East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, December 20, 1893, Image 7

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    School! m I.,, ¡¡i d Ftationarv i -We hive Prairi* City flour great measure, with the effects <»f
cheap for cash at th» Il idwri«» for sale.
store of C H. Voegtlv,
__ _ _ _ ___ _
Who! we net d i » e ic-rgv and Room
-r >**
Á • i
I —Jorgensen has the finest '. “t <'f| Herne? Valley, proper, contains capital to lev.-i ipe oar connt v.
**■ '
7-5 x
We .1.» not advise any one with
Christmas goods in town «'o..i;d I 15 or 11» hundred square miles
f > l
see for vour self.
I’he ar( a of the valley itself, without out some money to try bis b ot
«* 4¿\
including any other valleys or parts here, for such .ou’d < xpvrivnce
. »
II. M. Horton hrs a fire fe
■' ■ A
* •»* V * * i X S V
i I lection of holiday goods, co* sistii g of the con' tv, is greater than that very hard time bcfoie getting above
■ O
t • ' e
ot the stat»* of Rhode Island ami want audio living vircum-tances
of everything attractive, ue< ful ai d
Î Li *J • t H
F-* * « * . .< } - - j, »V u. ' «i ‘Orf
nearly equ d to tlv state of Conner But how many countries or d.s
à ",n
> 1
.- ■
I ticut.
tricts can be nani d where nn.»
V/ PA i Ç* < U A r? V r ’ T t ? <
1 he military l ull supper wil’ I The wh ''e of the vall-'v is as level without money h ive clear sailing,
be given by Mrs Buckland.
Mrs. almost, as a floor.’along the streams uid ease access t« this w.nld'»
; Buckland? cuisir.e ability is will we have (he very best of hav land as goods ami comforts.
known conseQuentlv we know I lie wt II as farming, the soil of the who'»-
! supper v. ih In a snccers.
vai'ev is alluvial and pr duces as
Do not. rnin the stomach with I
Itonishing crops of oa»s. hav. wheat
chemicals. Simmons Liyer Regu ' —Willi ».m Harvey is . sole agent 11,a, | y n„all kjml
\ll see »lints now due me. must
I lator is purely vegetable and , f. for the Salem \\'.¡olen Mill Store, | mown in high »-limates. glow here j
settled mimed latel y, or Cost will
’ in this and Grant counties. Blank 1 in ab..ndar.ee irisb potatoes cabbage,
ets tine as silk, robes inferior to icarots, beets, turnips, rutabaga? ‘
When you feel uncomfortable
(’ H Vœgtly.
HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF about the stomach, take Sim uous none, overshirts and underwear as ¡squash's, »*ct.
i cheap as the cheapest, socks, gloves, |
I ke sage brush kind-", after g< t
Liver Regulator.
mittens, overcoats, flannels by the ’ i ting ri»l of the s iga brush, which i-
—Dr. A. A. Lenard brother of' I. yard, cloth bv th" yard, ladies dress
' I not a hard matter, cannot l»e beat
Mrs. Cal Geer, will be in our town Hannels. etc. etc. Takes measures
», •! Buruv Oregon, Kov. 14
rn in the known world for easy »nil n.s L an a
1—<• A Kent, 21 Merchants'Excbang.., San Fran­ in a few days, purposing to perma for men’s and youth’s clothine.
X’.ititf i« hetebx liiwn ihm the f<>)h>wtng-
cisco, is our authorized agent. This paper is
tivation, the soil is line and nol a imnv
i h • 11er hnf ti<v»i iiulhe » Í Im inlet U»»u
nently locate here if pleased.
kept on file in his afllee.
Call and see him, office at the I rot k, root 4>r stump to interfere with •» ninkv
tinti pi»>.>: in NUpp.ri ol bit « ¡Him «rtf
iia* said Drool will be uiaue bef reihe Kegie
eiwr. ai I un ? • reg. i . < u l»vc.
—At a regular meeting of Burns' French Hotel,
tin plow The greatest «Iraw bacj» I is JI. Rn
\ ix
\|.|. X ANI KK V . Met ARTY,
I lodge No, 47, A. 0. U. W. hold last;
ltd N • ••*, i ■ i i he „ S V» 1 j A \ U : i 8 M 1. Jfr
Nothing Ike Simmons Liver is want of moisture, very little irri­ <W
Local News.
