’. v • »>,. rr«r«i Inr ' fxi b »»• tf » lot ir v t ie » rirckhv T hml forr-w Wut’.l »i . :/KTTACt\t*l>-.‘tT&1 THrf INtSp 1 • WSDO'V P AR* NTT. ' I ’.n f Lt wliirr tl < » INI.!, el« » I I lr»«< hl» a. «»• » I fM W (MI k - c . me t bn; v IT. ,r t t »0»' leii’e. » »»nit» : j » 0 i. i FKOM OUR EXCHANGE« U8TRATKD IL a few days, and you will be «fartled at the unex peeu-d «UOCM that will reward .our effiort« WT xwitlvely have the be-, burin.-s to ofl. r an agent ilial cun be fouu l on the fa.-, of thin eurth. • 15.00 pro tit 011 »75 OO worth of bueiueaa 1« being < a«Uy and honorably b» und paid .o huudredi of men, women, bo.»«, and girl- in our employ. You can mate money faster at w ork for ua *han vou have an»' idea of. The bindne** i- so eaiv to learn, and ln»truction« ao simple and plain, [ that all incceed from the start Thom- who take hold of th» bn«ine»> reap the advantage that arise, from tile «ound reputation of one of the i ohie»t, molt «neces-fnl, and largest publi-tilng bouses in America. Secure for yourself the profits that the bu«ine«« >o readilv and hsndsom. b j ields. All beginner« «ucceed grandly, and more than realize their greatest expectation«. Those who trv It And exactly as w< tell them. There i- plenty of room for a few more workers, and wr urge them to begin at once. If you are already em ploved, but have a few spare moments, and wish io use them to advantage, then write it. at once (for till« 1« your grand opportunity), and receive full particular« by return mail. Addre«., TKL'E A CO., Box No. 400, Auguatis, M- N ews I n C enerai Magazine IN YOUR OWN HAND. rabnlutrv r nraume-* to toll what the lines in yonr hand indicate. 1 It will ____ a noc you. if nothing wore. The above «lUeram t. ____ it»elf. __ __ The ___ ........ niin«»*t ___ t explain.« in of the LiNK Ob ’ LITE indicate»* probable , ... .«a, H UNIO» ÎÇMARC. M ----- -- ---- — -- vAk . c to which von will live ” ‘ BRACKI.KT floMIOM MAIS ATLANTA « Each CAlt.AK ICX. FOR SALE BY » i f'«» y<m tld/fy veara. We i niHiketi l.INK OF H . \ 11 <L-iif He* »«ram poui-r ; char LINE OK V * H »' FORTUN E f ;'»!• or rii lu * Both combined mean vs* in life; but you mu*t keep lit’ *i»h modem ('<)., 72’» Vnrkot St., I Rnct ii i* towhi i You will rind plenty of iheee in San Fruncís ■ • ( .1 l> i »r i * Family Maira/ine. eo at;¡-actively pie- i i ’’t » very nu m «r of the family ir enter- Department. 1 J L * i do/ n imiir.tziu* r in < ne. A CLEAR 11 O III \ I’T -akR tendernecR. a straight OF F\ i 'F, p< u life*, tlie reve-ar if to, • J \ w. I .leflmd LINE OF HEALTH I» r * ioil <L»ci«»rR’ bi . r ; po wlU U»e lieintn hint« De i »les '«• No <’t « r ir.a<juzn e p. blishefl ro ■ » "I ■ ri - to u t r< -( t ir « omv _ ________ _______ cincl«-. You nili h, -iibieci IO extremes of hf .