groaned; WHAT CAME OF IT pected no better, si^e said, CHAPTER 11,'. are you going to dor” “What can I, Ju? I’d “Exactly, Ju; I am a ta-gger.” “A beggar! No, Tom,”cried the down, dear; with bitterness speech he toll her. T in not surprised, Tom; From Hearth And Home. girl, incredulously. ‘■«Something very and only that needs money, of 1 ex- “What emigrate, an I I’m a beggar?’ “A hundred and fifty a year and I'll tell you all about Hardmeads would he better than Sit it.” that?” remarked Ju. Juliet May,», her hands clasped ‘ And digging and delvit g. he on her lap, her lips firmly set, lis exclaimed, bitterly. ‘' l’hink. Ju, tened attentively to the recital, of th«- life I have been accustomed When it was ended, she naked, to. quietly: “I do think of it,” she answered; ‘‘Well, Tom, are you going to ac­ then standing by him, resting her cept it?” baud on his shoul«ntinii«-d "Accept it!” he ejaculated, ir. seriouslp: “And what enrfit I ave dignantly; “ m mt decidedly not. yon derived from that life of inti« • What fellow woul'l?” lence ;.nd self gratification? To it “What, then, do you intend it not you have sacrifice«! heahh doing?” What self respect occasionally, *‘\\ hy, I must push on as 1 cart go- <1 has this existence f i-! 1« n- s until I can g«-t something to do and pleaatire done you?—don« o«x' I've heaps of friends. There ar» one? Like honey it ha« draw n about lots w ho will help me.” votia swarm of gf-lfi-h wa«p«. w i «. ‘I’m glad to Itear that. ’ said Ju, the honey consumed, hav« -1 - •! quietly. you What is there «I -gr -f 11 » “Oh. ves, I've no lack of friends; ‘digging and driving?' blit, of course, i-ven then life Will be “When Adam delved and E» o -p ir an awfully hard fight at present. the gentleman?' I tn so confoundetlly -utiu-eii to Where was then work; therefor«- I «-¡ni’t expect you Ev« rv night « f pl a«u ’ C w < ;i k e ed t«> lose all th«* best of vour youth. muscle, viliat« >1 t lc- vit il fl ii«l. Ju, waiting t-ir me to make a suita­ Every spade of « 11 h fumed ble home—it would la* s< Ili It ami strengthen mimcle, will bring <1 tsLouoralil«- I rclt-as«- you II 0 d I I I herefoie, I rep« at. the health you were mining. trom our «-ngiig«-- ten, Tom I t««ld i ou nf er F a i i 11 r O The H erald is «$2.50 a year and rdllUlV« HO Jr TO AVOID IT. The» on many a tombstone is “heart f iilure.” No wonder, when we con- -ider tiie immense strain winch is pat on th -t siaallorgun Marvelouau.-» it i -,b,-ating loO.UUO limes ana exerting a fo.,e«qual to 5,184,000 po m,is daily, it lias its limit—its emlurance often is loo severely tesled. So common are di-e.isea ,-f tlie iiearl—though often for a CoHshlerable time without the sii'picieiis of tiie aiilicted- person being in tlie iea-t exci ed—that it is stateil that one perxoit in four ¿««a a bud hearll Dr 1' ranklin Allies, of Elkbar , 1 id., has for siars made a special study of all diseases of the heart, anil his remarkable success Lus ma e his name a familiar one in all parts of our Lind. He I ias found the most c «inmon symptoms of heart «list- -se to t j>ain,«/ixL<.r. Mihs’ Nut Heart C‘U I s'rrp will, dial hare no palp la- ti"ii. It Ims ma le my heart strong r. I wish von would print this, because I want a 1 to km-w what If . Mdesl Heart Cure has done for me. ’ “ For months my wife suffered with p’lpi- t ti , sm ituering sptlls, ami was to slee > on her left side. She tim-l several d-xtors without relief. Your ll"'rt « was lecotnmend'-d. After taking Hi e- b-tiles, she fully »ecoveicd Imr h--:dili. Yetir niedlcin« * do what you cliiim ' t r: CUHI-TM AN, Tol« do, O. Dr. Miles’ New Cure for tl.a Ikm . : SOM by all dr'igtrists on a p sitive guarani,-e. It is rate, agreeable, eff.c'it'e, and dors cure. 1 >r. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. the Goodform $2 00. Now we I2G PER MONTH ! make our subscribers the following --------- ! ofi’er. which will hold good as Ion. I n our wn ocautv , . all ii d- J . as we run this notice: to made easily and honorably, without eani I iiiKjUents who will pax’ up ai d on« t:d, di.ring your spate hours. Any ut m vear in advauce and t» all new xvonian.boy, «»rgu-i cun do the w«u k 1, p.t -ul « ri'e«,rs. we wjil send to their ily, without experience. Talkiiu ua necessary. Nothing like it for mem T P. (> ad Ire.