*-er. .. I -, » ... R ; •
Thursday evening the following Regulator for dyspepsia and indi gating is necessary to insure good; ilrnanivK the f.»l |t>w iug w 1 tn>
nt» » . it imiouf rvnidt u< »• up« u mun h ti\uii. ti
officers were elected for the ensuing; gestion—a safe and sure cure
I. »alii land, \
,l. bi vi, i nr
c «nei M< < • u
—P. F. Stenger is now proprietor ■
I. VoiliciHhvatl and J. hit bUi hutiau. all t <
term: W. Y. King P M W.. W. R
ami (lie artesian well process g ling mum (ire.
of the Red Front Saloon.
J. IL H u >Tt ng ton , RegU cr
(»radon M. W., W. W. Johnson
.on at this time wo are saiisli >1 wil
Masqurade Lail at the Armory : pOr<*man, H M. Horton Overseer. I School .Journal, issued bv Byrd evidently r» move that obstacle t
Hall on the evening of January 12,. j w. Saver R. S., H. A. Dillard I I Bros . is to be moved in a few da vs | "tilli vatiou.
Mr Kellogg struck
C. Byrd
i Financier, W C.
Byrd Receiver.;l
Receiver frornCorVi,llii,,o,)rain The edit I flowing wat»r at a distance of 330
■ teet, tlie flow is 30 gallons per min I
—The bill admitting Utah to' G W. Hayes Guide. J C. Wooley l’,7 WI11 i,lsO pn"t » I<™1
1 ' l,t* h.rS< issue will come out al.oii- | He or 180 gallons an hour, but h
statehood has now passed the' I W . II E Thompson 0 W.
,the first of January.— Roseburg
is satisfied he can g t a greatet
Fads rpeak louder than words | R{>vjvW
I n Y our O wn L ocality
— Dell D'Libi-» His two brothers' Simmons Liver Regulator does cure ,
easily and honorably, without capi
and Bob Baker, were visiting here' bowel disorders.
Although the attitude is high the tai, during your spare hours. Any man
orvallis Dec IB, 1893—Tin
oinan, boy, or girl can do the work hand
last Saturday staying over til) Sun
•—Cal Geer has returned from ... p R R was sold yesterday, hardy fruits can be grown here, w ily,
without experience. Talking un­
his visit to his father’s. He re­ and bought by Attorney Clark a | that has been tested and we have necessary. Nothing like it for money­
making ever oitered before. Our worker»
—Come to the ball to be given at ports his father in a feeble condition I rt presentatiye of the Blair Whar 'several apple and plum orchards in always prosper. No time wasted in
learning the business. We teach you m
the Caldwell hall on Monday eve­ because of old age. and threatened ] ton faction of N'-»v York, f r tin I he Count y
a night how to succeed from the Hr t
ning the first day of 1894.
II irnev Valley is not all of Ha"- hour. You can make a tri d without < x-
sum of $200,000 The following wt
some rail loal news, from informa get from the Gazette < f yeptvrd iy: ney County By any means, we have i pense to yourself. We start you, finim!»
—The citizens of our town made
< vi-rything needed to carry on the till i-
tion gained during his absence in "Messrs. Iluglu s and Clark r> pre Silver Cre- k Valiev an exc Lent ness successfully, and guarantee you
a liberal
contribution towards|
conversation with parties, whom lie sent and ar< acting f r the joint farming couiUry and well watered, against failure if yon but follow our
Christmas festivities.
simple, plain Instructions. Header, if
believes to be posted, to the effect committee of the bondholders atm ve have the Pea Valley, Diamond, von are in need of ready money, and
want to know all about the best paying
B orn —To Mr. and Mrs. Nick if the 0. P. is bought by other par
the receiver certificate holders, nt •»llvies, Catlow, Warm Spring and business before the public, send us your
Raker resident of Silver Creek a ties than the S P. the road will he
which committee Mi Janus \ . »(hers, besides the Pine ('re k, address, and wo will mail you a docu­
ment giving you all the particulars.
ten pound boy, the later part of last ' completed in short order.
Blair is ehaiiman. ().>lv such | alamitv and Drewsey country all
week we were not informed of the'
TRUE & CO., Box 400,
—The Oregon Blade has it that bondholders and certificate holders containing splendid agricultural
exact date.
Augusta, Maine,
Chas. J* ewell, who brought suit as have contributed to the fund to lands
—Isaac Foster and wife, Carl for damages against the U P., is purchase the road will share in tin
There is no country in the U. S
Cecil, Fred Oakerman and Toni editor of the Burns H erald . Mr benefits of its purchase.
a brighter prospect for a sue
Allen were among the visitors to Blade you are off, the H erald is a bondholders and certificate holder: I •essful future thin Harnev Countv.
our town in the last week.
I democratic newspaper and Mr as have not con ributed to this fund 1 But some one savs ‘ it’s so liable to
Klf.S-iHITS £2*2
ír.Mr/ÍMl***»' ■«*** «A.-» i.
