;• »•». BERNS. HARNEy C(»VNiY, (Tj t.t-N • - tha pUBDISIliSO EVERY WEDNESDAY BY • “ C. BYRD & SOU P ublishers and 1 P roprietors ^- -. . subsckiption R ates •One Year Hf* >tohfh«. Three MoniljB ................ .............. „ HERAbD CRL'R'rJH'Jfi iterald aiid Harper’s Magazine ■Tald and Habpier’s Wedttly- d. ....................... .. • aid and Harper ’ - s - Bazar, . » ' 1 ami iriirper’s Young People • >d ‘Iden'e Manifold Cyclopedia n«... • b additional volume after Vol. I 60 cent«: ji cenu"extra ver volume. poBUue.. ... ,, f . pies of all the. above works can be «8 ».¿¡ned at leisure Tn the Reading Room. ______ I ' Mfl’uljlifhiu* ‘if periodicals- are solicited 0 sead clllVbiug rates, a -copy <>f 'lieir wofk for »ur Free Reading Room—Wc file and bind I he Mttet at elosebf every half-volume, ami v«v ii ‘ Depies bv advertisement. ’ ’’ ADVERTISING KATES: 1 1 in9 1 my ! f mo I’rK«' 1 wk 1 2 w k !J<r I inch 11.50 »2.50 '|5.t)0 '»N fW ¡'»11.00 '»15.00 J.00 6.50 lz.ejl 18.00 2H.C0 ♦ “ 3.00 8.00 15.00 1 24.00 3.50 5.00 49 00 i 4.50 10.00 6.00 20.00 32. Qb •f.O.CO ♦ “ 6.00 9.00 15.00 28.00 48.00 54.00 12. W 16.00 28.00 18.00 80.1X1 120.00 20.00 30.00 1 40.00 60.00 1 110 00 14Ö.00 *•», - * Oh, Mai,:,.! aig to, i *: As old as I • • ‘ \ ‘ L'h reittlV* ” ’ • Be in 11 1 all i^ .Leaveningr. 1— -Latest Û. S. C.qv'i Kkpi*L tbehilis "and • ? . J .• c vo,” c:i<a’ Mu' f ’. ’ar(d' •• never excel I- • *v • * “Oh, • * • . . i * Jf** •<-g ed£,’.“ I'rie i huxr.jtd out without and proven ” HKUi.m t ft- u Wiiiie . . v,.. is the verdict ' ^It'qsis'.kateV i;u iji 'I.'vi./iid'.M ■.. o f . niilliori^A 1 Murtwh b id ¿u,jgi sit'd tb • Si ni 111 0 n -v nil live school mxlus anl y>.»K»ii\lwi,|*- Liver Rego it.. : .V'.-. . ?. a ‘ . latm’ .is thv rut hu pùngi abiiut a ‘('i.fi i- r (>r. .1 '•only Live- mile from the village, and. uicmir-e and . Kidnv. 11h:*rWFe .i1F7m xhms r .*•£«»,• Tbi medicine * t-m ¡boys were to take t heir !.n h-wtigmO w.higli y o u' iand ban: the.nuts back. ’* enn pin vour | .\w-iy rah K.ife’aiid M ii"eT earrv- ! faltlj' tor. 'a ‘fdde lunch M.-S Morthh bn.l • ,:;7) . ’ c u r o , A mi5l'Ku ,T a ’«? t ‘ U5 r ' ' •m; f *v m.tTd iaW- I pD'^ired jor them. Mnbtl I'mgh. d - » >■ •. >' tive, and' 1 itid fafk?d, btit bhe did not ft; 1! were burling 1 i 6 hì »* ‘ ." • JtS! ff ........ i^ v piin’ly. vegi loippy; < she <" ¡Id s. a fttily f«j ;u DOLLARS hU'‘ r,‘ean Slbk ''' I'-i d'il et ioie, aoU ' i-Oore her:W4{t..<w0 big; hTf]V PEJ? MONTH .in? dirpctly ¡filled with tetfrwr and hear a iitvici :l,’P' on tli6 Jiiiyer the.- alt ‘h ¡Vib'T?.! I n Y our O wn L ocaliyv P’ .'t‘ ’.?»*' r** and Kid voice pleading. “Pease, et me do,’!; I w< re »..ion ga.tln rj.ug up th .1 made F.isity iin<1 lionoiiil IV, without e tpi Lil, «Ibi iii!: y our spare lioUi'.«. Any iii.ui , neys.' Try it. and I'.er eouecietice striote b*r atilt | i sacks of nuts and putting tlioni in i- Dimiii,hoy . oi’glrl i undo flic work Ii ml more ntli< n she «aw Gr ice corning . Sol+ by- alb (the wag..ii?. Little Fred was phi ■< <' iiy. without experience, Talhlmj;. mi Druggists in Liquid, or in "Powder out with her little* brother. Noliiing like it fur mom y to be' taken dry or made i n to a tea. “Girls, can't we take little Fred? ¡behind one of the sack- in Henri's i” king «‘ter oliereit I'efore Ourworkei> t vs pio-mer. No time wasted ii 'wagon ami lhev Were soon oir theii He'.wanted to, go s.