BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, 1 ECEMI ER. IU lb«8 VOL. V 11. NO 5 ÍL‘ 1 “Say,” Buddtmly exclaimed the Highest of all in Leavening Pow er.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report. woman, wheeling ai»otit resolutely, PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY i “what game er you puttin' up <>n me now? Scratch .out that '.ltaii-e W. C. BYRD a SON. lively. ” P ublishers and P roprietors . >' “Thi« here man’s been keeping company with me for two years, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: and he’p got tod'» Mine lively mar- One Year .......... .................................. $2.oo Nx Mouth»...................................................... 1.00 ryin’ now. an’ don’t you forget it Three Month».......... . . .............. 75 Scratch »long livelvl Hi« name’s HERALD CLUB LIST: Herald and Harper'!- Magazine.......... 5.00 We-tmure—Monroe L. Wes'.mure Herald and Harper’s Weekly .............. 5.20 — an’ he lives at 260 Jessie street, Herald and Harper’s Bazar................... 5.20 Herald and Harper's Young People 3.75 an’he’s twenty si x years old, an’ Herald and Aldeu’» Manifold Cyclopedia,. 2.90 each additional volume after Vol. I 55 cent»: my name’s Cora—C o r a, Cora— W cent» extra »er volume, postage. Gale ” f^-i lopiei of all the above work» can be ex- mined at leiaure in the Reading Room Monroe started. “Bust me if 1 II ever knew that before.” f^-l’tiblishers of periodical» are solicited I to »en t dubbing rates, a copy of their work for \ LONG WAYS ROUND. Ed Bush's Deed. “You’ll learn lots when you’vej »ur Free Reading Room—We file and bind the latter at close of every half-volume, »nd i»»v t) [married me,” was the answer topic« bv advertisement. S an F rancisco , Decembe 6 —Ed­ I given with calm superiority. ADVERTISING RATES: “N’ sometimes they call hin Searching Many Hundred Miles ward N. Bush, an old pioneer who For a Chew. J 6 mo came here in1853, from Clyde, ('bin j 3 mo J 1 mo 2 wk »PACE j 1 wk West; ’n’ sometimes they call him I- 0 '! was found in Golden Gate Park thia 1 ¡nth $1.50 $ 2 50 $5.00 $8 ‘W $11 00 $15.00 Tommy White. Put ’em all ip, if 18 00 28.00 6.50 12 011 3.00 4 00 Tin* Chicago Tribune tells the morning allot through the cheat. 24.00 40 00 8 00 15.00 J 3.50 5 00 vou want to, ami charge the bill to j 50 00 32 00 4.50 6 00 io oo 20 00 fallowing storvr Upon the top floor The wound had been self inflicted, 48 00 54 00 1 6.00 9 00 15.00 28.00 his nibs here.” 80.00 120.00 12. #0 16 00 28 00 48 00 i of the Phenix Building 2tX) men I with a ,-evolver 20.00 30 00 40 00 60.00 110 00 140.00 The clerk made out his bill, and The King of Liver Medicines. and woman are employed, dav mid Bush is a plumber bv occupation, I have used yourHitnmons Liver Regu­ lator and <- jhi coiiHciencioUKly say It Is the I “his nibs” paid it with a sigh JOB WORK night, as telegraph opeators bv one ami has been engaged in that bnsi kin-4 "f nil liver medicines. I consider it a “N’ nu’v start us for the nearest ] medicine chest In Itself.— geo . W. J ack - of the great telegraph companies. ne«s in thia ci» y ami Sacramento for 0( every description executed with neatness eon , Tiicoina, Washington. ¡justice, an’ we’ll get iv-arer mar »nd despatch, at reasonable rates. ej~7TVERY PACKAGE“®» 1 To hear the constant din of the about thirty rears He was taken Pamphlet» Poster», Circulars, Iriage ’n this fellow’s been since he Letter Heads, Hu ta-- 7- Vtamp in red on wrapper. Bill Heads, envelopes, 'clicking instruments one would to the receiving Hospital, where he Note Heads, Card», TicKetc, Statements, I ' was born.” Dodgers, Etc. invitations. Memoranda, • n hardly suppose that the operators now lies, and there are small hope They were started, and ten min T he U krai . h is kept regularly on Hie for re­ have much t’me for recreation of his recti very. ference, iii the Geo. 1’. Rowell Newspaper Ad- utes later they emerged a happv vartiaina Bureau, 10 Spruce st.. New York. ,- | Nevertheless