ITPflYS» The H erald is $2.50 a year and “Then my debts are paid, and I the Goodform $2 00. Now we start life on an empty purse." make our subscribers the following Vfotn Hearth A ad Home. "Are you going to do it?” offer, which will hold good as long HOW TO AVOID IT. i "I? I dig that precious field? Ii CHAPTER I. as we run this notice: to all de-. live a year out of London for that I linquents who will pav up ami om The epitaph on many a tombstone is A rush of feet up the stairs, and •‘heart failure.’’ No wonder, when we con- year in advauce and to all new fear, my miserable income? No • four vwa j young ww UK JVJM/HD) CBOU ivzunvt y fellows, i fashionably -ider the immense strain which is put on subscribers, we will send to their that amali organ Marvelous a» it is, beating attired, and of the lily tape—that I’. O ad Ire?», the G odform “grat , aimi • zvo iviiiat have bee i 1 <K>,000 time« ana exerting a ior< e equal to | "That aunt Joe must is, ’tfcey worked not, neither aid o O |.-s 5,184,000 po’inds daily, it has its Imut-iu is.” This is certainly an offer tha’ they ep»n" burst into the luxurmuB- I mad." “Poor old Tom.” “What a endurance often is loo severely tested, bo « no one should overlook, and we common ere di-eases of the heart though ly furnished bachelor apartments wretched old fraud." echoed the often for a considerable time without the sincerely hope our readers will ac suspicione of the atflided person being in cept. ofTom Morton, who was sitting four; one, after a pause, adding: the least excited—that it is stated that one “ I aay, Jack, did you say you gloomily iij dressing gown am! slip pertoninfovrhaiabad heart! Dr franklin were going to Lord’s? So am I. Miiee, of Elkhar*, Ind., has fur years made pers over a late breakfast. a special study of all diseases of the heart, if "Tom, dear old chappie,” ex- We’ll go together, eh? Poor Tom, ana his remarkable success lias male his You Think claimed the foremoet. “we've come I fancy, would prefer our room to I name a familiar one in all parts of our land. ' any klDd of a crop wUl do, then ’ any kind of seeds will do; but for our company. We're confoundedly He has found the most common symptoms the best resolts you should plant to congratulate you.” There are single retail shoe stores in our k. - of heart dises se to 1-e pain, dtetren or tender cities which Ml I 2,000 pairs of shoe, a d“y a net profit of $250,000 a year. We m H & "Condol^, yen mean, Jack,” said sorrv, dear bov.” grasping his hand ne»» ir the cheti, back, »Umach, bovelt, left but we M l a groat many pairs, th. clear profit < ’. effusively. “Mind, if we can be of eh'ndder and arm, thortneu of breath, »mother a binder one. our ladles*, misses* and children»* shoe, ii at I,. I ing ep> U», fainliog, etc i Always the best, they are recognized aa ten cent, a pair, and on our men.’ and bo-,V »h™i Mr. George R. Smith, of B irnes, Yates i “Rubbish! We heard last night any assistance, count on u«.” the standard everywhere. 15 cent, a pair. We shall e.tabli»h »hoe «tore, • ■ each of th. fifty targe.t title, of the uV a"d Co., N. Y., writes: —“D b . M iles ’ N kw k Ferry’» Seed Aanaal la the most i “ Thank you, old fellows; I knew chat that dear, rich old aunt was A Important book of the kind pub- C they Mil only 300 pairs of shoes a day they wo ■ i I H ba RT CURE A'».» worked vonderjully on R llahed. It la Invaluable to the Ji earn $525. io6 a year. W. zbould b. abl. to nav dead, and you were returned from ■ you’d say that!” answered Turn wtind and body » i 1 can do a good day'i work. planter. We send it free. yearly divldotidof $5.25 .»hare, orovcrfiOperccr' I feel ten year» younger and take more interest a year on tho invclraent. Wo m H the »tuck at • D. M. FERRY & CO. Jr paying the last sad offices, lik»* a ^orton> his eyes moistening with in affairs. I had shortness of breath, palpi ■> ••hare. The price mu.t inevitably be much moi - DETROIT, than $10 a share. No .took ha. ever been »old