-h spirits or dc-|»ond- if > . hi h » • 11»,» 1.1 Rl> LE OF V KN I'S well m » ki-d k.-cp up v., »r -p » t. by having Demoresi'« B.» - ir. >• to rv id By si wbh g 1«. it for 1NM r *n »«III r -V » a - Ih-rv of eximís t«- works *»f art of - il va U », bee - t »e »» « rb iv» miuti.4>ictiire. I v2 iii<->ie. " Pm a D..i>* f* which is amioet a real I • j i ci Bg »» i kb s»-t -4 «1. .in I you w i I lia* a thst cannot s- C|HI nl by any in the »o ld for its beau itili I n sino .»n. <n : -nbj-ct matter, list »di ke-p rail |s»st< • .» » all the .-p-e» . f (I e d iv. a> 4 all the ffc is a ni i tf, nt items of Interest about the h-» i- -ho'il. b,-- I . furi» -h n • Interesting rvsdrng Th» tncc»M of th.«» Great Cough C«ra <• ihatfer h- çwavs :d .-'»» for the whole faintly ; without a parallel in the hiatoi v of medicine. F* I » hi»v D »■>!•» «t’a i- • »1 fs-hlon n ugazine, A’! (traggiita are authoriivd to »ell it on a pos f l«h •»«• t> i • • » • » r ,-t », y, I» pct W III. it, uve of c<»<. Mi the pati* r* you wi-1 to use tinting itive cum »»too a test t hat n » otherc reran fiie virar and m any » ■ »<« eh o-v send tn •uvA»B»tu«ly stand Tn it ,t pi iy beooma I *o if -ni», -r pi. m i •< »n y f-.’00 and yon » III d'c'rm ma oi known, tht Fropnctwre. at r ail, g , lt; Ar<tr».s tn» pob. pc» «e, are placing a Simple Free into •her W. J. m -, Is ,, .., J-, p'a-’ 1«>It At., erory home in the I niird Sta cn anil Canada. »■•« \ •«< If »..»» «-e nxieqnainted with the If % ou have a CV>u< a . s e 1 o^’.cr Bron M » cop, A largvQt'ID- fthis, use it. fur it w.'l core yo- If youi ' ' n ; a Ian ' KI " u I K. ■ w • I <' t ' ■»" ■’•- r it-1 ntV|s»!i n o*- rm mb . ir»».« IONI-, «Fi lien DIV1NHV» ’ rt.son ■ • V: prumpdv. »nd relief is »tirr 1« you ilrva. T MOI XT OF JrriTElt N-mki nu t httidtoua dlflrflflw Con* »«• »n, V hc it »mbi n •'a r ,y rVFN. print «" . I .- Nl’14, I J *k jour Prugcitl for CURE, ; VM ». • U»!-s . -v, ............... M i H’N. imvjne- <ndtl.®0. !f jour lung» t rv \ V ■*. low of p es -ire »n I MFI n TRY. I a pflck lauw. ShtW* I'tumc •H»»«! iwj» T'U our art »• »bovr »»»<1 « «• •1 ’ I'lflswr Price UScO. 1er tale I/ all l»rug- l«»t xml u uA «aluairir gieu and Doalaca. ¿ n ( w SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. ’ hjm i r f fltar in a journal for the home -• .t n ’he hitvflt informations . with regard tc ■ ’’ ps ’ i L st »". und its numerous illustra ioi s • «si s '’’’ I, J'HtB’rn sheet supplement» »r< i '’i-onpcihie alike to’he home(ire8s make» ‘¡. i .... ..i ... ..»•_. pi ,l» svi » . --nl in,»'! sie. No expense i» vo * t ’.» ■■ nke is »rtis'lc nitrnctlveiiess of th. h -I ................ ........ 