H'-"* ’ vance the interest of all is anothet question. But one thing is certain WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 20. 1818 the people demand it, and the ad ministration in that respect is fol a MLRCAIH” íaül ¿. JOBtiFFtCc. Ed itor. lowing the wish of the people in W.C. BYRD cordance with the democratic tional platform. 1 I 8-,111««,., What tif the Young anil Uniiiar *1 he sheep industry here, which i ried Men. very imooitaiit, it is thought b many sheep men will suff* r.’amt ti How does your ease stand before such an extent tie to demoralize 11, eos ¿»■fl w tbe examining board on morality? trade, while it is argued ly otlu r i AMI’hiJ; 1 c, Will a close inspection cause you that it will not effect, the price o tl, squirm. and wish yourself in wool only for a yerv short tin • ,i ■ 1 1 ilk heads , not e fads pun>e other clime? Methinks that that the protection doesn’t real!' even a flight inquiry pertaining to | protect the producer, but is i' RFECT MADE. — take 1 N\ ELOPES, STAT ¡¿ME your habits and morality, would advantage of bv the manufactur. ! Crc:i,n oí Tartar Powder. no. ,i, Alum or any other adulterant bring the blush of shame to your and the profits pocketed hv bin ) YEARS THE STANDARD. cheek and the memory ofyour good and the producer g< ts only who p other and chaste sisters would his wool would be worth without add to vour discomfiture. protection, lie that as it mav the How is it with you? Will you I protection is no! vet taken off and •'■100 Rew.irti $]U . i bear inspection? Arc you willing why is it the last years I crop of i 1 should enter into details and tell wool is so low ? The readers of (In- pup \V 11 ) that last escapade of vours? But '1 he English, people had i w en un­ pleased to learn tii.it 11 . IS ok: then 1 forget, you’re a man. der the control of high tariff until least one dreaded disease I One of those nolle creatures, in, t heir condition had become dcpli.r r ■' * _ ■nee has bet n a.de to CII • ? Wagons Buggie Ect vour own estimation, whom the able. Finally the foremost British ts stages, iiii U that I» earth doth honor, or who honoreth statesmen brought a change to fret Hall’s Uatari h t'uie is All work done neatly and w:lh dispatch. the earth by giving it and its un­ trad?. This was bitterly opposed positive cure known to m< alterable laws, an occasional com I by the manufacturers. fraternity. Cat irrh l> n I pli’nent. They insisted that free tradi I stiIIItiona 1 disease, rrqtii < One of those Greatnesses when ‘.vrm’d ruin the country and be tin 'titutionul (realm e n l compared with our sex, we sink in­ death blow to anything like living Catarrh Cure is taken i to insignificance. wages Factories won d all close I acting direct ly up >n 11 e You have a right to make smut. and Bring starvation and misery t< I mucous surfaces of tie tv remaiks of the woman of ques I • hose thrown out of i-mplovnien’. | ht reby destroying the tor AM)—:- tionable character going along the Instead of the pri dictums of th. ' >f t Im disease, ami giving street, but it is entirely beneath manufacturer coming tine ti e k • ' ii. nt. strength by building Mercti stri, t your dignity and manhood !<> make \e:»cw:o thermit, factories wen constitution and assisting an effort to drag her from the mii< enlarged others I uill and increaser in doing its work. The pi. into which ■!.< has fallen, out rath I >ippl\ of laborers loth men and have so much faith in it» < Harnay County, er vour wor k is in the opp 'ile di I women and at bi tter prices. Great powers, that they offer On rection. And who is to bî,une fo’ I I Bittian made a big stride towati lied Dollars for ■ini’ cast­ her fallen condition, in ninety easet i wealth, power and g amine r. A< fails tu cure. Semi for list W. BROWN, out of a hundred? Buns< Opn •ording to what Gladstone says <> » tnonials. In some cases wcadn.it the worn- free trade wag-s ha»e increased 5' A-ldrt ss. F .1 CHI NWY i an is responsible, but in a vi n tier cent in that country Toledo, O Sold i v Dm : large majority it is the pr< medita Take the census of the