-!-, the <1 odform “grat linking ever otfered before. Our work« ¡-. No time wasted ir is.” This i- an oiler that always prosper. n<> one should i>v«ri- <>k, and we learning the business. We tench you ;n a night ht>w to succeed from the tir «. «ir.erit-h hop« out readers will ac- hour. You can make a tri d without < x- pen«e to yourself. We start you, fin-iii: > everything needed to carry on the busi­ ness .successfully, and guarantee you against failure if you but follow our simple, plain instructions. Header, if von are in need of ready money, and If want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send us you' You Think"! address, and we will mail you a docu- ” any kind ol a crop will do. then “ p.r.v kind of s-etls will do; I ut lor meat giving you all the particulars. the h*-st results you should plunt I Y TvlUE & CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine. FERRY’S SEEDS, Always the liest, they ««re recognUe-.l «.-A- the standard everywhere. U» . Ferry’s t-eeil Anntinl W the most Á < A Important book < f the kind | uie B ilshed. It is invaluable to the ÍS3 E sa planter. IVe send i’ lì -■<-. IT PSÏS I). M. FERRY & CO. -S-IM DETF’TIT, Mich, L O /BP DO YOU WANT TO ADOPT A BABY 1 THE BEST AND IS THE SAFEST INVESTMENT I EVER MADE. Maybe you think this is a new business, semimg out babies on application: it has been i done before. however, m.i iif-v-r have these furniabe - been so near the orig'nal. nmj le iu this one. Everyone will exeiuno. " Well 1 that's th“ sweetest baby lever awl" Tins i “-f e oi riv« liitl- black nn-l-whi'u «--::• you beta faint idee ol the-v«luLit«- » > tiii-nt hat! t«*s e«l your friei d■ I wou'tl de ladies’, misses’ and childrens’ shoes i«.- ; I t -n cents a pair, and on oar mens’and bo. ’ i He Spoke O'.lf ei cents a pair. XVc shall establish shoe fl­ ench of the fifty largest cities of the U. S.,a: I liber'v or not. a sob would en I h i ve < r • they ■y sell only 3l>0 300 pairs of shoes a day th- th< y v «.irn n $>25,' $>23,' 00 a year. Wc should be able to p:- at the end. Tot Wbile y mi were leuding that li , :rly dividend of $5.2't we«l once, not tw ice. iiuut incvhably t OU i share. The price mas than $'0 a share. No stock has cverljcen er me own it. 1 f-iire«l to t rust - -ss than this price, v. hich i.i i: i par value. 8: “Thank you,” aimw« i» d .I u ; “but t-on-asscssable. Incorporated. Capital $1,009,U . I’M A DAISY.” I .-' crept X'i'c have over 1 ,L30 Etoc'-hoiders, ar.d the nun.l < r suppo-Hig I could not accept re happiness in your kt epi L'. which we propose to send to you. transpor­ i«increasin 'daily. Some of tho principal stocl. tation paid. Tut! little darling rests against aunt Jo ’ s term “ , and ” she h. hl 1er holders arc : T. 8. V.’a:: - g. N. v.: I. J. rotter, E- -t-: : leas«—that is, at niesi-nl? Sup JVU a pillow, and is in tha net <.f drawing oil its N. X. Ilecil. Jr.. Chicago; J. 1!. Cal:-, lx :l. Chii-ago; '• • pin . sock, the mateof which has b< en pull« d ll«l front tlie original, which eo»t f tOO. and Aijents U'anleii are the same siz? 17v.’! inches'. Thcbnbyis "1 here's no fear there, Juliet,” ing. “Mv wife on a humin d ¡md lite siz . and absoiut ly ItfeHRe. We have also in preparation, to present to our sub­ he answered, his spirits elevated bv fifty a year!” scribers di ring 1893, olfiei- great pictures by s-p-li u t stsasPercy ‘ ornn.Maud Huni| h i y, “Y’our wife on that or h si», as her refusal to let him go. ‘ If you, l.onis Deschamps, rnd othei-sof w< rites of wl . t dear, will give me hope. I’ll woik; long as von can prove voir Il' a we .1 id 1 irii r th ■ p is «ear, "A i .mi of ian- Mes,” and “ X. Wuito I « use < rvhitl” by the nmn, not a being whose on«* aim uh. by Jove, won’t 1 work I” w-ileof Pi-esi t“nt II; -risen, u« «i you wul sec wh it o'ir promises 1 «■:.««. YVi-liing t > “< cure as man ■■ le An hour later, when Tom left life was pleasure. Let us go tol i'li is > .«lie s ili< ril-e lorDcmori- t's Family XI rr rzine for 1 ’>3 wi;l y< ssess a - ;-. 