when the chief opera- He has a mother at San Joae, aged beaming bride and a woeful, u 1S j tor is not near, many an amusing 83 years, and it is greatly feared consulate groom—Chicago Ledger | OFFICIAL DIRECTORY , incident occur» almost daily. that she will die from the ehock of i FROM OUREXCHANGES. tin hearing of her son’s mishap. Ono of the strictest rules of NOTA BIT FUNNY. national : office, which has been recently en .................Grover Cleveland i Freiident forced, is one which prohibits op ......... Adlai Stevenson I tiee-President. Bosh is very well known in Sac­ I When E McC’rosky, of Washou 1 She Meant Business. Walter y. Gresham Secretary of State orators to converse during working ramento, where he lived for a num­ John G. Carlisle I Secretary of Treasury Washington, working at hi* trade Hoke smith Secretary of Interior hours To leave their desk while ber of years, and was engaged in Daniel S. Lamont Secretary of War in of plastering in this t ity, was slim-built young man A Hilary A. Herbert leeretary of Navy on duty is also forbidden. J. Sterling Morton the plumbing business with hi* lecretary of Agriculture. Richam 8, Olney clothes of a belligerent cut walked brought h fire Justice McDevitt Attorney General Only a few days ago two young hrwtVer. He was subsequently a Netmaeter General .; Wilson S Bissell timidly into the marriage license this week, accused of'hreutenipg to STAT»—OREGON : men were sitting at one desk op­ partner with lsid<»r Cohn iu the ci- * He was followed plaster. E W. Suhmem s nose **iill | ( J n . Dolpb office yesterday. posite each other. One of them gar business Among hfs brothers I J. H.Mitchell. closely by a resolute-looking young over his face.” the prisoner seemed , was se'iding “pre»»" to New Orleans (Binger Hermann is Norton Bush’the well known •ongressmen ................. |W. K. Ellis wonderfully amused, ami with tlilli •overnor ....................... D.8ylve»terPennoyei womun in holiday attire II while the other was receiving mes artist—The Bee. Secretary of Btate .. . .R. Geo. W. McBride The young man glanced around cultv restrained his laughter J' r | I sage from the same point treasurer R .Phil. Metschan. The 4upt. Public Instruction R......... J. B. McElroy suspiciously for an instant and thought it a funny proceeding, and Bate Printer R........... Frank Bakei ¡sender was addicted to the use of Pounded to a Jelly. » K. 8. Bean. then reached for the clerk’s ear. jokingly remarked. ‘ You might as out tobaco. riis supply run (»preme Judge» > Wm. P. Ix>r F. A. Moore I O maha December 6—Mart ai n SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT! unostentatious preoc c u p a ti on, a key turned on me y»t ” of the desk he spied a plug at U ,e ' Anderson, a cellar cleark in a groo- »Iitrict JuJge D M. D. C lifford A reporter suggested that ‘it is District Attorney ... .D C has . F. H yde turned her back and gazed far away I cry house here, murdered an un- side of his vis a vis. Joint-Representative (R)......... A. W. Cowan lointSenator .(D). H enry B lackman at a corner of the ceiling, hut she mighty seldom these things are The young man was in a quand I k;own W)„na|| ¡n ’ th., cd|ar “of tha was careful to keep between her j r«>ally hilariously ent »Gaining,”.md ary. To ask f»r the coveted weed Htore la(l| ev J H. Neal of the cause of the tradgey. About Iherii (R) A. Gittings bending far over the counter in his tickled half to death. Aueiior reech so he resolved on another 8 o'clock passers by heard a woman • (D).. . 8. W. Miller Jcti wl Superintendent .( R) C has .N» w » ll effort to prevent his companion !* ext day, however, Schmied Itoci Inspecter plan. scream.