'Jstories, amusing com ‘ 1" i *h .a v ful esflaYH iitfv ------ - au —- ’ --- - - all . « uiatva wm x. •*» ii i > *H>-i past» is ’ ' ram, us as a budget of wi •I ‘ tr or. In Js _ weekly ___ issues evervthiug it ' d A'h.eeiH oi iiitervat to women ei in ¡a ft r 1 4 < i ill *’ * be written In Walter Besa' t •’ I dna ’ ' all .;!! . ' hr siine Terhui e llerri. k »I ■c-iiis , a pracli. a! Ser es, i untied “ \t th. r i • ’ Gra <■ King, ii.ivi Ihorne Mi :er, an" an da W tu e er will be frequent Conti ibut. Tf t he a . Of "•. •S i III ’he ^•.•l■lmh'au Expo I .■/u.n rep; » sented with mam f'l ' » Higginson in "Womet 1«. au i | * 1 1 inns THE BEST AND IS THE SAFEST investment I EVER MADE. I r Year nee R’H lit J 4 (¥ RIO If- M i ; i Zi M’ 4 (V \ k : t us nr i : K i y • .4 o \ UP RS Y'l’ MU PROP r. .2-1» e free ,o -ill sciilwrs U thé I’nite, • '<'» t » a a. or Mexico. .. ' *'• 'o nmeso' the Putir I I e.’in w¡-ti he , rs ♦ »r her'or hv’tiarv of - h ’■ < i-. W hen imr ir ne . rR nr 1. •• ru • »«<> •-»•'i ‘ ---------- -I «I n w «Hi If» f begli ’Vklll , 'r.i.-r** s’unbvrruwwt Bt’hetimeof reccin' There are e'nglo retail shoe store« In our ar-« eltlc« which «ell 2,000 pairs of «hoc« a day,mat a net profit of ♦:.-,0,<x4 a year. Wo «cd . but wo «ell a great many pair», th«® e*rrPl.» our ladle«’, mlaoca* and childrens «hoc* 'a „ tt-n cent« a pair, and on mens nnd bo; s ,' rre * :■«""» ’or thrri 1» cent« n pair. We shall cstaldUh •*’.OCC.,''L' . ri.n.Htclotb Indine, - tw »ent bv mal each of the fifty largest citic«of the L. 8-, »• A”!!', ,"r '.v V’ri-o f. free Of expellee they «ell only 3o0 pair» of «hoc« a day they • r i imal 'ihLt,o<* " ’ eveed one dol i irn $ 2», 00 a y ear. We should bo all* “ . I v lume) t |< h \o’u*ne ■ -rr ’ y dividend of (G.S’iauhare.oroyeroOKrev i lo cai h volume,suitable for hind., a year on the Inv stmci t. We »< II tJO*tock - V «1'1 I. hfiu y ma p, spabl « n r.celp M a share. 3 he price murt Inevitably 1-c mucn • •v-e- I ; c ni-tancea ahould 1 c ma.te ' v p - than • 0 a »liar . No «to k baa ever been •< 1 I is» th,.n tl.l.« price, v. bkh ij ill par «**“*•——. M leyn^« rl’«8ft. avoid <-•»»- ... eon-aaacsaaLle. Jncor;>or3tc«l, < ap!t:.l »*• ’» .r ' e*e H SRPI R 4 KH HtKRs Wo have over 1,1-aJ etocl.hrdders,ard the» i«inercasit! • d.» y. Some of the principal in a. '»e». en a » ith. nt he h/Jcrs are: T S. V.*. -t. N T.-. I L V M. dar Otti ARCH: t>Ro HER.-» V. A. r.'T.I, Jr.. < J. 11 «._»<•> >* t,\‘-i5*?l 2, j I 1.» s »»¿h. L»ule Rock. Ark.» I. ll K,. i Snirse 1>« > ' Tur- .¡la I B. N. Y7; I L fV* *•* CtT-1.. Mieh.1 F. F. Ilullette. Are»<le. N V J Write for a proepcctu» containing Uic nanw 6vir »t'X-kbolder», etc., or an order for ■ ¿'J’S rnc -voo coihirr’i cAect, co»A or A w*u«i L* an »<<.’• Owk-F» taken for oue or more «hare«. • » Caref .' »(Je*. . . . l»ni.’;.' il.afu ruai». ; m » i . , rr»N A<itln-~".4X IKl.Nlx’ IMx -SlU,*vew Turk dug At/rntt II unfed DEXTER SHOE CO.,