I MG. PAI BUW FLUbH & ÒAW MILL x-xiysiuian <x durgeon. House, sign and carriage paint A graduate of the Iowa State ing. University and College of Physi Kalsoming, decorating, .graining, »nd hard oil finishing. cians and Surgeons. Cow«, horses or anything suited Oilice at residence in Burns rnv purpose will be taken by me from parties so desiring. Prices reasonable I believe in Barber Shop the motto "to live and let live.” —Tonsorial parlor Ed Walton L. B. C ulp . proprietor. All work in his line guaranteed to be first class Call JAMES B. BLAINE, I and see him. i ' • Customers wEl receive GOOD Gocd Wheat STOCK BRANDS. and Surgeon HENRY CALDWELI bur,,B........................ Oregon. O»Hce at Grace’s Drugstore. I I I Gerald Griffin. FREE BRAND COLUMN. •1 I brand I ar re i on lef? shot! ler: Cattle ATTORNEY ANI» COUNSELOR I bar Hors ten on left hip and upper ciip on both care. T. A. McKinnon, Bur < • >re. AT LAW. B urns O regon . e‘ J. c. FoJey, raffle hran.l : <>n rignr si-ie Horse brand - on lef’ ahoiiider. J. A. Williams « a’tle brand, H , on left rii M, R Biggs horse l rau i 71 on right s'lfle. I Cattle diamond on left hip hnwuVon le shoulder. charlea H Voegt’« ■ , Lums Oregoi « 1 Horae branded I’ on right ah. ulder. ra’tle 1’ on righi h p. K. A. Dendrit ks. Pol avien Or , AND REAL ESTATE agent HUKxi"’'.al Ollice- ~ ~ ~ Oregon. GEO. B urns , FRENCH HÜÍ’EL Horti brand ;•< op left shoulder, a so thret doia. ii. shape of tilangle, ratile bianded same h i- I ut Burna " Miss R- nh Ph k»*i gon Horse I ra id a* vi! 01 left stifle att le bi a tided bar R on left bip. 1 • > Lu wen Ore 8. SIZEMORE. ATIOKNEY. P. O. Rilej Or. Hortas branded <>t lef stifle. Cattle brand ed )•( on left hip. Marion Runyard, PO burns Ai i’ORNEY - \T- law N otary PUBLIC, J ohn ROBINSON Horne ! rami ' on rikh! »'irte. JaliH'B RuUKflll REAL ESTATE AGENTS Burns Orogon. recpntJy be.n pi'lnrge and entirely renovated in first V V ' 1 . O • ’olle» , ! ,n, Lund btikinexH, Estati “-xteri.r.iinpth ended tico « I I ms. hcrt-cn nt niu’in 1 rande p o. Ki e) ore rouiolitu " oui'ghift i e class styie. T;iMé is Supplied with the Pest the Market Affords. I Tt • ■ vtiii g u 11 v ill í i ti t) is Hctt 1 a ii<< stop. a i cl I! ► brami bar m . n left , . >•! ter; ''sitie •rai i-ar tii en oft 111,. and ri. .. Catherine i. - a 1’ > Narro» a i 're. .- I.ani|ali re A »on, < a’t e bran onneete»l. nr m«rk » H.lew fork i right ear under till In left. P » i.-.i « ore Burns Restaurant SUBSCRIBE for ------ AND------- iei “ OK EG N O i several productive farms, well im proved and well watered. Parties wishing to purchase cal on us we will show them the land we have for sale, and parties desir ing to dispose of real estate cannot do bett» r than to put their lauds in i ir hands for sale, because we ad i vertise freely bv sending circulars i and cards in all directions solicit- I ing purchasers and describing the , land. i MESDAMES JOHNSON & IÆGER. ADVERTISE IN “THE HERALD,” Bl M.N«. «1 We have at this time for sale i P O Buri , i >re Everything in my |itl(. guaranteed r-w’L’.'“* ^‘ i'iactorilv. lw“l,ia only p|ae<» in Burns you can get baths. WCBYR d V w YKING' I MRS. LOUIS RACINE, Prop’t. J. P l>i< kenson < aftb* bra d J P < oil t et ted <« left hip Horte brand an'il op et« s’ilir 1’. r egon . Lawen ore „..J i. - Cattle ‘ rand figure Ton ehherhip; mark light crop oft »«a h ear a ip h er< h ear. hihi wa tt on left jau. il hi«» i fluiirv 7 up «4i her hip. i J. H. liuto ant burns Ore. tonsorial parlor ------------------------------------------------------— —To Subscribers—The H erald and Rural Northwest both for the The Proprietor is well prepared to accommodate his customers price of the H erald . The Rural Northwest is a good newsy poper Charges very reasonab’e. Job Wagon in connection. ■ devoted to the wants of the agri- ’culturist. Now is the time to pay I up your arrears’ and one year in advance and get an additional pa- i per in the bargain. Hardin A Rile', < «’He In ai : Von ef’ wide Horne brand ~ left aide, p • >. i n -a < Will praetlcd in all Un-1 \,llrtN of .i.