proud gratitude. “Mill, dare sav tation, pain under left shoulder blade, p un Mich. fond and dutiful nephew " 13M than this price, which i» it» par value. St ■' «round the heart, 1 could not deep o>i my right tion-M«»MbIc. Incorporated, Capital $1 000 0 ’’r "Look here, you fellows,” replied rny°wn company is the best for me tùie. Since 1 have taken Dr. Miled N-w We have over 1,000 stockholder», and ie’num^r * i- : l a p culiar Is Increasing daily. Some of tho principal stoc'-' DO YOU WANT TO ADOPT A BABY 1 Heart Curt I tleep well, and have no palp-ta- be addressed, a young man ofaliout at present. It id such holders are : T. 9. Wallins. N. Y.t I. J. Pottrr, B c ![ u ^ tion. It hen made tny heart Wronger. 1 wish Maybe you think this is a new businem, N. A. Itocd. Jr.. Chicago; J. U., (.0.• W »•’ Kavanaugh, Litll. Bock, Ark.: I. IL Rich. Chicago: j I four-and twenty, with a good look- wijl. isn’t it?” you would print this, because I want a'l to sendintr out babies on application; it has been Turner. Phila: B. Harding, N. Y.j E. J. I*»rne, Banta done before, however, but never have those ‘ Deucedly peculiar! Creek, Mich, j F. P. Hullcttr, Arcade. N. Y. Th»* old know what Dr. Aided Heart Cure has done • • g. honest countenance, lined, furnished been so near the original sample ae Write for a proepectu» containiug the name» of this one. Everyone will exclaim, *’ Well I for me." onr stockholders, etc., or wad an order for itoct, however, by the effects of late hours fraud I” “ For months my wife suffered with palpi- that’s lhe sweetest baby I ever saw!” This endoting cathier't check, cat\ or monrif onlrr. little black-an<l-whi ’ ti engraving can give “You’ll come again soon?" quer tafion, tmolnering »pelle, and was unable to you buta faint idea of theexquisiteorlirinnl. Orders taken for one or more .hares. l*rice, {’.) not passed in study, “this is no a share. sleep ou her left side. She tried severa ied Tom. subject for jest. Whiie aunt Jo DEXTER 8H0E CO., dixttors without relief. Y'our Heart Cure Ayeoif« H'unJftl “Rather. Don't fear, chappie, was recommended. After taking th e? lived she was precious kind to me bottles, she fully recovered her health. we ’ ll not desert you. Poor old barring the lectures on dissipa Your medicines do what you claim t c.’.s C hristman , Toledo, O. tion and extravagance. She al J Tom!’’ Miles' New Cure for the Heart is sold DOLLARs lowed me a handsome allow ance.”j So they talked themselves out < f by Dr. all druggists on a positive guarantee. It ! B " W PER MONTH the room. Tom Morton too relieved is »afe, agreeable, effective, and doe» cure. "Which, chappie," interpolated Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. by their departure to observe the one, helping himself to a cigar from I I n Y our O wn L ocality the cabinet, "you spent royally. absence of tho genial ring in their made easily and honorably, without capi tai, during your spare hours. Any man \ ou never disgraced yourself bv voices when they left, which was woman, boy, or girl can do the work h nd having a shilling in your purse at present at their arrival ily, without experience. Talking tin necessary. Nothing like it for nton<y- quarter day.” “Tom’s wiped out, poor ehappie,” ni iking ever offered before. Our worker» "No, only a heap of |,i]|H, which, remarked Jack, phil<>sophi/'a)lt always prosper. No time wasted in learning the business. We teach you in after a lecture as long as my arm, lighting one ofTom’s cigars ‘That a night how to succeed from the first I were paid 1 litre’s not one of you old aunt saw where hQ was head hour. You can make a trial w ithout ex I pense to yourself. We start you, furnish I can aay either, that while I had a I ing. ami wouldn’t have her monel* everything needed to carry on the busi I’M A DAISY." I guinea in my pocket. I was not al ' go t»> the dogs ” which we propose to send to you, transpor ness successfully, and guarantee you tation paid. The little darling rests