iviul » a. BURNS, ARNEY COUNTY, ORtliuN. The Henll The next Sun in v the p-i-rt As old as flounced »he same text, bat he had Hqrhest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest V- S. Gov*t Report the hills” and never excell­ I it right this lime. Hs said, “And W. C. BYHD a SON. ed. “ Tried they fed ten thousand p8,v(1!e on and proven” ton loaves of bread atid ten fi.-bys.” P ublishers and P roprietors . is the verdict ^REGULATOR ' He waited a *ec<>n ••pies by advertisement. etable, act- Sutherlin wont to hi? brother’« Aks For Morton's Removal. ing directly . house near by and gave the alarm. C hicago , N ov 24 —Slate Attor- on the Liver ADVERTISING RATES: The robbers wore white harikerchiefs Syracuse, N. Y., Nov. 23 — In the , ne.v Kern said to day that he had »PACI j 1 wk I 2 wk j 1 mo j 3 mo J 6 mo and Kid­ National Grange yest* .day the com ovei their faces. One man was tall recently unrarthed startling evi­ neys. Try it. l Inch »1 50 »2.50 »5 00 »b 00 »11 00 t ** 3 00 4.00 6 50 12.03 18.00 Sold by all miltee on the good of the order sub­ and the other was short and heavy dence that he thinks will enable 1 3.50 5.00 3 00 15.00 24.00 4 4 50 6.00 10.00 20 00 32 00 Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder mitted its report on the language set. Sutherlin has no suspicion him to secure the conviction of two col. tl 00 9 00 15.00 28.00 48.00 12 B0 16.00 2S.Ü0 48 OO to be taken dry or made into a tea. used bySecretary otAgricultureMor who the men were. They had no 80.00 1 men borides ex Detective Daniel I 20 00 30 00 40 00 60.00 no oo i The King of Liver Medicines. light when they woke him. The ton at Chicago Referring to the Coughlin, now on trial charged •‘I have used your Simmon, Liver Regu­ Plaindealer. lator and- can conscleiiciously say it is the grange it is alleged he condemned JOB WORK with complicity in the Cronin mur king of all liver medicineH, I consider It a medicine idlest In itself.—G eo . W. JACK- , and censured the organization. Tht dor 1 he other two men's names 01 every description executed with neatness B on , Tacoma, Washington. and despatch She Made llim Happy. ‘ "i, at reasonable rates. language was characterized as unbe- «»-EVERY PACKAGE^« have never heretofore been men •iroulars, Posters, Pamphlets (avelopes, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Has the Z Clamp in red on wrapper. |coming a gentleman, a man in high tioned in connection with the case I statements, Note Heads, Cards, Tickets, “I beg of you to grant me a ino Memoranda, Invitations, Dodgers, Etc. ioflice, and a member of the Presi­ and (he arrest, Mr. Kerns says, will ment,” said the young nan eagerly. T hs H krald is kept regularly ‘ r on file for re- dent ’ s Cabinet. lie <5no of the moat sensational in­ 'erence, in the Geo. . P. -- ----------- Rowell .Newspaper Nt Ad- “Just one moment, 1 implore.” »•rtising Bureau, 10 Spruce st.. New York. cidents in the case The names re The girl gazed at him calmly and furred to have not been divulged. It was resolved that so fur as the colely. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY .grange is uoncereb there is not one FROM OUREXCHANGKS. ‘"it is useleM.I amsur e,” she said ¿word of truth in what < -, the * secretary in a low voice; “hut go on, I will , Colorado has granted women the national : I said, ly non but, qartisan tenbatoeducate full safliugM.. and wh*n Colorado on the an., contary, it is strict listen.” Freaident ........Grover Cleveland I land elevate the farmer to higher, votes next Year for governor and ♦iee-Preaident......................... Adlai Stevenson I RIO’S CONDITION. “I want you to brighten my life.”| lecretary of State ' Walter Q. Gresham . nobler citizcnshiq; teaching proper ¡other state oflioers, for members of lacretary of Treasury ............ John G. Carlisle he said,“te give me strength to fight! lecretary of Interior ... Hoke Smith methods of farming, marketing pro i the legislature arid congressmen the •acratary of Wir Daniel S. Umont lecretary of Navy .......... Hilary A. Herbert Stanton Says Very Little Dam­ ducts and purchasing good?, that the’battle of existence. I need yon, 1 70,01X1 women in the slat« will have •acretary of Agriculture. J. Sterling Morton age Has Been Done. <>h so much. You can be very hap Attorney General Richard 8, Olney the secretary, by stating untruth ’ s the privilege of going to the polls Foatmaater General............. Wilaon S BiMell py in my home and all will be done : STATE—OREGON: lias prove himself unworthy of his and exercising as full political in­ N ew Y ork , Nov. 30.—Admiral I that you desire. Think twice before »• tore 1 J. N. DOlph fluence : b the men position; that the President owes it I lar*....................... I J. H. Mite Jell. I Binger Hermann Stanton, who was relieved of the it to the farmer of the largest agri- > you refuse my offer.” 'nugressmen ................ . (WIR. Ellis “I can tlo better,” she replied. , command of the South American nvernor ..................... D.Sylvester Pennoyer cultural nation in the world to ap ’ ¿ocretary of State . . R. Geo. W. McBride squadron for saluting the flagofthe I “ Then 1 will give you all that ’ treasurer R .......... ... Phil. Metachan. point a secretary of agriculture in lupt. Public Instruction R J. B. McElroy rebel Admiral, Mello, arrived here A you ask,” wa« his passionate reply I •tate Printer R. . Frank Bakei sympathy with them 1 he report | , ,, r . , I Thirty dollar» a month and my J I I K. S. Bean. on the steamer Spree last night ♦ 1 A nroa n J was «doped. A committee was ip 1«,rente Judges Wra. P. Lord wife will help you with the dii nner. 1 I n Y our O wn L ocality He declined to speak of the inci­ F. A. Moore pointed to submit the report to made easily and honorably, without eapl sixth judicial district : What do you Ray?’’ dent which led to his recall. tai, during your np*re hours. Any man, Cleavland. The new officers of the • ¡strict Judge ............. I) ..M. D. ClirroBD “I say ye«,” relied the cook ; “but w onuMi.lsiy, or girl can do the work hand­ District Attorney ..............D. . C has . F. H ym Concerning the bombardment of grange were installed last evening. ily, without experience. Talking im- Join t- Representative (R)......... A. W. Cowan I’m not to do any washing.” loint-Senator ............. i (D) H enry B lackman Rio Janeiro, he said that he had iiecesaary. Nothing like It for mom y- —Toledo Blade. maklngever offered liefore. Our workers been through the city several I__________ county — -HARNEY : always prosper. No time wasted in •ounty judge WM. MlLLRh times, and beyond pieces of cor- (D) . Looking to Congress. learning the business. We teach you in fl«rk P. L. Shideler ..(D) . a night how to succeed from the tirst treasurer I. S. Geer nice« teing chipped off here and Thon. Sutherlin Tortured and (R) purveyor hour You can make a trial without ex­ J H. Neal (R) Robbed. sheriff A. GittinKB there, very little damage was done (R) W ashinotion , D.C., Nov. 30.— pense to yourself. We start you, ftiruiidi Asaesaor 8. W. Miller . .(D).. needed to carry on the busi- •chool Superintendent |R) . C hai .N' i ’ iu to the citv. Letters received here and inquiry \ everything ness .Miicj-essftillv, and guarantee you stock Inspector David Cary Oakland. Or Nov. 26—A dastard­ among Senators and member* in-1 against failure if you but follow our W m . A ltnow simple, plalu Instructions. Reader, if *»Bmiasioners ............ (D) 1 < 4 4 it« ,R' ( R ome , N ov . 30.—A dispatch ly outrage was committed Sunday dicate that there are many people voti are in need of ready money, and HARN El U. 8. LAND office : from Rio Janeiro says that Admir­ morning about f o’clock on Thomas thruughout the country asking want to know ail about the best paying buMine-s before the public, send us your assister ......... J. B. H untington al de Mello has sailed, with several Sutherlin, who re»iortB are generally to the effect that ‘ Insurgents haye captured the town He Haiti he had but 140 about the a hard winter ’• to be expected in A. O. U. W. Burns Lodge, No. 47 various sections and that actual Mots every 2d and 4th Thursdays. of Curitiba, in the State of Sao premises, which they took and then sufl’ering will be experienced in a f.w day«. yo- *»>' b* W. Y. King, M. W .rgiT-* maaaaa that will iwwar« your effort. W • demanded more. Sutherlin insisted J W Sayer, Ree d. Paulo.—The Bee. MMiUvaly havatba bmtaaaa to t-Sar au agrni many place*. City and < ountry Ail can ba fouad twat oa the face ot thia earth. that wa* all the money he had. alike report unusal number* out of K a OO profit <*O worth nf bualarai i, •r rteUf and bouurably tuad, by and paid lo They then took him to a locutt tree employment. Many people seem B ü RNO m IA HONOR Lodge. N o . 8 Plenty Left Over. knodrada of tnan, worucii, Loya, and girl, lu our 'Geu every 2d and 4tb Monday. You aua tank« luouay faatat al work for and hung him by the neck, trying to think that at such a time Con­ •inpl'/y Mrs A R YoangCor H. ,a (baa raa have any Wra of. Tba bualnaaa I, ao to extort a confession .hat be bad gress ought to furnish assistance in May Io feara, and (aatmcUona ao aimpl' and plain, In a certain church in Ireland a that all aoeeaad troru tba atari Tboaa who taka harney lodge , no . tí , i . o o f . of the knaiuMa raap tba adraotag» that more money. The limb broke and some way either by gratuituua dia- bald ■ A*’’1* •’ Odd Fellows Nall, every Raturday, arlaaa from lha round rapatatlaa of ooa of tba tribution f in special case* or by •IdMt, > ™. M, R. Biggs N. G. young priest waB detailed to preach. moat auaaaaafal. and larg,at pabllahlng te.1 himtetheb.rni.dhun, ' — This occasion was his first appear­ boaaaa la Amartaa. Kaanrr for yoarwtf the profit, that tba baaiaaaa ao rvadUv aad naadaomaly yield* him the second time and left him H ' harney post no . «. o. a . r . ance. and betook for hia text: The an bagiaaara aaaaaait grandly, aad mor« than rvaHaa thair graataat a I part at Un, Tboar wbo ’** 110,1 M Wednesday of each sndreturned to the house. Suther o4d Rellowr Hall. All Conrads Feeding of the Multitude.” p. n *ad aaaatly aa wa tall thawi. Tbara la plenty • r>oa standing I b vitad if room far a faw aaora workara and wa urgr tin managed to untie himself. They He said.“And they fed ten peo- tham lo bagia at aaea. If yen ar* al-aad» am nioyad. bat haaa a faw apara maaaanta, aad with pl. with ten thwind lo.«. of I th-n took bio. to th. hou...0.1 lied I io aa, thana lo adrantaga, than write aa al oaoa U . „ . nut paper dr œr on hia hie (for thi, ia roar grand opportunity), and racatra him fn fo th« the bed. bed, put fell parttoaUra by return malL Alirwa. broad and ten thousand fishes.” TBl'B B <»., Bon No. «00, A« I J