Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1893)
• being established by the treasury. I timber, hewn and sawed, spar and wharf timber, squared or sided lini- DECEMBER 6.18-.3 | her, sawed boards, planks, dea • lumber, - --------1 I other lath, palings,sh ng r,J ....---- ' staves, manufa tuie i wood, na:n Editor. ly cedar, ligi urn vi ie, lanct-woo I ebony, box, gran dill i, mahogany -J — s TTa*» •» 1J WEDNESDAY w. C. BÏK« A L \M n I n unirr H I r L nil rattanv oi,<i’«n° HI I 1 | j j , cabinet woods in * tie-log. rough or o.............. e — - AMERCAIN" EAGLE JOB OFFtC CREAM AKINS PIMDIR ion. ' i hewn, manufactuit d bamboo a « rdt’i-e raid or 1 tasti» tìfiida ' rattan, manufactured bii< r root or t brier*! o I. reeds and stick-of pa I Free List will Satisfy the t ¡dge, t airwood, pimento, ta e, • I-AD Kost Racical- ’ mvrlle or other wiod- intl.e O-ighji MOST PERFECT MADE. I all wool of sheep, na>r of,! A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder, Free Wool, Coal, Lumber, Salt and g t alpaca in d other ik» animal.-. | from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant wo 1 and hair on skin, noil-, va i , Iron Ore on the Free List. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. was e, rags and Ilogs, including à i i T he new democratic tariff bill is waste or rags composed wholly or given out. Its provisions fulfill in pai l i f wool. $100 He ward $100. every expectation of those who pre dieted it would be a measure of Let The Music Go On. The readers of this paper will < radical reform. In many respects pleased to learn that there is at i Cabinet-make and Ceneal Job Wck it is a surprise even to democrats, T here can be no possible ob least one dreaded disease that eci as it is unprecedented in many Rep Wagons Baggie Ect provisions. The free list is < of liber-1 jetlK,n l° the orKail>zation of an ence has been aide to cure in all anti lamin any among Dem its stages, and that is Catarrh. , A1 al scope, sutlicient to satisfy the uniti Taminanv society amoDi All work done neatly and w'th dispatch. I ocrats in New York. There can be Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the onl most radical advocates of refo in. positive cure known to the medical and the repudiation of the prineiole no possible objection, for that mat fraternity. Catarrh being a ion ter. to the organization of any sori of reciprocity is decisive and em stitutional disease, requites a con phatic Thus the bill, in addition . of ’ society, for any lawful purpose. ( stitutional treatment. Hall’s in any party ’ or in any section. ...................... ...... - -............... to tariff reforms, will, if passed, If the moyement is to be con-1 Catarrh Cure is taken inter.all I.»’, necessitate the readjustment of trolled by the anti-snappers of last | acting directly upon the bio d a id j treaties with South American coun-1 mucous surfaces of the sys cm, tries, which enjoy practical or thei - , 1 year, however, Democrats will he deposed to declare and maintain a|tlureby destroying the foundation retical reciprocity with the United strict neutrality. Their svmpa-j "f the disease, and giving the pa- States. The bounty on sugar, in t hies are more likely tobe wit h , tienl strength by building up the Stead of Being repealed at once, will I'ammany than against it in any , constitution and assisting nature be repealed by easy graduation^ contest with anti-snappers who nr«-I in doirg its work, The propriet >rs and will not reach the full effect anti snappers only when the “snap” have so much faith in its curative I Harney County, till after the close of the present is not theirs. Organizations inside powers, that they offer One Hun century. Beginning March 1 next, the Democratic party are not nec dred Dollars for any case that it the following articles are added to essary to give force and vitality <o fails to cure. Send for list of testi [ N. BROWN, the free list: its principles. Tammany is not. monlals. , Buns. Op-n. Bacon, hams, beef, mutton, pork, I indispensable and anti snappers are ■ Address, F. J. CHENEA <fc CO., i meats of all kinds, prepared or | not needed. There can be no party Toledo, O. Hohl by Druggists, i »c preserved, not otherwise provided question involved in such a conflict, i for; baryta, binding twine made in out stalwart Democrats will >e| whole or part of istle or tampico found to like better the sturdy f fiber, manilia, sisal or sunn, single fidelity of Tammany xo to ns its party ply, measuring