> bull, 11 nd 1 i tcmg Hie business. We Hutch you h 1 way home?the Imrse«. ns ijuj^bpv •lit how to Micceed from th«' ill's: wouldn’t leave him,” said Grafr ->. ■, ■ ->«o JOB WORK if, You cun sudó* a I rid without « > “ Why, of course, take |>i$> ii- < “ >Hed ihenraelyee. pulling tueLv., g i : E ' < ! ‘ , i ■ ■■■ I.' yourself. We .«tart you, I'urnu 1 Of every description executed with neatness ions, and the girls ruining and yfliiug neetWsi to curry on the busi and despatch, nt reasonable rates will be;the•ii.fn of film. cr-Dfil, ’ they jjt 73VERY TACKAGE 11« .s-luhv, and giuinintee you •ifcdlars, Pitleis, Pamphlets ¡laughing and play ing MitH’P.ji» thev nvelopcs, Bill leads. itisi, r ilure if yon but frfllow our Leite i Heads, Hu- i’»e Z ’4tamp in rod on wrapper, t all answered but tatements, Note Heads, < aids, TicKOts, Filially they rem he«l Fr. d -' l.qine Ri'ucler, L tiple. I I :in in-1 riicilons. icniuranda, almost covered . little Ffrd with t hvitaiioUB. Dodgers, Etc. at are in need of ready money, nmi ì: and Henry ptit oft his "fri irfti IIS kisses. , i A’ f ni. Io I kmtw nd about, tho best paying T he H erald is kept, regularly ■.11 file for re ' 1 - •• 'til*' ference, in tile 1 co. P. Rowell .\< .paper Ad- he culled it And all said tiys ¡.liess , li.'lor«' 111.' piibtm, send tis your ' *’T ivjte in hopes you woftld luing vtrtising Bureau, 10 Spruce st.. New York. * :V'sS*i»n»t-'ve will itimi you a docu- WHY LITTLE WILLIE DID W Hie,- Mabel,’ were glad Fred wont, amiioHûj'rv «.• t'glvln'g von nil the piiriictilurs. Grifciy;-. “ho ....... .N NOT GO. bring W.iilie arid Kuh' Fred wo j’bi have hiid Wi^ch Mabel did ijat rnVE & co., Box 400, OFFICIAL DIRECTORY ^ery Rati hoaitfd girl >• It was; a. < a jikHy time tot’Afher Augusta, Maine. A STORY F<»11 BROTHERS AM , that <1. inside the yar.d at Mabt l ’ a "ace turned* Jk urk-t and national : bits I EUS. . *•*»"*. » .¡M.s Morris’ ami hade the children 9 President ...... ........ .. Grover Cleveland I • _____ _ 2- sfie could nnawer nothing f iee-Presideut. ji Adlal Stevenson ' good by. ., Secretary of state I *"l‘ut Fred in my wagon ar.fl I’ll 1 .''“johi^^amsier cl lue (1° too,” pleaded Secretary of Treasury Secretary of Interior I Hoke Smith [CONTINUED ON LAST PAGE ] let him ride,” cried Tom. and awa\ Secretary of War Dr. Price’s Cream (taking Powder ----j .............. Duiiiel 8. Lamont little Willie. lecretary of Navy ............ Hilary A. Herbert World’s Fair Highest Award. he went trotting like a horse, and “ No., sir, you just simply shan ’ t Secretary of Agriculture. 3. Sterling Morton I Attorney General Richard S, Olney go; I do despise to be bothered Fred laughing like he would kili Postmaster General .. Wilson S Bissell STATE—OREGON : with a lot of brats when I want to himself. , M »■ tore .1 1 I J N Dolph go anywhere,” But they were soon at Hickory answered Mabel, ................ I J. H.Mitchell. (Binger Hermann stamping her foot and giving little,1 nut hill, as they called it, and were «ongressmén v» ». ' . «W.'R. Kilis •ovetiior I).Sylvester l’ennoyei Willie a look that was enough to f busy picking up nuts, i'ut Fred Secretary of State ... . R Geo. W. McBride Treaiurer . R was t he center o ’ attr ». tion; he A San Francisco Paper Phil. MemclBn. chill bisiittle heart. fyPL Public Instruction R . ^.”11, McElroy' " y State Printer . . Frank Bukei But, poor little fellow, he was so was standing picking up nuts t.iid I Would Form an Interesting Addition I ' putting them in his up on. and bow . , R. 8. S. Ber-ti. Supreme Judges .. .. w. ■ z Wm. P. Lord anxious to go he ventured one m ire i to Your Winter Reading. 1 F. A. Moore plea, while he gathered up his little he would open his big brown oves i SIXTH JUDICIAL district : üí ÍÍ hp ! ’in'Re 0 M. D.CLIi ronn gingham apron to catch the tears in astonishment as they al) slipped r i,o / Attorn®y...................I’ C has . F. H yde ‘ I’ll wur> out at some part of IJs apron boj o n pr.eBentfttive <1{> A. W. Cowan that were coming fast. int-.ieua.or . ..(D).. H enry B lackman Till! • • • • I eyv ’tep of the wav; yoo won't hah had failed to gather up. county — harney : But Fred soon grew tired and to tarry me, siter; I’ll do.faet." County ^iilgc W m . MlLtRti Clerk went to work t > hunt up Pon « thin/ P. L. Shi'ielet ‘‘I told you once you couldn’t go treasurer .......... 1. S. Geer inrvevur J. II. Neal and that ought to be enough.' cried "else to do; and he was not long in sheriff A. Gittiecs Assessor fl.»' A88«'8fior “Oh! Kate, run qui’ k.” IS THE BEST PAPER IN THE WEST. S. W. Miller Mabel in harsher tones, it possible, finding it ^ï’ins^Îôî6"'10111 (K)" .C han .N kwei . i . “Fred has got our David Car) '.han she had answered him before cried Tom. » , - ff lunch and I ’ ll tell you he is going Q ÍD) I tonni iMiontrii W m . A ltno « Ila sfiid no more, but -rati and SPECIAL PREMIUMS c : ♦ itz ,11' Í VALUE, $135,000 crawled tin in his little bed and for it.” J,UUU GIVEN AWAY iiakney u . s . land office : “Oh! you liittle bugger. 1’11 get cried as if his heart would break .............. J- R. H untington ' tr ..H arrison K ki . lby It h brimfht of new, from all parts of tlie world, aud Ila T.ltcrary Department is supplied by tteo “Mabel, do let the little fellow von!” crifd Kate, as she ran to the foremost writers of tliedwy. In addition to its great newa and literary fcAtuiea, 1 rescue of the lunch; for sure enough i go,” pleaded her mother. “He will IT GIVES TO EVERY SUR3CRIDER HIS CHOICE FROM TWO not be much trouble, and he would there sat Fred, taking h’s little SOCIETIES. magnificent works of art . fingers and eating all the good« < enjoy it so much.” LVA REBEKA H Degree No. «3. Wvet« every 1st and 3d Wednesday. “No, mam, I won’t, either,” ant» as th«? children r !! <1 it, out of the .Eunice Thompson, N. G. Consist Bi-; of eight beatific 1 reproduction’! from mAMrrpl^rM nf the world’« p »1* r. May WortUingtou. Rec. Sec’y. I wered Mabel in a tone and manner custard, and tn :i g his head and e«t artists, the whole collection bvuud In a hundNome b<unboo leatherette o e| I that was anything but respectful earnestlv tcivmg. Dood, dood.” Or a beautiful rep»-.duct ion, In all of it« original color«, of the ianioua huua al A. O. V. w. Purus Lodge, No. 47 How th y II laughed about it. painting. 