11« «y o «-.-’. Juliet Mayo to begin ins search for liar«! meads; you tdmll dig, I will nouais ami i«w stila ri| tino im iiuidto works of : rt <-t i rent vnl.o , I esidi s a i possii le bifore Jan. lst, we hav. XI i razine that c.r not b - etpiuled I y any in a means of livelihood, his step, as tie up scarlet runners, weed (ho im the wo: Id for its« i«l lilnstratfons an«l «l«-ciib «I t<> ui.ike a propos 1 on th t su'iji-etm rx« ll I < c|-cv< iy< tn- post­ n letter or «---st 1 ---v paracus, if necessarv. We Will — his heart, was light, an«l lie « on all the t >««i « of the «lay, rnd ali the Till’ l-RFSS C1.AT51* < «»TIP IM. «h m d T>e ae, epted bv «very « very «>i <•. ed f t 1 • un i tiderc it items < I inter« st al out the JOHN WEU ) .KBtlRN, - • Te’’ for thus we can—l>«> li ippv.” litimined a liurh-s«|ue «littv h ci;-hoi 1, iie-i'l s fn - i .lung interesting p. o. Bo.-» -Ada.________ W ashington d . c . The 1 ino«l foi n a woudei ful maga re « linr matter, b ‘ . h «-'■ ve ami gay. for the Y'ou—vou would do this. Ju?” zine published in Ch cago—the whole tamily: rr I wh !■- De in or«-.-t's is not rr.NsioNS pRtxn’HEn for i wo months later, Im»« ver. the SOLDU-RS, WIDOWS, n’t , Its f shion pages are per- “For you, Tom, becaut-e 1 lov<* Worbl’s Fair ( itv—if VOU lui Vi af.ishi clouds hail «1« 8,-einii «1 m.>re blm-k f<- -t, an 1 wo -rive y m, frrr of ro.-.-«, all the pat­ CHILDREN, PARENTS. Also, t - i- “,.r, — ¡«¡-il’or, .■isa'.i.dtn- • .tv ’ s yon wish to u -o during the year, and ly than ex« r 6«oUt |l( n. heaps you; but you would not hiiv«- re not seen it ' on cannot app ec ¡ite ter dntv in me i-eirulnr mny.rN-' «inc«- , , in -n. size you eli Send in y< ur sub- Snrvlv >r- of - liul e; war- id llvW t > 1 i~- how nice it is. s." in-l«»n nt or.ce. onlj S2. an i you v 'll realty thi-irw-i.n .«•». >:..v intltl-.l Oldnndre; -t.-I I’ar„ sjiecimeu copy V« I) DEXTER SHOE CO., OFFER. “Bv hentcit! Ju. I would—that the oldes’ and trust popular maga zio•>« of the world, is — I think I could ” or will) what facility they invent« «1 *' I’li'.t tloiiht is honorable, Torn « xcus«-s when he applied to thviu Y oil cannot trust vo'irs« If and sc. lor help Their inlltieiic«* liad dis tin appeared, or. just at th it part « uhir would m«t dee« iv«- inc,” -tn- r«-nia k- w as mjirv« luiis w h< re they found, I *T->tn moment. w«-r« in quvei street th« in I ed. in b< r firm clear t.iirv, lfot.’v F< r th it p rieme, and it ua s :i Laid one l«> mv w -, .liiz Ile bat over (he tire hi Ins rooms, \r<- von t- I «• Tu t« -I'’ pale, tull of n n tcnedne«.., tlu- Inx v - ar is hp'fgmie •v I o i uriea h I m > u ( him h «>1 d ihii |«peared ng nft«-r the !' «•-li po' a ,«f havitig hoi tu I« « oi>x vrted into tt-is great. leird lie wa» bm ie.| in « ««I w ickc 1 ; r f. . r — day, so to ( 1 il'll H 1« ip p V W 1 -llrtU \v o 11 i *• u Will. I’ll e y m-r 'life ” What in w»? (Tu■ HE « u XTIM-i't I 1.1 • I - « k«‘ t "« t’« r timi hap| t«-r. pia«-- m .... dform «bit efi not except . I I itv. of ho • s1 v. justie 4 tgh. j tig--“ ari- • licit ili with se-iiil ain! short stones a- hig'ii -t or«|« r. select and • lite . ture, p «ctrv song am! :t - lui b i «1«! <>« > i« S ress. Worna ’s or itions. B< d V , Conduct ai d —The Nursen, ■s, Plants and A mus -iiiniit , disc.iss. d ea • i t unr (Yr F o iv « t « ;i« ---t 1‘ !• Ille HlSf I » Uie*e Do You department ol Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. If you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS- HEPSIA or INDIGESTION. . . . TAKE It you ar« BILIOUS. CONSTIPATED, or have UlER COMPLAINT.................................. TAKE RIPANS TABULES RIPANS TABULES It yonr COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING. TAKE RIPANS TABULES For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR­ DERS OF THE STOMACH. . . . TAKE RIPANS TABULES Ripans Tcbules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health Of •t d ♦ V A I Y >* • 1 t f «r ti n ti-1 tir ar- i ■ •• )-iibli-hrr« make“ 1 A r V« ti ♦«» get thi“ -t> s’ -I vnluablH m r ted* ÍM rrvry/aitiuy.. . i THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO- 10 SPRUCE STREET. - • NEW VORK¿