against against failure if you but follow our ways willing to help any of yOU Arm in arm thev strolled down a pillow, and is in the act of drawing off its simple, pl liu instructions. Header, if JVU pink sock, the mate of which has been pulled chapa.” the street, willfully blind possibly off and dung aside with a tiiumphant coo. von are in need of ready money, and (&9L The flesh tints are perfect, and the eyes follow want to know all aixmt the best paying "Not only willing, dear boy,’ 1 ,’,at ’hey represented those dogs to you, no matter where you stand. The exqui business i»efore the publi»-, semi us your site reproductions of this greatest painting of cried Jack, elapping him on (he "horn Tom, with generous lavish Ida Waugh <the most celebrated of mo<iern address, and we will mail you a docu painters of baby life) are to be given to those ment giving you all the particulars. •boulder, “but did, Do you im- 1 who subscribe to Demorest’s Family Maga bad always held his purse zine for 1393. The reproductions cannot be TRUE & CO., Box 400, agine we «hall eyer forget that?i°P‘2’ told from the original, which cost ¿401), and are the same size ■ 17x23 inches'. The baby is Augusta, Maine. Not we, chappip; if ever the time 1 Tom sat some wh’le long» r over life size, and absolutely lifelike. We have also in preparation, to present to our sub comes to prove it, we will prove it; . hi» scarcely tasted breakfast, th» n scribers during 1893, other great pictures by such artists as Percy Mornn.Maud Humphrey, trust ua Yes, like one o mock | dressing, took a hansom to K» n- Louis Deschamps, and others of world-wide I !• "JU WT INFOmTlCN ABOUT renown. Take only two examtiles of what But look here. Tom, you may be sington. we did during the past year. “A Yard of Pan sies," and “A White House On-hid ” by the sorry for the old lady, but Votl are President Harrison, and ycu will see “She had better learn the truth A. ZEilC OFFER, wifeof what our promises n ean. ««»I going to pull a long „ face at at once." he mused, gloomily. Those who subscribe for Demorest’s Fntnily Magazine for 1 <93 will possess n gull» ry ol ex Wishing t> secure as many ie-1 quisite works of art of great value, besides a coming into n pretty tidy little es “But it’s all up there now. »» newals and new subscription as Magazine that cannot bo equaled by any in the world for its beautiful Illustrations and Ute and fifteen hundred a year; * Stopping at a house in the Addi posaible before Jan. 1st, we have| subject matter, that will keepeveryone post A'Wres» » !ctt-r or r.-st I c»rd V* ed all the tuples of the day, and all the that 8 about the figure, isn’t it? >»» THF PIIKRS CLAIMS I’OBFAKT. son Road, knocking, he was shown decided to make a proposition that fads on and different items of interest about the JOHN WE'I IFR8UF.N, - - Manaoing “Yea; but you see,’’ remarked 1 into the morning room, or rather should be accepted by every one. household, besides furnishing inter«-sting P.O Box ABB. ________ WASH 1>OTON D.C. I reading matter, both grave and gay. for the CKXSJONS PRO4TRED COR Tom Morton, a trifle lugubriously, went there for be was a familiar The Goodforn, a wonderful maga whole family; and while DemoreH's is not SOLDIERS. WIDOWS, a fashion Magazine, its fashion pages are per zine published in Chicago — the and we give you. free of cost, all the pat CHILDREN. PARENTS. I haven't come into it." visitor. By the table sat a girl of World’s Eair Citv—if you have fect, terns you wish to use luring the year, and AU\ f '-r So’*’?