“Help! My God, he is kill­ David Cars overhearing anything. “Ssh, sav, ‘schmiled." It had come his turn hip message, he ar king Stopping W m . A ltno » tD) I ing nm!” The sounds came from Ionia ieeionere < l ♦ iti can’t we duck out of sight some He proved his allegations, and the the receiver in New Orleans to tell the cellar. Anderson had used a court placed McCroskv under $100 his partner on the other side to hand HARNKY Ü. 8. LAND OFFICE: where? Ssh, don’t shout!” paving atone and literally pounded U$ieter ..J. B. H untington bonds to keep the peace. Thia This an him a “chew.” "Click,click,click,” The clerk shook his head. Vceiver ..H arrison K elliy the head of hia yictin to a jelly. The stranger continued hia cau nouncement bankrupted the Wash came the resonse over the instru­ There were signa of awful struggles. It corked tious whisper: “Say,” he said, “ssh. ougal man’s jocularity, ment on the other side of the glass After he had flushed the murder An­ SOCIETIES. . I’m in a hole, see? It’s again me to his veins of humor, and for once partition. The tobacco was thrown derson took a dull poket knife and SYLVA REBEKAH Degree No. »3. | hitch to that she-devil, see? How McCrosky reahwd that there wasa over and one young man made severed his windpipe and the caro­ M»«u every let and id Wednesday. wide difference between life in a me happy. Eunice Thompson. N. G. can I jump the game, eh?” tid artery. He died from loss of K May Worthington. Rec. Sec y The clerk »hook his head. ‘’There iropolis and that of the rural vales The message had gon» to New blood.—The Bee. are courts all about here,’’ he tug of Washington. Orleana and returned to Chicago in A. 0. U. W . Burn» Lodge, No 47 Next time the plasterer concludes S»et»e»ery 2d and 4thTh^r*Y*>Kin», M. W less than a minute and th» chief gested; “try ’em.” A Spanish woman, Lenora Eva to plaster the "frontispiece” of a fel clerk was no wiser. j’ W Bayer, Rec’d. The stranger bent closer Cane), declare» in an Interview with *‘Say,*’ he continued, with an low being he will hide himself back a Chicago reporter: “1 earnestly »’’RSiOMiA HONOR Lodje, No. 8 into the fastnesses of his faniliar * apprehensiye glance at the back of 1 Iteliev» in equal rights, and I have ••teevervM and «h Mondav. —. Mr» A E Yuan» Co» H. his companion, “she’ll land me forests, He’ll ..otteUelb. eh.pl 1||rheB >*, Home Brtgsleg | used voice and pen to advocate the HARNKY LODGE, no . 77, I. O O F. dead to rights if you don’t give me in Portland. 1 cause. But if I could speak your » e|,»'!LMo<1<1 ’’•'•ow* Hall, av»ry Saturday, P hiladelphia , Dec 7 — Mitchell a lift. She ’ s swore to give me a language I Mould stand before this >a ». R aim m g . divorce after we’re hitched, but says in regard to hia coming tight couutry aud plead for some right C hicago . Dec. IS.—The jury in HxaNKY POST NO. 4S, G. A. R. with Corbett- “ Corbett talks about what good ’ ll that do. eh? ” he con as for men—the woineu seem to have ev(r]r iit M Wednesday of •»«•* the case of Prendergast for the •mb.f odd Fellow»’ Hall. AH Comrad» sprinting, but I ’ ll Det I5UU0 be will * »tan din» invited. tinued, mournfully. them all.” pagination of Mayor Harrieon hav­ do the first sprinting, and another The clerk remained silent. ing l»e»n secured, the trial began “Say,” went on the visitor in • this morning with the opening ad­ |$000 that I’ll score the girst clean I I C. s. MKII-*. tone. “t’row ber out, and dress to the jury on behalf of the knockdown. What the flnal result I f pleading __ in; will he I can nut say, hut Uli bet Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder »van»— val «: , I’ll fix it with you. Run her state by the assistant state’» attorney ive»ai»4'l*P»rt,d*’1T' »» I'll g» -t the first knockdown.’’ WarM'» Fair Htgkaat Award. do anything; anything goes. I t«xiay í*”-**"™ Banda» I The clerk shook his head. “ As old as the hills "ani] never excell­ ed. “Tried and proven ” REGULATOR! is the verdict of million-. Simmons Liver Regu ■ / / lator is thu Pffp V“* only Live • L i i C / and Kidn<»v medicine to which you can pin your faith for a cure, A mild 1 laxa- tive, a n d purely v0: «- e table, act- ing directly on the Liver and Kid­ neys. Try it. Sold hy all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. »i r « Than i'l Pills I« N ews I n G eneral * • I