„ x. , , . S t . L ouis , N ov . 29.—A crank, armed with a revolver and with murder in his soul, appeared at the federal building this afternoon, and FLOUR from only for a note of warning, which he wrote, threatening the life of John F. McCullough, a secret ser vice operatiye, he would have killed ! him. When the crank appeared • McCullough seized him, took his revolver from his pocket and then I said : I “Why do yon want to kill me?” . “I do not want to kill you, but i they tell me to kill you Premier .gastdidnot want to kill Carter ' Harrison, but someone told him to I kill the mayor. »r Pro pt The crank.whose name is Natnan Whitwork."or Byrnesyille, Mo, was arrested, but was afterward placed on a train for his home. RED FRONT LIVERY STABLE. W. L. MARSDEN, M I). Ph;i:in AGAIN THE CRARK. Situated on Silvies river 1 mile East of Burns, near the bridge O regon . Shop adjoining the Ware black- »mithshop. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 6.18?3 Proprietor. JOHN SAYER, Carpenter & Joiner B urns Th? Hmld We will also buy lands for per I BEATTY'S^ 3EATTY ' r < n’n' »tv»‘ \dr« W aahViRton Sew n ' n ?L?als at all hours, First-class meals served O W r. , • vaio Promptly, \ It«»n ’> - sons wishing to purchase in our county and living at a distance, giving careful and accurate dis- ï ï Ï •> * J*»it work —r.»i a T cripiion of the same, also the title SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION done , (•■i— r CURE. HF I \ I.D >FFI i 1 I with Nt). f 11« o ’ II Ft w ’ • , Tl sub ring 'h- of the Inta rush For Th* •ucc**a of tl i Greet Conch Cor« I« «• uncut a parallel i n t he hist .»ry of medicine. All druggist, are author!red t< »«II it on • pc- i::<e guarantee, a tent that im otherc re can « i.-.-eaanilly stsml That tt mar becoma bnoao, th, Proprietors, at an cno-meua es- i- •♦. are p - < > Samp’e l> 'tie Erro into e\ . re home in the United #tn: a and Canada. 1 f » ou haro a Couch. Sore Tiroat.or Bron- «hm,. u«r It. tor it will cure you. If your cS: cl han t ha Croup, o- Who'- -.-Congh.u«« it pro-nptlr, and relict la sure. If you dread that Ini'diou, d ae.ne Consumption. n,e it. A-k y >ir Draninl for SHILOH'S CURB. Price 10 eta.. .Veto, and H OU If your I.ungs are acre or Back lame, nae Shi’oh', Porvoa I’ eater. Price » eta. Fur aale by all I’rug. g .,ta and Deniern. I X J9 Correspondence Solicited. Office E ast O regon H erald .. H tving purchased the entire sto. (•*er comprising all line* of KEI formerly belonging to Cal I I B < > I \88W ' RE, TINWARE, Ca.aats, Trade marks. Design Patents. Copyright*. &i< ■ HAR1 WARE. 81 NDEluES, A CARPENTERS 1OO1> And all Patent buaineaa conducted for MODERATE FEES. i viler die »auiu fur sale al greatly reduced pnce» ¡ortAóLi. InfonBatl.n. and sdr . . <-n to Inventor, witboW charge. Addrew PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEDOERBURW, C If VOEGTLKY P. O. Box *6« Managing Attorney, W ashimotox . D.C. , Co—pany 1» tnaaaged by a eomb.nn*i°B i- ,n< rioot tnfnent.al new•P*P•‘r, .it t.-i-expreaa purpoaa of «rw -1- Ir *u5aeriBrra agatnat nnscrupi j i . . t Pi ent Ageata. and ear-h p*P* lisi^ a L nd» en tar meat vou . Nroforthe res, - .HQ aad hi.. i„t_adia.vftii«:Prc ,'nol«»N'u^l**»- fJF* . I in -0 wh S 17 î Line, T J i . wttt . P roprietor . \rrires and J'» parts daily, vxeept Sunday. t» Tu • * <i: i i ' > »' t'. », tt»-».?.r•*>,<,e’,’ ' ’* Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder World , Fair Medal and Dip«»«"«-