22x28 indie«, i “Thai s the way it al ways is; when Meetseverjr W and 4th Thursda' s aud Kate de •<) that th^y had you promise me I can go anywhere, W.Y. King. M.W Columbus at the Court of Ferdinand and Isabella. J. W Sai er, Ree'd. you always want to kill ail the.fun better tub air < ven -tart with Fred, And besides all t'-is THB F^ASTUtTR w 11 this year dlstri' nte an><M>f its aubarrihnv t.OOO Pr<f B RNO n I a H()NOR Lodire. No. 8 by sending some little chap along, so-he g 1 -eliin a big peice of turk« y fplnma, regaling in value the stupend -.is ; im of $1 ;0.000 This la the f >urth annual di.tribo t'’‘xerv2<l «nd co, Monday. nd spread out the tlon, and the list of premiums i I —r and n r. v.du'i; lethln»e»^r before off) red. Remcmlu r tint* and I just won’t go if Pye got to t" -atisfi h.n f i'». ». ’”-r wl .•'••ver. Thgjr are ale-olut»! v hc< tbcw prr miutus entk.t nonddlti 1 '6' e to I —Mrs A F. Young Cor II Inice, whi»«' uideeloth on the grass The tout of the WEEKLY LXuM.L.-d. log« lii-r .sriPh th« »e nuigiailkeiil premium oUcra. is take him u -’ARNEY LODGE. NO. 77. I.fO Q F) and b 'gan to put out the lunch “Wejl, th^B, go oil .without him '«o . ’ ” ° 1A fellows Hall, evcrv Haturdax r - M. RBiggsN.G. “Oh! that’s what I love,” paid said Mrs Morris, with a sigh, “but l’tn rffraid ytni will regret not I av- Tom, as Kate set out a big dish of (tar- — i!»r anterHp»ion price. Get the full particulars of t hl, grand offer from the E” ‘ r- I V. . H a RX®Y POST NO. 48. O. A. R ’ salmon salad. But before she fin- b.s-reudNige i in .ru Liat, whi- b we can snpp'.y to you. or you can procure < e Ir....» if ■ 'ntl? V V m 'i*1 w*’»nesdav of each ing taken him.” I . I -■> uc-i ror Need' l«r Then, baeing conaid-red the tn ‘ter.call oil n> a ' ■ I. • nt in Mabel made no audible answer, ished they all had w hat they loved acripti .u fur Ti I |. t SELY EXAMT.T».. and your i.uu.e paptr, c.ud au >...,,«^.¿0 V _ but switched into her own room, They ate R8 long as they i«o»aibly muttering something and making could, then crammed the dish's and ü. B. MAILS. herself look as unpleasant as pos tablecloth back in the ba«ltet, and BURNS— VAL« : v*r’T*»and depart, dally, sible. But her face soon brighten were noon busy again gathering /HP ed up as she heard Kate Morton nut«. • h » ••••<• I *«*1^. r eaw^t WT : Saaday “I ll tell you folks it’a about time » Lnri calling: The King of Liver ilefUcin’e^. v. “ I have used yourSiininons-Ei ver Keiiu- Ja.tor;intl ran utnM»eienclous!v say it is the king of all liver medicines. I <%nr*iderit a medicine chest in itself.— G eo . W. J ack - toN, Tacoma, Washington. 6 i THERE ARE MANY REASONS WHY ..-ft W eekly E xaminer The Examiner’s Art Album, $¿50 OHLY $1.50 PER YEAR $¡.50 Tur. II \LII VW WF.F.KYEXAMINH ais i 1