Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1893)
ed that the road should be forced to WAITED. a sale, and that in the event of its' WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 13.18-3 purchase by another bidder all in- Agents to sell o ir ci.oicc at d bar ! vestmenst mad « by bondholders dv Nursery Stock XV. iave many ! SAIS THE 0. P. WILL SELL. would lie forfeited, strongly urged new special varieti» s, both it< fruits 1 bondholders to subscribe. It pro- and ornamentals to offrir, whirl) nr« ‘ posed that if bondholders failed to controlled only by mt We pav -----w a DOUlit commission or salary Write us at What Receiver Had lay says make up . the necessary i with which to purchase the road, about the Sale of the Road— i once for terms, and choice The Southern Pacific will be a I that subscriptions would be solicit of territory. |ed from other sources. It als > bidder at the sale. M ay B rothers , Nurwrymen, placed the limit for the receipt of Rochester. N Y C orvallis , ■ Dec 7. — Receiver subscription and the deposit of the; A high-class ilhiitrimd monildv Hadlav, who has just returned money thereon,at December 1st, A telegram was received in this magazine m the h<>n e is no Im ger from New York, was interviewed bv a H erald representative this city Monday, which read as follows: a luxurv. It is a neosr-iiv, and to morning, and when speaking of the "Janies A. Blair, .Joseph Whartons meet the demands created i«v this and Alexander Brown's commitee necessity, THE COSMOPOLITAN sale of the O. P. said: on reorganizatin openly admit MAGAZINE. giving \early, as it “Yes, the road will be sold on does, 1536 pages of rending by the the fifteenth of December, and un- I failure.” ablest living authors, with over Phe T imes is creditably inform« d less some other bidder runs it up beyond reason, the bondholders that the independent bondholders I 1'200 illustrations by clever artists committee will be the purchasers. that is, neither the Blair nor the' has stepped into the breech, with While I was in New York, Mr. Hogg factions, are working dili | a reduction in its price that has Blair said to me, ‘we must either gently upon a plan of reognization startled the literary world. The H erald , fully alive to tin put uu more money or lose what we for the purchase of the road. needs of its patrons, has made have already invested.’” special arrangements with . thi- Mr. Hadlay says there is a warm superb monthly, whereby it will feeling existing between the bond holders. He also thinks it very I In response to numerous com receive orders for yearly subscrip probable that the Southern Pacific municaiions on tae supject, the pub tions to both publications combined will be a bidder at the sale. It is lic is respectfully informed that the. for the sum of $3 00. The price of the great illustrated thought the S. P. will buy as they Southern Pacific Combanv has ar monthlies in the past lias beei have other lines, not be cause they ranged for three classes of tickets n?“d it. but to get it out of the way. in connection with the Mid winter I $3 00 and $4 00 a year, amt so they can more fully control rate Fair, in San Francisco, the rates of were to be found only in t he pretentious homes, Our otl'er which are asfollows: along the Pacific CoaPt. nishes a help to all families, no Class A—Half fare, or one way NOT ANXIOU8 FOR A SALE. rate for round trip with $2.50 matter how modest their means, A fact that is said to stand in th- added, from all stations lo to keep in touch with the greatest way ofan organization of the O. P cated over 300 miles from minds of the world, as I'lie Cosmo politan has today I he stronger bondholders for the purchase of the San Francisco. road is that the first three miles of Class B—One and one-fifth fare for regular staff of any existing period ical. Send orders to the road from Yaquina city east i T he H erald , lound trip, with $2. added ward prsses over land belonging to ' Burns Ore from all stations located over William M. Hogg leased to ihe O. 150 miles [not to exceed 300 r P. for a period of ninty nine years i miles from S. F. ]. If the road should fail to he operat- Class C—One and one-fifth fair fori ed for a period of six consecutive I round trip, with $1.50 added Wanted in every county to estab mounths this lease would become from all'stations located with lish a corset parlor for the sale ol null and void, and Hogg would be in 150 miles from San Fran i Dr. Nichols’ Celebrated Spira I