-.o. - .i » ». o » i or tau i:i. ) e. /»Ml
— Remember the New Year's , Newell is interested in the Items a are simply left out in the cold mid frost,” so it is but. what country is
i.fiMltignitws.H IwIvniLfr P*-rf« t
w«»rL. wvijiit, md cannot l>o do
dance at the Caldwell hall, . Ex- republican paper. And moreovci loose their interest in the property I clear of dra w baeks and pests of
i" "HJ
< 'I. H< > ' •''L'.s'hlh’pct'i.et.f 4
cellent music, All are cordiailvhhe II erai D al wavs gets its check The majority part of the lr mi hold .some nature ami moreover it is the
rnlr Dir>H l.y < i Viry
»« »’Ut i pale, fQ uV; l<
httfh or low, * I » < )i .jtn.iry wot k . l » p
b • . | J
when it rides on trains, if the con ers. headed by Mr. Blair, which has j historv of this coast that eultiva
incited to be present.
or V IA In h. |>air, Si, i >i y f. ¿J flaont n
nlanmd«' f-n ii.fi-.Hi
k. AMmri.-.ui
ducter is tardy or negligent, a few so long I ren struggling to reset). ’ion and irrigation does away in a
EUaranh < <L
MA I» 1(4)8, Uvi K,
All miserable sufferers with dys­
kicks well directed and planted in the properly from its entanglements
pepsia can he cured hy Simmons
the right place always brings the1 has thus succeeded in its efforts
Liver Regulator.
and as Mr Blair ami his friends rep
—Chas. Newell. our county
resent an immense amount of mon­ I
School Superintendent, has sued
ey. and now Lave full control of|
’ I the property, there is no doubt but
the 1 t.ion Pacific railway for dam
agvs of ten thousand dollars, for ex Minister Stevens and the New what its further extension and de-
forcible ejectment off of the train I Englanders who instigated the I , veloperm nt ate fully assured This
Hawaiian revolution, in a short cannot, but be welcome news to
— Editor John Roberts visitedI
speech, replying to one ! made by ¡every inliabilaiit of the Willamette I
Burns last Saturday. The efforts
Senator Frye eulogizing the Chris valley and the echoes of the sale*
on the part of his enemies to take tian qualities of Mr. Stevens. He
his scalp and suppress his paper. I made a palpable hit and raised a will be greedily caught up by east­
- -
niaut? h paipu”»T »•»*
... .. — — ern Oregon. whi< h has been looking
he is confident will prove ineflectu . hparty la()gh when he chanre(J (hilt |
with longing eyes for the eastward
’ the New England revolutioni-ts of extension of this road. The pans
I homas Dodson, Austin Good- Hawaii had Christianized the na iugofthe road into such strong:
wan. Emanuel Clark, Emmett i tjVf 9 out of their country, taking hands must mean its extention i
Given by Troop A, O N G
Clark and quite a number of ijossessior. of it under the name of very shortly over the Cascade
others who were in the employ of God. and then dividing the lands mountains, and as the energetic
Committee on ArangementR.
lhe P. L S. Company have quit among themselves under a law management will doubtless be con­
Geo. S Sizemore.
Geo. Tregaskis.
work tor the company, because ofi made l»v themselv"?; he said that tinued, it means the |»erpetuatn n
Hie cut in wages
’ WH<*
policy of the republicaii? on the enlarg'd scale of the active
On Invitation.
¡to have, instead of the compact con­
Troop A.
’ll4 rye, of Maine, in the Senate ! tinental republic established by the
a few daVP Pjnce eu|Ogi2ed Stevens fathers, a great, expansive territory the state, which has tended so ef
Floor Managers.
11 the skies, in speaking on the; I acquiring government extending f<. tually to keep down exorbitant II. E. Thompson.
John Jaquemin.
Chas. Garred.
M. R Biggs
Hawaiian question. He pictured 'to the islands of th? ocean, raU ? throtighojl the valley.”
P. F. Stenger.
F W McClintock,
J. C. Wooley.
and to the uttermost parts of
‘din as a saint, and one would I m * ¡the earth. Mr Vest believes that
Jae. Dalton.
H. M. Horton,
lj've from bin speech, that Mr. the true policy of the Imted
John Cardwell.
8 ■ 'ens is too*good for this sinful States in Hawaii and all other for­ Or. Pike’.* Cream (taking Pcwder
Prompter W If. Caldwell.
Wortf • HWr Mi«h**e Avert.
eign countries ie •‘bands ofl
Tin H
grandba ¿<