™ aad SsHorw disabled in fTie line y In anv size you choose. Rand in your sub duty in the remslar Army or N«n£ "Not come into the property!" about twenty, tall slender, exceed not seen it you cannot appreciate scription Survivor* of the Indian wars of 1M32 to 1^2? *n“ at mioe. only •?, and you will really wldou-a, now entitled. Old anti related claini» get over $25 In value. A<1 .trees the publisher, tht'lr chorused the four yoievs. ingly good looking, with calm, slen- how nice it is. a ApfrlrDy Tlmujumds e nil tied tohitrner ratM- W. Jennings Demorest- U East 14th 8t , New Seud 'a «a. Ho charge for advice, Ji o iw “No; my aunt Jo has left the | der. exceedingly food looking, with , If you are uuacquainted with the until aucveMful. Not wihstanding it is onlv a year Turk. ■ sgssine, aead M oenis fnr a spocimea copy •trangept of wills. Confound it! i calm, clearly cut features, indica old it already outranks many of! the oldest and most popular maga It wasn’t what I’d a right te ex 1 tive of intelligence and power. zinai of the world, peel.” i She rose at once, greeting him YOU ASK WHY? Simply be "What is it, Toni?" "How in it | with ont) if those smiles that make cause it is publisheii to please the •’’ came thu chorus. "How »•ven tho plainest fac»* beautiful peo le and not the editors. In fact much has she left you?" ‘ Here you arc, 'Tom,' she said, any information of high character “A hundred and fifty a" » 1 have been expecting you.” hat will t«ud to make the people *» Yes. Juliet, here I anv*' answer) wiser better and happier, always "A hundred ami fifty! Only that? \\ hy. it dorrn’t tome up to ed Tom holding both of the firm finds a place r. Goodform. Do You It has no hobi ies and does not your half year income " whit»1 hands, 'and looking into th- tak»* sides on any questions except And that even only under con large, clear gray eyes mournfully; those of hone sty .justice and purity. diliom».' continued Tom Morion, “I’ve come to set vou free." Its eighty pages are tilled each month with serial and short stones "Set me free. Tom?" making public his hard treatment. "Yea; for if you never would of th»* highest ord» r. select and Disease commonly comes on with slight "For that incou»<«—-my bill» will be name the day when you would choice literature. p»M*trv song ami symptoms, which when neglected increase art. all paid, that I may start fair with marrv nit before, you never will in extent and gradually grow dangerous. M ittevg of drt'ss, Woma- 's ’I 1 must live for a full year at I now It would be dishouoriible. in I ''pher-, lli>,..»‘ Decorations, B< d y Hardmsads.** PEPSU ar IHDI6E$noND*CHE’.OY^ TAKE RIPANS TABULES fact, for me toex|»ect you to ttnderj tlrac- and Renutv. Conduct aid 'Hard lines if should I m *,“ put in th»* present circumstances 1 love Charut»*r, Health—The Nursery, RIPANS TABULES <>ur House Affairs, Plants and Jack; "still rent Qee fur a tear “ you to well to .ask it Ju." Howers, “ radical Amusemonts, Ah, hut tber»* s more to 0011147 “W hat art lhe presort cirruin- " ’wnu mnm'anu uimT* RIPANS TABULES ••tc. etc., are a’»lv discassed each for that year every »lay 1 must dig stances. Tom she inquire»! inter month by editors w ho are thorough FO,OE^rOFVHERStTOTMAc'l?.*LL TAKE RIPANS TABULES a portion of a romeihmg acre f el I ogatively. ‘ I don’t quite under- ly p >t *d on these department of —a small Silisburv Plain. you stand You have just returned life «/>«»• „„j Pnttn, tht Hmlti. huow—Iwginning At t||r righiljunJ from Hardmoads ” O; »1 »n-ve you want Goodform RIPANS TABULES EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. “Yes; I came aw?y directly I evervlx»!, d es. an | qut arrange corner south, and leaving off at the •a*r rXa place q/ SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. left Corner north Ju*»t imagine, hml heard aunt Jo’s will read A ment with the publisher* makea ii A COMPLETE SS? .jTpniggiste or •*“« bT m*11 •" receipt of prkw. MEDICINE CHEST |s>s. i ie for yoh to get thia most you chap«. I —I «ho never dug peculiar will it is ” Dux (• rial», 75 cents. Package (4 boxes), $2. aM «Lmua W key« fbr haau itul and valuabl* magxxine WM I- <wr, ., even a (lower ted ’’ ‘ Peculiar, T»nu?” the ri pan ’ s chemical co . tor nothing during a limited time 10 SPRUCE STREET, - NEW YORK- "And if you don’t do it?"’ (To BE CONTIRVED.) only. WHAT CAME OF IT Heart Failure. I I FERRY’S SEEDS, 120 FEEL SICK? &