United ~W-£-iiri‘TiiTi-: (rd. diabolical scheme originating States of I860, under law ta ill in the brain of the fiend, seducer, wool was a good mice, and wage who believes his proper sphere in increas'd, and then at the censu society is with the respectable and of 1880 which shows that betwe-n chaste and if anv allusion is made 1870 ami 1880 under an increased to his dark damnable secret, work tariff wag s decreased. becomes highly incensed, and the A tariff sh nil 1 n >t exceed the M. II BRENTON A .1 BUCHANAN poor girl bears the stigma and the [ absolute need of revenue for the Pfqtrie'of fiend, in human shape, pursues his I «lipport of < he government, iml a i The sticr»?» of thh Gront Con ph Care Is course ass. dating with respectable I ¡n(.onie fax on a corporation or in without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are am horized to sell iton a pos­ persons our daughters and sisters, 'dividual worth $5000 or mo e. itive guarantee, a test that no othcrc re can stand. Th. t it may beconio reeogn.zed frequently by mothers of A tax of $5 on $5’100. is light iml succensiully known, the Proprietors, at an noroioui ex­ marriageable daughters as a good mi one with a clear income of tha' pense, :<.re piscine -i sample Bottle Free into home in the United States and Canada. “catch.” I*mount can reasonably obj* c’ t< every If yon have a Cough, t ore Throat, or Bron­ chitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your In this respect the reproach re­ it. child hastheCioup. or Whooping Cough, use 1 it pr vnutlv, and relit f is rure. If you dread mains with our sex, but this is no th t insidious disease Consumption, use it. The Proprietors of the White Front Livery Stable as­ SHILOH’S CRE, excuse for that embodiment of in sure the public that they are prepared to accomiuodate Price 10 cfs.. 50 cts. and $1 .U0. if your Lungs fallible flesh that ruins forever the Or. Price’s Cream Baking Powder arc sure or Back latno, use Shiloh’s Porous in every way in their line ot husimsa. Plaster. Price 25 cts. For salo by all Drug­ misguidi I being who once was pure. World’s Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. H>;y and grain constantly on hands, and cureful h«lp. gists and Dealers. Hit listened to the wiles of the se A M. LUUCU 4U UH pulls ul lllu CUUHUy. Juu M Ubuu 114 (.UUufcoUuii ducer to the slaying of her soul and ■rwrv- honor. Blit what of the man? He hard lv gives hi« hellish work a passing d• . ■ n •-< I-icp.t.»b lc • ■ i tiytij. j_:pH!i thought and thinks his chances for Prentiss R n !.. heaven and happiness on a par with I i i Í • I 1 the most respectable Now in conclusion I ask of Par­ JOHNSON & BAILEY, Proprietors ents and especially mothers; is it right that we should permit o >r daughters laughters to recognize or associate V T:quors, Ciga s end Cigamtts with known dissolute young men? Good Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Rooms, etc., etc. Or rather would it not be more Sale m is first class in ever» particular. Experience barte pr oper to teach our "daughters to Almost al’p'!« »nd xri< pr I:.».» constl-a’lon, hero I» a I 11 t euros tr,r;< t It ¿etUnghabitual and . broulc with you, demand of t hem. bco to It In time; these pills will euro j ot’. S C‘r>‘’ PO2NTI2G RZCTIrYl.-.’G FILL, S ophie . SHILOH'S I CONSUMPTION CURE. i pn n \ \u 'S j J I hbbk A S g*“’’8' \ J iwm X Xtaa/ omody t.'i.it will eurr ' • DZAUTIFY the TARIER reform . TARIFF clear the skin and romoro alt 11 ’cbes fr -n Uio faco. T he overwhelming majority v t- C&*1 at the last presidential election favorable to tariff reform, plain y indicat* s the wishes of the p *opie, *!• ilwror not this reform will ad self. 25 Cents a box. Try a box and see for yoar- CCLD DY ALL DRUGGISTS, Or sent by mall upon receipt of prlro by Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co., 406 MLMMA STKCT, ' • 11 • •»• CO, CAL. ^reuu?s itectlfylng pills <. _tu u. . il. . ~TT .» uryiiigptiiscurnoaisupaxlvn pTwntlssrortffylugplH.sc —m> ■' -i 1 • -• i_r_' ” ”- i~’const I parton Should Take Ad va tage of its T^rand O