not more than 600 friends than the weal k surrender of ■ I feet to a pound; stuffed birds not party friends to party foes by some i suitable for millinery, bird skins of those who have heretofore com prepared for preservation; blue vi-1 mended themselves to the National Caveats. Trade-marks, Design Patents, Copyrights, triol, bone, • car coal, bituminous j M IL BRENTON Democracy as foes of Tammany Anil all Patent biuilneu conducted tor Proprietor and shale and slack or cut; coke, Hall. MODERATE FEES. coal tar; colors or dyes not special | Western and Southern Democrats Intormetion «nd «ilvlc. «‘ven to Inventor« without lv provided for; oxide of cobalt, < I have arbitrated New York internal charge. Address copper ores, old copper, clippings quarrels for the last time. They PRESS CLAIMS CO,, from new copuer, all compositions have met the fate of ail peacemak JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, of which copper is the chief com era. Hereafter they will seek to W ashinoton . D. C. ponent of value, regulus and black profit by New York divisions, and P. O. Dox 4«3 irT-T’v-i r-nmr>«nt |i num«Te<! by » combination of copper, and copper cement, copper they can hardly fail in the effort. ,. 1?. -, -t : nd n>o«t Influential nvwipapen In the The Proprietor of the White Front Livery Stable as plates, bars, ingots, pigs, other r.. for fin- eipreaa purpose of proteet- At any rate, let the music go on. fi ll- subscrltwre agalnM unscrupulous sure the public that he is prepared to accommodate forms; copperas,cotton ties; dia —The Republic. i.'4 Pu cut Agents, and ea»h paper in every way in his line of business. . it n r - l.i dvert is- ment vouches for the responsi nionds, dust or bort, jewels used in gaF'li’xy and grain constantly on bands, and careful help. bly and high «Unding of the Pre-«'Haims Ctuupaaj. the manufacture of watches and I I clocks; yolk» of eggs of birds, fish Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Job Wugou iu oonuectiou. and insects; crude down, fresh fish, undressed furs, iodine; resublimat ed iron ore, including magniferous iron, dross of burnt pyrites, sulphur Premiss Ikctifying pills curec<;r.stti-at’oa Ft< iiifcM ¡¿ccuiyir u piiKcurc-<;<mslipa:iuu j Prentiss Rectifying pills cure constipation Prentiss Rectifying f iiiscuroronRtlpatlnn ’ C P ——————— I r* r» or pyrites in natural state; lard, H lemon juice; mica and crude me tallic minerals ami unwrought J metals, ocher and ochery earths, JOHNSON A BAILEY. Proprietor*. sienna and sienna earths, umber and umber earths, cottonseed oil. ’quors, Ciça s and Cigarr&tts Paintings and statuary, plows, tools, Good Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Rooms, etc., «ta. disc harrows, harvesters, reapers, | 'talo in is first class in every particular. Experience hart« drills, mowers, horse rakes, culti Isa mt curve cures torpid vators. threshing machines, cotttoii Almost al' pillsand medicine produce constipation, here is « i i i I i « i.-.i wry... £ Ö liver, biliousness, rheumatism, Inc I jest Ion, sick headache and kidney aud liver 1 Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. ginp, plush back for making men’s I a, troubles without grlplnff or leaving any trace of CONSTIPATION, which hats, quicksilver. m H, silk not fur a a Is the prime cause of all sickness, beware of It setting habitual and chronic with you. 111 soo to It In time; those pills will euro you. ther advanced in manufacture than M | t »e PRENTISS RECTIFYING PILL, « § •* •* I carding of combing, soap, not other I I Bl tx-cause It Is the only safe and harmless 22 I ka remedy that will surety CCAUTIFY tbo y 3 C V | * s,‘ provided for. sulphate of soda, se salt cake or nitrate cake, sulph S 3 "ric acid, tallow and wool g east, clear the skin and remove a.'! blotches from the face. Try a box and oee for your •traw, burrstone bound into mill self. 25 Cents a box. CCLO DY ALL DRUGGISTS. f " ea, freestone, granite, sand-done Should Take Advatage of its Or eent by mall upon receipt of price by limestone and other building or Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co., ’ "uuniental stone, except marble 4M CALIFORNIA STREET, SAS I RANCISCO. CAL. undressed, all wearing apparel and1 Frentlea Roctirylnc pills cure constipation 1 r- .> 1-ovU tying pins cure costaMpaUM other personal effects on identity Preatlas Rectifying pulse tree - ' • n i r- • » F- —-fv‘-u r 'll« euro ooeetjpaMee - « e. K. Collins THE PIONEER FIRM irn- ---------- -- COMPLEXION ( -w