Spring Corsets and Clasps. Wages master of the situation. The road cisco. under other control could not reach The minimum special rate will $40 to $75 per month and expenses We furnish complete stock oi I eon deep water, except by building over be $1. signment; settlements monthly the hills to Newport, a piece of Entrance ticket coupons to $3 Sample Corset free, Send 16 road of extremely expensive con Fair grounds will be sold with struction. It is claimed that for railroad special tickets, as follows: cents postage for sample and terms.' ibis reason the Hoggs and Hoags For Class A, five gate coupons; for; Nichms Mfa Co., 318 Canal St don’t give a cent whether the road Class B, four gate coupons; for New York is sold,operated or tied up, and Class C, three gate coupons. DEXTER SnOE CO., Inc’p. Capital, »1,000,000. BEST • 1.80 SHOE IN THE WORLD. therefore offer neither plan nor the ••A dollar lured it a dollar earned." The Southern Pacific Company ThisI.aille»- Solid French IhmaolaKId But encouragement of anybody’s else has recently conceded a fifteen days ton Boot delivered free anywhere in th« U S.,on receipt of Caeh. Money Order, plan for reorganization. or Foetal Note for (1.50. stop-over priyilege on tickets from Equal« every way the boot» «old in all retail atorea for bondholders contemplate buying the East, so that visitors to Cal *2.60. We make thia boot ourielvea, therefore we guar fonia will have a little time to sp rid o. p. antee the Jit, etale and wear, and if any one 1» not aatlafled we will refund tbo money On the 20th of November the in other parts of tha state than in or »end another pair Opera the immediate vicinity of gun Toe or Common Sense, Blair taction of the O. P. botidhold width» C, D, E, S EK. Francisco. Other railways are size» 1 to 8 and ha.f I ers in New York, through their ize» Send your nee; doing their share in the matter of we will fit you 1 mmitiee, Jmes A. Blair, Alexander llluet rated trnsportation. A $65, r< und trip Cata Brown, Joseph Wharton, George II logue rate has already been established FREE Earle Jr. and A. S. Heideibach, west of the Missouri River and the issued a circular enclosing also a S hoe term» C o T^U t - o ^ î L î L' chance is good for a $100, rate from D exter Special to 1'ealero. blank agreement that proposed to holders of O. P. bonds a plan of i New Yolk and re'urn, while the big cut already made by the Canadian |Q PATENT reorganization. It proposed that FLUID 'Pacific may result in a better rate [LITTLE O the bondholders should subscribe 175 each for every $ 1 .(XX) bond all around. Th? Hr?.'! r. - $2 CASH ONLY $2 CASH THREE GOOP REASONS. 1st—It is the Leading Paper of Harney County. A — I SHEEP-DIP . 1CATTLB-WASE held, and that out of the fund thus ' rested the road should be purchas I SAFEST Dir AT ALL TIMES. (ERTAIN DEATH TO TH K8, LICE.Etf edat any price not exceeding$l,100 ■ ■ remedies that do not in-’ • ul H inrft the hneJth or interfere with onf ’ebneinreR ri BEST <1 KE FOR SCAB. It s asserted that a majority of, Lileaeure. It build« up and improve« the gm -ral health, clears the skin and beanti tie* th rev mi l€*i n ’he committee would subscribe No wrinkle« or Habbirrfx U ” ■ tuis U- I Improves the Wool, and in Endorsed by physician« acd leading fociety Un th« ir proDortion, and after stating PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CON.'IDT RTIAu I creases the quantity. IUrwl«w. tirvlAf. £•*.! < **eU h f r part- uhm to •hat the Oregon court was determin IL LW. r. XI lit It. ITlCKil ITIUTLL C3IUCI. ILL One gallon mixed with cold waler makes 100 gallons of strong wash JAMES LAIDLAW ± Co 2nd~lt is the largest Paper in the County & has the largest circu lation. AG E NTS_________ FORTLAND, ORkG<> MANHOOD RESTORED! Tina wonderful remedy guaranteed to cure a.l nervouidiaeaae- i.ueii a» Week M»mofy, Lo»» of Brelo Power. UMdacbe. Wakcfalneaa. lx>«t Manhood. Manny EmicMone. Nerrouw n«*»a. al I drain» and I ow of powerin Oeneraueo organ» of either ar z re <!•<•« by overezerMon. yowtarm crr»r^ eieea.iT«- of t“bMS.2_'’P'_a“ ulanui. wbleb lead to Inirmlty. Cpneompt.onivr ln«anlir_<An bo »rriri In eo-t pocket. »1 per hoi. «for».», by mad prepaid. With a »A ord; r we rive a written vwarnntee ta earenr rr'and the mone r. RoM by aa 'drurtr;««!. A *k fur it. tafc« n° other. V r«t<» f<»r free Medical |»<ok arnt son in pi aid wrapper. Audre«« A KMVISEEO CO., J fas, tnic Temple, CHICAGO, fwiil« .a B«nu, U. M- UOHTUN. UrugvMU Cû-lT IS ONLY $2 A YEAR, YOU CAN