Th? Hr" VI Briscoe’s wife when here, the worn- i WANTED. ■ an received letlers addressed “Mrs. | WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 6.18'3 Ida Janes, and “Mrs. Josephine; Agents to sell our choice andhur | Janes, and also sent notes to stores dv Nursery Stock 'A e have man» for goods signed "Mrs. Janes.” • new special varieties, both in fruits She was a blonde, well-formed and ornamentals to offer, winch ar. | and evidently used to good society. | FROM OUR EXCHANGES. controlled only by us We pr i While here a Constable served her 1 commission or salary Write us at with summons for a divorce suit,|„. 4- , < I secure choice AFTER MAIL ROBBERT. | brought by Nick .mnes her husband , of territory. | by contract. M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, Briscoe is still Hying on Rancho The Department Offers Rewards Rochester. N Y ( hico and has the girl, Blanche, in for Their Arrest and Con- his possession, while the boy is with A high-class illustrated mm»thl\ viction. his mother in Oakland. It is * pre- magazine in the home is no )v this usual number of robberies of tile I necessity, THE COSMOPOLITAN mails com iiitted not only in the MOB IN SPOKANE. MAGAZINE, giving yearly, ns ii Northwest but in other sections of does, 1536 pages of reading by tin1 the country, whether on account of I S pokane , N ovember 24 —At 1 1 i ablest living authors, with over the hard times and the number of o’clock today a mob gathered in i 1200 illustrations by clever artists, unemployed men,or for other causes front of the Review office and was I has stepped into the breech, with The postoffice department'has offer ed the following rewards to hold harangued by its leader, an anarch-i a reduction in its price that has ist named Helm He threatened | startled the literary worjd,” duiing the remainder of the fiscal the paper with dire vengeance un­ The H erald , fully alive to the year ending June 30, 1804: less it altered its editorial course. needs of its patrons, has made The sum of $1000 for the arrest The crowd then marched to A. M. 'special arrangements with this and conviction.of any,person,in any Cannod’s bank building. superb monthly, whereby it will United 8tates court, of robbing the By this time the crowd had receive orders for yearly subscrip­ mails being conveyed in any mail swelled to 200 or 300 men. Then- tions to both publications combined car attached to a railway train Helm repeated his harangue. Mr. for the sum of $3.1)0. The statute governing this offense Cannon and Mayor Powell ad­ The price of t bo great illustrated is as follows: dressed it, counceiling prudence (monthlies in the past has been “Any person who shall rob any and reason. At 1 o’clock it dis- $3 00 and $4 00 a year, and they carrier, agent or other person en pered; A blinding Snow storm was were to be found only in the more trusted with the mail of such mail, prevailing aud tbe disagreeable pretentious homes, Our offer fur or any part thereof, shall be pun weather seems to hive chilled the nishes a help to all families, i.o ishable by imprisonment at hard ardor of the mob matter how modest their means, labor for not less than fiye years and to keep in touch with the greatest not more than 10 years; ami if con minds of the world, as The Cosmo­ The Carlin Party. yicted a second time fora likeoffense politan has today the stronger! or if, in effecting such robbery the regular staffof any existing period- M issoula , Mont., Nov. 21 The, ical. . Send orders to first time, the robber shall wound, ? * I search for the Carlin party, consist- T he H erald , the having < the . — ~ person .... ’•••£, custody of , • i-r ■ 1. .. . ing of a son of General Carlin and Burns Ore mail, or put his life jeopardy by the' . , , , , , ,, IK . ’ .friends, has been abandoned by the use of dangerous weapons, such of A lill.ihU Woman | military authorities. It is now fender «ball be punishable by im feared the rescuing party will lie Drisor.ment to hard labor for the | unable to return at once, as the Lolo Wanted in every county to estab term of his natural life. river, which must be crossed over ■ lish a corset parlor for the sale of The sum of $500 is offered for the thirty times, is impassible. Gener Dr. Nichols’ Celebrated Spiral arrest and conviction of any person al Carlin from Vancouver, has ex Spring Corsets ami Clasps. Wages in any United States court, of rob­ pressed the belief that his son and F40 to $75 per month and expenses bing the mails being conveyed over companions will perish in the moun ■ We furnish completo stock on con any post route other than a railroad tains, though he has ottered a large | -ignment; settlements mentblv and the sum of $250 for the arrest reward to any who will venture _ $3 Sample Corset tree, Send 18 and conviction of any person,in any cents postage for sample and terms.1 their rescue. United States court, of attempting NichoiB Mfii Co., 378 Canal St 4 to rob the mails being conveyed New York over any post route. BETTER IR1E CO., Inc’p. Capital, |1 AM,0M. The statute is as follows: BEST Mt.BO SHOE IN THE WORLD. ••4 dollar Hired it a dollar earned” “Any person who shall attempt to Thia ijMilr," Solid French Dongola Kid But­ PER MONTH ton Boot delivered free anywhere la the US.,on rob the mail by assaulting the per recei pt of < .'uh, M oney Order, or I’oatal Note for pl.50. eon having custody thereof, shoot I n Y our O wn L ocality I Kauai, every war tbe boot, .old In all retail etorea for made easily and honorably, without capi t ing at him or his-horse, or threaten­ tai, during your spare hours. Any man f .‘.bO. We make thia boot ouraeivea, therefore we guar w oman, boy, or girl can do the work hand ing him with dangerous weapons, ante' tbe Jit, atule and wear. lly, without experience. Talking tin aud If any one la not aatlatled and shall not effect such robbery, necessary. Nothing like It for money we will refund the money or aend another pair. Opera making ever offered before. Our workers shall be punishable by imprison­ Toe or Common Sanaa, always prosper. No time wasted in width, C, D. E. k EK. altea 1 to I aud had ment at hard labor for not less than learning the business. We teach you in , ires Stadgour TS TREATED 8* MAH _ __ . ______ lUrml. »4 -y» — •r ACsi.fcii with it* u i a «. r. mimi . ■»** id . /■» AfVt Î4M- — •»« IO Ut 33 r» ! > ¿ “ - li li» I O j ta. 13« CCKFIOEWriAi. (C aio pt, * tí TiuT. ------- or m « i pria : r. I THREE GOOD RE AStrNs I J , • ■■ • l' - 1 lst-It is the Leading Paper logna FREE L ST., Otiut UU., BO8TOM, MAM» Spatial tarma le DaaMra. » i h« , • I «TT ’F.’F.l SHEEP-DIP iCATTLE-WASH SAFEST DIP AT AIL TIMES. CERTAIN DEATH TO TI< KS, LICE.ElC BEST < TRE FOR SCAB. fW“ Improves the Wool, and in­ creases the quantity. I One gallon mixed with cold water makes 100 gallons of strong wash JAMES LAIDIAW dr Co PORTI AND, OREGON AGENTS ■n ♦ S’/* v ______ _ Wr Mtmr«' * ••rt T** » ' . « ¿ V wM - ' • I..M A4 4 Wtl -M- • » ' ‘4 ’ - '•* 1 " •**•*' ’ J \ ATIFMTS HUH > Hf <«. t ■ f Mt-«-*- » • 4’ • F ATE.SI FLL’iD ILITTLE’S •NON POISONOUS ♦ I • 2nd—It is the largest Paper in the County & has the largest circu lation